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1、Cell-phone & bookThe Generation GapWarm-up questions:-When are your parents birthday and their wedding anniversary?- Do you give your parents presents to celebrate your parents birthday? - Do you know your parents interests?- In what ways do you want your parents to improve?-Do your parents celebrat

2、e your birthday? - In what areas do your parents want you to improve? Causes of the generation gapHow to narrow the generation gapObjectiveKey wordsUseful expressionsKey words1 contradiction /conflict n. 矛盾矛盾 2 tradition n. 传统传统 3 appropriately adv. 适当地适当地4 influential adj. 有影响的有影响的 5 humiliate vt.

3、羞辱,使丢脸羞辱,使丢脸6 patience n. 耐心,忍耐耐心,忍耐7 complex adj 复杂的复杂的8 barriers n. 障碍障碍9 disturb v. 打扰打扰10 legal adj. 合法的合法的11 tragedy n. 悲剧悲剧12 perspective n. 视角视角13 unbridgeableadj.不可弥补的不可弥补的Useful expressionsOwing to: 因为因为On/to the contrary: 正相反正相反For ones sake: 为了为了的缘故,为了的缘故,为了的利益的利益 Let go of: 放手;放开放手;放开 In

4、 charge of: 负责负责Talk sth. over 商议,讨论商议,讨论Get rid of : 摆脱;丢弃摆脱;丢弃Lose ones cool: 失去冷静失去冷静Apply to do sth. (for sth.): 申请申请EncounterOptimisticallytend toAccounts ofout of touchWhat are the causes of the generation gap1. The old generation and the young generation live in different periods.2. Different

5、 places have different cultures, different backgrounds3. The lack of communicationHow to narrow the generation gap1. Communicate with each other, try to understand each other2. Have patience3. Put one feet into others shoes4. The key to bridge the gap is understanding, is the holy love between famil

6、y members.A:Look!Whatmymothergavemeformybirthday-aletter!B:Aletterforbirthdaypresent?C:Whatdoesitsaid?A:Oh!Itoldmymotherthatmyboyfrienddoesnotlovemebecausehefellinlovewithanothergirl.MymotherknowsthatIlovehimverymuch.SoshegavemesomeadvicesforwhatIshoulddo.B:Thatsverygood!C:Mymotherneveragreedmetohav





11、heoldseemtoliveintwoverydifferentworlds,separatedbydifferentskillsandabilities.Nowadays, many young people are complaining that their parents can not understand them very well. They say that their parents take care of every aspect of their lives, leaving them a neighbor to have their private space.

12、Yet parents are worried that their children dont show any respect to them and never give them any trust. Consequently, the household phrases spreading, it is the generation gap. By using this phrase, both the young and the old have found a good explanation for their misunderstanding of each other. Y

13、et they dont bother to take any measures to cover the distance between them. In my opinion, I think we should first admit that there are indeed some differences between parents and children, then we should try to take some time to communicate with each other frequently. Not only the parents but also

14、 the kids should be equal when theyre exchanging their views. Only by the joint efforts can the parents and children breach the generation gap between them.GenerationgapGenerationgapreferstothedistanceandcontradiction(矛盾)betweentheoldandtheyouth.Itsacommon(常见的)phenomenon(现象)thatexitseverywhereinthew


16、hereisthegenerationgap.Generationgapisnatural,butveryinfluential(有影响的).Ifwecannotdealwithitappropriately(适当地),thegapwillbegreaterandthegreaterandconsequently(结果)affecttheworkandtherelationbetweentheoldandtheyoung.The barriers between generations do exist, yet, they are removable. Firstly, I suggest

17、the older generation try to learn more about the new things. And, they should seize every chance to talk with their children about their new “discoveries”. In this way, both sides may find something in common between them. Secondly, young people should also learn to appreciate the hobbies or tastes

18、of the old. Do not undervalue those traditional treasures, like Peking Opera.Thirdly, the two generations are supposed to spare some time for communication regularly, or write to each other, as writing is a good way of communication. To sum up, to narrow the generation gap, people should regard mutu

19、al understanding as the most important thing.Theparent-adolescentconflictismorecommonandmoreintenseduringadolescencethanduringanyotherperiodoftime.Theymaysquabbleaboutevensometrivialthings,suchasdatingfriends,makinghairstyles,wearingstrangeclothes,listeningtoblaringmusic.Thechildreninadolescencearev







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