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1、从明德大学中文学校的教学及AP中文的兴起看美国汉语教学现状(2)白建华Professor of Chinese, Kenyon CollegeDirector, Chinese School, Middlebury CollegeChair, AP Chinese Development Committee, College BoardAPAP中文的启动中文的启动 n对外汉语教学的重要性在美国得到越来越广泛的认同。n美国大学理事会主席Gaston Caperton 2003年宣布:大学理事会决定在美国中学开设AP中文课程。APAP中文的启动中文的启动 nGaston Gaston Capert

2、onCaperton 2003: 2003: “the College Board hopes to make a significant contribution to secondary school curricula World events make it ever more obvious that a broad knowledge and understanding of other languages and cultures is essential for our young people.”AP Course and ExamAP Course and Examn“ i

3、s a collaborative effort between motivated students; dedicated teachers; and committed high schools, colleges and universities.nAP (大学预修课程及测试): connecting students to college success n经考试取得AP课程学分的中学生,可直接获得大学的学分,或抵免大学的外语必修课。AP Exam Takers 2002 to 2007 (CBs 08 Report)nThe number of high school graduat

4、es taking AP exams increased from 18.1% in 2000 to 24.9 in 2007. 1.4 million took 2.5 million AP exams in 2007. nThe states with the greatest expansion of AP 3+are Vermont, Maryland, Maine nThe states with the highest % of graduating seniors with a AP 3+ are NY, Maryland, Main, ColoradoAP Exam Taker

5、s 2002 to 2007 (CBs 08 Report)nThe following AP exams were the most taken in 2007: US History, English, Calculus, Government and Politics, Biology, Psychology, Statistics, SpanishnGet a free copy of the AP Report to the Nation if you are interested in more statistics on AP: AP and College Success (

6、CBs 08 Report)n75% high school graduates admitted to higher institutions, but there is a high percentage of dropouts. 50% of them receive remedial courses.nStudents who take the AP courses and exams (especially those with a score of 3 or above) more likely to succeed in college/university. APAP中文的研发

7、及推广中文的研发及推广 n2004年八月大学理事会组建15人工作组策划AP中文的“蓝图”(one of the 37AP course and exams)。n2005年AP中文研发小组成立。n2006年大学理事会在美国各地举办各类培训班。n2006年春公布AP中文课程大纲、教师手册(包括课程简介、测试样题、课程大纲样本等相关信息)及网上资源(练习手册、网站等)。 n2006年秋天AP中文在美国中学正式开课。 什么是什么是APAP中文?中文? nAP中文:“大学中文预修课程”n其难度相当于大学第四学期的课程(即学完240课时、达到Intermediate水平)。AP中文测试的评分 nAP中文测

8、试的对象为非中文母语背景的学生。nComparability Study and the Score cutting.n2008 Resultsn2007, 2008, 2009 Results Standard-based Thematic Units nStart with a theme that is important and relevant to the students, e.g. the universal themes from the AP program.nDetermine the learning outcomes/standard-based objectives

9、 and acceptable evidence. nPre-assessment aligned with the standard-based objectives (progress indicators) as a level-check of level of instruction and learning and as a warm-up for the new unit of learning (温故知新)nPlan instruction and learning (learning scenarios as the blueprint): select materials,

10、 plan instructional and learning activities, plan and implement formative assessment etc.n Some examples of standard-based thematic units.五环Communication 交流/沟通n1.1 Interpersonal Communication 人际沟通: 要求学生参与对话,提供并获得信息,表达情感,交流看法。n1.2 Interpretive Communication 理解: 学生能够理解各种话题的书面或口头表达的语言材料。n1.3 Presentati

11、onal Communication表达: 能够向听众或读者传达各种话题的信息、思想观念。文化文化 n2.1 Practice文化习俗 学生应理解目的文化习俗和文化观念之间的关系n2.2 Product文化产物n2.3. Perspective 学生应理解目的文化产物与文化观念之间的关系。文化 CultureFrom Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century, p.47)思考思考题题n怎样启发你的学生找到某些他们本国文化的文化产物与文化观念的联系,或文化习俗与文化观念的联系?nHow can cultural ele

12、ments be used to contextulize learning? What does pragmatics say about this?贯连贯连、比较比较、社区社区连贯连贯ConnectionsConnections3.1触类旁通触类旁通 Making ConnectionMaking Connection 学生通过外语学习加强并扩展其他学科的知识; 3.2博闻广见博闻广见 Acquiring informationAcquiring information 学生利用外语和目的文化知识获取信息并认知不同的观点。比较比较 ComparisonsComparisons4.1语言比较

13、Language Comparisons 通过比较母语和目的语理解语言特点 4.2文化比较Cultural Comparisons 通过比较本族文化和目的文化了解 文化概念社区社区communitiescommunities5.1 学以致用学以致用School and CommunitySchool and Community 在学校内外运用外语; 5.2学无止境学无止境Lifelong LearningLifelong Learning 把学习外语作为获得个人乐趣和发展 的重要方面,成为终身的学习者。AP中文对中文教学的影响n有助于中文教学进入美国主流教育。n对师资及学校的要求将更高。(Au

14、dit )n中小学跟大学(K-16)的衔接与沟通n教学资源:教材、其他资源(AP central)nProfessional DevelopmentAP中文对中文教学的影响n提供更多的就业机会(据美国大学理事会最近的调查,美国2400所高中有意开设AP中文课程)。 nhttp:/clta.osu.edu/employ.htm (CLTA Job List)nhttp:/www.classk12.org/ (CLASS Web)nhttp:/www.aasianst.org/jobs/index.htm (AAS List)nhttp:/nclrc.org/readings/tclphostapp.doc nhttp:/ nhttp:/ END. 謝謝!



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