Living EnvironentQuia生活环境的权威

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《Living EnvironentQuia生活环境的权威》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Living EnvironentQuia生活环境的权威(63页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、New York State Required Labs Review Diffusion Through A Membrane Making Connections Beaks of Finches Relationships and BiodiversityDiffusion Through a MembraneDiffusion Through A Membraneindicator chemically indicates if a substance is present by changing coloriodine = starch indicator solutionBened

2、icts solution = glucose indicator solution must be heatedDiffusion Through A Membranediffusion movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration no energy needed (passive transport)Diffusion Through A Membrane we used a dialysis tube to simulate a semi-permea

3、ble cell membrane the dialysis tube was filled with glucose solution and starch solution, sealedand rinsed with water it was placed in a beaker with water and iodine and allowed to sitDiffusion Through A Membraneresults ofstarch test inside and outside of cellDiffusion Through a Membraneresults of g

4、lucosetest outside of cellDiffusion Through a MembraneDiffusion Through A Membraneglucose moleculepart of a starchmoleculeDiffusion Through a Membraneosmosis diffusion of water across a semi-permeable cell membrane from region of highconcentration to a region of low concentration no energy needed (p

5、assive transport)Diffusion Through a MembraneDiffusion Through a Membranecell wallcytoplasmred onion cellsin tap watercell membraneDiffusion Through a Membranebathing the cells in 10% NaCl = salt water, by “wicking”it through NaClDiffusion Through a Membranered onion cells insalt watercytoplasmcell

6、wallcell membraneDiffusion Through A Membranebathing the cells in distilled water, by “wicking” itthroughDiffusion Through a Membranecell wallcytoplasmred onion cellsin distilled water returned to normalcell membraneDiffusion Through A MembraneWhich is in distilled water andwhich is in salt water?Di

7、ffusion Through A MembraneApplications salt on roads to melt snowintravenous saline solutionssalty foods make you thirstysalt on slugs to kill themsalty foods do not spoil as easilygargling with salt waterdigestion of starch to glucoseMaking ConnectionsMaking Connections Part A: Looking for Patterns

8、 A1. What Is Your Pulse Rate?pulse results from expansion ofarteries each time your heartbeats to send a surge of bloodthrough your body measured pulse three times and found average pulse rate tallied class average pulse ratesMaking Connections Part A: Looking for Patterns A1. What Is Your Pulse Rat

9、e?Making Connections Part A: Looking for Patterns A1. What Is Your Pulse Rate? after exercise, pulse increased heart beats faster - increasing circulation - to carry moreoxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body breathe faster to obtain more O2 and release CO2 respiratory and circulatory systems

10、 working together to maintain homeostasisMaking Connections Part A: Looking for Patterns A2. How Does Fatigue Affect Muscle Performance? squeezed clothespin for one minute counted squeezed again for one minute using same hand the second time number of squeezes was lower dueto muscle fatigueMaking Co

11、nnections Part B: Investigating Claimsclaims are accepted if there is evidence to support themStudent Aclaims more clothespinsqueezes in 1 minute ifexercises 1st fasterpulse rate, bloodgetting to muscles fasterStudent Bclaims more clothespinsqueezes in 1 minute ifrests 1st exercise usesenergy - rest

12、ing personwill have more energyconduct a controlled experiment to determinewhich claim is correctMaking Connections Part B: Investigating ClaimsExperimental DesignQuestion: Can you squeeze a clothespin moretimes in one minute if you exercise or rest beforehand?Hypothesis: (tentative statement about

13、the expectedrelationship between the variables) You can squeeze aclothespin more times in one minute if you rest first.Title: The Effect of Exercise and Rest on ClothespinSqueezing RateMaking Connections Part B: Investigating ClaimsExperimental DesignDependent variable: (what you measure) number of

14、timesthe clothespin can be squeezed in one minuteIndependent variable: (the one we vary to see how itaffects the dependent variable) amount of exerciseVariables that must be controlled (kept constant):type of clothespinfingers usedtime of exercise/resttime of squeezingsame hand for each trial* use m

15、aximum sample size and number of trials in experiment *Making Connections Part B: Investigating ClaimsExperimental Design half of class rests and half of class exercises then allcount number of clothespin squeezes in one minuteOR whole class rests and counts number of clothespin squeezesin one minut

16、e then whole class exercises and countsnumber of clothespin squeezesMaking Connections Part B: Investigating ClaimsFinal Report Title Hypothesis Materials and Methods materials used and what you did Data Collected includes data tables and graphs Discussion and Conclusions does data support or refute

17、hypothesis and explanation Suggestions for Improvement sources of error, variablesthat must be controlled and that influenced outcome Suggestions for further research new research questionsMaking Connections Part B: Investigating ClaimsPeer ReviewDefending findings and conclusions to peers: presenta

18、tion address final report answer questions visual aidsResults and conclusions accepted if they can be repeatedby other scientistsBeaks of FinchesBeaks of FinchesCharlesDarwinBeaks of FinchesDarwins finches showgreat variation in beakadaptations shapesand sizes - due toisolation of birdpopulations on

19、 islandswith different kinds andamounts of foodBeaks of Finches different tools represent different beaks seeds (small and large) represent food tray represents the island cup represents finch stomachBeaks of FinchesRound One: No Competition, Original Island feeding with no competition - one person

20、at a time feeding on small seeds as many as possible in given time repeated twice with each person = 4 trials total average of 13 or greater survived average of less than 13 moved to new islandBeaks of FinchesRound Two: Competition on original island with smallseeds (if survived round 1) on new isla

21、nd with large seeds(if did not survive round 1) competition feeding withanother team from same dishcompetition interaction between two or more individualsto obtain a resource that is in limited supplyBeaks of FinchesRound Three: Increased Competition competing with all other species left on your isl

22、and all successful at feeding on small seeds at one dish all successful at feeding on large seeds at another dishBeaks of FinchesThis activity simulates concepts involved innatural selection:variation different beak types and seed sizescompetition more than one bird feeding at a timestruggle for sur

23、vival each bird trying to get enoughto surviveadaptation particular characteristics of each beakenvironment the birds, food and islandselecting agent the size of seed availableBeaks of FinchesOverall: some birds had beaks that allowed them to surviveon small seeds- if a bird survives it can reproduc

24、e- it may then pass its traits on to its offspring other birds could not survive on small seeds,but could survive on large seeds still other birds could not survive on either size seed over time adaptive radiation occurred - newspecies evolved from a common ancestor each new species occupies a diffe

25、rent habitat orecological niche (in this case with different food)Beaks of FinchesDifferent finches havebeaks with differentcharacteristics that allowthem to competesuccessfully on differenttypes of food eachspecies has its own niche,which limits competitionIn order for a species to survive, the app

26、ropriate typeof food must be available.Relationships and BiodiversityRelationships and Biodiversity Botana curus hypothetical plant used to make Curol for treating cancer Botana curus endangered, grows slowly related species: X, Y and Z will determine which is most closely related to Botana Curus us

27、ing structural and molecular evidence will decide which species (X, Y or Z) is most likely to produce CurolRelationships and BiodiversityStructural Evidence Test 1:Structural Characteristics of PlantsRelationships and BiodiversityStructural Evidence Test 2:Structural Characteristics of SeedsRelation

28、ships and BiodiversityStructural Evidence Test 3: Microscopic Internal Structure of Stemsexamined cross sectionof stem under microscopeto determine arrangementof vascular bundlesRelationships and BiodiversityStructural Evidence Test 3: Microscopic Internal Structure of StemsBotana curusscatteredbund

29、lesSpecies XcircularbundlesSpecies YcircularbundlesSpecies ZscatteredbundlesRelationships and BiodiversityHypothesis after examiningstructural evidence is that Botana curus is most closelyrelated to species Z.Relationships and BiodiversityMolecular Evidence Test 4:Paper Chromatography to SeparatePla

30、nt Pigmentspigments absorb sunlight in plants,give plants color, ex: chlorophyll pigments extracted from each species placed on chromatography paper chromatography paper placed in waterRelationships and BiodiversityMolecular Evidence Test 4:Paper Chromatography to SeparatePlant PigmentsRelationships

31、 and BiodiversityMolecular Evidence Test 4:Paper Chromatography to SeparatePlant PigmentsRelationships and BiodiversityMolecular Evidence Test 5:Indicator Test for Enzyme MRelationships and BiodiversityMolecular Evidence Test 5:Indicator Test for Enzyme MBotana curusenzyme M presentSpecies Xenzyme M

32、 absentSpecies Yenzyme M presentSpecies Zenzyme M presentRelationships and BiodiversityMolecular Evidence Test 6: Using SimulatedGel ElectrophoresisTo Compare DNARelationships and BiodiversityMolecular Evidence Test 6: Using SimulatedGel Electrophoresis To Compare DNARelationships and BiodiversityMo

33、lecular Evidence Test 6: Using SimulatedGel Electrophoresis To Compare DNARelationships and BiodiversityMolecular Evidence Test 6: Using SimulatedGel Electrophoresis To Compare DNARelationships and BiodiversityMolecular Evidence Test 7: Translatingthe DNA Code to Make a ProteinRelationships and Biod

34、iversityMolecular Evidence Test 7: Translatingthe DNA Code toMake a ProteinRelationships and BiodiversityRelationships and Biodiversity Which species X, Y or Z - is most similar to Botana curus and is most likely to produce Curol? Which kind of evidence structural or molecular is most helpful to mak

35、e decisions about relationships between species? Which evolutionary tree diagram best shows therelationships between species used in this lab?Relationships and Biodiversitybiodiversity a measure of the numberand types of organisms in a location helps maintain ecosystem stability useful to humans for

36、 food, medicine,clothing, shelter, oxygen, soil fertility,future genetic variation, enjoyment we have no right to destroy Relationships and Biodiversityextinction no more of a given speciesleft on earthcauses of extinction and loss of biodiversity: destruction of natural habitats pollution overharve

37、sting invasive species removal of predatorsRelationships and BiodiversityHuman activities are reducing biodiversityand are causing the extinction of realorganisms that have real uses, like thehypothetical Botana curus. Many peoplefeel that it is important to preservebiodiversity. Some do not feel that it isworth the cost and effort.New York State Required Labsn Diffusion Through A Membranen Making Connectionsn Beaks of Finchesn Relationships and Biodiversity



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