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1、一、重点单词 1. v. 污染 (n.)2. n. 将来、未来3. adj. 有危险的、不安全的 4._ v.倒塌、跌倒_(过去式) _ (过去分词) _(现在分词)5. prep. 在期间 6._adv.最后、最终_(adj.)pollutepollutionfuturedangerousfallfellfallenfallingduringfinallyfinal注:用“”标识的为高频词汇 7._v. 倒出、倾倒 8._n. 黄油、奶油9. v. 接待、服务、提供 10. n.建议、劝告、忠告 (v.) 11._v.解决、解答 (过去式/过去分词) (现在分词) _(n.) 12. v.相

2、信、信任_(n.) (adj.)13. n. 音乐会pourbutterserveadviceadvisesolvesolvedsolvingsolutionbelievebeliefbelievableconcert注:用“”标识的为高频词汇二、重点短语1.play a _参与、起作用 2.space _太空站3._ and over again多次、反复地4.hundreds _许多、大量5._ down突然倒下、跌倒6.milk shake奶昔7.prepare for为做准备8._ time下次、再次partstationoveroffallnext注:用“”标识的为高频词汇 9._

3、out闲逛、常去某处10.look _ 照料、照顾11.look to盼望、期待12.turn _拒绝13.hear _接到(某人的)信14.in _ 分成两半15.keep .to 保守秘密16.look _寻找 hangafterforwarddownfromhalfoneselffor注:用“”标识的为高频词汇三、重点句型1.What will the future be like? 未来会怎么样? Cities will be more polluted. And there will be fewer trees. 城市将会有更多的污染。树也会变得更少。2.Will people u

4、se mfirst, twoy in 100 years? 一百年之后人们还会用钱吗?3.How do you make a banana milk shake? 你怎样制作香蕉牛奶饮料的? 4.First, peel . Next, put . Then, pour .Finally, turn on the blender. 首先,剥接下来,把放到,然后,倒最后,打开 搅拌机。5.How many ./ How much .do we need ? 我们需要多少?6.Can you come to . on Saturday? 星期六你能来吗? Sure, Id love to./ Sor

5、ry, I must study for a math test. 当然可以,我很乐意。/ 对不起,我必须为数学考试而学习。7.I think Ill take the bus to the party. 我想我会乘公共汽车去参加聚会的。8.What will happen if they have the party today? 如果他们今天举行聚会将会有什么事发生?四、交际用语Make predictions(作出预测)Cities will be more crowded and polluted. There will be fewer trees and the environme

6、nt will be in great danger.Describe a process(描述一个过程)First, peel the bananas.Next, put the bananas in the blender.Then, pour the milk into the blender.Finally, turn on the blender.Make, accept and decline invitations(发出、接受和拒绝邀请)Can he go to the party?No, he cant. He has to help his parents.Talk abou

7、t consequences(谈论结果)What will happen if they have the party today?If they have it today, half the class wont come.五、重点语法1.一般将来时态2.祈使句的用法3.可数名词和不可数名词的用法4.情态动词can的用法5.if引导的条件状语从句的用法This was not possible 20 years ago,but .这在二十年前是不可能的,但是(P 53)【解析】形容词possible的用法:possible用作形容词,意为“可能的”,其反义词为impossible,意为“不

8、可能的”。 possible用作定语时,可前置或后置;但修饰anything, something, everything等复合不定代词时常后置。如:It is possible that the meeting will go on until late.可能会议要开得很晚。 Ill do everything possible to help you.我会尽一切可能帮助你。【用法拓展】when possible在可能的情况;if possible如果可能的话;as . as possible尽可能If buildings fall down with people inside, thes

9、e snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.假如楼房倒塌,而有人在楼房里面,那么这些蛇形机器人就能帮助寻找倒塌的楼房下面的受害者。(P53)【解析】短语fall down的用法:短语fall down意为“突然倒下、倒塌”。其中fall属于不及物动词,意为“跌落、掉落”;同时也是不规则动词,其过去式、过去分词分别为fell, fallen。如:He fell from the ladder.他从梯子上掉下来。She fell down the stairs and hurt her leg.她从楼上跌了下来,摔伤了腿。

10、【用法拓展】与fall相关的短语:fall into落入、陷入;fall offfall down from下降、跌落;fall in love with .爱上;fall asleep入睡;fall behind落后、跟不上;fall over向前摔倒;fall ill生病【温馨提示】fall, felt是两个不同的动词,其过去式、过去分词容易混淆,试比较: fall fell fallen跌落 feel felt felt感觉Turn on the blender. 打开搅拌机。(P57)【解析】短语turn on的用法: 短语turn on常作“打开(电器等)”解,是动副短语,其反义词组

11、是turn off,意为“关上(电器等)”。若代词作其宾语时,应位于短语之间。如:Jack, please turn on the TV to see whats on.杰克,请打开电视机看看有什么节目。She put the radio on the table and turned it on.她把收音机放在桌上,打开来听。【辨析】turn on与open“打开”;turn off/close“关闭”这两组词语使用时容易混淆,请关注其用法的不同:词条词条用法用法图示图示例句例句turn on通常指“打开、旋开(电灯、煤气、自来水开关等)”。He turned on the computer

12、 and got on line.他打开电脑上网。open通常指“打开(门、窗、盒子、抽屉、书等)”。Open your books on page 48.请打开书第48页。turn off通常指“关闭(电灯、煤气、自来水开关等)”。Would you please turn off the TV?请你把电视关掉好吗?close通常指“关闭(门、窗、盒子、抽屉、书等)”。Could you please close the windows, Della?你能把窗户关上吗, 黛拉?【用法拓展】其他常见turn短语:turn about转身;向后转 turn against与反目turn arou

13、nd转身;调头 turn in 上交;告发turn into成为;翻译 turn out结果是;出席turn over翻身,翻转 turn to翻到,转向in turn依次地,轮流地 turn up开大;出现turn down关小;拒绝 take turns to do sth.轮流做某事Its first, twos turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事了。Finally, dont forget to add some salt. 最后,不要忘记加点盐。(P58)【解析】动词add的用法: add作及物动词,意为“增加、添加”。它常与介词to连用,后接名词或代词,表示“把加到中去、

14、往中加”。如:Could you please add a little salt to the soup?你能给汤添加一点盐吗?【用法拓展】add还可意为“补充(说道)”,即“又说、继续说”。如:“You should be free.” she added.“你应该自由。”她补充说道。add up合计、加起来; add up to合计达、总计达。如:His whole school education added up to no more than first, two year.他的整个学校教育加起来总共不到一年。 Sure! Catch you on Monday! 当然可以!礼拜一

15、见!(P66)【解析】动词catch的用法:“catch sb.时间副词或短语”意为“(再)见”,是英语中道别的又一种说法。如:Catch/See you later.回头见!【用法拓展】catch是个不规则动词,其过去式、过去分词均为caught。用作及物动词时,主要用法如下:catch sb./sth.意为“捕捉、捉住、接住”。如:The cat catches mice.猫捉老鼠。Come away, mother, or he will catch you!走吧,妈妈,要不他就抓住你了!catch sb. doing(sth.)意为“偶然碰见或无意中发现某人在做某事”。如:Mother

16、 caught me stealing.母亲发现我偷东西。catch 交通工具,意为“及时赶上”。如:Do you always catch such an early train?你总是赶这样的早班车吗? catch 疾病,意为“受感染、患病”。如:Im afraid Ive caught a cold.我怕我是着凉了。catch first, twos eye意为“引起某人的注意”。如:Id like another drink, try to catch the waiters eye.我想再来一杯,想引起服务员的注意。catch first, twos words/what sb. s

17、ay意为“听到、领会”。如:Sorry, I didnt catch what you said. Could you please say it again?对不起,我没听清楚你说的话,请你再讲一遍好吗?I look forward to hearing from you all. 我盼望着你们的答复。(P69)【解析】短语look forward to的用法: look forward to意为“期待、盼望”,其中的to是介词,其后可跟名词、代词或v.ing形式作宾语。如:He is looking forward to visiting the USA.他盼望着游览美国。【用法拓展】含介

18、词to的常见短语:be/get used to习惯 stick to坚持pay attention to注意 belong to属于set fire to放火烧Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20th.请于12月20日星期五前以书面方式回复此邀请。(P71)【解析】单词reply的用法:reply 用作动词时,意为“回答、答复”,与answer同义。但在带宾语时,reply需在后面加介词to,而answer则不必。试比较:Have you replied to his letter?你给他回信了吗?T

19、hey didnt answer my question.他们没有回答我的问题。【温馨提示】reply与answer 都可以作名词用,意为“答案、回答” 。如:Can anyfirst, two tell me the answer/reply to the question?有谁可以告诉我这个问题的答案吗?Robert Hunt advises students about common problems. 罗伯特亨特就常见问题给学生提建议。(P77)【解析】动词advise的用法:advise用作动词,意为“劝告、建议”;其名词形式为advice,意为“建议、劝告”,是不可数名词。如:Fi

20、nally we advise them to improve the quality of the food and their service.最后我们建议他们改进饭菜的质量,改善服务。【温馨提示】有关advise的常见搭配:advise sb.(not) to do sth.建议某人(不)做某事;advise sb. on/ about (doing) sth.就(做)某事向某人提出建议。.单项选择。( )1.He hopes to be a policeman, but hes too short. _. So I felt sorry for it. A. Thats OK B. T

21、hats a deal C. Thats it D. Thats right( )2.He failed to_ the managers question correctly. A. answering B. replying C. answer to D. reply to( )3.How did you break your leg? I _ the bike when I was hurrying to work. A.fell down B. fell off C. fell over D. fell behindCDB( )4.I love this song Seasons in

22、 the Sun. Would you _ the TV a bit, please? I cant hear it clearly. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down ( )5.I hope you can _ a little history_ your next vacation. A. add; / B. add; into C. add; to D. add up; to( )6.The police had to drive very quickly in order to_ the train. A. control B

23、. cover C. carry D. catch( )7.Please _ the water when you brush your teeth. A. close B. turn off C. open D. turn onCCDB.根据汉语提示完成句子或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.When you go shopping, buy some vegetables for me (如果可能的话). 2. Ill fly to the moon (在可能的情况). 3. I phoned him so that he shall come (尽可能快地). ifpossiblewhenpossiblepossibleasassoon4. The doctor says Im too tired and has advised me (not take) any more work on.5. I would advise (wait) at least six weeks before starting running.6. Are you looking forward to (meet) your good friends again?nottotakewaitingmeeting



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