安徽省中考英语 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 七上 第2讲 课件

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1、 七年级上册七年级上册第一部分第一部分 系统复习系统复习 成绩基石成绩基石第第2 2讲讲Unit 5Unit 5Unit 9Unit 9话题话题本讲涉及了“谈论对运动休闲与饮食的喜好,谈论服装的颜色、价格以及购物的专用语,学习月份与日期的表达法,谈论生日及学校和活动时间的安排,学习科目与星期的表达法,谈论喜爱的科目、老师以及在校的作息时间表”等相关话题。要点梳理要点梳理过关过关重点词汇过关重点词汇过关单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。1You can buy this pair(条)of trousers.2Today is a busy(忙碌的)day

2、.3Lets play basketball(篮球)at 6:30 tomorrow morning!4Lucy finishes(完成)her homework on time first every day.5The story is boring(无聊的),I dont like it.6Vegetables(蔬菜)are good for our health.7Math and English are my favorite subjects(学科)8Toni Morrison is considered as one of the best writers of the twent

3、ieth(第二十)century.9Mom gave me a piece of advice on how to cook tomatoes(西红柿)10People in different places have different eating habits(习惯)11Students are often worried about their tests(测试)12Nick got(买)a new bike for 200 yuan yesterday.13Christmas is the most important festival(节日)in the Western count

4、ries.14It is difficult(困难)for me to learn English well.Could you please help me?15We collected many bottles and sold(卖)them for money.高频考点高频考点精讲精讲考点考点1 1 辨析辨析bringbring,taketake,getget,fetchfetch与与carrycarryLet me get it.让我去取。 Unit 5 P26词汇含义用法句型bring(.to.)带来,拿来指把某物(人)从别处带到说话处bring sb.sth. / bring st

5、h.to sp.常与here连用take(.to.) 带走,拿走指把某物(人)从说话处带到别处,与bring方向相反take sth.to sp.常与there连用get(fetch)拿来,取来去别处把某物(人)带来,强调动作的往返get sth.for sb.carry携带,搬运,扛,提不强调方向,但有负重之意carry sth.to sp.考点考点2 2 辨析辨析interestinginteresting与与interestedinterestedLets play computer games.让我们玩电脑游戏吧。That sounds interesting.那听起来很有趣。 Uni

6、t 5 P28interesting形容词,意为“有趣的”,通常用于描述事物,常用作表语或定语This is an interesting story.这是一个有趣的故事。interested形容词,意为“感兴趣的”,通常用于形容人,常用作表语。且多用于be / get / feel / become interested in结构中We are interested in the movie.我们对这部电影感兴趣。【拓展】其他类似常见词汇及短语:v.ingv.ed短语excitingexcitedbe excited about 对感到兴奋surprising surprised be su

7、rprised at 对感到惊讶amazingamazedbe amazed at 对感到惊讶pleasingpleasedbe pleased with 对感到满意annoyingannoyedbe annoyed with 生的气worryingworriedbe worried about 为担心考点考点3 3 辨析辨析watchwatch,looklook,seesee与与readreadI love sports,but I dont play themI only watch them on TV!我热爱运动,但是我不做运动,我只是在电视上观看它们。 Unit 5 P29【透析】

8、watch,look,see与read四个词为行为动词,都有“看”的意思。但具体用法有所不同,具体区别如下:如:Look at the blackboard,please.请看黑板。I see some children playing basketball.我看见一些小孩正在打篮球。Well watch a baseball game.我们要去看棒球赛。Dont read in bed.不要躺在床上看书。 考点考点4 4 询问价格句型的用法询问价格句型的用法How much is this Tshirt?这件 T 恤多少钱? Unit 7 P37【透析】(1)how much意为“多少钱,多

9、少”,用来询问物品的价格是多少,相当于“Whats the price of.?”谓语动词由后面的主语来决定用单数还是复数。如:How much are the shorts?这些短裤多少钱?(2)how much还可用来询问不可数名词的量。如:How much milk would you like?你想要多少牛奶?【辨析】how manyhow many与how muchhow much两者都表示“多少”,但how many后面接可数名词复数,而how much后面接不可数名词。如: How many lions are there in the zoo?动物园有几只狮子?How much

10、 water is there in the cup?杯子里有多少水?【拓展】 询问价格常见的方法:如:How much is the skirt?How much is the skirt worth?How much does the skirt cost?Whats the price of the skirt?这条裙子多少钱? 考点考点5 5 辨析辨析buybuy,sellsell与与salesaleC Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!快来我们的大甩卖买你的衣服! Unit 7 P41buy(v.)买buy sth.from.从买

11、某物buy sth.for sb.( buy sb.sth.)为某人买某物My mother bought me a dress. My mother bought a dress for me.我妈妈给我买了一件连衣裙。sell(v.)出售,卖出去sell sth.to sb.(sell sb.sth.)把某物卖给某人sell out卖完;售光sell off甩卖;(被迫廉价)出售The store sells many things to us. The store sells us many things.这家商店卖给我们很多东两。They sold out all the wheat.

12、他们卖完了所有小麦。sale(n.)特价销售,出售for sale 待售on sale出售,上市;廉价出售She has put her house up for sale.她的房子现在待售。The new model is not on sale in the shop.这种新款式在商店尚未打折。考点考点6 6 busybusy的用法的用法This is a really busy term!这真的是一个繁忙的学期! Unit 8 P47【透析】(1)busy为形容词,意为“忙碌的;无暇的”。此处用作定语,还可作表语,常见短语be busy with sth.be busy doing st

13、h.“忙于做某事”。如:He is busy with his homework. He is busy doing his homework.他正忙着做家庭作业。(2)busy在美语中尤指“电话线正被占用的,不通的”。如:Sorry,her phone is busy.抱歉,她的电话正在通话中。(3)busy 还指“繁华的、热闹的”。如:Our school is on a busy road.我们的学校在一条繁华的大街上。关联语法链接关联语法链接语法1:一般现在时 见P178语法2:连词but 见P154语法3:可数名词与不可数名词 见P139 语法4:基数词与序数词 见P143和P144

14、语法5:名词所有格 见P141 语法6:时间介词in / on / at 见P150语法7:wh-特殊疑问句 见P189考点即时考点即时运用运用1.考点1Li Lei,sit down,please.Ill _ you some tea.Atake Bbring Cget Dgive2考点32017乐山中考改编Murray plans to study art in the UK.His friends will _him off at the airport next week.Atake Bsee Cleave Dbring3考点4_ fruit do you need for your

15、party?AHow many BHow muchCWhat DHow4考点22017巴中中考Im _about the_football match.Aexciting;excited Bexcited;excitingCexcited;excited Dexciting;excitingCBBB5考点32017包头中考How about some more ice cream?No,thanks.Its very good,but I have to _ my weight,you know.Aprevent BwatchCrefuse Dkeep6考点32017贵港中考What does

16、 your father do after dinner?He usually _ newspapers.Areads Bwatches Clooks Dsees7语法72017孝感中考_ will you ask for help when you are in trouble?My parents,I think.AWho BWhat CWhere DWhen8考点5The new model is not on _ in the shop.Abuy Bsell Csale DboughtBAAC9考点12017深圳中考Its going to rain.Remember to _ you

17、r umbrella with you when you go to school,dear.All right,Mum.Bye!Atake Bbuy Cput Dcarry10考点42017扬州中考I went from a school desk to a ship in my teens._ days would you be at sea?Homesick?AHow long BHow manyCHow much DHow soon11考点42017上海中考Do you know _ a 5day trip to Hong Kong costs?I guess its about ¥4,000.Ahow fast Bhow longChow soon Dhow muchABD12考点6All the students are busy _ ready for the final exams.Awith getting Bfor gettingCgetting Dto get13语法62017长沙中考改编_ April 22nd,people around the world celebrate Earth Day in different ways.AIn BAt COn DOfCC



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