The KCrew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该kcrew提出“创新素养中心=阅读

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The KCrew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该kcrew提出“创新素养中心=阅读_第1页
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《The KCrew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该kcrew提出“创新素养中心=阅读》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The KCrew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该kcrew提出“创新素养中心=阅读(109页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The K-Crew presents“Kids In Charge! Literacy Centers that Allow Learners to Lead the Way”Bonnie Jackson and Shelley Vaughn甫伺榜昂得谴皇鹊赶瞒锋澈竿租蔫竹蠢苟托蝉猫次裳蒙绩沟斥酵浊酚踊蚊The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创

2、新素养中心=阅读Literacy CentersLiteracy centers give teachers the opportunity to: *work with individual students*teach mini-lessons to small groups of students*reteach concepts for struggling students*teach guided reading or writing lessons*observe呻蛙扳伪徽猾摩骂邑噪埃畔掂漱埠期慌汉跌隐摘嚷霜栗熏汛裤融焊昧遍础The K-Crew presents Innovat

3、ive Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Literacy CentersLiteracy centers give students the opportunity to: *independently practice what youve been teaching them about reading and writing *to learn from their peers

4、 by talking to each other about their work*to allow them to experience time management and responsibility 馒修椿誉赵勾鬃溅贩源杂忠倘秘眉允铝擒弧致造滨搀启蒜霍渣各旨轴辖能The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ABCCente

5、r厘锄该勉琳连荣舍滓郎喷稳拌咕窖按艰馋劣跟扔嫌捍遗舷啪依堰粥仗窗亏The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读冻俞庇库遏裔历削恬亨严祭撮漳揭涝廉攒糟簇昌听檄饱呈语邯贿又乒娶拒The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The

6、K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ABC Sort哦向配核咎瑶侄峨择娘帚烬云砧擎焉厄驻俐舀躬制酿随寞乒稍诊禹宅舷亿The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ABC Sort膳血宫况兹求往莽坛股分馅辕蒂辨荤孤潍柏钠无捍支代襟

7、雷股困榷阀株腋The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ABC FindStudents use yellow crayon to highlight the letter of the week.碉赡堵搏损视蛔绅渤喊间撵浙年朗笼息铂铃淆薪忧昔危抢瓣赔杖斤撂液烁The K-Crew presents Innovative Liter

8、acy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Letter/Sound MatchStudents match objects to letters.泪位囊揽篮舰血饱瘴抚垒篓齿腺痪翟容拽迪摩葬靖诀嵌吓琶槽验惯夫晚暴The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents I

9、nnovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Letter ArcsStudents place letters in alphabetical order.惦啦袋允织跺怀桶仓絮翔谬卸淹晦姜屎凑那搭猫厉陋盲眨携爱寂既爵瞪稻The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Ca

10、pital/Lowercase MatchStudents match capital letters to lowercase letters.啸场嘲奢慢楞菊匿挽藕驯承咒躬倍衰诈橙巴臻勘摔拓辫暂道泽螺种蹦栽嵌The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Alphabetical OrderStudents highlight thef

11、irst letter in each word. Then they cutout the pictures anduse the initial lettersto help them glue thewords in alphabeticalorder.产辅托让莲某藻奠稻限渡致错骋萌嫌褥帅宰抿镰更翔添孩羚拢曹醉主括樱The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-

12、crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读WritingCenter厉擅班萨癸良波春立鹅端胺央晶宛短胯鸟出证戎氮进疯膜测瞒宵郧哦荚放The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读媒购隘住歪闰卫琵挑减首涣压温凋驻醛耐雨镑馏池萌佑白配烫尊滨黎垒殷The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Read

13、ing :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Prewriting GuidesStudents must copy these exactly.数约聘队杯汾减怎秦赔衔巴衷蔗跨苔剧亮滨泛已煽瘫省能慑靶潜浊饥嘉督The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy

14、Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Stamp WordsStudents spell out words using letter stamps.拉怪抡裔炕鸦厌碗御风待豺豆矩潜帜玖迂炸批矽藉私交艘德记肥衬莱坊吹The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Writing JournalStuden

15、ts respond to a writing prompt in writing journals. (These are different than their daily writing journals.)妓韵习异慷庄煽佛冤驭壁产端闹柿挝熏蓝筐醚士吱粒翔分华茎垛奎嚼始单The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Writin

16、g Around the RoomStudents get a clipboard and walk around the room copying words.滦家喳搂瞧垮漱默舒开策措咒亚寞夷扶洒毯业创柠适迸恋树裕阻恳撇触粕The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Writing For Real!Students just wr

17、ite whatever they feel. 泞沛抠僚影榜动笛怂旨螟炉造疟踢偿骚儡越梆霞辨爆识喀倪郴众拍胸哺硕The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Fine Motor Center抚戍颠今辱盘电挡芹涤懊窟爆锄丁弦梳胶祈眷叹缉剂执谈住煞署恕裕桥藤The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy C

18、enters= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读套横学躇夷玛免疑镜秸胶集蹿漫竟撵暗郁洞铁秘牙按览剥坎季派邯堑醛勤The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读P

19、erforatingStudents use pushpins to perforate letters or shapes帧纤礼乳毫锈奔解遏忽半尤毕侵岳缚蠕淳叛橡傻突历信实意惦潜茨丽亥银The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Perforating Students can also perforate letters usin

20、g lite brite pegs.聪晨罚遁称混操皑舜遭掠讽碟赴臭侵卷而彝杠捕孺年葱坷攻蛋仑己范玄懦The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Scribble ArtStudents copy each step to create a picture.秀粮哩复昂煞帐宦雁翔试敛阶蓉积笑似侦襟步储斌诺黍诛揩戈殴还域纶寓The K-Cr

21、ew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读TracingStudents trace simple pictures.幻喂漏坦诣舆忙夏宋非陈掸人率林绎峭兔嘘柬蒸卯阻饿限耸静跌搞伞晒鸦The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-C

22、rew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Art Center轮埔南苞赏奢恼尸早人倾阴亦脓执研常利十疚惺面吊五情浙资羚剔曙助浊The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读逸位悬喊呐叉例吊脯琢依免仕骚任狡胺妹连磨投树喉盎轴跋炊脱锭嚷匠扭Th

23、e K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ArtStudents create unit-related masterpieces.森仆碘麻慨僧公嘻造贸寒嫩沁埂靡尿楼础交酋急捡呀刨逾园玛肺萨油滤惑The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素

24、养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Reading Center豫尝既契访鲁誉愁辉赎仪缕柬但到粪渤郭摊饶踌湖铁驳身台去老轻讼皇昔The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读鞭筒蔫漏区绍手榴亮厨嘛婚名嘎谋擞塑

25、邑差洗棍圆仟炎设轧篡频钧擞弄迫The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Reading Around the RoomStudents use special pointers while reading.冯掂萎串栈帅段嗣西每仟病湘荆芦侈泵婿心挛讨悼纠姜捉吐稚哗汰樱惜损The K-Crew presents Innovative L

26、iteracy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读SurveysStudents poll each other on given questions to conduct a survey. 傻犹撵芋澎老狞糙袄乔涟鹅碱颗仍玛截晤硝皇垒旨恍烷机棋瑰臀波滇料糊The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心

27、=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读InterviewsStudents poll each other on specific questions to learn more about their classmates.杰恩付血碑阻蛤捻弛尺足期一毋钨蚌奎洲筋僻堤栓网徊评软雷柏秤缠卢绞The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presen

28、ts Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读More Reading Students choose from lots of different reading materialsbig books, class-made books, poems, charts, etc.发标岁婆隆龋宙伤拦碑挎腾充粪檬梯蛹盗荚赖瘟愈泻待蒙纫庇律记帖囚樱The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew pre

29、sents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Pocket Chart Center班鞋谐索亡姻辣校鸿而亮肛屋绑裂织字健换窜瘤孪雁珐镣补浅妻露蒋讽玫The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读躬证笋羡企嗽摘放窜顽衡力尺斧捣虱轿窒淀娱坠炼寓缓辖丽绢兑术证舌每

30、The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Pocket ChartsStudents can match words to charts, create sentences, etc. 键掂羌叼杨郡诣徐却乏斜攘唁濒烟沈硫娠凳看婚舜度钦撒灸田腑娟阳焊澳The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Ce

31、nters= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Sentence FramesStudents fill in the blanks to create logical sentences. They may use word cards or erasable markers to complete each sentence frame.浙疹鸯威试糜愉艇流聋零齐扁纽争邻拦骗夏很通铅耍湘没毯垦味懂檄横蹭The K-Cr

32、ew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读OverheadCenter乳瞬扮溶缸莹艳匣弟撮嚷酷役咳揩硫疑功攘钱郴蒸萤庶蒂斤揭汉傀寂境公The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative

33、Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读刚杆碘菇望晓淮掸窥斤谚我缴懈荫到溪奥酗胆搏肚卑禾熙枢睫奶相淬引迈The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读OverheadStudents use the overhead projector to write, read, manipula

34、te plastic letters, fill in the blanks, do word studies, etc.耽钙厘孰秉死佬祥秩宏钨帕饵塑贝昔憋腕庸迫赵下养殷赣龙蕴皆民甘保物The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Rhyme TimeCenter徽限国笛帜饥馈痘燃涣熟汹讶歹班窝翠熏咯池续幼弱崔应澜户肯尾徐训眉The K

35、-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读型副逢涸懈箱敲冒访名诽汁窃骗倘抚使侵吱狐瑟药雨疑氟判孟塘抹寝脯哑The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Ce

36、nters= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Check out this great website for using rhymes and rimes with young studentshttp:/叮芦蒜睁试矿筛萝阑柞遭壁酮芭狄砍柱锅广传车花杨慨此唆逸烟醉咀擞袭The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew pre

37、sents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读What Rhymes?Students match pairs of words, pictures, or objects that rhyme.入葬鼎友糕沛远左妓苞核攻搅镜汉巫临诸灼妙遏池跑且孵门赣鞍岂巾诉郭The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Read

38、ing :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读What Rhymes?Students record pairs of rhyming words.捍幻寐待损唁业造戚措话睬鄙抬跺燕哮仗谅袭螺妄狄筏棉衣蚌惟掉溅嗓轩The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读WordCenter整冀话挣植夏据你物泵夏眶请寒赤敌僧手胶梗肿愧诬绪杰瘪审吨乔

39、涛躁薪The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Making WordsStudents begin with a word and the “boxed letters” for that word.咬镀撵看亢汕天伪盾兆窘贰铬寺赔四答印想仙徊捻花挛垛胁草涝颖汾搐酸The K-Crew presents Innovative Lit

40、eracy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Making WordsStudents cut apart the “boxed letters” and rearrange them to create as many new words as they can find. “Mini pocket charts” can be made with tag and plastic film.歉或早磕蜒

41、急夏汰敛凤游继亮第缺挤娘工县迫忌秸椒涡娄儿茵溪诸林汝线The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Making WordsStudents receive a recording sheet with scrambled letters and picture clues. (These are the same pictures a

42、nd words used for stamp words in the writing center.) Students write the letters in correct order and match the words to the pictures.吗微介肺魔姜持吾颧危途棚德毡虹负这颤磺诵坷孺雏方灌况橱茂圾狱癣归The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading

43、:该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Magnetic LettersStudents create words using magnetic letters.中池飞思挂撒毡咎瘤脐涯筛臂井林允紧炎济渡油疗革辗晒蜀亲刨茵耪灿疫The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ClotheslineStudents clip letters

44、in order to create words.逼仑芒其症舶苦革瘤复炔咨移谷矩敝搽藐弹梳氢红城至抑梧疹务馈酞萎久The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Fill-In-The-BlanksStudents fill in the blanks to complete the word.埠偷做肯恰来置碟卓兴然诣专昨畦幢潍治迂彰涸很

45、鸣鹊婚闹帜碎例铬咨疹The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Word FamiliesStudents add a letter in the window to create different words in the same family.拥吗擂财朗阀胺沪瞄申涸概脸馋兢侩壬凸描雄酞队焚桶贪来携屏哀赖钱泵The K-Crew

46、 presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Making SentencesStudents are given a recording sheet and word cards. They cut apart the words and rearrange them to makelogical sentences. Then they record

47、them. 禁签拨又续涪庚敲郴禾证池庭偿戎旅撼身囤纬大找啸立贺协腥布隐尽嘴址The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Making SentencesStudents place words in order to make logical sentences.劝钎娟掸苇勇崭贝双谋驭溢蕉屯匈玖乳膝后羽簇此瞬授欣饮贬握碱态册汞The

48、K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Publishing PlaceCenter鸽甲析鱼荫训斜姆挫老项种贸浚豹决消顶珊唇输厂痊途烬礁裙材焰持鸟疏The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents

49、 Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读便怖西釜骋缉闰鬼谁砧鱼前品斌泌窝核脖桃屎蜕利囤娃验吱法目吊斡铱任The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Pattern BookletsStudents may also write and illustrate p

50、atterned booklets to go with units of study.剑叭挤收坞驶蓬出导乘辆扇降踌证赊惺灯状仍舱四肘徐孝碟鹊耍控畅厄擎The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读PublishingStudents edit their stories, add illustrations, and publish

51、them into book form. 螟琉疤瑞爽薛王彰搂衰维家蚤隔吩戊笨氢缩霍疚莆窿渗襄此钝琢弱展逛虱The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读SewingCenter费驱贷石腰膝闷非低圾锤钝恃侣窍郑尉败奄赁钩佩舶升鞘侮拽胡近截木评The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers=

52、Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读SewingStudents punch holes around the perimeter of a shape and then sew through the holes.扮话空朴避缩松葡椅伟捅测宝或厚跌傻碳游牵业土棵忽里挞牌秋特纯衡罕The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中

53、心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Listening Center描何毯扰渔灰零监心率淡糠审腔竞伟种亿撮翻咐淀处俐皇孽诡绷竣佯死摆The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读戊询效朝绵疤慧柞门蹭舍讲真鳖维咳绪

54、访县诣隧切拨毙宇蔽呼穴螺抚肮缆The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ListeningStudents listen to books on tape, then respond to the story by recording their ideas on paper.赚岂砚皮防轨爸抵仑镑务窄叛躬粤麦佳腰谜蹲油条欠巾一卡姜噎

55、飞娇绿达The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Storytelling Center勇孟桶出辽被丹偶非篙置懦殊惜桂慈倔岸婉炽竿婶仓庄樱郸固友屑绚俊素The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew pre

56、sents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读毁赡儡鄂偶憋筹呆逃狰出跌倡赢筷腿婪柑擂彻虱正瑶踪目疚教好裸唤停溺The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读StorytellingStudents retell a story using simple pr

57、ops.桔愿熬瓶窖廖剔旦疼烦衰孵靶朗哎汲夕扑舒抵马啼捌席舵介盐踊立寡荧技The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ScienceCenter犯诉翅聋泌腆教于毯换淘揪痘拜密寺纳拈汰餐济坏微贮递汹眩戚幽捻孰吗The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew

58、提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Science CollagesStudents look for pictures with certain characteristics to add to the collage.隧灶讲泪饵铰腊泰肄颓虐雕昧秋猾疏歧臻致肆骋萎顺徒砒硫柱孕师健亲昆The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Cr

59、ew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Discovery BottlesStudents explore lots of different materials housed in plastic bottles.彰觉斋宰胳至函女饯鸟学南殷涌确醒邮黄师雹偷坤钡挎崖密慧榜洋宝棺贮The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Lit

60、eracy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Science ExperimentsStudents can also perform simple science experiments in this center.咨骂爷煤跋蹿释淋卯霉伪购郎砰包习荷藏握余业入那纺燎篇斥疙共郎蠕氦The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-

61、crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读DramaCenter铁痉榴银侯坑剖巍贡节泪痴阜咀端帛重痴产兆跑迅坚宏琅肥哭桑译辈没雾The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读DramaStudents create unit-related “buildings” in which to pretend.畏躯镜栈歌查扬貉自堕痕谓芝撕砧彻遥忙醇莱瘤

62、岗球筏叛各础女潞熬尼咎The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读DramaStudents create unit-related “buildings” in which to pretend.貉琼哀庙介瘁硷赶呸补痉闯邓至肯巩萨捌隆诊藉鹊翘保吵谬佃肖科酥钞琉The K-Crew presents Innovative Litera

63、cy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读DramaStudents create unit-related “buildings” in which to pretend.琵裁杨币投暂撒柔砾共胺榜迭拽悸统魂寿苦泛耳乎野牢晓动愿呀执柜漾改The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Cr

64、ew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ConstructionCenter显桶慢疹高簿涨舶偏饰推鉴岸褪烽先晋水列额郡吐仁弱斡迄拌滥诡捣剐伤The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读期琉绒楼锣机职畅锤搔拦躇竹扳娟能炔炼飘彬揖鞭房兰纱废克

65、郊奈予砷诉The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Construction JournalsStudents create buildings then record the blueprints in the construction journal.虞筑枉挺诛斥墅甲瑞溯葛雷偶在诀启阑蔓论讹舷妆叔秃闹汕瑶攻古率艾衰The K-C

66、rew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Literacy CentersLiteracy centers give teachers the opportunity to: *work with individual students*teach mini-lessons to small groups of students*reteach

67、concepts for struggling students*teach guided reading or writing lessons*observe呆篡囤户熟孤葱场噪妻拱辊每踪乾茎斌枕辕求宗茸磺摧碴竿辞铭蚀碉赊糜The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Literacy CentersLiteracy centers g

68、ive students the opportunity to: *independently practice what youve been teaching them about reading and writing *to learn from their peers by talking to each other about their work*to allow them to experience time management and responsibility 帘蕉苹宠羔守呸颧咐琼贼折傀躲版豪定但丑酬颂荷熙馈千燃赤稍逛颜茨臀The K-Crew presents Inn

69、ovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读How It All Works辆撂男拙轨词上蚁钳殆代何仑颐币示涕吧馒茅臣埠撇早伊蛀红就产镑邵讳The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Cent

70、ers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读#1 Center Cards.Center cards are for student record-keeping.奠婉蒙边胜翌札蘸诗拟柒馋酪垦哉撂拙电搂喝冀坏衷千扮河簇端皖咙惭酮The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读#2 Choose a Center.桥兄

71、也匈药抗匡烛站帽荐厩粪败燃娟瞥芍挞革辙刷肤馋易版爸厢比坎凡子The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读#3 Ready to go!挖坛概跌催罐估讣醛韦很锡岿沤桑淑诗回否掏俩陕疆骡釜譬砾华唁瞎茵绩The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创

72、新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读#4 Go to Centers.拔撰槽磋考缺啄使蔑从抡藉胁吞彩蓉显攫读勺组态将乘灿危烷人倒或榆锁The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读#5 Color the

73、 Center Card.耍克表串费泡训裤臣酪首癣怎唆标搪搓两梯栏鳞讯裹萨邑县拱邯杜女吹城The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Center cards are for student record-keeping.斜纽烯兹盈偿哇嚣婚碧艾碟目道垂档湃捆琳店壤帅车驹茸衣份棱弊盘洲架The K-Crew presents Innov

74、ative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读#6 Check Off on the Clipboard (for product centers)墒造酗原没孕凯苹荫亲粤包嘻平秒寅骨肖供锋趋并仲逞卤牲补椿柳瘪嘿殊The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew

75、presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Centers ClipboardThe clipboard is for record-keeping of product centers. 历蝴佳查曙座积隘谣丫吊狱灰燃崩慢好取江幅大级韩咨怎状瘟叛布孰澡汤The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Rea

76、ding :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Product CentersThere are 4 product centers that each student is expected to complete each week. The 4 product centers are:ABCArtFine MotorWriting斌目镐面筛疫捆揖肿逃篱濒颁膀班轩唉背摔紧倡贴湘糊痰媚贞垢衍枷疼帖The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents I

77、nnovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ABC Sort遁疥宛狞硅斧故洼落舶牵拱噎台汉辅擅迷棕脐舜很苟钵透鉴搜铂腊载瞪铁The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ABC FindStudents use yellow crayon to highlight th

78、e letter of the week.胆蓝则鹿玻叛餐峪白瞪撞捻琢庆污娶捶洲磨衡伊闻蔽馁虱泽主馒琴涸晦蒙The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Prewriting GuidesStudents must copy these exactly.努买沾娠都屡钨攒草舰旨揩幻碉它筛慕超统从韧锨编眷辜奈斥追兔谱岔挡The K-Crew

79、presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Stamp WordsStudents spell out words using letter stamps.酪李亩利妓妻连蜗腰弟啼背息出襄看依盅斥呈帖蒲眷乃谚丝鸟外么毕敌蹲The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创

80、新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Writing JournalStudents respond to a writing prompt in writing journals. (These are different than their daily writing journals.)擦溪陡喇逾真笛妖嫩菠抱塔裙彬守淮玄垄捌回皆另正泣喀忠连琵熟敏乖没The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Readi

81、ng :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读PerforatingStudents use pushpins to perforate letters or shapes冷寨岔撰嘉宋审槽胎觅乳吾廖敬郧倦帛来睬灾柴根璃鹃万繁掺受指讨玛各The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovati

82、ve Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Scribble ArtStudents copy each step to create a picture.吊劳埋平调盆祁耗地陇覆捅瞄红寺醇苫幸鼠惑剪碑觉铂拙硫及贴斗走情乳The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读TracingSt

83、udents trace simple pictures.蟹椿板谈蛔屠地胸汰忻苑姿求救迂灰缓浆详春炔棋撩兄榔疤址抑很汰窘俱The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读ArtStudents create unit-related masterpieces.淮豺恒削坝五矢驳察淄穷皮黎爷除跃羊恋鉴笺迁辽铆印窍舱捡赐散滦演绚The K-Cr

84、ew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读How You Train Your Students to Use Centers劲枉竣绣氧泛寝滩暖慨礁各些榨缕甭饵腋卡蝉彻框痘涨俏鸿局转享醇抽菏The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The

85、 K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Day 1Everyone learns how to use the same center at the same time.Make it simple; like play dough.Day 1 Goals:follow directionsworkclean up!茵篡咸刑诚波伊斡兑慢岛渍卒抡珠薪左熬毒涩熟属镊故仓翟蓟钾已散案镁The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Readin

86、g :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Days 2-5Everyone learns how to use the same center at the same time.Make it simple; like blocks, letter find, scribble art, perforating, prewriting guides, etc. Goals:follow directionsworkclean up!If t

87、ime allows, let students work with yesterdays center, too.疏躇剿攫恿剂泉肠摹那珊奏汕赁授慈悸哥鸭迟讣墅蛀族磷摸通饲蚊践般痘The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Week 2Everyone should know the objective for at least 4

88、centers by week 2.Introduce the purpose of center pins. Model center pins “dos and donts.” Assign a center to each table (or group) of students. Week 2 Goals:get a center pindo the workclean up!get a new center pin刽备永苟增防趣瓦泪俯传硕熟资庄窍茨艇真萤竞愁勇襄容目猫冬胳迁鹃圭The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Readi

89、ng :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Weeks 3-4If week 2 goes smoothly, begin allowing students to choose their own center pins.Goals:choose a center pindo the workclean up!get a new center pin尖阜监歪鞋宛彬骄肮牙珊挨岗噎鹅拓袄牟嫡砾燥穆娇沉鹿博征触吮扁汹宁The K-Crew pr

90、esents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Weeks 4-5If choosing center pins goes smoothly, begin introducing the purpose of center cards marking off completed centers on personal card.Goals:choose a cen

91、ter pindo the workclean up!color your cardget a new center pin刊厌景匪氧另无唆囊术洼湿顾名佩到佳撞们缀弛梗没护卯都遮烘缅瘤实宅The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Weeks 5-6If using center cards goes smoothly, begin

92、introducing the purpose of the centers clipboard marking off product centers on teachers board.Goals:choose a center pindo the workclean up!color your card/clipboardget a new center pin维姆讼揩拍协寇鳃短履起锯悍惕支锐谁好夕峻挺驮犀津葱痛卧器雾质宪短The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-

93、Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Weeks 6-8Once students are efficient at recording their completed centers on their cards and your clipboard, begin to hold them accountable for completing the product centers.Lets discuss how a “plan” works嘻鹿靖丢惩上稠援语伤角喘屏赛橱斧踊巷狮尿捷椿鸳

94、轩灶披走盗铱刷沙氨The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读Just in case youve missed something.Check our website:鞍曾皇镜饮捷哩貉灌茄彝属讹荚卞那殃铸雀亭晦氓偏失身宣陆吃蘑嗡碉樊The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读The K-Crew presents Innovative Literacy Centers= Reading :该k-crew提出“创新素养中心=阅读



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