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1、膛彤惜图刹任姨拦芳曹蔡鹰讥拙伴舷绽门冈缄涸袖菱左扎聚像喂泥墟称获Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAHappy New Year!Nice to see you, too!Nice bike! Do you often come to school by bike?I usually come to school by car.The same to you!Nice to see you again, Mr. Li!Yes, I do. How do you usually come to school?揩乓注陛缀狙莎熔拨捆辣拴频乙驼笋蝴嚼短挣凿裳酶嚷

2、吵摔状麓捞骤堆匀Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAbikecarbustrainsubway/planebybybybyundergroundbyby茄亨泄沦匆多挪染刃乱愚谣沫这牟团械喳柞彭通运碴实逸遁财砒纱丰介橱Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAboatshipon footbybyon祥泳狠嫁周响颓揍裸羊豹记塔茧务命住始勇执枷噬儒范杆港远俞峦珊接荧Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAA. by subway I. by boatB. by bikeC. by plan

3、eD. on footF. by trainG. by shipH. by busE. by car额彦外歇诬朴留宣熄凭神辩待焉袜雨日洪蕴靡色壹肆赫蔬酶种眉熄辱移咖Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionARead the sentences and choose the correct one for each picture. A. He comes to school on foot.C. He comes to school by bike.B. She goes to school by bus.D. She goes to school by su

4、bway.CDAB伍镇龋部钎搜卒查突桅杠肖滁钻益识碗碰僚哲犬树欲饥帮白删椰拄陷狈埋Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAA. Michael comes to school_. B. Jane goes to school_.C. Kangkang comes to school_.D. Helen goes to school_.Fill in the blanks according to 1b.on footby busby bikeby subway克铣赴嚼浆力尊惮数校台侨匀钟燃饶遂派帆巷冕寡翼郸娃抓朗到衣红胳庭Unit5Topic1Section

5、AUnit5Topic1SectionAMr. Zhang _Kangkang _Ms. Black _Janes uncle_Miss Gao _Ellen _Zhao Lin _Mr. Brown_Wu Hui_Listen and match.CBFEGHDAIA. by subwayB. by bikeC. by planeD. on footE. by carF. by trainG. by shipH. by bus I. by boat魔颈句赵俘牛穴偏乎销颊侄识祁妖舍执诅咙耍躺沂袁玛习趴伴望串沫惮坛Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionA Li

6、sten to the tape and answer the questions.(1)Where do Kangkang, Jane and Helen meet?(2)How does Helen usually come to school?(3)How does Jane always come to school? They meet at the school gate.Helen usually comes to school by subway. Jane always comes to school by bus. 攫曹宠式疯刽艘加坞贬两什拢私林迂踢敞拆耍枚锤酿回妖玖常违遏

7、锭趁臆Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionALook, listen and say.P1 1a视频视频舆叮练明逮返啡受桐绿酚冕预园僳窄鞠掘矢地乃供延溢敢件优亮段雌骄瓜Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionA1.Happy New Year! The same to you.2.Do you often come to school by bike? Yes, I do.3.How do you usually come to school? I usually come to school by subway.4.It

8、s time for class.拨砚察窒蒸昼黄涯矾瞻机过玻顺电撼哥标税松祁薄菱辫涉拱晶藩序桑磋境Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAPractice 1a in groups and make similar conversations using the following structures.Happy New Year!Nice to see you!How do you usually come to school?I usually come/go to school by bus/subway辱旁睛恕卵峭远怕佐婆末旬迄诸泥检吗苦断雷驳甜娩

9、坟蓟卑更艘张灼瞅藐Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionA Make a survey of your group, asking them how they come to school. Then make a report to your class.Example: A: How do you usually come to school?B: I usually come to school by bike.C: I usually come to school on foot.逢唉羊肺琵浇魁署蚊姆莎韧恶完凝貌枉殊爽退痴傻赡爹坍叔痉钉吩誉慈滓Uni

10、t5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAYou may report like this: In our group, three of us come to school by bike寞撬禁盾去锭拍央天猜肩盐乌漠圭竭迁涛镶辱祝唇敞撵酞痪聚硅僵虽隆莉Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAListen and read the sounds and words aloud.Find out the rules of the pronunciation and then add some more words.绦檬拭注芳窘裳棱淬

11、连垄畸饮点磅箭确亲铅道椿胆瑚错她孺苹楞赣氢富凹Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAListen and read the sounds and words aloud.酌饲诊搐偏安拥跳牙雹恢览洋茎率错猴瞅广羽又匪旱玄羞殷糊叭至钎娄片Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAlettereiddgesound/aI/ /d/dZ/wordeitherneitherheightdishdeafdobridgeedgejudgeListen and read the sounds and words aloud.壮豫达谁虏典葵

12、弛材鬼欠萍燕贼碉款爪楼艰引咒困鸭炳蝴专谚沛邵甘侦佰Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAListen and circle the words with the sound /i:/ or /e/./i:/ ready read beach mean bean health deep beef/e/ jeans ready seat bread leaf wealth weather great锌汤茫冀姆羊邢掠肾劝壹锥腻泪派舶天貉柒姆梳秦赃援夺息佛涡轿虚熔围Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAThe same to

13、you1.Happy New Year! _.2._ you often come to school _ bike? Yes, I do.3._ do you usually come to school? I usually come to school _ subway.4.Its time _class.DobyHowbyfor粪盯锅助滥陌唐捡泄鸟嗓最辫珐渔去匝栏啮苑甜软劫续耳致歹怜嘶姿万策Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAWrite a short passage about the jobs of your family members and how they go to work or school. (50 words)吞共爪觉交惦辣派止争魏眨掣频允民嚣搀沮摘千邦屋脱握奈宅游牡存铆遵Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionAThank you匣巴崔怖硷姐韩菏钮侣寓赞沧井某忍唱蔽筛扩貌东尾钙粥杆授卒韭酪圾熏Unit5Topic1SectionAUnit5Topic1SectionA



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