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1、Unit5Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame?单元主题写作五Unit5Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame?单元主题写作五话题分析 本单元的话题是“谈论过去发生的事情”。此类文章常见的出题形式之一是看图作文。题目通常会给出35幅图片,要求讲述过去发生的事情,通常要使用一般过去时和过去进行时。单元主题写作五典型例题 下列图片描述的是上周日下午,刘强和赵磊所经历的一件事,请你根据这些图片写一篇作文。要求:1.字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥。 2.词数:80100词。单元主题写作五思路点拨 本文属于记叙文,

2、要求根据图片内容写一篇文章,描述刘强和赵磊所经历的一件事。写作时,可以先对图片进行逐一描述,然后进行总结。单元主题写作五素材积累常用词汇1在上周日下午三点半_2在那时 _3有不寻常的经历 _4突然 _5在小区 _at 3:30 pm. last Sundayat that timehave an unusual experiencesuddenly/all of a sudden单元主题写作五in the neighborhood6到处 _7向某人道歉 _8做错事 _9诚实的孩子 _10用力踢球 _everywheresay sorry to sb.do something wrongan h

3、onest kid/child单元主题写作五kick the ball hard单元主题写作五常用句子1An unforgettable event that I remember well was 一件我记忆深刻的难忘的事情是2What an unforgettable experience!多么令人难忘的经历啊!3We wont forget the special experience. 我们不会忘记这次特别的经历。单元主题写作五4We have learned a lot from the experience. 我们从这次经历中学到了很多。5They did something wr

4、ong. However, they realized their mistakes and corrected them. 他们做错了事。然而,他们意识到了他们的错误,并且改正了。6From the event I learned that we should be honest at any time. 通过这件事情我知道了, 我们在任何时候都应该诚实。单元主题写作五 Liu Qiang and Zhao Lei are good friends. They both like playing soccer very much. Last Sunday, they decided to p

5、lay soccer to relax in their neighborhood in the afternoon. They were both good at playing soccer and they played happily. Suddenly, Liu Qiang kicked the ball so hard that it flew to the window of Granny Mas house and broke the window. The pieces of the glass fell onto the ground everywhere. Liu Qia

6、ng and Zhao Lei felt very sorry. So they went to Granny Mas house and said sorry to her.高分模板单元主题写作五 Although they did something wrong, they were still good boys, because they were honest. Everyone should try to be an honest person.单元主题写作五名师点评很好地运用了前面所学的动词不定式作宾语。不定式作状语,表目的。although引导的让步状语从句的使用使文章增色不少

7、。结尾总结性的语言升华了主题。小试身手单元主题写作五 假设上周六你参加了前进社区的Yard Sale 活动。写一篇关于此次活动的介绍文章向学校校刊投稿。要点:1有100多人参加了此次活动;2有的人出售自制的卡片、书签、蛋糕、饼干等;3有的人出售旧的物品, 如玩具、衣服、电脑等;4还有人交换旧书;5你对此次活动的看法(至少两点)。单元主题写作五注意:1表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯;2不要逐句翻译;3词数:80左右。参考词汇:community 社区; environment 环境;exchange 交换_单元主题写作五One possible version: It was a sunny da

8、y last Saturday. We went to the Yard Sale in Qianjin Community. There were more than 100 people at the Yard Sale. Some were selling cards, bookmarks, cakes and cookies made by themselves. Some were selling their used things such as toys, clothes and computers. And others were exchanging used books.

9、I got my favorite books and I had a good time there. In my opinion, it is a very good activity. We can make good use of old things, and we can also do something good for our environment. What a happy day I had!编后语老师上课都有一定的思路,抓住老师的思路就能取得良好的学习效果。在上一小节中已经提及听课中要跟随老师的思路,这里再进一步论述听课时如何抓住老师的思路。根据课堂提问抓住老师的思路




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