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1、阶段评估检测阶段评估检测( (一一) ) ( (必修必修 1)1)(120(120 分钟分钟150150 分分) )第一部分听力(共两节, 满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题; 每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 7. 5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。TextText 1 1M:M: IdId likelike twotwo ticketstickets forfor thethe 1010 oclockoclock traintrain

2、toto Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh, please.please. W: One way or round trip? M: One way, please. Oh, and one of them is for a child. W: Fine. That comes to $134. 1. How is the man going to Pittsburgh? A. By taxi. B. By train. C. By subway. 答案: BTextText 2 2W: Is there a problem, sir? M: Yes,Yes, thethe serv

3、iceservice waswas veryvery slowslow andand whenwhen thethe foodfood arrived,arrived, itit waswas cold.cold. W: DidDid youyou sendsend itit backback toto thethe kitchen?kitchen? M: No, we didnt. W: Then, ImIm afraidafraid wellwell stillstill havehave toto chargecharge you,you, sir.sir. 2. Whats the p

4、robable relationship between the speakers? A. Hostess and guest. B. Cook and waiter. C. Restaurant manager and customer. 答案: CTextText 3 3W: IfIf I I werewere you,you, I I wouldntwouldnt staystay atat homehome onon suchsuch a a sunnysunny day.day. M: But I got hurt in a football match last week. 3.

5、What is the man doing? A. Watching a football match. B. Enjoying the sunshine. C. Resting at home. 答案: CTextText 4 4M: ItsIts soso hothot today.today. I I simplysimply cantcant work.work. I wish there were a fan in this room. W: So do I. Ill fall asleep if I stay here any longer. 4. What are the spe

6、akers complaining about? A. The hot weather. B. The fan. C. The work. 答案: ATextText 5 5W: IdId likelike toto buybuy a a copycopy ofof ProfessorProfessor FranklinsFranklins bookbook onon sales.sales. M: ImIm sorry,sorry, thatthat bookbook hashas beenbeen outout ofof printprint forfor somesome timetim

7、e now.now. 5. Where does the conversation take place? A. In the reading room. B. In the bookshop. C. In the library. 答案: B第二节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 22. 5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料, 回答第 6、7 题。Te

8、xtText 6 6M: I didnt go to the last two classes. What homework have I missed? W: Loads! ThereThere waswas anan essayessay duedue thisthis Monday.Monday. M: Oh,Oh, thatthat waswas threethree daysdays ago.ago. W: Dont worry. I dont think itll be a problem if you dont do it. There were some more activi

9、ties on the website. I noticed they wont be available after tomorrow. Then there were a few pages from our course book to complete. That can wait, though. M: Okay, thanks, IllIll getget onon withwith thatthat onlineonline stuffstuff straightstraight awayaway beforebefore itsits takentaken down.down.

10、 Ill leave the course book until Ive caught up there. 6. What day is it today probably? A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday. 答案: C7. What will the man probably do first? A. Finish the textbook. B. Write the essay. C. Do the task online. 答案: C听第 7 段材料, 回答第 8、9 题。TextText 7 7M: Hi, Janet, where were

11、 you at lunchtime? I was saving a seat for you in the dining hall. W: Oh, sorry to miss you. MyMy biologybiology classclass ranran overtimeovertime again.again. M: Thats been happening quite often recently. Did you realize that? W: Yes, maybe its because the final exams are near, and everyone has a

12、lot of questions to ask. M: I guess so. After class, there is always a group of students hanging around the professor and asking questions. W: How about you? Are you ready for the exams? M: Ive been preparing these days, but the maths questions are really my big headache. W: Dont worry, John. ThereT

13、here isis stillstill oneone monthmonth beforebefore thethe exams.exams. You have enough time to work them out. M: The good thing is that I dont need to spend much time on other subjects. I can pay more attention to my weak points. 8. Why did the woman fail to see the man at lunchtime? A. She was lat

14、e for lunch. B. She didnt have lunch for the exams. C. She was busy preparing for the exams. 答案: A9. How soon will the final exams come? A. In two weeks. B. In one month. C. In two months. 答案: B听第 8 段材料, 回答第 10 至 12 题。TextText 8 8W: Hello, Mr Harris. I I calledcalled aboutabout youryour adad inin th

15、ethe schoolschool paper.paper. M: Oh, yes. ComeCome inin andand IllIll showshow youyou around.around. AsAs youyou cancan see,see, itsits oneone largelarge roomroom divideddivided intointo a a livingliving roomroom andand a a bedroom.bedroom. The furniture is not new but its good. W: I I likelike tha

16、tthat nightnight tabletable nextnext toto thethe bed.bed. M: The cupboard on the other side of the bed is big so you have lots of storage space. W: Thats good. Ive got a lot of clothes. Could I move the sofa closer to the window? I have a coffee table that would look great with it. M: Yes, you can m

17、ake any changes you like, as long as you dont damage anything. W: About cooking? Can I see the kitchen? M: Yes, of course. Its over there. You have a stove and refrigerator and a few dishes. W: Fine. I really like the apartment. And the price in the ad is fine with me. M: OK. I need one months depos

18、it and two references. So, if everything is OK, you can move in on . . . TodayToday isis Wednesday.Wednesday. HowHow aboutabout nextnext Monday?Monday? W: Perfect. See you then. 10. Why does the woman meet the man? A. To look at the apartment. B. To deliver some furniture. C. To have a meal together

19、. 答案: A11. What can we know from the conversation? A. The cupboard is small. B. The kitchen is empty. C. The night table is great. 答案: C12. When will the speakers meet next time probably? A. In two days. B. In four days. C. In five days. 答案: C听第 9 段材料, 回答第 13 至 16 题。TextText 9 9M: Mary, who is your

20、favorite actor? W: Nicolas Cage. M: I used to like Nicolas Cage more than I do now. He used to play more interesting roles. W: What do you mean? What movies? M: Oh, my favorite Nicolas Cages movie was Wild at Heart. He was perfect for that role. W I I sawsaw WildWild atat HeartHeart. . ItIt waswas b

21、oring.boring. I almost couldnt watch it. M: It was a kind of movie that they called black humor. W: Yes, I know. Black humor is humor with a lot of violence or horrible things in it. I really dont like black humor. M WhatWhat aboutabout RaisingRaising ArizonaArizona? ? Did you see that? W: No. M You

22、You mustmust seesee it.it. ToTo me,me, thatthat isis thethe classicclassic NicolasNicolas CagesCages movie.movie. He is perfect for it. W: I like his new movies. M: Well, I know hehe isis moremore popularpopular sincesince hehe startedstarted doingdoing actionaction movies.movies. But I I alwaysalwa

23、ys thinkthink hehe shouldshould bebe a a comiccomic actor.actor. That is what he does best. 13. What does the woman think of the film Wild at Heart? A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Classical. 答案: A14. Which movie does the man advise the woman to see? A. The Rock. B. Wild at Heart. C. Raising Arizona.

24、答案: C15. What films make Nicolas Cage more popular? A. Action movies. B. Comic movies. C. Tragic movies. 答案: A16. What kind of actor does the man think Nicolas Cage should be? A. A comic actor. B. A classical actor. C. A tragic actor. 答案: A听第 10 段材料, 回答第 17 至 20 题。TextText 1010M: MyMy secretsecret f

25、orfor stayingstaying youngyoung isis simple.simple. Put all attention to the part of your brain and keep it young and growing. KeepKeep youryour mindmind awakeawake andand youllyoull staystay youngyoung allall thethe time.time. These are exciting times. Take an interest in the world around you, and

26、stick to learning at least one new thing every day. No matter how old you are, its not too late to make your life more interesting. I know a a housewifehousewife withwith nono knowledgeknowledge beforebefore sheshe mademade herselfherself intointo a a well-knownwell-known engineerengineer I I knowkn

27、ow a a retiredretired electricalelectrical engineerengineer whowho hashas becomebecome a a highly-paidhighly-paid dressdress designer.designer. Get over the idea that you are too old to go back to school. I know a a manman whowho enteredentered medicalmedical collegecollege atat 70.70. He got his de

28、gree with honors andbecame a famous doctor AnotherAnother manman wentwent toto lawlaw schoolschool atat 7171 and now is an active lawyer. Staying young is easy for those, old or young, who live in the future. You can do it if you care enough to try. Keep your mind awake and active: thats the only wa

29、y. 17. How can the speaker stay young all the time? A. By doing exercise. B. By keeping on a diet. C. By keeping mind awake. 答案: C18. Who has become a highly-paid dress designer? A. A housewife. B. A retired electrical engineer. C. A 70-year-old man. 答案: B19. How many examples are listed? A. Two. B.

30、 Three. C. Four. 答案: C20. What is the main idea of the text? A. The secret for staying young. B. Introducing some old people. C. Ways to keep active. 答案: A第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 30 分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。A A(2021安康模拟)20212021 atat ButlinsButlinsEASTER HOLIDA

31、YSFri 3Mon 20 April 2021The Easter holidays are the perfect opportunities to shake off the winter coats, breathe in the fresh sea air and have your first paddle of the year in the sea. With lots of Easter-themed things to do, your kids can enjoy some of the more traditional Easter activities and sho

32、ws. Come with your family, make the most of the extra days off work and spend your Easter holidays with the people who matter most to you. MAY HALF TERMFri 22 MayMon 1 June 2021The kids are off school, spring has come and theres a bank holiday weekend in the mix; that means a trip to the seaside is

33、a must! When the British weathers playing ball, enjoy our outdoor activities, head to the beach and treat the family to an ice cream. And if the weathers not on our side, embrace the seaside in true British form while making the most of our indoor activity venues(场地) and brilliant live shows. SUMMER

34、 HOLIDAYSFri 17 JulyFri 4 September 2021Pack up the car and take your kids on a summer holiday to create long lasting family memories. Make the most of the beautiful beaches sitting on our resorts doorsteps, enjoy the Traditional Fairground and its unique rides, see live shows, and dive into our fam

35、ily pool; perfect for those not-so-sunny summer days. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYSFri 4 Dec 2021Sat 2 January 2021Join us throughout December as we transform our resorts into festive (节日的) wonderlands, with particular live Christmas shows and activities for all ages. Whether its seeing a festive show, sitting

36、 down to eat together or wrapping up for a wander along the beach on Christmas Eve, were sure the whole family will leave feeling sparkly on the outside and warm and fuzzy on the inside. 【文章大意】 本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了适合家人度假的几个好去处。21. What can you do at Butlins during the MAY HALF TERM? A. Visit a bank. B.

37、Play ball. C. Enjoy the beach. D. Observe the weather. 【解析】选 C。细节理解题。根据 MAY HALF TERM 部分 The kids are off school, spring has come and theres a bank holiday weekend in the mix; that means a trip to the seaside is a must! 孩子们放学了, 春天来了, 还有一个假日周末, 这意味着去海边旅行是必须做的事, 可知在 MAY HALF TERM 期间可以去海边玩。22. Which ho

38、liday has the longest time? A. EASTER HOLIDAYSB. MAY HALF TERMC. SUMMER HOLIDAYSD. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS【解析】选 C。数字计算题。根据 EASTER HOLIDAYSFri 3Mon 20 April 2021 共 17 天; MAY HALF TERMFri 22 MayMon 1 June 2021 共 10 天; SUMMER HOLIDAYSFri 17 JulyFri 4 September 2021 共 49 天; CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYSFri 4 Dec 2021Sa

39、t 2 January 2021 共 29 天, 由此可以判断 SUMMER HOLIDAYS 假期最长。【知识拓展】数据在英语阅读理解中常常出现, 特别是在调查研究类的说明文(包括社科文和科技文)和应用文中, 作者往往运用大量的数据使文章内容更加可信。命题者也常常会针对这些数据设题。一般来说, 数据考查题都是细节题, 只要找到原文出处, 考生经过简单换算就可以得出正确答案。23. Who are these holidays mainly intended for? A. Families. B. Students. C. Kids. D. Adults. 【解析】选 A。细节理解题。根据

40、EASTER HOLIDAYS 中 Come with your family; SUMMER HOLIDAYS 中. . . and dive into our family pool; CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS 中 were sure the whole family will leave feeling sparkly on the outside and warm and fuzzy on the inside 可知, 这些假期都与 family 有关。B BWere often reminded of the importance of preserving the pl

41、anet as we see it for future generationsand children at St Oswalds Primary School in Chester certainly agree. Nine-year-old Isobel Kelleher from the schools Hummingbirds class thinks adults need to take notes. “Sometimes they can be busy and I dont think they think they can make a difference, but if

42、 everyone does a little bit, it all adds up, ” she tells HuffPost UK. “We started looking at plastic pollution in our oceans and the things like plastic bags and broken down pieces of plastic that are polluting them, ” she says. “Fish can eat the plastic and they can die, or we might even eat the fi

43、sh ourselves. ”Mr Timms, Isobels teacher, has been spearheading a new project at the school which lets children loose creatively to raise awareness of the need to be more environmentally friendly. The entire Hummingbirds class, which is made up of 9-and 10-year-old pupils, has been busy writing poem

44、s and creating online video adverts to warn adults about the serious situation of our oceans and wildlife. Mr Timms thinks children have an important role to play in teaching us how to take care of the things around us. “We sometimes overlook how much we can really learn from children, ” he says. “I

45、t has been really hard to believe having parents come in saying that their children have been asking them to stop using plastic, and to recycle more, and even stopping them using plastic straws. ”Mr Timms is proud of his Hummingbirds class. “The message that they would like to send to the world is s

46、imple: Stopping this isnt someone elses job, and it wont be OK if we just leave it. ”【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要是介绍了一所小学的老师带头开展了一个项目让孩子们发挥创造力来提醒人们增强环保意识。24. What can we infer about adults according to Isobel Kelleher? A. They just pretend to be busy. B. They havent done their part well. C. They can do nothing

47、 to stop pollution. D. They have started to care about oceans. 【解析】选 B。推理判断题。根据第二段中的“. . . thinks adults need to take notes. . . but if everyone does a little bit, it all adds up”可知, Isobel Kelleher 认为大人们在保护地球方面并没有做好他们自己的本职工作。 25. What is the purpose of the school project? A. To help adults to learn

48、 more about their kids. B. To remind adults to be friendly to environment. C. To persuade students to stop using plastic bags. D. To teach students how to write poems creatively. 【解析】选 B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Mr Timms, Isobels teacher . . . more environmentally friendly. ”及第四段中的“Mr Timms thinks children hav

49、e an important role to play in teaching us how to take care of the things around us. ”可知, 这个项目的目的是让孩子们发挥创造力来提醒人们增强环保意识。 26. Why does Mr Timms mention “parents” in Paragraph 4? A. To prove kids are creative in teaching. B. To attract people to support his work. C. To have adults care about education.

50、 D. To show the effects of the project. 【解析】选 D。推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Mr Timms thinks children have an important role to play in teaching us how to take care of the things around us. ”可知, Timms 认为孩子们在教我们如何爱护周围的事物方面起着重要作用, 紧接着提到家长说孩子们让他们停止使用塑料和吸管、让他们回收更多塑料就是为了证明这个项目的影响。 27. What is the text mainly about? A.

51、An inspiring school project. B. An appeal to stop plastic bags. C. Serious situations of our planet. D. Adults ignorance of environment. 【解析】选 A。主旨大意题。通读全文, 根据第三段中的“Mr Timms, Isobels teacher, has been spearheading a new project at the school which lets children loose creatively to raise awareness of

52、 the need to be more environmentally friendly. ”可知, 本文主要介绍了一所小学的老师带头开展了一个项目让孩子们发挥创造力来提醒人们增强环保意识。 【知识拓展】We started looking at plastic pollution in our oceans and the things like plastic bags and broken down pieces of plastic that are polluting them. 分析: 这是一个主从复合句。that 引导定语从句, 修饰前面的 pieces of plastic。

53、译文: 我们开始关注海洋中的塑料污染, 以及像塑料袋和正在污染海洋的被分解的塑料碎片这些东西。C C(2021济南模拟)Mosquitos can infect you with Malaria, yellow fever, and dengue. All can kill you. So we spray large areas with pesticides (杀虫剂). But this negatively affects the whole ecosystem and your health. Now theres a new device, which claims to keep

54、 you and your loved ones mosquito free. The device was designed by two German engineers who were fed up with being bitten while camping. They found solutions containing DEET a damaging chemical which could be both harmful to us and the environmentworked best, but still only for 45 minutes maximum an

55、d that the traditional anti-pest devices didnt work well! So, they designed the brand new type of bug killerMoskinator. Instead of trying to keep the mosquitos away, it actually attracts them, then catches and kills them! It lures (引诱) the flies and mosquitos near using a safe, completely harmless L

56、ED light. The flying pests (害虫) cant resist the UV-PT light! Next to the LED light is a powerful, yet efficient reverse fan that sucks (吸) the insects through a one-way trapdoor. Once trapped in the drying basket they are dried to death by the fan a matter of 2 minutes. You can simply empty the dead

57、 bugs into the trash, without even touching them. Does Moskinator really work in real life? We had some of our customers try it out in their homes. The results speak for themselves: “My wife would complain she had a headache in the mornings whenever we used chemical pesticides. Now we use our Moskin

58、ator, and we wake up bite and headache free! ” Shane Maguire“This Moskinator really works and you dont have to worry about breathing any harmful chemicals. ” Jake Sheare【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一种新的杀虫设备, 并介绍了它安全无害的特点。28. What is the name of the new device? A. DEET. B. Moskinator. C. Malaria. D. UV-PT. 【解

59、析】选 B。细节理解题。由文章第二段最后一句 So, they designed the brand new type of bug killerMoskinator. 可知, 他们设计了一种全新的杀虫设备 Moskinator。29. What is the function of the LED light? A. It gives off natural light. B. It attracts flying pests. C. It sucks pests inside. D. It dries pests to death. 【解析】选 B。细节理解题。由文章第三段第二句 It l

60、ures the flies and mosquitos near using a safe, completely harmless LED light. 可知, 它用一种安全、完全无害的 LED 灯光吸引附近的苍蝇和蚊子。30. Which of the following best describes the new device? A. Innovative and effective. B. Traditional and cheap. C. Power-saving and portable. D. Chemical free and soundless. 【解析】选 A。 推理判

61、断题。由文章第二段最后一句 So, they designed the brand new type of bug killerMoskinator. 与最后一段第一句中 This Moskinator really works 可知, 这种技术是新发明的, 而且很有效。31. What is the purpose of writing the text? A. To educate the readers. B. To entertain the readers. C. To introduce a new device. D. To evaluate a new device. 【解析】

62、选 C。 主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了由两名德国工程师设计的一种全新的杀虫设备, 由文章第三段第一句 Instead of trying to keep the mosquitos away, it actually attracts them, then catches and kills them! 可知, 文章旨在向读者详细介绍这种新的杀虫设备。 【知识拓展】如何推断写作目的写作目的这类题的题干中常有 purpose, 或者后面接有表示目的的动词不定式, 如: intend to, meant to, (in order) to 等。 根据文章的主旨和体裁来推断作者的写作目的。因此, 文章

63、的首尾段或每段的首尾是阅读的重点, 作者的写作意图往往就隐含在其中。一般来说作者写文章的目的通常有三种, 与之对应的文章如下: (1) to entertain readers(使读者愉悦、发笑): 常见于个人经历或故事类的文章。(2) to persuade readers(说服读者接受某种观点): 常见于广告或议论文。广告是作者要推销一种产品或一种服务: 吸引更多的游客读者或订户观众等; 议论文是为了说服读者接受或赞同某一观点。(3) to inform readers(告知读者某些信息): 多见于新闻报道类科普类文化类或社会类的文章, 以及劝告性或建议性的文章。本文属于广告类应用文, 目

64、的在于介绍一种新的杀虫设备。D D(2021合肥模拟)My name is Matthew. Im not someone who has many secrets, because Im a terrible liar. But there is one huge secret that I kept for yearsI failed my driving test. I had never failed a test before, and had never even come close. Driving made me anxious, but my parents told me

65、 I had to. They signed me up for driving lessons. I had gotten a perfect score for my written permit exam, but getting behind the wheel was a different story. But when October 30th rolled around, my pride set in. I wanted to be like everyone else at my school, showing off the brand new license theyd

66、 gotten. Looking back on that special day, I cant remember if I was nervous. What I do remember is starting the test, pausing at a stop sign after a few seconds, and being asked by the instructor to pull over. I had received an auto-fail since my pause was indeed a pause and not a real stop. I wasnt

67、 upset that I was leaving without a license, but I was scared everyone would know that I had failed. So when I got to class, I told everyone I didnt want to take the test on my birthday. One Friday a month later, I went to the test spot again and passed. Later that night I drove for the first time b

68、y myself, which brought to me an amazing feeling Ive never experiencedbut still, I couldnt imagine ever telling anyone the truth. So I didnt. It wasnt until midway through college that I came clean. It turned out plenty of my college friends had failed too! And I gathered enough courage to speak the

69、 fact out. Yes, I had also failed. Now I realize failure and imperfection are two things everyone has to experience, without which one couldnt make a true man. 【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者曾经隐瞒了自己驾照考试失败的事情, 后来意识到失败和不完美是每个人成长的必经之路。32. What can we learn about Matthew? A. He was a slow learner of driving. B. H

70、e relied heavily on his parents. C. He was afraid of taking exams. D. He was bored with telling lies. 【解析】选 A。推理判断题。根据第一段中“But there is one huge secret that I kept for yearsI failed my driving test. ”可知, 我的驾照考试失败了; 再由第一段中“I had gotten a perfect score for my written permit exam, but getting behind th

71、e wheel was a different story. ”可知我的笔试成绩很好, 但是开车开得不好。33. Why did the instructor ask Matthew to pull over? A. To put an end to his test. B. To check his parking skills. C. To give him a second chance. D. To show him a better way of driving. 【解析】选 A。细节理解题。根据第二段中“I had received an auto-fail since my pa

72、use was indeed a pause and not a real stop. ”可知, 作者在驾照考试过程中由于自己的失误导致了考试失败, 所以教练让他靠边停车。 34. What made Matthew feel extremely worried after his first attempt? A. Failing to get a driving license. B. Missing his birthday celebration. C. Making his parents disappointed. D. Losing face before his classma

73、tes. 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第二段中“I wasnt upset that I was leaving without a license, but I was scared everyone would know that I had failed. ”我不会因为没通过考试而难过, 但是我害怕别人知道我失败了。所以我是怕在同学们面前丢人。35. What did Matthew learn from his own experience? A. Honesty is the best policy. B. Failure is a way to grow up. C. Trut

74、h stands the test of time. D. Imperfection is another form of perfection. 【解析】选 B。推理判断题。根据最后一段“Now I realize failure and imperfection are two things everyone has to experience, without which one couldnt make a true man. ”可知, 我意识到, 失败和不完美是每个人都必须经历的事情, 没有经历过它们, 就不会真正的成长。第二节(共 5 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 10 分)根据

75、短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2021北京模拟)The World Water Day has been celebrated annually on 22 March since 1993. Each year has a different theme, looking at things like the role of clean water in the world of work, ways to stop wasting water, finding ways to supply water to underprivileged

76、 groups and so on. 36 But it is also vital for sanitation(卫生). It is estimated that more than 700 children under the age of seven die every day from illnesses linked to unsafe water and poor sanitation. The right to water and sanitation was recognized as a human right. 37 These include rural communi

77、ties, people who have been displaced due to war and local conflicts and areas where climate change is making water scarcer and scarcer. Apart from the obvious health issues, a lack of accessible clean water means that peopleoften women and childrenspend hours every day walking to and from distant wa

78、ter supplies. This means they dont have time to dedicate to work, studies and other domestic duties. 38 And people who are not able to walk to get their own water are particularly vulnerable. There are many charities working on creating sustainable supplies of clean water for different communities a

79、round the world. 39 But the fundamental problem of increasing demand for a limited resource can only be addressed by more efficient use of water, especially in industry and agriculture. Waste-water recycling, capturing rainwater, more efficient irrigation techniques and reforestation are all example

80、s of how water can be used more efficiently. 40 We should support charities, raise awareness, take part in the World Water Day events that are happening all around the world and, of course, be careful with how we use water in our own lives. Visit the UN World Water Day website to find out about an e

81、vent near us. Follow world water day on social media and help spread the word about this incredibly important issue. A. Clean drinking water is fundamental. B. As individuals, what can we do to help the issue? C. The search for water becomes their main occupation. D. This important work needs to con

82、tinue and to expand. E. Every living cell in the body needs water to keep functioning. F. In normal conditions, the human body can only survive three or four days without water. G. However, there are still at least 2. 1 billion people around the world living without safe water. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了自

83、 1993 年 3 月 22 日起, 每年都庆祝世界水日。36. 【解析】选 A。根据空后 But it is also vital for sanitation. 但是水在卫生方面也是至关重要的。可知前面是在说水在什么方面是重要的。 37. 【解析】选 G。根据空后 These include rural communities, people who have been displaced due to war and local conflicts and areas where climate change is making water scarcer and scarcer. 包括

84、偏远地区, 由于战争和当地冲突, 气候变化导致水奇缺。这里在说世界上仍然有 21 亿人没有干净和安全的水。 38. 【解析】选 C。根据空前 This means they dont have time to dedicate to work, studies and other domestic duties. 这意味着缺水地区的人们没有时间来学习和做其他工作, 搜寻水变成了他们的主要工作。39. 【解析】选 D。根据空前 There are many charities working on creating sustainable supplies of clean water for

85、different communities around the world. 有许多慈善机构致力于为世界不同社区创造清洁水的可持续供应。世界有很多地方需要干净的水, 可知这种工作需要持续和扩大范围。40. 【解析】选 B。根据空后 We should support charities, raise awareness, take part in the World Water Day events 我们需要支持慈善, 提升意识, 参加世界水日的活动。可知这是对“作为个人, 我们要做些什么来帮助解决这个缺水的问题呢? ”的回答。第三部分语言知识运用(共两节, 满分 45 分)第一节(共 20

86、 小题; 每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 30 分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2021泰州模拟)Joe spent 16 years as a fireman and emergency medical technician. He has been honored for his 41 in risking his life on numerous occasions to save others. However, one emergency call 42 him to poisonous chemicals th

87、at later led to repeated strokes (中风). At only 38, the man who had grown 43 to having the physical strength and mobility to save lives was now: 44 to tie his own shoes or button his own shirt. Worst of all, the strokes left him 45 seizures (痉挛) that would strike 46. Before his health 47, Joe was kno

88、wn for being active and optimistic. But after his strokes, he spent day and night in bed, dangerously 48. One of his only 49 joys was Lucky, his 12-year-old Dalmatian, but Joes wife Kim 50 something terrible would happen to Joe when Lucky 51. She didnt want to wait to find out, so she suggested a ne

89、w dog should be 52 to the family. Then entered Meatball. He was saved as a puppy from an Afghan war zone and brought to the United States for 53 by Puppy Rescue Mission. Joe and Kim went to the airport to meet Meatball upon his arrival. The moment Meatball came out of his cage, he peed (撒尿) all over

90、 Joeand Joe 54 his first genuine laughter in months! Two years later, one night, Kim was awakened by Meatballs 55 barking. She went to see what was wrong and found Joe having a 56 seizure. Joe was 57 to the hospitalMeatball had saved the day. And it wasnt the only time. “Hes always there 58 me, help

91、ing me, making sure Im okay, ” says Joe. Since I got sick, some of my friends have fallen by the wayside, 59 this beautiful dog always stays with me. That means Im worth 60 after all. Pets are the emotional, physical, and spiritual gift we didnt know we needed. 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一名男子在他的宠物狗的陪伴下与病魔抗

92、争的故事。41. A. fear B. luckC. braveryD. hesitation【解析】选 C。根据下文. . . risking his life on numerous occasions to save others可知, 他因自己在许多场合冒着生命危险“勇敢(bravery)”拯救他人而感到荣幸。42. A. reducedB. shiftedC. exposedD. attracted【解析】选 C。此处表示一次急救行动使他“暴露(exposed)”在一些有毒的化学物品下, 导致了他后来的中风反复发作。43. A. committedB. accustomedC. ad

93、dictedD. abandoned【解析】选 B。根据下文 the man who had grown _to having the physical strength and mobility to save lives 可知, 此处表示他中风之前一直“习惯于(accustomed)”自己可以有肢体力量并且能灵活参与拯救生命的行动。 44. A. afraidB. ashamedC. unableD. unwilling【解析】选 C。根据上文 repeated strokes 可知, 此处表示但是现在却“无法(unable)”系好自己的鞋带, 也无法扣上自己的衬衫。45. A. toB.

94、 byC. forD. with【解析】 选 D。根据语境可知, 此处表示中风给 Joe “留下”痉挛的问题。leave sb. with. . . 表示“给某人留下了” 。46. A. painfullyB. separatelyC. randomlyD. automatically【解析】选 C。根据下文 Joe 有一次半夜突然痉挛可知, 此处表示他的痉挛是“随机(randomly)”发生的。47. A. recoveredB. improvedC. infectedD. declined【解析】选 D。根据语境可知, 此处表示在他的健康“衰退(declined)”前。48. A. dep

95、ressedB. puzzledC. excitedD. embarrassed【解析】选 A。根据上文未患中风前, Joe 积极乐观可知, 此处表示中风后 Joe 整天躺在床上, 肯定心情“沮丧(depressed)” 。49. A. accessibleB. remainingC. selectiveD. meaningful【解析】选 B。根据上文 Joe 整天情绪都很沮丧可知, 此处表示他“仅存的(remaining)”快乐之一是 Lucky, 他 12 岁的达尔马提亚犬。50. A. anticipatedB. suspectedC. predictedD. worried【解析】选

96、 D。根据上文 Joe 整天都很沮丧, 仅存的快乐是他的狗Lucky。结合生活常识可知, 此处表示他的妻子 Kim“担心(worried)”会有什么不好的事发生。51. A. passed awayB. hung outC. fell outD. turned away【解析】选 A。根据上文 Joe 仅存的快乐就是他十二岁的狗可知, 此处表示十二岁的狗已经很老了, 他的妻子 Kim 担心狗 Lucky“死(passed away)”后 Joe 会有不好的事发生。52. A. contributedB. offeredC. addedD. devoted【解析】选 C。根据上文他的妻子 Kim

97、 担心狗 Lucky“死”后 Joe 会有不好的事发生可知, 此处表示 Kim 建议这个家应该“增加(added)”一条新的狗。53. A. profitB. adoptionC. releaseD. memory【解析】选 B。根据下文 Puppy Rescue Mission 可知, 此处表示 Meatball 是在阿富汗被救助后带到美国被“领养(adoption)”的。54. A. fell intoB. dived intoC. burst intoD. ran into【解析】选 C。根据语境可知, 此处表示 Joe“爆发出”笑声。A 项意为“陷入”; B 项意为“潜入”; C 项意

98、为“爆发出”; D 项意为“偶遇” 。55. A. confusedB. panickedC. surprisedD. shocked【解析】选 B。根据下文 Joe 发生了很严重的痉挛可知, 此处表示 Kim 被狗“惊慌失措的(panicked)”叫声叫醒。56. A. violentB. toughC. commonD. slight【解析】选 A。根据语境可知, 此处表示 Joe 正在经受“剧烈的(violent)”痉挛。57. A. loadedB. rushedC. transferredD. admitted【解析】选 B。根据上文 Joe 正在经受剧烈的痉挛可知, 此处表示 Jo

99、e 的情况很危急。根据一般处理疾病的方式, 他应该是被“迅速送到(rushed)”医院。58. A. prayingB. guidingC. toleratingD. watching【解析】选 D。根据下文. . . helping me, making sure Im okay 可知, 此处表示Meatball 一直“看着(watching)”Joe, 确保他没事。 59. A. soB. ifC. andD. but【解析】选 D。根据上文 Joe 说很多朋友都中途放弃了他可知, 此处表示“但是(but)”这只漂亮的狗一直在他身边。60. A. somethingB. anythingC

100、. everythingD. nothing【解析】选 A。根据上文虽然一些朋友放弃了 Joe, 但 Meatball 始终在 Joe 的身边可知, 此处表示 Joe 认为他终究还是重要的/有价值的。【知识拓展】be worth something 具有某种价值。worth 后面可以接金钱, 或是其他有价值的事物。这里的 something 可以指的是金钱, 或是其他有价值的东西。与 worth 用法相似的英语有 worthy 和 worth it。第二节(共 10 小题; 每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 15 分)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(2021

101、淄博模拟)How do we prevent transmission of the virus? This new virus currently has a 61. _(limit) geographic spread. 62. _, there are a number of standard hygiene (卫生)practices which have been recommended to protect against infection and further spread. These include covering your mouth and nose when co

102、ughing or sneezing with a 63. _ (medicine)mask, tissue or flexed elbow; avoiding close contact with those who are unwell; the appropriate use of 64. _(mask) and personal protective equipment, 65. _(especial) in a healthcare setting; washing hands regularly with soap and water, or alcohol-based hand

103、rub. Actions that can be taken to prevent infection from 66. _ animal source include: avoiding unnecessary unprotected contact with animals; washing hands after contact with animals or animal products; and ensuring that animal products are cooked thoroughly before they 67. _(consume). It is importan

104、t 68. _(stay) home if youre feeling unwell. But if you have a fever, cough, and difficulty 69. _(breathe), seek medical care early and share your previous travel history 70. _ your healthcare provider. 【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文。文章列举了几个预防新病毒传播的方法。61. 【解析】limited。考查形容词。spread 是名词, 形容词修饰名词。62. 【解析】However。考查副词。 副

105、词修饰整个句子, 用 However 表示转折关系。 63. 【解析】medical。考查词性转换。 修饰名词, 应当用形容词。故填 medical。64. 【解析】masks。考查名词复数形式。mask 是可数名词, 而且前面没有冠词对其进行修饰, 所以要用复数形式。 65. 【解析】especially。考查副词。本空修饰介词短语, 应用副词形式。 66. 【解析】an。考查冠词。animal 为可数名词, 单数形式前面需要用冠词修饰。此处表示泛指, 使用不定冠词。animal 发音以元音音素开头, 应用 an 修饰。67. 【解析】are consumed。考查动词的时态和语态。此处表示

106、的是客观事实, 因此本句时态应该用一般现在时。谓语动词 consume 和主语 they(代指 animal products)是逻辑上的被动关系, 因此谓语使用被动语态。68. 【解析】to stay。考查非谓语动词。It is +adj. to do sth. 是固定句式, it 是形式主语, 不定式是真正的主语。因此填空处需要使用不定式形式。69. 【解析】breathing。考查固定搭配。have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难。70. 【解析】with。考查固定搭配。share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某事。 第四部分写作(共两节,

107、满分 35 分)第一节短文改错(共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改 10 处, 多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。Dear Manager, This is a letter of complaint con

108、cerned the actions of one of your online store. Last Sunday, October 29th, I buy a dress from a store on your website. But I was not satisfied with the dress when I received it, so I decided to return it. But the salesman refused my request in a rudely tone. I explained the reason that I wanted to r

109、eturn it, but he said he was busy and didnt have time to deal it. Now he isnt replying to us at all. I feel that the salesman was impolite. I hope that you can look into for the matter. I have bought lots of things on your website and I look forward to a much pleasurable shopping experience next tim

110、e. Yours, Li Hua答案: 1. 【解析】第一句的 concernedconcerning。介词 concerning 表示“关于” 。2. 【解析】第一句的 storestores。由 one of your online store 可知, 不仅仅只有一家网上商店, 应用名词复数形式 stores。3. 【解析】第二句的 buybought。时间状语为 Last Sunday, 动词应变形为过去式。4. 【解析】第二句的 athe。根据句意可知作者是特指“你的网上的商店”, 因此应用定冠词。5. 【解析】第四句的 rudelyrude。用形容词修饰名词 tone 作定语。6.

111、【解析】第五句的 thatwhy。the reason 后的定语从句用关系代词 that 引导时, 从句部分是缺少主语或宾语成分的, 但是文中从句并不缺少主语或宾语成分, 而是缺少状语成分, 因此应用关系副词 why 引导。7. 【解析】第五句在 it 之前添加 with。deal with sth. 处理。8. 【解析】第六句的 usme。文章的主人公是“我”, 而不是“我们” 。9. 【解析】第八句将 for 删除。look into sth. 调查。因为“我”认为销售员不礼貌, 希望经理能够调查这个问题。10. 【解析】第九句 muchmore。more +adj. 构成比较级。根据文意

112、可知, “我”想表达的意思是“期待下一次更令人愉快的购物体验。 ”第二节书面表达(满分 25 分)(2021兰州模拟)春季是充满希望的季节, 但也是各种传染病多发的季节。假定你是校学生会主席李华, 请代表学生会给你校英语报“青少年健康”栏目写一封主题为“健康生活, 远离病毒”的倡议书, 内容包括: 1. 简述倡议目的; 2. 提出防范措施; 3. 倡议共同行动。注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已经给岀, 不计入总词数。(相关词汇: 传染病 infectious diseases; 口 罩: mask; 病毒: virus)Dear

113、fellow students, _ The Student Union【参考范文】Dear fellow students, Spring is coming! It brings us hope as well as a lot of infectious diseases. Some measures are supposed to be taken to protect us from the virus. First of all, people with cold or flu-like symptoms should wear masks to prevent viruses s

114、preading from person to person. Of course, dont forget to wash your hands properly before eating or after using the toilet. Regular exercise is also one of the most important ways to help you stay away from catching any disease. If possible, avoid going to crowded public places such as cinemas, shop

115、ping malls and Internet bars etc. A healthy body results from good healthy habits, so lets act together to fight against diseases! The Student Union【知识拓展】倡议书的写法1. 引出倡议目的常用 in order to 引出的不定式短语或用 with / for the purpose of 引导的介词短语。2. 列举倡议内容倡议其实就是提建议, 因此, 可用 be supposed to (应该), it is suggested that. .

116、 . (建议), it would be better if. . . (如果, 那就更好了)等。倡议的内容通常都不止一个, 因此可用 in addition, besides, additionally, whats more, furthermore, moreover 来列举这些内容。3. 提出呼吁提出呼吁可用 It is (high) time that. . . 句型, 该句型中 that 从句的谓语动词要用过去式或用 should 加动词原形, should 不可省略。也可用 in a word 引出呼吁的内容。本文一方面使用了 are supposed to be taken to protect us, First of all, If possible 等使文章有理有据, 另一方面使用祈使句 dont forget to wash your hands, avoid going to crowded public places, lets act together to fight against diseases ! 等增加了说服力和号召力。



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