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1、 Grammar Focus 语法焦点:语法焦点:Full Inversion(完全倒装)(完全倒装) Partial Inversion(部分倒装)(部分倒装)Inversion(倒装句倒装句) Important Points Review重点回顾:重点回顾:1.完全倒装:整个谓语移至主语的前面。例如:完全倒装:整个谓语移至主语的前面。例如:Here comes the bus. 例句中整个谓语动词例句中整个谓语动词“come”放到了主语放到了主语“bus”前面。前面。正常的语序应该是:正常的语序应该是:The bus comes here.2.部分倒装:只是把部分倒装:只是把助动词助动词

2、、系动词系动词或或情态动词情态动词放在主语放在主语的前面。例如:的前面。例如:Little did he say at the meeting. 例句中只是例句中只是将助动词将助动词“did”提前。正常语序为:提前。正常语序为:He said little at the meeting.Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,Telling me just what a fool Ive been.I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,And let me be alone again.The o

3、nly girl I care about has gone away,Looking for a brand new start.Little does she know that when she left that day,Along with her she took my heart.Sheknowslittlethatwhensheleftthatdayshetookmyheartalongwithher.她并不知道,她并不知道, 当她离去的那天,当她离去的那天, 也将也将我的心带走了。我的心带走了。EmphasisEmphasis强调强调RhetoricRhetoric修辞修辞

4、There are many books on the desk.u其中动词其中动词bebe也可以是也可以是lielie,standstand等词,同样等词,同样表示存在,意思为表示存在,意思为“有有”。there,here等副词置于句首等副词置于句首:例如:山脚下伫立着一颗大树。例如:山脚下伫立着一颗大树。There _ a big tree at the foot of the hill.standsis完全倒装完全倒装即即整个谓语移至主语的前面。整个谓语移至主语的前面。Thebuscomeshere.u 当主语为人称代词时,不倒装当主语为人称代词时,不倒装。例如:Herehecomes.

5、there,here等副词置于句首等副词置于句首:Here comes the bus.Theteachercamein.u 同样,当主语为人称代词时,不倒装同样,当主语为人称代词时,不倒装。例如:Outhewent.介词介词in,out,away,up,down等置于句首等置于句首:In came the teacher.Anoldmanlivedinthehouse.表示地点的表示地点的介词短语介词短语放在句首作状语时。放在句首作状语时。In the house lived an old man.主语为人称代词时,不用倒装。主语为人称代词时,不用倒装。u “Only+副词副词/介词短语介词

6、短语/状语从句状语从句”放在句首:放在句首: Only then did I know it. 部分倒装部分倒装只是把只是把助动词助动词、情态动词情态动词或或系动词系动词放在主语的前面。放在主语的前面。 Only in the water can fish live. Only when the war was over were they able to go home. (10年高职考真题)Only in this way_ the final English exam.A. can we pass B. we can passC. can pass we D. pass can we解析

7、:解析:only加加介词短语介词短语in this way放在句首要用放在句首要用部部分倒装分倒装,故只需把,故只需把助动词助动词can提前。提前。 Were I you, I would help her. u虚拟语气中,虚拟语气中,were、had、should 可以移至主语之前,同时可以移至主语之前,同时省略省略If。 If I were you, I would help her. He was late,so was I. She wont go, neither/nor will I. u “so+助动词助动词/系动词系动词/情态动词情态动词+主语主语”: 用于肯定句,意思是用于肯

8、定句,意思是“也一样也一样”;u“neither/nor+助动词助动词/系动词系动词/情态动词情态动词+主主语语”: 用于否定句,意思是用于否定句,意思是“也不这样也不这样”;lHewaslate,sowasI.u so+主语主语+助动词助动词/系动词系动词/情态动词情态动词 表示前面所说内容的肯定和强调,表示前面所说内容的肯定和强调, 意思为意思为“确实如此确实如此”。lHewaslate,sohewas.(09年高职考真题)I have never visited the Olympic Village._.A. Neither has my wife. B. So has my wife

9、.C. Neither is my wife. D. Nor is my life.解析:解析: “neither/nor+neither/nor+助动词助动词/ /系动词系动词/ /情态动词情态动词+ +主语主语”表示表示“xx“xx也不也不”。上一句中用的是助动词。上一句中用的是助动词havehave,故回答时用相对应的,故回答时用相对应的has.has. Old as my father is, he still does sports everyday.Though my father is old,he still does sports everyday.u “形容词形容词/动词动

10、词/名词名词 +as(though)” 引导的让步引导的让步状语从句,状语从句,含有含有“虽然虽然但是但是”的意思的意思。 Try as he will,he will not be able to finish the homework.注意:此句型中,句首名词不能带任何冠词。注意:此句型中,句首名词不能带任何冠词。 Though he is a child,he knows how to do it. Childasheis,heknowshowtodoit.u “形容词形容词/动词动词/名词名词 +as(though)” 引导的让步引导的让步状语从句,状语从句,含有含有“虽然虽然但是但是

11、”的意思的意思。 Never have I seen such a beautiful girl. u 句首为否定或者半否定的词或词组时用部分倒装,句首为否定或者半否定的词或词组时用部分倒装,如:如:never(从不),(从不),hardly(几乎不),(几乎不),seldom(不常),(不常),Not onlybut also(不仅(不仅而且而且), Hardly/Scarcelywhen, No sooner than(一(一就就) Not only is she beautiful,but also she is very clever. Hardly did he get home w

12、hen his mother came back.(08年高职考真题)Never _ such a good head teacher before Icame to this class.A.do I meet B. had I metC. I met D. I had met解析:以具有否定意义的副词放在句首时,一般采解析:以具有否定意义的副词放在句首时,一般采用用部分倒装句部分倒装句。又因为。又因为“came”是过去时,所以主是过去时,所以主句用过去完成时,再把句用过去完成时,再把助动词助动词had提前提前,故选择,故选择D.(11年真题)Not until all the fish h

13、ad died in the river, _how serious the pollution was.A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realizedC. the villagers did realize D. didnt the villagers realize解析:解析:not until放句首,放句首,主句部分倒装主句部分倒装,从句不倒,从句不倒装。故把装。故把助动词助动词did提前。提前。 Always does she ask me for help.u often, always, now and then(不时)

14、,(不时),every other day(每隔一天)等(每隔一天)等频率副词频率副词放放在句首以加强语气。在句首以加强语气。u so that 句型中的句型中的so 位于句首时位于句首时: So frightened was he that he did not dare to move. u在某些表示祝愿的句型中也会用到倒装:在某些表示祝愿的句型中也会用到倒装: May you all be happy. Long live the Peoples Republic of China!1. 1.No sooner _ to the station _ the train left. No

15、sooner _ to the station _ the train left. A.A.had I got; when B. I had got; than had I got; when B. I had got; than B.B.C. had I got; than D. did I get; C. had I got; than D. did I get; whenwhen2.2.Here_! Where is Xiao Liu? Here_! Where is Xiao Liu? There_.There_.A.A.comes the bus; is he B. comes th

16、e bus; hecomes the bus; is he B. comes the bus; he is isB.B.C. the bus comes; is heC. the bus comes; is he D. the bus comes; he D. the bus comes; he is is3. _succeed in doing anything.3. _succeed in doing anything.A. Only by working hard we can A. Only by working hard we can B. By only working hard

17、we can B. By only working hard we can C. Only we can by working hard C. Only we can by working hard D. Only by working hard can weD. Only by working hard can we4.You seem to be an actor.4.You seem to be an actor. _. I have played many parts in a lot of films. _. I have played many parts in a lot of

18、films.A. So do I B. So am I C. So I do D. So I amA. So do I B. So am I C. So I do D. So I am5. - I cant see the picture well from here.5. - I cant see the picture well from here. - _. - _.A. Neither cant I B. Neither I can A. Neither cant I B. Neither I can C. I cant neither D. Neither can IC. I can

19、t neither D. Neither can I6._a beautiful palace _ the foot of the hill.6._a beautiful palace _ the foot of the hill.A. There stand; at B. There stands; underA. There stand; at B. There stands; underC. Stands there; under D. There stands; atC. Stands there; under D. There stands; at7. Out_, with a ra

20、t in its mouth.7. Out_, with a rat in its mouth.A.A.did the cat rush B. rushed the catdid the cat rush B. rushed the cat C. the cat rushed D. the cat did rushC. the cat rushed D. the cat did rush8._, he still goes on writing and reading.8._, he still goes on writing and reading.A.A.As is he old B. O

21、ld as he is As is he old B. Old as he is C. As old he is D. old but he isC. As old he is D. old but he is9 9. _ . _ , 1 would accept the invitation and go to the 1 would accept the invitation and go to the party.party.A. Were I youA. Were I youB. Was I youB. Was I you C. Had I been youC. Had I been

22、youD. Would 1 be youD. Would 1 be you1010. So excited _ that he couldnt say a word. So excited _ that he couldnt say a word.A. he seemedA. he seemedB. did he seemB. did he seem C. was he seemingC. was he seeming D. he did lookD. he did lookIsntithottoday!亲爱的,冰箱里有两瓶可乐。But I have put on too much weigh

23、t. I must lose weight.只有当我像她一样苗条的时候,我才能喝可乐。她总是这么说,但是我从没见她这么做过。Honey, I love what you are!要是她是我老婆的话,我就会更开心啦! How dare you say so?老婆我错了亲爱的,冰箱里有两瓶可乐。Honey, _ in the fridge. 只有当我像她一样苗条的时候,我才能喝可乐。_when I am as slim as she, _I drink Coke. 她总是这么说,但是我从没见她这么做过。_ she say so, but _I seen her do so. 要是她是我老婆的话,我

24、就会更开心啦!_ she my wife, I would be much happier!Honey,there are two bottles of Coke in the fridge.亲爱的,冰箱里有两瓶可乐。只有当我像她一样苗条的时候,我才能喝可乐。Only when I am as slim as she,can I drink Coke.她总是这么说,但是我从没见她这么做过。Always does she say so, but never have I seen her do so.Honey, I love what you are!要是她是我老婆的话,我就会更开心啦!Were she my wife, I would be much happier!uFinishtherestexercisesonpage149-150.uReviewtherulesofInversionafterclassandlearnthembyheart.



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