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1、chapter3WordFormatichapter3WordFormationon3.1 Affixation / derivation (词缀法/派生法)uThe formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to bases.uWords thus created are derivatives (派生词).uAccording to the positions affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subcategories: prefi

2、xation and suffixation.3.1 Affixation/Derivation1. Prefixation1) Negative prefixesa- not, without, opposite of as in amoral, asexual, amorphousdis- not, the converse of as in disobey, disorder, disloyalin- (il-, ir-, im-); non-; un-3.1 Affixation/Derivation1. Prefixation2) pejorative prefixesmal- ba

3、d, badly as in maltreat, malpracticemis- wrongly, astray as in misinterpret, misspelling, misleadingpseudo- false, imitation as in pseudo-scientific, pseudonym3.1 Affixation/Derivation1. Prefixation3) Prefixes of degree or sizearch- supreme, most as in archbishophyper- extreme as in hyperactivemacro

4、- large as in macroeconomicsmicro- very small as in microeconomicssur- over and above as in surplusco-, extra-, mini-, out-, over-, sub-, super-3.1 Affixation/Derivation1. Prefixation4) locative prefixesextra- outside as in extra-curricularfore- front part as in forearm, foreheadinter- between, amon

5、g as in interpersonalintra- within as in intrapartytrans- across as in transcontinental3.1 Affixation/Derivation1. Prefixation5) Prefixes of numberGreekLatinhalfhemi-semi-onemono-soli-, uni-twodi-bi-threetri-ter-fourtetra-quadri-fivepenta-quint-sixhexa-sex-sevenhepta-sept-eightoct-oct-nineennea-nova

6、-tendeci-crus-3.1 Affixation/Derivation1. Prefixation6) conversion prefixesa- (VAdj.) as in asleep, alivebe- (Nvt.) as in befriend, befall, bewitchen- (N/Adj.vt.) as in endanger, enrich3.1 Affixation/Derivation1. Prefixation7) Miscellaneous prefixesneo- new, revived as in neo-Nazipan- all, the whole

7、 of as in pan-Europeansino- China as in Sino-Angloproto- first, original as in prototypevice- deputy as in vice-chairman3.1 Affixation/Derivation2. Suffixation1) Noun suffixesu Concrete -eer, -er, -ess, -ette, -let, -ster, -istu Abstract -age, -dom, -hood, -ism, -ship, -ance, -ence, -ation, -sion, -

8、ment, -ness, -ity3.1 Affixation/Derivation2. Suffixation2) Adjective suffixes -ful, -ish, -less, -like, -ly, -y, -al, -ous, -eous, -ious, -uous, -able, -ative, -ive -ic: patriotic, pessimistic, bureaucratic 3.1 Affixation/Derivation2) Adjective suffixes classic (great, memorable)classical (of Latin

9、or Greek)comic (of comedy)comical (funny)historic (important in history)historical (of history)economic (of economy)economical (money-saving)electric (powered by elec.)electrical (of electricity)3.1 Affixation/Derivation2. Suffixation3) Adverb suffixes -ly, -ward, -wards -wise: inmanner; as in clock

10、wise as far as concerned as in calorie-wise, education-wise4) Verb suffixes -ate, -en, -ify, -fy, -y, -ize, -ise (Br.E) 3.1 Affixation/DerivationTask 1 Form negatives with each of the following words by using one of these prefixes dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, non-, un-.non-smoker incapable impracticali

11、llegal disobey inconvenient insecurity irrelevant immaturedisability unofficially unwillingnessdisagreement illogical disloyal3.1 Affixation/DerivationTask 2 Turn the following nouns and adjectives into verbs. harden horrify modernize memorize falsify apologize deepen glorify lengthen intensify beau

12、tify sympathize originate validate heighten3.1 Affixation/DerivationTask 3 Turn the following verbs into nouns. realization resentment adherenceexistence imagination decision performanceaddition assessment dependence attendanceoccurrence earnings opening dismissalsurvival linkage shrinkage persisten

13、ce 3.1 Affixation/DerivationTask 4 Form adjectives from the following nouns and complete the table below. comfortableflexiblesuccessfulscientifichygienicfashionableefficientcomprehensibleappropriatefrequentcompatiblecompetentpredictabledemocraticaccurateforgivablehelpfulfaithful3.1 Affixation/Deriva

14、tionTask 4 Form adjectives from the following nouns and complete the table below. -able-ible-ful-ent-ic-ateun-in-3.2 Compounding/CompositionnThe formation of new words by joining two or more bases. (复合法)nWords thus formed are called compounds.nA compound is a lexical unit consisting of more than one

15、 base and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single word. (Quirk et al 1985)nCompounds can be written solid (checkup), hyphenated (clock-watcher) and open (remote control, space shuttle, road camera).3.2 Compounding/Composition1 Characteristics of compounds1) Phonological featurese

16、.g. Compound Free phrase a fat cat a fat cat a red tag a red tag a red eye a red eye greenhouse green house a dark horse a dark horse 3.2 Compounding/Composition1 Characteristics of compounds2) Semantic featuresuone-wordness: every compound should express a single idea just as one word; the elements

17、 are inseparable and the change of the element would result in the loss of the original identity. 3.2 Compounding/Composition1 Characteristics of compounds3) Grammatical featuresuTend to fill a single grammatical slot in a sentence. e.g. He bad-mouthed me. new-borns, three-year-oldsuIn adjective-plu

18、s-noun compounds, the adjective element cannot take inflectional suffixes. e.g. hot line, red tape 3.2 Compounding/Composition2. Formation of compounds1) Noun compoundshandbrake, lip service, bar code n. + n. deadline, blueprint, red tape adj. + n.crybaby, rattlesnake, swearword v. + n.upload, upsta

19、rt, downturn adv. + v.toothpick, heart attack n. +, have-not, sit-in v. + adv.3.2 Compounding/Composition2. Formation of compounds1) Noun compoundsgrown-up, leftover p.p. + adv.clock-watcher, stockholder n. + v-erpresident elect, ambassador designate n. + v.court-martial, commander in chi

20、ef n. + adj.spend-more-than-earn (负翁)marry-upon-graduation (毕婚族) phrasethat whats-his-name (那个谁谁谁) sentence3.2 Compounding/Composition2. Formation of compounds2) Adjective compoundslaw-abiding, record-breaking n. + v-ingeasy-going, high-sounding adj. + v-ingforth-coming, everlasting adv. + v-ingcare

21、free, lifelong, sugar-free n. + adj.deaf-mute, bitter-sweet, icy-cold adj. + adj.far-fetched, hard-won, well-behaved adv. + v-edheart-felt, poverty-stricken, hen-pecked n. + v-ed3.2 Compounding/Composition2. Formation of compounds3) Verb compoundsBusiness was slow at first but its really snowballed

22、the last couple of months.一开始生意很清淡,但最近两个月生意越来越好.Our pregnancies had dovetailed, so that we had managed with one set of maternity clothes.我们的孕期正好错开,所以我们共用了一套孕妇服。3.2 Compounding/Composition2. Formation of compounds4) Other compoundswithin, without, throughout prep. compoundshowever, moreover, thereaft

23、er adv. compoundsoneself, nobody, someone pron. compounds3.2 Compounding/CompositionTask 4 Translate the following into Chinese.arm-wrestling baby-blues office elite 扳手腕 产后抑郁症 白骨精hearsay job-hopping mix-match小道消息 跳槽 混搭flip-flops thigh-high fly-over 人字拖 长筒袜 立交桥 coat stand offbeat telltale 衣帽架 另类 搬弄是非

24、的3.2 Compounding/CompositionTask 4 Translate the following into Chinese.interview-holic house-husband free-lancer 海面 家庭主男,居家男人 自由职业者plate number sticky post aftershock 车牌号 精华贴 余震9-to-5er x-factor display-stand朝九晚五的上班族 不确定因素 展台in-fighting meltdown post-it 内讧,窝里斗 崩盘 即时贴3.2 Compounding/CompositionTask

25、4 Translate the following into Chinese.eye-catching wish-wash Big Mac 惹眼, 拉风 无稽之谈 巨无霸surplus goods slapstick gas-guzzler 尾货 搞笑剧,闹剧 油老虎gas-sipper carpool think-tank 省油车 拼车 智囊团backseat driver back stabber virtual money 指手划脚的人 背后搞小动作的人 虚拟货币3.2 Compounding/CompositionTask 4 Translate the following into

26、Chinese.all-star (lineup) all-round (education) 全明星(阵容) 素质(教育)backup (file) follow-up (comment) 备份(文件) 跟(帖)(free) top-up top-up (station) (免费)续杯 充值(点)no-bargain (price) good-for-nothing 一口(价) 饭桶,二流子 3.3 Conversion (转化法)nFormation of new words by converting words of one class to anther class.nNew wor

27、ds are new only in a grammatical sense.nAlso known as functional shift (词类转化法) or zero-derivation (零位派生法).nWords produced by conversion are primarily nouns, adjectives, and verbs.3.3 Conversion (转化法)1. Conversion to nouns1) V. N.e.g. have a look (try, swim, smoke, wash) take a walk (ride, glance, re

28、st, shower) make a(n) move (attempt, guess, offer) give a cry (start, grant, laugh) economic takeoff These shoes were an excellent buy. 3.3 Conversion (转化法)1. Conversion to nouns2) Adj. N. (a) liberal, new-born(s) full conversion the poor, the more affluent partial conversion Im one of his familiars

29、. Come to the fire and have a warm. 3.3 Conversion (转化法)1. Conversion to nouns3) Miscellaneous conversione.g. Better to be an also-ran than a never-was. His arguments contains too many ifs and buts. Life is full of ups and downs. Patriotism, nationalisms, and any other isms five yeses and three nos

30、We cant afford to waste tears on “might-have- beens”. We need to turn the tears into sweat as we go after “what-can-be.” 3.3 Conversion (转化法)2. Conversion to verbs1) N. V.e.g. He wolfed down his lunch. We cant stomach such an insult. Robert roomed right next to me.3.3 Conversion (转化法)2. Conversion t

31、o verbs1) N. V.e.g. He wolfed down his lunch. We cant stomach such an insult. Robert roomed right next to me.2) Adj. V.e.g. Braving their parents displeasure, they announced their engagement. He emptied his pocket.3.3 Conversion (转化法)2. Conversion to verbs3) Miscellaneous conversione.g. We downed a

32、few beers. But me no buts. They ahed and wowed at the new machines. Dont brother me. I plan to further my study. She yesed my suggestion.3.3 Conversion (转化法)uIn some cases, conversion is accompanied by certain nonaffixal changes. 1) Voiceless to voiced consonants house /-s/ house /-z/ use /-s/ use /

33、-z/ advice /-s/ advise /-z/2) Initial to End stress permit (n) permit (v) conduct (n) conduct (v)3.4 Blending (混成法)nFormation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word.nWords thus formed are called blends (混成词). 3.4 Blending (混成法)nFormation of new words by co

34、mbining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word.nWords thus formed are called blends (混成词). E.g.: smog (smoke + fog) motel (motorist + hotel) brunch (breakfast + lunch) camcorder (camera + recorder) psywar (psychological + warfare)Types of Blendingn1) head + head comsat (communicati

35、on + satellite) sitcom (situation + comedy) Amerind (American + Indian) sci-tech (science + technology) sysadmin (system + administrator) maglev (magnetically + levitated) sci-fi (science + fiction) hi-fi (high-fidelity)Types of Blendingn2) head + tailframily (friend+family)celesbian (celebrity+ les

36、bian) affluenza (affluence + influenza) aglation (agriculture + inflation)manny (man + nanny)stagflation (stagnation + inflation)fantabulous (fantastic + fabulous)telethon (telephone + marathon)Types of Blendingn3) head + word e-book (electronic-book) celeblog (celebrity+ blog) emoticon (emotion + i

37、con) Medicare (medical + care) grup (grown + up) Eurasia (Europe + Asia) paratroops (parachute + troops) cinemads ( cinema + ads) Types of Blendingn4) word + tail eggwich (egg + sandwich) bikethon (bike + marathon) kidult (kid + adult) 拒绝长大的成年人 cheeseburger (cheese + hamburger) Reaganomics (Reagan +

38、 economics) infanticipate (infant + anticipate) eatertainment (eat + entertainment) carjack (car + hijack)3.5 Clipping (缩略法)nFormation of a new word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains.nWords thus formed are called clipped words (截短词). E.g.: bus (omnibus) exam (examination) pan

39、ts (pantaloons) maths (mathematics)Types of Clippingn1) Front clipping burger (hamburger) cello (violoncello) copter (helicopter) phone (telephone) van (caravan) wig (periwig) quake (earthquake) chute (parachute)Types of Clippingn2) Back clipping auto (automobile) gym (gymnasium) stereo (stereophoni

40、c) hippo (hippopotamus) rhino (rhinoceros) fan (fantastic) memo (memorandum) deli (delicatessen) Types of Clippingn3) Front and back clipping flu (influenza) fridge (refrigerator) jams (pajamas) tec (detective) asst (assistant) script (prescription) taint (contaminate) pram (perambulator)Types of Cl

41、ippingn4) Phrase clipping zoo (zoological garden) tech (technical college) pub (public house) pop (popular music) taxi (taximeter cabriolet) vet (veterinary surgeon or veteran) perm (permanent wave)3.6 Acronymy (首字母拼音法)nAcronymy is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of c

42、omposite names of social and political organizations or phrases used as technical terms.nWords thus formed are acronyms, which can be subdivided into initialisms (首字母缩略词) and acronyms (首字母拼音词) depending on the pronunciation of the words. InitialismsOL (office lady)HFMD (hand-foot-mouth disease)IMF (

43、international monetary fund)MC (master of ceremony) GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)GMO (genetically modified organism)MOU (memorandum of understanding)GM (general manager / General Motors / genetically modified)InitialismsOEM (Original Equipment Manufacture)B/W/H (bust / waist / hips)J.F.K. (John Fitzgera

44、ld Kennedy)F. D. R. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)EU (European Union)UN (United Nations)ISBN (International Standard Book Number)TB (tuberculosis)ABS ( Anti-lock brake system)Initialismsi.d. (idem) 同上i.e. (id est) 即et al ( et alli) 以及其他vs. (versus) 对cf (confer) 参看c / o (care of ) 烦转交p.s. (postscript) 附言Ini

45、tialismsAPUPIAFPDPANHKAssociated PressUnited Press InternationalAgence Francaine de PressDeutsche Press AgenturNippon Hoso Kyokai美联社合众国际社法新社德新社日本广播公司InitialismsBBLL8RLOLICCULBTWFYIUWJKSFBe back later(talk) laterLaughing out loudI seeSee you laterBy the wayFor your informationYoure welcomeJust kiddin

46、gSofa (so fast)AcronymsDINK (double income, no kid) NILK (no income, lots of kids)DIDK (double income, dog as kid)NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)ASEAN (Association for South-East Asian Nations)OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation)SALT

47、 (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)WASP (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant)AcronymsAIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) ROM (read only memory)IELTS (International English language testing system)TOEFL (test of English as a foreign language)CALL (computer-aided language learning)TESOL (Teaching Engli

48、sh to Speakers of Other Languages) radar (radio detection and ranging)sonar (sound navigation and ranging) laser (lightwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation)AcronymsSOHO (small office, home office)LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability)NEET (Not in Education, Employment or T

49、raining)kipper (kids in parents pockets eroding retirement savings)YAWN clan (young and wealthy but normal)yeepie (youthful energetic elderly people involved in everthing)ASAP (as soon as possible)3. 7 Backformation (逆生法)nThe opposite process of affixationnThe method of creating words by removing th

50、e supposed suffixes.nStytistically, back-formed words are largely informal and some of them have not successfully gained currency.3. 7 Backformation (逆构法)editorbeggardiagnosisdonationenthusiasmreminiscencehousekeepingtypewriterbaby-sitter merry-makingdrowsyeditbegdiagnosedonateenthusereminiscehousek

51、eeptypewritebaby-sitmerry-makedrowse3.8 Onomatopoeia (拟声法)nThe formation of new words by imitating sound.nWords thus formed are called onomatopoeic words, imitative words or echo words (拟声词).AssesBeesBullsCatsSheep DucksFrogs LionsPigsHyenasParrotsPigeonsWolfsWhalesgrunt / squeak / or bleat.bray.mew / purr.coo.howl.trumpet.hum.quack.bellow.croak.结束结束



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