八年级英语上册 Unit 9When was he born Section B教学课件 人教实验版

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1、Unit 9 When was he born?Section BWho is he?He is a talented singer.He is famous.He was born on January 18th.His English name is Jay.Lead inGuessing game This is _.He is a great Chinese _. When was he born?He was born in _.WHO IS THIS?姚明姚明生日:生日:1980年年09月月12日日 身高:身高:2.26米米 体重:体重:125公斤公斤籍贯:中国上海籍贯:中国上海

2、职业:职业: 篮球运动员(中锋)篮球运动员(中锋)Yao Mingbasketball1980playerWHOS THIS?刘翔刘翔籍贯:上海籍贯:上海 生日:生日:1983.7.13 1983.7.13 身高:身高:1.881.88米米 体重:体重:7474公斤公斤 项目:项目:110110米栏米栏Liu XiangChineserunner 1983This is _.He is a great _ _.When was he born?He was born in _.talentedloving outstandingunusualbeautifulcreative kindfamo

3、us 有有天赋的天赋的慈爱的慈爱的杰出的,出色的杰出的,出色的不不寻常的寻常的漂亮的漂亮的有有创造力的创造力的和蔼的和蔼的著名的著名的Translate1a Look at these people. Under each picture, write one or two words to describe the person.lovingkindcreativeunusualoutstandingbeautifultalentedfamoustalented loving outstanding unusualbeautiful creative kind famousNew words

4、: talented, loving, outstanding, unusual, creativePresentationA: Arthur is a loving grandfather. He spends all his free time with his grandson.Imagine the people you know in the picture in 1a. Tell your group about the people.1b GroupworkChant Kind, kind, she is a kind grandmother.Loving, loving, sh

5、e is a loving girl.Creative, creative, he is a creative man.Unusual, unusual, he is an unusual scientist.Outstanding, outstanding, he is an outstanding player.talented loving outstanding unusualbeautiful creative kind famous 2a Listen. Two people are talking about people they admire. Circle the word

6、s in the list in activity 1a that you hear.MMLMLLLM1. _ She is a famous violinist.2. _ She was born in 1971.3. _ She started ice skating when she was four.4. _ I saw her play when I was eight.5. _ Shes a kind and loving grandmother.6. _ She was born in 1932.7. _ She became a skating champion when sh

7、e was ten.8. _ She toured the U.S. when she was fourteen.2b Listen again. Are these sentences about Midori or Laura?Write “M”(for Midori) or “L”(for Laura) on the lines.Look at activity 2b. Ask and answer questions about Midori and Laura.A: Whos Midori?B: Shes a famous violinist.A: When was she born

8、?B: She was born in 1971.A: When did she tour the U.S.?B: 2c PAIRWORKMidoriLaura Name: MidoriFrom: JapanJob: violinistBirth: 19711985: toured the U.S.A: Who is Midori?B: She is a violinist.A: When was she born?B: She was born in 1971.A: When did she tour the U.S?B: When she was fourteen.Name: LauraB

9、irth: 1932Job: ice skating playerIn 1936: started ice skating In 1942: became a skating championa well-known Chinese pianist3a Read the article and fill in the chart.WhenWhat was bornWhen he was a small boybegan to learn the accordionWhen he was seventook part in the 14th Chopin International Piano

10、CompetitionRead the article and fill in the chart.WhenWhat was bornwhen he was a small boybegan to learn the accordionwhen he was seventook part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition1982could hum songs and difficult pieces of musicat the age of fourin October 2000started to learn the pi

11、anoWhy do people admire Li Yundi?could play both the piano and the accordion when he was a small boytook part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Polandwas the first Chinese pianist to win first prize in the 70-year history of the competition Li Yundi, a well-known Chinese pianist,

12、 always loved music. He was born in 1982 in Chongqing. When he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music. He began to learn the accordion at the age of four, and he started to learn the piano When he was seven. In October 2000, Li Yundi took part in the 14th Chopin Internatio

13、nal Piano Competition in Poland, He won first prize in his group. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.Read and underline the key phrases.pianistlove musicin 1982 be borna small boy humat the age of 4 accordionwhen 7 pianotake part in 14 i

14、n Poland in October 2000first to win the prizeSay something about Li Yundi3b Look at the information in activity 2b. Write an article about Laura.Laura was born in 1932. She started ice skating when she was four.And she became a skating champion when she was ten. Now shes a kind and loving grandmoth

15、er.Guessing the name of a person like this:A: Is the person a man or a woman?B: He is a man.C: Is he alive?B: No, he isnt.D: Was he an athlete?B: No, he wasnt.4 GroupworkYour classmates have to guess the name of a person you admire. They can ask you ten questions.tour start stop win become1. How old

16、 were you when you_ learning English?2. What can I do to_ famous?3. He_ playing football because of his sore back.4. The Chinese football team_ Asia last year.5. John_ first prize in the speech competition.Fill in the blanks with the words given. Change the form of the word if necessary. Then make y

17、our own sentences with the words.startedbecomestopped touredwonSelfcheck2 Read the information about Deng Yaping .Then write an article about her. Deng Yaping was born on the 2nd of June, 1973. She started playing table tennis in 1978 when she was only five years old. She praticed playing ping-pong

18、very hard and serious. When she was ten years old, she joined the Henan table tennis team. Five years later she joined the national table tennis team. From 1993 to 1998 she kept being the number 1 womens singles player in ITTF. In 1997, she left the team, and went to Tsinghua University to study Eng

19、lish and management.WritingI. 单项选择单项选择1. I saw a boy _ on the street when I passed the street. A. playing B. play with C. to play D. playing with2.His uncle is _ outstanding violinist.A. a B. an C. the D. /3. He spends much time _ football.A. playing B. play with C. to play D. playing withPractice4.

20、 Bill Gates is an _ person.A. famous B. talented C. outstanding D. kind5. We spent three hours _ our homework. A. do B. in doing C. to do D. with6. He _ all his free time in playing the piano. A. spends B. takes C. costs D. paysII. 根据汉语,完成句子。根据汉语,完成句子。1.他常和家人一起度过空闲时间。他常和家人一起度过空闲时间。He often spends hi

21、s free time with his family.2. 肖邦(肖邦(Chopin )是世界有名的钢琴家。)是世界有名的钢琴家。Chopin was a well-known/famous pianist in the world.3.在钢琴比赛中,他获得了一等奖。在钢琴比赛中,他获得了一等奖。He won first prize in the piano competition .4.她二岁时开始学画画。她二岁时开始学画画。She started drawing when she was two years old/at the age of two.HomeworkSuppose you are a famous person, please write down your achievement. A great man is always willing to be little.R.W.Emerson 伟人总是愿意当小人物。 爱默生



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