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1、1. 认为;以为 (to think)To believe (表示相信,坚持)To hold (表示持有)To maintain (表示坚持认为)To side with (表示站在某种观点的立场上)To subscribe to (赞同某一观点)To suppose (表示持有某种建设性的意见)To complain (表示认为某种状况不能令人满意)be convinced that(表示相信) 2. 在我看来;依我之见 (in my opinion)Personally, For my part, To my mind, In my point of view, As far as I a

2、m concerned,3. 首先,第一To start with,For one thing,First and foremost,On the one hand,4. 其次,第二,第三In addition,Whats more,Furthermore,More importantly,Apart fromwe should also noticeWhat makes matter worse, .But other people think otherwise,5. 最后,最后一点 (lastly)Last but by no means the least,Whats the most

3、 important,Besides,Finally,6. 总之,简言之 (in a word)To sum up;All in all;In a nutshell;To wind up my conclusion;From what has been discussed and those not mentioned here, we may safely come to the conclusion thatFrom the above analysis,7. 尽力,努力 ( to do ones best)To exert ones efforts;To do ones utmostDo

4、 all my can,To the best of ones ability8. 坏的,不利的AwkwardUnfavorable9. 好的,有利于Favorable To be beneficial toTo be help for10. 产生,出现 (to appear)To arise;Crop upEmerge Mushroom (大量的出现)例如:New houses have mushroomed on the edge of the town.11. 做,实行 (to do)To commit (表示做坏事,犯错误)To fulfill (表示完成 做好)To carry ou

5、t (表示采取,实行)12. 引起,造成( to cause)To arouse;To bring about;To evoke;To give rise to;To result in;To lead to13. 显然,毫无疑问( obviously)Evidently;Absolutely;Conspicuously;Undoubtedly;Apparently;It is beyond doubts that14. 与相反 (on the contrary)To be opposite toTo be contrary toIn contrast;The other way round.

6、例子:Though many people believe so, the fact, however, is just the other way round. 15. 表明,表示 (to show)To imply;To explain ;To indicate ;To reveal16. 提出建议,意见等To advise;To suggest;To propose;To deliver ones opinion17. 假如,假设(if)supposing thatIn case of Provided thatAssume thatOn the assumption that18. 例

7、如As the case of As the case of environment protection, peoples awareness should be raised first.A good case in point isFor instanceOne example would be 1. 开头When it comes to, opinions differ.There is a public debate today thatRecently the problem has been brought into focus.Contrary to the widely-he

8、ld belief, I think differently.2. 提出观点Now there is a growing awareness thatDifferent people hold different views on this issue.As for me, I subscribe to the idea that3. 进一步提出观点, but that is only part of the story.Another equally important aspect isBesides, other reasons are.They differ greatly in th

9、eir attitudes towards4. 提出假象例子的方式Suppose that.Just imagine what would be like if.It is reasonable to expectIt is no surprising that5. 举普通例子For instance,A good case in point isA particular example for this is6. 提出原因There are many reasons forThe answer to this problem involves many factors.Any discuss

10、ion about this problem would inevitably involvesThe first reason can be obviously seen.Most people would agree thatOther suggests thatThere are several reasons for my preference/choice.7. 进行对比SimilarlyIn contrastThe advantages of overweigh the disadvantages of maybe, but it suffers from the disadvan

11、tage that8.引用As a famous saying goes thatThere is a famous saying that9. 结尾All in all, from what has been discussed above and those not mentioned here, we may safely come to the conclusion thatTherefore, we may draw the conclusion that.In summary,.10. 概述 (用语图表作文)According to the figures in the table,This chart shows thatIt can be seen from the statistics that As is shown by the graph,Studying the stable carefully, we can see



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