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1、A: Whats this?B: Its a ring.A: How do you spell it?B: R-I-N-G.A: Is this your ring?B: Yes, it is. Its mine.A: Whats this?B: Its a watch.A: How do you spell it?B: W-A-T-C-H.A: Is this your watch?B: No, it isnt. Its hers.A: Whatre those?B: Theyre notebooks.A: How do you spell?B: N-O-T-E-B-O-O-K-S.A: A

2、re those your notebooks?B: No, they arent. Theyre his._: My notebook My _ is David. Please _ me at 679-8871. Complete the notices with the words or phone number in the box. name yours found 284-5486 lost call3a_: A set of keysAre these _?Call Jenny at _. 本题是写寻物启事和失物招领。本题是写寻物启事和失物招领。1.应应通读全文通读全文,明白大意

3、,明白大意,确定是招领启事,还是寻物启确定是招领启事,还是寻物启事事。在第一则信息中,由关键词在第一则信息中,由关键词my notebook,及下文的,及下文的 “请打请打电话电话679-8871给我给我”,可知这是一则寻物启,可知这是一则寻物启事事;在第二则信;在第二则信息中,由关键词息中,由关键词Are these? 这些是你的吗?可推测这是一这些是你的吗?可推测这是一则失物招领。则失物招领。2.弄清选项中各项的意思弄清选项中各项的意思,根据信息中的内容,逐空对号入座。,根据信息中的内容,逐空对号入座。 name 名字;名字;yours 你的;你的;found 找到;找到; lost 丢失

4、;丢失;call 打电话打电话_: A set of keysAre these _?Call Jenny at _._: My notebook My _ is David. Please _ me at 679-8871. Lets check the answers.name yours found 284-5486 lost callLostnamecall3aFoundyours284-5486Write your own lost or found notice with your name and phone number.1. 写寻物写寻物启事和启事和 招领招领启事启事要紧要紧

5、扣主题扣主题,写清物品名称、联系人及联系方式,写清物品名称、联系人及联系方式,要求表述明确,言简意赅。要求表述明确,言简意赅。 3b2. 常用词汇常用词汇: found 找到;发现,找到;发现,lost 遗失;遗失; 丢失,丢失,pen 钢笔,钢笔,pencil 铅笔,铅笔,ID card 身份身份证,证,eraser 橡皮,橡皮,bag 书包,书包,ruler 尺尺子,子,a set of keys 一串钥匙,一串钥匙,in the school library 在学校图书馆,在学校图书馆,in the classroom在教室里在教室里 3. 常用句型:常用句型: Is this / th

6、at your ? 这是这是 /那是你的那是你的? Are these / those ? 这些这些/那些是那些是? Call at 打打找找 E-mail me at . 给我发邮件到给我发邮件到 Lost: I lost a set of keys. I must find them. My name is Jim. Please call me at 347-2580. Found: A school ID card. Is this your school ID card? I found it in the school library. Call me at 347-2580. O

7、r e-mail me at .eraserbookpenpencildictionaryWrite the school things you know.pen rulernotebookschoolbagschool ID card watchpencil box Imemymineyou yoursher hershehimsheyouhis规则总结规则总结Complete the chart with pronouns.yourherhis类别类别第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称第三人称第三人称第三人称第三人称人称代人称代词主格词主格人称代人称代词宾格词宾格形代形代名代名代Look a

8、t the picture and write conversations.A: _B: _A: _ B: _A: _ B: _234No, they arent.Are those your baseball?Is this your pencil box?Yes, it is. Its mine.Is that your watch?Yes, it is. Its mine.1A: Is that your schoolbag?B: No, it isnt.一、根据句意及图片提示完成句子。一、根据句意及图片提示完成句子。1. This is my new _. 2. Is that you

9、r _? 3. Whats this? Its my aunts _. 4. How do you spell the word “_”?computerwatchringnotebook5. The _ isnt mine. Its Jacks. 6. What are they? Theyre a set of _. 7. Eric lost his school _. keysschool ID cardbaseball二、从二、从B栏中选择栏中选择A栏正确的应答语。栏正确的应答语。A栏栏 1. Whats this in English? ( ) 2. Is that your pen

10、cil box? ( )3. Are those Lindas books? ( ) 4. Whos that girl? ( ) 5. How do you spell your name? ( ) B栏栏 a. Yes, it is. b. Shes my cousin. c. Its J-A-C-K. d. Its an eraser. e. No, they arent. daebc1. Is that your backpack in the lost and found case?Please _ Mike _ 527-3570.call at 四、根据表格,完成下列句子。四、根据

11、表格,完成下列句子。A backpack A ringA baseball A set of keysMikeMarySoniaAlan527-3570251-3607 247-A: _ me, Jack. Is _ your pen?B: No, it _. _ a green pen. _ is blue. Thats my eraser. A: Hi! Tom. Is the green pen _?C: No. My pen _ black. Thats my pencil.A: Hello! Sam. Is this your pen?D: Yes, _ is. _ you!A: Y

12、oure welcome. 三、选词填空三、选词填空(A同学在寻找一些物品的主人同学在寻找一些物品的主人)Excusethisisnt ItsMineyoursitThankisnt, this, thank, mine, it, excuse, is, its, yoursis2. Is that your _ in the _ and found case?Please call _ at _.3. Is that your _ in the school library?Please _ Mary _ 251-3607.4. _ _ your keys in the lost and found? Please _ _ _ . baseball lostSonia 247-8892ringcall atAre thosee-mail Alan at根据提供的情景,完成下列失物招领启事根据提供的情景,完成下列失物招领启事和寻物启事。和寻物启事。招领招领启事:启事:Anna 捡到了一本字典,联系电捡到了一本字典,联系电话是话是547-2479。寻物启事:寻物启事:Eric丢了英语笔记本,联系电丢了英语笔记本,联系电话是话是3562681。E-mail: _



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