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1、Using LanguageJust imagine, several thousand years later,the scientific technology is becoming more modern than it is now. What will happen?Are you me ?Warming upreadingWork in pairs or groups and use the information from the reading passage to fill in the chart.1.efficient2.environmentally friendly

2、Communicationthoughtpadthoughts must be clear or messages may be mixed upadvantagesdisadvantages1.disposes of all waste2.turns them into three grades of useful materialWaste Disposala waste machinenoneadvantagesdisadvantages1.no waste2.no pollution3.no environmental damageManufacturingpeople must li

3、ve on a space station to monitor the robotsadvantagesdisadvantagesmanufacturing robotsListen to the tape for the first time and while listening, tick out the things that your hear on the tape.Listening Ticks for: living on another planet, atmosphere and gravity, how to get water on Mars, houses in a

4、 town on Mars.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. How can “Wonderworld” make sure there is enough oxygen?“Wonderworld” will provide a covered area for people to live in with a special air supply.How can “Wonderworld” make sure there is enough water? “Wonderworld” will make sure th

5、ere is enough water by collecting some from under the planets surface. After use, this water will be cleaned and recycled so that it can be used as rain to water crops and provide clean drinking water. Everyone will put their dirty water in special tanks and animals will have to go to the toilet in

6、special places. Bacteria will clean this dirty water so it can be used again. What is the advantage of living in “Wonderworld”?People may become rich or famous. Do you think people will be healthy living in “Wonderworld”? Why ?I think the people will be quite healthy as they have a satisfactory clim

7、ate, enough water and sufficient accommodation to live comfortably.CAN PEOPLE REALLY LIVE ON MARS?Li Qiang (LQ) is interview Walker Hiller (WH) on the space station about his idea for building a new town called “Wonderworld” on Mars. LQ: Well, Mr Hiller! Why did you think of building a new town on M

8、ars?WH: It sounds astonishing, doesnt it? I imagine that itll be difficult and the atmosphere, gravity, and climate will have to be just like the earth or nobody will travel there.LQ: Can you imagine how thatll be achieved?WH: Yes, I think so. The atmospheres too hot and has no oxygen. So people cou

9、ldnt breathe Mars air and live make a covered area for people to live in with a special air supply.Script LQ: Is it likely you can find and use water to keep the climate similar to that on the earth?WH: Perhaps. We hope theres water under the planets surface. People will have to collect all the used

10、 water so it can be cleaned and recycled as rain. Then it can be used again to water plants and crops and provide clean drinking water.LQ: Yes, I suppose everyone will have to put their dirty water in special tanks. Even animals will have to be trained to go to the toilet in special places.WH: Yes,

11、I suppose so.LQ: So is it likely that bacteria will clean the water?WH: Well, thats a possibility.LQ: I wonder if the houses can be made strong enough against the gravity on Mars?WH: There will be opportunities for scientific work and to look for gold or other metals. So people may become rich or fa

12、mous.LQ: How healthy will the people be, I wonder? The new town called: “Wonder world” will provide a _area for people to _ in with a special air _. The town will make sure there is enough _by collecting some from _the planets surface. After use, this water will be2. Listen to tape again and fill in

13、 the blank.coveredlivesupplywaterunder_ and _ so that it can be used as _to water crops and provide clean _water. Everyone will put their _ water in special tanks and _ will have to go to the _ in special places. _will clean this dirty water so it can be used_. If people live on Mars, they may becom

14、e _or _.raindirtyanimalstoiletagaindrinkingBacteriarichfamouscleanedrecycledAnswer key for Exercise 1:flying boots;thinking quilt with a sensorListening On Page 55Flying bootsFlying bootshover and move above the groundhover and move above the groundcan go swiftly in any directioncan go swiftly in an

15、y directioncannot go up and downcannot go up and downInvention:Special Feature:Advantage:Limitation:Answer key for Exercise 2:Thinking quiltThinking quiltAdjust thickness according to the Adjust thickness according to the temperaturetemperatureBecome thicker when cold and Become thicker when cold an

16、d thinner when hotthinner when hotSensor must be removed every time Sensor must be removed every time you wash the quiltyou wash the quiltInvention:Special Feature:Advantage:Limitation:Script AMAZING INVERTIONSZoc Newman (ZN) a talk show host on Capital Radio, is interview Mr Xiao Feng (XF) about hi

17、s new inventions.PART 1ZN: Hello everyone. Today Im very pleased to have our famous inventor, Mr Xiao Feng, with me. I hear, Mr Xiao, that youve invented some really useful things.XF: Yes, indeed. My first invention is a pair of flying boots operated by a small computer chip.ZN: Flying boots? How do

18、 they work?XF: Having put them on and turned the switch, you rise slightly from the ground and hover. Then you can move swiftly in any direction.ZN: Mm! Can they go up or down?XF: Sorry. They cant do that yet. At the moment you can only travel about fifteen centimetres above the ground.ZN: Well, it

19、should save us buying so many new shoes!PART 2ZN: Whats your second idea?XF: Its quilt which thinks.ZN: Really?XF: Well, not really! But it can change its thickness according to the temperature.ZN: How does it do that?XF: This quilt has a tiny sensor and air pump inside. It will make adjustment acco

20、rding to changes in temperature. When the temperature is higher, part of the air inside will come out and the quilt becomes thinner and feels cool in bed. When the temperature is lower, the quilt takes in more air and becomes thicker. As a result, It gives a thick, warm cover for the bed.ZN: Are the

21、re any problems with it?XF: Only one. You most remember to take the sensor out every time you wash it. Otherwise, it will stop working. As long as you are carefulZN: (interrupts) Sounds great. Where can I buy one (fading out)Answer key for Exercise 2No noise from the air machines.Steel gates to the

22、city wouldnt open.Listening TaskOn Page 59Answer key for Exercise 3:solidcityworriedbackupwrongeitherseriousProblemCauseAction takenno noise from the air machinesbroken screenreplaced itcity doors would not openair machines not workingnono as doors opened when air machines repairedTHE DANGERS OF UND

23、ERSEA LIVINGLi Qiang (LQ) is interviewing the designer of Saturation City. William Lee (WL), about how he saved Saturation City from disater.PART 1LQ: What happened?WL: Well, about three months ago I was doing my monthly check on the gates when I noticed something strange.LQ: What did you notice?Scr

24、ipt WL: It was too quiet. When I stepped off the shuttle-submarine the air machines should have been making a loud noise but they werent.LQ: So was that your first feeling that something was wrong?WL: Yes. Then I found that the solid steel gates to the city wouldnt open. At first I wasnt too worried

25、 as there is a backup system in case things go wrong. When that didnt work either, I realized that we had two serious problems.PART 2LQ: Did you tell the families in Saturation City?WL: No. I examined the air machine to see if I could repair it and almost immediately found the cause of that problem.

26、LQ: What was it?WL: A screen broke during an undersea storm and stopped the machine. Luckily I had another screen in my toolbox. Once fixed, the air machine was as good as new.LQ: Did it solve the problem?WL: Yes, it did. As soon as I repaired the air machine, the gates began to open. Then I went in

27、side to check on the families. They were fine. They hadnt noticed anything wrong.LQ: And now youve been made a hero?WL: Yes, but I dont feel like one. Its my job to make them feel safer.LQ: What a modest answer I think they appreciated your devotion to duty. Thank you and goodbye, Mr Lee, medal hold

28、er of the Red Star, First Class! What will future life be ? transportationeducationbusinesscommunicationhealth conditionSpeaking Task What will life be like in the future?Transportation1.How will people travel in the future?2.Where will people go and why?Education1.What will schools be like in the f

29、uture?2.What subjects will people study?Business and money1.How will people do business in the future?2.What kind of money will people use?The human body1.What will humans look like in the future?2.Will people still get sickLanguages1.What language (s) will people speak in the future?2.Will people s

30、till speak Chinese and English?Work1.Where will people work in the future?2.What kind of jobs will people haveHouses and buildings1.Where will people live in the future?2.What will their cities look like?CommunicationHow will people communicate in the future?Transportations As peoples life is improv

31、ing, people prefer to travel to different places. Not only do they enjoy local travel but also they travel abroad . Some even can afford to travel in space.EducationStudents in the future will be able to receive far better education with the help of the Internet and e-schools . And their subjects wi

32、ll be richer and more personal.Business and moneyIn the future more companies and individuals prefer to do business on the Internet by using various kinds of smart cards. Even you dont take any cash you can also do business, go to the concert or travel abroad. In a word, E-commerce will play a more

33、important role in our daily life.The human bodyHuman beings will look healthier in the future. In spite of this they still get sick. However, scientists will have a better understanding of how cancer develops.LanguagesIn the future people will speak much fewer languages. Both English and Chinese hav

34、e become world languages.Work :As to where people work in the future, the answers are divided. Some people will be able to work at home on the Internet, which we call SOHO.More people will work in the companies also related to computers. At thattime, there will be more and more new jobs like databas

35、e managers, sales engineers and so on.Houses and buildingsIn the future people will live in different places. As the population is exploding, more people will prefer to live in faraway places, under the sea or even on the moon.Communication:In the future people will communicate more easily and conve

36、niently. They can talk on the phone and send e-mails on the Internet . They can do almosteverything on the Internet, like shopping, reading, borrowing books,depositing money, order meals and tickets. Task 1Try to predict your future life and make a short-term plan and talk about your dreams, then fi

37、ll in the chart.Discussion:timeWhat will you do ?Where will you be?How will you prepare for it?1 year later5 years from now10 years from nowFill in the chart after your discussionTask 2Try to design an object for the future and make an introduction of your inventions to your classmates.(invent a new product that people might find useful in the future. please work in groups and use your imaginations fully.)



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