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1、1.仔细审题,找出主题仔细审题,找出主题 (Read the directions carefully, look through all the words or pictures given to you in order to find the main idea.)书面表达的五个步骤书面表达的五个步骤(Five steps)(Five steps)to keep sustainable development 现状现状政府措施政府措施 我的看法我的看法 2. 认真阅读所给提示或图画,抓住认真阅读所给提示或图画,抓住要点及要点及所有细节,所有细节,找出每幅图画或每个句子的中心词。找出每幅

2、图画或每个句子的中心词。 例例:可持续发展已成为全球共识,如何实行可持续发展是可持续发展已成为全球共识,如何实行可持续发展是摆在世人面前的重大问题。请就下面表格所提供的内摆在世人面前的重大问题。请就下面表格所提供的内容进行陈述并谈谈你的看法。容进行陈述并谈谈你的看法。目前的状况目前的状况:自然资源日趋减少自然资源日趋减少; 环境问题依然严重环境问题依然严重; 人的环保观念淡薄人的环保观念淡薄; 贫富差距越来越大贫富差距越来越大;已已采取的措施采取的措施:制定了相关的法律法规制定了相关的法律法规; 投入了大量的资金改善环境投入了大量的资金改善环境; 对民众进行教育对民众进行教育; 加强了国际间的

3、相互合作加强了国际间的相互合作你的看法你的看法A.The present situation1.自然资源日趋减少自然资源日趋减少 natural resources are becoming less than before.( 进行时表逐步变化的趋势)2. 环境问题依然严重环境问题依然严重; environmental problems remain extremely serious .3. 人的环保观念淡薄人的环保观念淡薄; people nowadays are not quite well aware of the importance of environmental protec

4、tion4. 贫富差距越来越大贫富差距越来越大; The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider and wider.Measures My opinionMake relevant laws to controlinvest much money to educate and raise peoples awareness of dutyraise peoples awareness of call on punish the people who destroy the environmentplant trees已经采取得措

5、施已经采取得措施1.制定法规制定法规;2投入资金改善环境投入资金改善环境; 3.教育民众教育民众;4加强合作加强合作 strengthen international cooperation 3. 把中心词或词组扩展成句子。把中心词或词组扩展成句子。(Extend the words and phrases to sentences.) There still exist many problems in protecting the environment. Governments have made laws to control air pollution. They have take

6、n measures to protect the resources and to prevent the environment from being pollutedThey forbid any behaviour that is harmful to the environment.4. 把把以以上上句句子子编编排排成成一一个个段段落落,在在必必要要的的地地方方加加入入一一些些 连连接接词词或或句句子子。(Arrange these sentences in order, getting in some linking words where necessary.) B.过渡衔接 F

7、ortunately/ To our great joy, special attention has been paid to this problem and measures have been taken.In order to protect it, governments of many countries have done much to deal with the polluted environment. 注:已经采取措施用现在完成时态A.起始导入现象起始导入现象There still exist many problems in protecting the enviro

8、nment./The present situation is far from satisfactory/worrying.(政府措施) For instance, they have made relevant laws to control pollution. .D.(总结点题)In a word, with everyone doing his bit, I firmly believe/I am deeply convinced that the environment will take on a completely new look and a sustainable dev

9、elopment can surely be achieved5. 通读全文,仔细检查。通读全文,仔细检查。(Read through the whole passage to make sure that no mistakes are made.) C.(过渡导入自己观点) Despite the effort of the government, in my opinion, it is far from enough. The present situation is worrying. First, natural resources are becoming less than b

10、efore. Second, as some people are not aware of the importance of the environmental protection, the problems with it remain extremely serious to some degree. The gap between the rich and the poor has the tendency to become wider and wider. To our great joy, many countries have taken action. On one ha

11、nd, they have made relevant laws and regulations and put large amounts of money into the environmental protection. On the other hand, popularized education as well as international cooperation is being carried out.(巧用被动句改变增加句子的多样性和简洁性) (看法)Its everyones duty to protect the environment.The government

12、 should make people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education(针对问题而言). Whats more, we hope more people take action to plant trees to beautify the environment. Besides, those who are caught destroying the environment should be punished. Furthermore, we should call on

13、others to join us in creating a new-looking earth.(过渡) Despite the effort of the government, on my personal note, it is far from enough.如果前文已知条件不多,自己观点要适当增加,注如果前文已知条件不多,自己观点要适当增加,注意逻辑和层次,不可颠三倒四,语焉不详。意逻辑和层次,不可颠三倒四,语焉不详。In a word, with everyone doing his bit, I firmly believe/I am deeply convinced tha

14、t the environment will take on a completely new look and a sustainable development can surely be achieved自己观点的多样表达:多样但是紧扣主题。最好要点题: As for myself, I should take the responsibility to devote myself to sustainable development, or our future and the lives of the generations to come will be in danger.(总结

15、)In a word, with everyone doing his bit, I firmly believe the environment will take on a completely new look.1.适当运用结构词、从句和关联词适当运用结构词、从句和关联词:and, but, so, however, therefore, them, thus, after a while, suddenly, at last, as a result, in fact 等等, 使句子使句子 更为流畅。更为流畅。II. II. 书面表达注意事项书面表达注意事项2.尽量使用多种句式表达、高

16、级词汇尽量使用多种句式表达、高级词汇 1)They have made laws to control air pollution. 2)They have taken many measures to protect the environment from being polluted. (被动被动)They have made a series of related laws to keep air pollution under control. (高级词汇高级词汇)Effective measures have been taken to protect the environmen

17、t from being polluted.4)Those who are caught destroying the environment should be punished.Whoever destroys the environment cant escape being punished by law. We expect there to be more people taking action to plant trees to beautify our environment. 3)More people take action to plant trees to beaut

18、ify our environment. (there be 不定式结构不定式结构)3. 留心汉英表达差异留心汉英表达差异, 避免中式英语避免中式英语(Avoiding Chinlish)1) 父母对我们期望很高。父母对我们期望很高。The hope of our parents is very high. Our parents expect too much from us. 2) 高考高考high exam ?college entrance examination3) ta 的右眼瞎了的右眼瞎了a. Her right eye is blind.b. She is blind in t

19、he right eye.4)他体壮如牛他体壮如牛a. He is strong like a cow. b. He is strong like a horse (as strong as a horse).5)汤姆的父亲打了他一个耳光。汤姆的父亲打了他一个耳光。a. Toms father beat him in his face.b. Toms father beat him in the face.4. 书写必须工整书写必须工整,确保不犯拼写错误确保不犯拼写错误 (Avoiding mistakes)。parents & peasant & present Natural & natu

20、re resources & sources environment take measures/steps/but take action.Make lawsSpend & cost ? a lot of moneycooperation &communicationinvest some money /a large amount of money三要素:1、要点全-覆盖所有要点;2、有效连接,有过渡,有层次;3、高级表达,高级词汇和短语,较多的语法结构。语言流畅,可读性强。有的同学一段就一个句式,单调且重复一个错误, The natural resources are less and less, their awareness is thinner and thinner,the gap is larger and largerThe government should they shouldand many countries should.we shouldIn my opinion, our future is good.Earth has only one. 语言空洞,且中国式英语多。词汇贫乏,记住:江苏高考作文平均分从没有超过15分。



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