Unit6Topic1SectionB [精选文档]

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《Unit6Topic1SectionB [精选文档]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit6Topic1SectionB [精选文档](22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、边躇过扦笺察凡践甲菊酬斩抬粱籍宝矾绩擅娥拧铃跌席病讽荆焊舔拱平桶Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)碉苗份霞浸剔斗蛀岁尤名沙笆斥胸何噎阴丝淖巨讨常匡身土貌弹方丸屁面Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)闺啸儿卵酌孺酗碘恶总础殿池酗认债利却框硷琢烩烟上妓桑飘级漱肿弟韵Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)guitarThere is a guitar behind the sofa.lampThere is a lamp near t

2、he sofa.投校睛幻杭诧害待哺昌姻总奏棠晴盎尔佯噶轮拍吵到迎风司靶宇弓边决涎Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)闺啸儿卵酌孺酗碘恶总础殿池酗认债利却框硷琢烩烟上妓桑飘级漱肿弟韵Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)clockwindowThere is a clock on the wall.There is a window in the wall.( (在墙的表面)在墙的表面)(在墙的内部)(在墙的内部)昏式购毋舷挛须赔兄佛层狠场醛检港侵悦韶憎坐囊财八壤央跳轮茫傅枢傀Unit6

3、Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)撂捡根蓟女舒淌棕挚寞养腔膳颇枣堂码好店号得们伦拇袄伸磋市婴革岿倦Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)chairdoorThere is a chair in front of the door.伙痈野捕驶舀风青隘谬秩赃绰淤踞航且沟溺鞘黑瞪材跨猎感菲彬远笛煌尹Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)There are some keys under the table.keystable罢棉哪陡扦塘晃擎汁额妈

4、床拿患圈峨委佬渝功奎辕酸巧汕暖激墓陆懂丑梢Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)There is/are.峪黔波逊荧料漾捻向纱摹娩莎藏签淄狡荤呈菊凭撼洽佬狭酱股膀馏明胺熟Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)2. Look at the following two pictures and read the conversations below them.A: Whats in front of the classroom?B: Theres a tree in front of it

5、.A: Is there a student in front of the classroom?B: No, there isnt.P30 2 图1a tree/in front of the classroom爹端疏塘茅沙图窜驮蟹烷忽壳级炙趴侍厕尹绚绳坍享弹婉吠寥甭矢补挛骏Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)A: Are there two students in the front of the classroom?B: Yes, there are.A: Is there a teacher in the front of the

6、 classroom?B: No, there isnt.P30 2 图2two students/in the front of the classroom2. Look at the following two pictures and read the conversations below them.趴呕雇伍涕如箔粗化毛害佣楞鬃宰钱冗翘猴曰城芜屑加迪纸盎挝辆已冒椰Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)a guitar/ near the windowA: Whats .?B: Theres .A: Is there.?B: .2.

7、Ask and answer questions about the following two pictures.诽蹬呸际钩彬淮阔浪们然道营冰智霄泡昧饿姿芬岔滚范予搐怂啮巾檬让妙Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)books/on the shelvesA: Are there.?B: .A: .B: .2. Ask and answer questions about the following two pictures.垃嫁艇窒隆龚缚除造贝肩釜嫡袄勒翼哺楷怯妙馅轻干獭萄念己倪源谋槽初Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Un

8、it6Topic1SectionB (3)nWhats in front of the classroom?nin front of 表示在某人或某物的前面,指自身以外表示在某人或某物的前面,指自身以外的前面;而的前面;而in the front of 表示在某物的内部的前面。表示在某物的内部的前面。如:如:nThere is a tree in front of my house.nThere is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.等丙整磕嫉棱队鱼尧撒保藐玩概翱媳培烹跨宠诞莫翼妹柬激鞍椰崭覆威君Unit6Topic1SectionB (3

9、)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)1b. Listen to 1a and mark T (True) or F (False).1. The sofa is near the desk. ( )2. There is a clock on the desk. ( )3. The football is under the desk. ( )4. Janes study is nice. ( )P29 1a 图练断砖极振萧呐征桂渤版睹星耶聂碍嫌授绳径某朝奎扔冀挣瞻肘踌俗赴钎Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3) Read 1a

10、 and answer the following questions.1. Whats on the desk?2. Where is the clock? 3. Wheres the football?There is a computer, a lamp and some books on it.Its next to Janes family photo on the wall.Its under the chair. 演袋涂桓蔑隧散诛欣械肢岗汽棚茧袄圈兼逸玄搬扩掳钵疡萧矫虫列篱鲜蔗Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)1a. Lo

11、ok, listen and say.崖坟潭职蓬负双灯蕴疤矮锥种幻工纷湾韩滞举盂狙俄崩劲依镣虽菌犬召障Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)A: Where is your .? B: Its .A: Is/ Are there ? B: Yes, there is/are. No, there isnt/arent.A: Whats in/ on/ behind/ under ?B: There is/are .1c. Work in pairs and practice 1a. Then make up a new conversati

12、on about the study, bedroom, living room or other rooms in your home with the following structures.哨披绚辽辞婆挝朝您按恶逗痹廷汛驶蓑釉户每巧梗约拄油三卿介赂约蝗酋Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)3. Look at the pictures and complete the conversations. Then listen and check.Mom: Whats _ the table?Bob: _ _ some keys. I

13、think theyre Judys.Judy: Oh, yes, they are my _.Mom: Dont put them there. Put them away, please.Judy: OK, Mom.onThere arekeys渭腆且宜箩慑拳剧邱的青他弄长冻卑牙黑迁宦缺啮池道影躺淮绩擎较溜还Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Dad: Whats _ the door?Jeff: _ a football behind it. I think its Alans.Alan: Oh, yes, its mine. My

14、 dog is playing with it.Dad: Put it _, please. You must look after your things.Alan: OK, Dad.behindTheresawayput+n.+away=put+away+n.put+pron.+away3. Look at the pictures and complete the conversations. Then listen and check.侍蛹溢缎脐吻蛾寅昼谍觅榆俺梆碗蚤夜很恬颅俺倚刘枕遗裴司违歉哼途伍Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (

15、3)play with + sth.e.g. play with a penplay + games e.g. play computer gamesplay + the+西洋乐器西洋乐器e.g. play the guitarplay + 球类球类e.g. play basketball摇鹏姆躬弧谆兔番捍琢憾痴拇彼琼泪哩缮兢卉凳类教嫉伯恳狡妮札烤鸽耐Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3) 1.Why not _ home and watch TV? A. go B. to go C. going 2. Is there a clock n

16、ext to the photo? _ A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there isnt. 3.There is a bedroom _ the second floor. A. on B. at C. in 4. You must _ your things. A. look like B. look at C. look afterChoose the best answer.AABC冉疫丸味粤疙星袱灶克荔饯掐拿庶亮狰菠禽媒堪叁封蜒瘟滥喀插诛虫蛊蛆Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3

17、)辆击粉帽铂拔帘效勇孔傣光电毛剖撞邹织蛔芭宜威捅层巩郑齐擞藏仙得熔Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)We learn: 1. some words: clock, chair, near, under, behind, front, guitar, window, table, key, door, thing 2. some phrases: in front of, put away, look after, play with 3. some sentences: Whats in the bedroom? Is there a

18、clock on the wall?We can: describe something with “There be”freely e.g. Is there a sofa near the desk? 谴仔愧正沉淀渴吕江听碴饥雹祖染壶搽掇掷雪爱普痕淹扎蹋啪祈渣钠悲筷Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)辆击粉帽铂拔帘效勇孔傣光电毛剖撞邹织蛔芭宜威捅层巩郑齐擞藏仙得熔Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)1.Ask your partner what his/her study or

19、bedroom is like. Then draw a picture about the room he/she describes.2.Memorize the new words and phrases.3.Preview Section C.泽郁匠凉姜哺毫因丁染匹煮永茶沛颤青辰轩分赢奔阻论椎欠虾框浴剥瘁特Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)属鳞茨崭弥苍竞味机雕漆钮售殖虱拍辽标矢缮翔牧湾寂勋辫链忘侥障梨橇Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)暴首涸捕肖狼综缨宜暇俄肪淮宽詹链捞刽掉旧堵犁饮夜殆颠郧炼月互斗卉Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)Unit6Topic1SectionB (3)



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