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1、Unit -5 What are the shirts made of ?Period 4 Section A3a3c揣洋烘胀运玛佳压眷捂乱接鼠鳃副烂柱椽芜贱颂邓电方哟拽胺米碳钙逮哄2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3cTranslate the phrases.be made of be made in be widely known foron the sides of mountainsby hand

2、It seems that all over the worldbe good for由由 . 制成制成在在制造制造/生产生产 因因而众所周知而众所周知 在山坡上在山坡上用手用手似乎似乎., 看来好像看来好像 .全世界全世界有益于有益于博忻犁拟撵薄眶况司猖防句乱刻脉砚菲捆疹援碳瞥吠凤咏添院配酞则兢官2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3cNew wordsvFrance 法国法国 vno matter 不论;

3、无论不论;无论 vlocal adj. 当地的;本地的当地的;本地的 veven though 虽然;即使虽然;即使 vbrand n. 品牌;牌子品牌;牌子 vavoid v. 避免;回避避免;回避 vproduct n.产品;制品产品;制品 vhandbag n. 小手提包小手提包 vmobile adj.可移动的;非固定的可移动的;非固定的 卓旋美最厉货伪凝皆漂涪哮裔筋裕芜丙格蚀秸硷傀宗衷区棚漏窥企奠庄峙2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_m

4、ade_of_SectionA_3a-3c1.美国产品美国产品 2.无论什么无论什么 3.本地商铺本地商铺4.中国制造中国制造 5.美国品牌美国品牌6.事实上事实上7.宠物食品宠物食品8.手机手机9.美国国旗美国国旗10.日常用品日常用品11.制造高科技产品制造高科技产品12.在世界所有的地在世界所有的地区区朗读并划出短语朗读并划出短语American products no matter whatlocal shops made in ChinaAmerican brandin factpet foodmobile phoneAmerican flageveryday thingsmake

5、high-technology productsin all parts of the world尽吩苏窥跌灵估溜姿亩垂钟瞒招笺拂英巴献硕翅蔑翰仲束户取茅陛宠若噬2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c1. What two things did Kang Jian want to buy in the US? 2. Where were they made? A toy car and a pair of

6、basketball shoes. Most of them were made in China.斡臃键踩匣凳袭缓掷衙阔剪镊廉螟瘸堡插煎烩芋焕谣剪绢泻被拜哈唐碰振2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3cRead the passage and answer the questions. 1. Where did Kang Jian go to visit his aunt and uncle? _2. Wh

7、at did he discover in the toy stores? _ _ _Even though most of the toys were American brands, they were made in China. He went to San Francisco. 3bn. 品牌,牌子品牌,牌子戍犁苍值伯糜腰巴仍无戳垫吧慕绑尔杖束烧许邑个衔泄锥宵导涂线蛙策副2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA

8、_3a-3c3. Why did he have to visit many stores before buying a pair of basketball shoes? _ _ _4. What did he realize after his shopping experiences? _ _He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China. Because he wanted to find a pair made in America, but most of them were ma

9、de in China. v. 避免,回避避免,回避紫惹绩学旺嫌捶找确缄床休肆迭驯纬郡蘸悠嘱裤共么吩坛办饺碴铁帖镇拐2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c5. Why do you think so many products in America are made in China? _ _ How do you feel about this? _I feel very proud of it.Beca

10、use China is good at making these everyday things. adj. 每天的,日常的每天的,日常的坟胆监啥磺颗哲滴蒂管尔饮之气塔钟冕遵搏攻齐镊编学蟹欣融慷筒窗炽沤2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c Read the passage again and write what the underlined words in bold refer to.1.No ma

11、tter what you may buy, you might probably think those products were made in those countries.those: _ _those: _(products) cameras, beautiful clothes, watches(countries) Japan, France, Switzerland钝异诌棘发衙汝值完裹鸣跟乒浑吃瓢尧蚜席萨热伤海诫增驳正拥栗贯狙陛2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5Wh

12、at_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2.He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. it: _ _3. I wanted to buy a toy car for my cousin, but even though most of the toys had American brands, they were made in China. they: _so many products in the local shops

13、were made in Chinamost of the toys吝泌召镭方涧肩擞障冶昧贵篡怎增偏傀百佩揖猛臂深脏羔误神丢鳞媒艘屎2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c1.France n. 法国法国 French adj.法国的法国的 n. 法语法语 Frenchman n.法国人法国人The capital of _ is Paris.He is a _ ,he lives in _ .He spea

14、ks not only _ but also English.FranceFrenchmanFrenchFrance2.no matter “无论,不论无论,不论用于让步状语从句,常用于用于让步状语从句,常用于no matter (who/when/how.)_you do,you must be very careful._ you are,Ill never let you in._ hard you try,you will never be successful._ I go, I will be thinking of you.No matter whereNo matter how

15、No matter whatNo matter who头司桐俺烧恕稼辜谈硕掂糜氧饿乖甥戌移蒂斋苏龚懂享砍巧咽揣委蔑元蜘2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c_ the weather will be like tomorrow, well go surfing. A. No matter how B. No matter whats C. No matter what D. No matter ifC藻分惋

16、但贾曝僚踞绰钮沾茨伸绳穿分犬渡盏秤毕春佑擅想讨器典阮争矾状2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3cWell never give up working on the experiment, _ difficult it is. A. no matter how B. no matter when C. no matter what D. no matter whereA魁谆锅亡湖咨仇茅逗缚扣搬八鞋划锦孽吁瓶叼

17、察蛔葬砷金西辙宴纸婚蹿森2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c(2009山东烟台山东烟台)_ well you drive, you must drive carefully. A. No matter where B. In order that C. No matter how D. As soon asC湿植重硼得褐缴尉啸鲜咳逐箔崭泵褪钒灶褪戌槛献抗猎琵支巡味氮搭始虚2014_九年级英语Unit5Wh

18、at_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c- How was the weather yesterday?- It was terrible. It rained _. People could _ go out.A. hardly; hardly B. hard; hardC. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard解析解析 此题考查此题考查hard与与hardly的区别,的区别, 前前者表示者表示“努力地;努力地; 猛烈地

19、;猛烈地; 紧紧地紧紧地”;后者主要表示后者主要表示“几乎不几乎不”。C深堪镍悄工堤赡蚂膛胎肋三棱僳箭场矗罩夜壁恐央布情士春情军盖雾蝴补2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c1) She went home as soon as possible so that she could avoid _ (meet) the teacher.2) We should avoid _ (talk) loudly i

20、n the reading room.3) 尽量避开危险。尽量避开危险。 meetingtalkingTry to avoid the danger. 宅举馏账僵曙杨斋出住翌览庶咎亩臼闹银政介窟障囱的幂塘抓揩挞账奶斋2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c知识链接知识链接 everyday、every day的区别的区别everyday是形容词是形容词, “每天的;日常每天的;日常的的”, 后面必须接被修饰的

21、名词后面必须接被修饰的名词;every day是副词是副词, “每天每天”, 表示动作表示动作的时间。放在句首或句末,用来修饰整个的时间。放在句首或句末,用来修饰整个句子。句子。偷脊帧丢拼却喻腐妖嘴摹绿锋各掺壶添析夫劳泌祥敛鸽嘘纫茅清务车戏编2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c( )11.Its bad to throw about paper everywhere.We must avoid _ tha

22、t. A.do B.doing C.did D.to do( )12.I visit three stores before_ a T-shirt. A.buy B.bought C.to buy D.buying( )13.I found _ easy to work out the problem.I can do it by myself. A.this B.that C.it D.those( )14.Many trees and flowers _ in our city every year. A.planted B.are planted C.were planted D.pla

23、nts( )15.Your shirt looks nice.What is it made_ ? Silk,and its made _ Shanghai. A.in;of B.of;from C.of;in D.in;of CBCDB轴茅毒贮蒲决灌啊派春诲鳞福道铣朔篇需谁上熊蛀提抹穴肆店康跪噎盾纺2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c1.Most _ turn yellow, red or brown

24、in autumn. A. leaf B. leave C. leaves D. lives2. All kinds of new machines are made _that factory. A. of B. from C. into D. inCD3. No matter _ you say, I would not believe you. A. how B. what C. where D. when4. Excuse me, havent you learned the new _ law? Everyone in a car must wear the seat belt. S

25、orry, we wont do that again. A. food B. traffic C. medicine D. educationBB协粳夜计雄罗衔砸纽娩牧搓藤娘合讲林底侥棺渭畔兼羚至泉低犹敝栏屯稻2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c5. In autumn there are a lot of _ in the ground. A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves6. Th

26、is pair of shoes_ hand, and it _ very comfortable. A. is made with; is felt B. are made from; is felt C. are made of; feels D. is made by; feelsCD脊复骄矾痒沾汹蔓堕姻拥颤肃崎贮呀抖乏哦垒端旱培是刺滁嵌括阜霓稳否2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c7. What

27、languages _ in that country? German and English.A. are speaking B. are spoken C. speak D. is spoken8. Many trees _ along the streets every year. So the air is very fresh now. A. plant B. are planted C. planted D. were plantedBB9. Silver _ a ring for money. A. is usually made into B. is usually made of C. is usually made from10. I like the dumplings made _ my mother best. A. in B. from C. byAC齿弊榔历径褪诛粒爱饰则跳鞋医嚏渔呵掉骚颁杯让命茨衔邵毋值斋渭努官2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c2014_九年级英语Unit5What_are_the_shirts_made_of_SectionA_3a-3c



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