七年级英语下册 Module 6 Around town Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium (新版)外研版

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七年级英语下册 Module 6 Around town Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium (新版)外研版_第1页
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1、Module 6 Around townUnit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?1. along prep. 沿着沿着 【点拨】along表示移动的方向,常与动态动词连用。如: Go along the street and youll see an underground station. 沿着这条街走,你会看到一个地铁站。 Walk along the road and turn left at the second crossing. 沿着这条马路走,在第二个十字路口左转。【延伸】along还可作副词,意为“

2、向前;一起,一道”。如: Lets walk along. 咱们向前走吧。【辨析】along, across与throughalong表示沿着细长的线移动,如道路、河流、海岸等;而across表示通过某一物体的表面;through表示通过某一空间或从物体的内部穿过。如:They ran straight across the road.他们径直跑过了马路。He is walking through the forest.他正步行穿过森林。2. turn v. 使改变方向使改变方向【点拨】turn用作动词时,意为“改变方向”。如:turn left向左转;turn right向右转。【延伸】tu

3、rn的用法多样。(1)turn用作名词时,意为“轮流”,“依次轮流的顺序”。如: Its my turn to use the bike. 该轮到我用自行车了。 You must stand in line and wait for your turn. 你必须排队等候。(2)turn用作系动词时,意为“变得”。如: In autumn the leaves turn yellow. 秋天树叶变黄。 She turns red. 她的脸变红了。(3)turn用作不及物动词时,意为“转向”“翻转”。如: Turn right. At the end of the road youll see t

4、he hospital. 向右转。在路的尽头你就会看到那家医院。 Turn to Page 12 in your workbook. 翻到练习册第12页。 与turn搭配的短语有很多,如:turn to sth./sb.(for help)向寻求帮助;turn over翻过来;turn on打开(灯,收音机等);turn off关上(灯,收音机等);turn down/up调低/高(音量);turn into变成;turn.into.(使)成为;turn out结果是/证明是/生产出;take turns替换,轮流;by turns轮流地;take ones turn to do sth.=d

5、o sth. by turns轮流做某事。3. opposite prep. 在在的对面的对面【点拨】opposite作介词,意为“在的对面”,与across from意思相同。如: There is a big bookshop over there, just along Xi Changan Jie, on the right, opposite the bank. 那边有一家大书店,就在西长安街的右边,银行对面。 Have you seen the house opposite the railway station? 你看到火车站对面的房子了吗?1. Excuse me!Can yo

6、u tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie? 打扰一下,你能告诉我去王府井大街的路吗?打扰一下,你能告诉我去王府井大街的路吗? 【点拨】(1)excuse作名词,意为“借口”;作动词,意为“原谅”。如: She made an excuse for her being late. 她为自己的迟到辩解。 Please excuse me for arriving late. 请原谅我来晚了。常用短语:make/find an excuse找借口;a good/poor excuse好/差的借口。【辨析】excuse me与Im sorry如:Excuse me,

7、can you tell me the way to the station?劳驾,你能告诉我去车站的路吗?Im sorry, I cant go to work today.很抱歉,今天我不能去上班。excuse me常用于要走开、打扰别人或表示异议等场合Im sorry 常用于犯某种错误后表示歉意(2)该句用来向别人问路。除此之外,还有其他几种问路的句型。如: Excuse me, wheres the (nearest) hospital? 打扰一下,请问(最近的)医院在哪儿? Is there a hospital near here? 这附近有医院吗? Can you tell me

8、 how to get to the hospital? 你能告诉我怎么到医院吗? Can you tell me how I can get to the hospital? 你能告诉我怎样才能到医院吗? Can you tell me which is the way to the hospital? 你能告诉我到医院的路吗? 2. Go across Dong Changan Jie, go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left. 穿过东长安街,沿着这条街走,然后在左边第三条穿过东长安街,沿着这条街走

9、,然后在左边第三条街道左转。街道左转。 【点拨】(1)across是介词,意为“横过;穿过”,指从物体的表面穿过。如: He swam across the river. 他游过河去。(2)go along意为“沿着”,多指沿街、道路、河边或堤坝等往前走。 表示“沿着往前走”还可以用go down,多指向低处走、向郊区走等。如: Go down this road, and take the first turning on the left. 沿着这条路走,在第一个路口向左拐。 Go along Fifth Street and then youll see a supermarket on

10、 your right. 沿着第五大街走,然后你将在你的右侧看到一家超市。(3)turn left/right意为“向左/右拐”。这里的left或right是副词,整个短语相当于turn to the left/right。left/right还可以作形容词和名词用。如:The No. 14 Middle School is on the left side of the street. 第14中学位于街道左边。(作形容词)Come and sit on my left. 过来坐在我左边。(作名词) 3. Could you tell me how to get to the National

11、 Stadium? 你能告诉我怎么去国家体育场吗?你能告诉我怎么去国家体育场吗?【点拨】what, which, how, when, where等疑问代词或疑问副词后加动词不定式构成的短语在句子中作主语、宾语和表语。如:How to save the child is the most impor-tant to us. (作主语)怎样拯救这个孩子对我们来说是最重要的。I dont know what to do next. (作宾语)我不知道下一步做什么。He doesnt know which to choose. (作宾语)他不知道该选哪个。Is this where to finish our tour? (作表语)这就是我们结束行程的地方吗?



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