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1、 Unit 2 News Media 必背句子必背句子/词汇词汇1.relate to与与有联系或关系有联系或关系2.for once 就这一次就这一次3.be addicted to, 对对上瘾上瘾4.on all sides 在各方面,到处在各方面,到处5.nine out of ten 十分之九十分之九6.keep the newspaper balanced 使报纸保持均衡使报纸保持均衡7.in an organized way 条理地,有组织地条理地,有组织地8.adapt to a new life适应新生活适应新生活9.draw attention to注意注意10.look u

2、p to 尊敬尊敬11.fall in love with 爱上,喜欢上爱上,喜欢上12.more than不仅仅不仅仅,极为,非常极为,非常13.current affair时事时事14.change ones mind改变主意改变主意15.people to be interviewed 被采访的人被采访的人16.burn down烧毁烧毁17.be fired 被解雇被解雇18.face difficulties 面临困难面临困难19.inform sb sth告知某人某事告知某人某事20.even if / even though即使,尽管即使,尽管21.rob sb /a place

3、 of sth 从某人某地抢走某物从某人某地抢走某物22.without effort毫不费劲毫不费劲1.Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.报纸和其它媒体报纸和其它媒体不仅仅不仅仅是记录发生的事情而已。是记录发生的事情而已。2.Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what events to report.经验丰富的编辑和记者经验丰富的编辑和记者根据自己了解的情况来决定根据自己了解的情况来决定报道什么报道

4、什么事件。事件。3.They agreed to switch roles for once and be the interviewees rather than interviewers.他们同意变换一下角色,做一次被采访者,他们同意变换一下角色,做一次被采访者,而不是而不是采访者。采访者。4.The editors job is to keep the newspaper balanced and interesting to the readers. 编辑的工作是编辑的工作是把报纸办得平衡协调把报纸办得平衡协调,使读者感兴趣。,使读者感兴趣。5.A reporter begins by

5、 contacting the people to be interviewed and then prepares questions.记者开始联络记者开始联络被采访者被采访者,然后准备问题。,然后准备问题。6.My favourite article is one I wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China.我最喜欢的文章是我最喜欢的文章是那篇那篇关于将被盗文物回归祖国的文章。关于将被盗文物回归祖国的文章。7.To write this story, I had to contact fam

6、ous museums around the world and interview some experts in the field.为了写这篇文章为了写这篇文章,我得联络世界著名的博物馆,采访该领域的,我得联络世界著名的博物馆,采访该领域的专家。专家。8.Even though I have interviewed famous people, the story I like best is about an ordinary young woman.虽然虽然我采访过很多名人,但我最喜欢的是关于一位普通青年女我采访过很多名人,但我最喜欢的是关于一位普通青年女性的报道。性的报道。9.Th

7、e young woman tries to adapt to her new life after studying abroad.这位年轻女士试图这位年轻女士试图适应适应留学回国后的留学回国后的新生活。新生活。10.If you could write any article you want, what would you write about?如果你想写什么就写什么,你会写什?如果你想写什么就写什么,你会写什么呢?么呢?11.I want to write about people who you seldom read about, for example people who h

8、ave AIDS or who are addicted to drugs.我想写关于你们在报纸上分手读到的文章,比如爱滋病患我想写关于你们在报纸上分手读到的文章,比如爱滋病患者或者者或者毒品瘾君子毒品瘾君子。12.We shouldnt ignore what happens even if it is difficult for people to accept some stories.即使人们难以接受某些报道,我们也不应该忽视所发生的即使人们难以接受某些报道,我们也不应该忽视所发生的事情。事情。13.The media can often help solve problems and

9、 draw attention to situations where help is needed.媒体常常能够媒体常常能够帮助解决问题帮助解决问题,让大家关注需要帮助的境况。,让大家关注需要帮助的境况。14.The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides.结果是大家能够对世界的方方面面有结果是大家能够对世界的方方面面有更好的认更好的认识。识。15.This leads to a future world where people from all countries are respected and diffe

10、rent views and opinions are tolerated.以至于在未来的世界里,所有国家的人都能够得到尊重,所以至于在未来的世界里,所有国家的人都能够得到尊重,所有不同的观点和意见都能够有不同的观点和意见都能够受到包容受到包容。16.More than ninety responsible and caring citizens made their voices heard today.今天有今天有90多位富有爱心和责任心的公民发出了自己的呼声。多位富有爱心和责任心的公民发出了自己的呼声。17.The citizens, all of whom love nature an

11、d our planet, demonstrated outside the citys worst polluter.出于对大自然和我们星球的热爱,这些公民在本市最严重的污染源门出于对大自然和我们星球的热爱,这些公民在本市最严重的污染源门外举行了外举行了游行示威游行示威。18.Brave and strong, the activities talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth.这些勇敢坚强的活跃人士在厂外与该厂工人举行了会谈,并就如何这些勇敢坚

12、强的活跃人士在厂外与该厂工人举行了会谈,并就如何保保护地球护地球提出了积极的建议。提出了积极的建议。19.The peaceful meeting ended when the company sent out a group of angry men armed with sticks to fight with citizens.这次和平会谈茵该厂这次和平会谈茵该厂放出放出一群挥舞棍棒穷凶极恶的打手而告终。一群挥舞棍棒穷凶极恶的打手而告终。20.A website is similar to a newspaper. Both of them make money by selling a

13、ds.网站和报纸是相似的,他们都是网站和报纸是相似的,他们都是靠靠销售广告销售广告来赚钱来赚钱的。的。1.The door wont shut. It remains _. A. locking B. to lock C. unlocked D. locked2.The shy girl doesnt like _ at in public.A. laughing B. to laugh C. laughed D. being laughed3._ stopping polluting the earth_ hope to live in a better environmentAOnly t

14、o;we can BOnly to:can we COnly by;can we DOnly by;we can4.Prices of agricultural products_ recently.A.have gone up B. have been gone up C. went up D. had gone had up5.- Does anybody want an extra ticket to go to the party?- Who would you rather _, George or me?A. have to go B. have go C. have gone D

15、. go 6.When _, the museum will be open to the public next year. A.completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed7.The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain_ as the plane was making a landing. A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating 8.The questions _ now at the meetin

16、g are of great importance. A. being discussed B. were discussing C. to discussion D. are discussing9.In old stories, dragons were often _a most powerful animal. A. described B. described into C. described as D. describing as10.The media can help solve problems and draw attention_ situations_ help is

17、 neededAIn;that BTo;which CIn;where DTo;where11.With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A. settledB. settlingC. to settleD. being settled12.Weather report says that tomorrow will _ cloudy.A. turn into B. turn up C. turn to D. turn out 13.Something is wro

18、ng with my computer. Ill have it _. Dont worry. Ill soon have it _ .A.repair; go B. repairing; goingC. repaired; goingD. repaired; gone14.The _ look on his face suggested that he didnt understand what the teacher said Apuzzling Bsurprising Cpuzzled D.surprised15.Compare your answers to these questio

19、ns with _ your classmates A/ Bthat of Cthose of Dwhich of16.If we dont solve the problem, we well destroy our plant.Atake measure to Btake measures to Cdo measure to Ddo measures to17.Galieo Galilei was _ curious that he invented both a microscope and a telescope in order to be able to _ a closer lo

20、ok at things great and small A.so;take B.so;give C.such;take D.such;give18.His performance was _ good; it was perfect.(完完美的美的)A.rather than B. more than C. no more than D. less than 19.The peaceful meeting ended when the company _ a group of angry men _ sticks to fight with the citizensAsent off;armed with Bsent off;arming withCsent out;armed with Dsent out;arming with20.The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A .having written B. to be written C. being written D. written



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