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1、Made by TerryChapter1:Text ReadingChapter2:New WordChapter3:GrammarChapter4:ExerciseLesson 15Good news The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business

2、 was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come. Mr.Harmsworth, I said in a weak voice. Dont interrupt, he said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!New Word - 1se

3、cretary 秘书,书记员 ,干事,文书拓展拓展: secretarial adj. 秘书的, 书记的 secretary bookcase 写字台 secret n.秘密, 秘诀, 奥秘 adj.秘密的, 隐秘的, 幽静的 Secretary of State 国务秘书,国务卿New Word - 2nervous adj. 精神紧张的 get nervous 变得紧张 I always get so nervous about going on stage. 我上台就会变得很紧张; 与worried和upset的对比:Be nervous 对现在发生的事情的紧张对现在发生的事情的紧张Wo

4、rried 为以后的事担心为以后的事担心Upset 为以前的事不安为以前的事不安New Word - 3afford 及物动词及物动词 vt. 1. 买得起;有足够的.(常与can,could,be able to连用) Afford to do sth 有能力做某事 Afford sth 负担得起什么东西负担得起什么东西 could not afford to(否定)不可能支付 造句1:莉莉没有能力去买一个新的自行车。 Lily can not afford to buy a new bike. 2.给予,提供 造句:跳舞给我们带来快乐。 Dancing affords us pleasur

5、e.New Word - 4Weak adj. 1. 弱的,虚弱的;衰弱的She is still weak after her long illness. 久病之后她仍很虚弱。2. 软弱的,懦弱的;优柔寡断的He is a man of weak character. 他这个人性格软弱。3. (能力等)弱的,差的(+at/in)He was weak in mathematics, but good at English. 他数学差,但英语好。4. (论据等)不充分的,无说服力的The evidence he produced was very weak. 他拿出的证据很不充分。他拿出的证据

6、很不充分。New Word - 5Interrupt v.interruption n 中断;干扰中断;干扰Disturb sb 打扰某人打扰某人Interrupt sb 打断某人的话打断某人的话1.打断打断(讲话或讲话人讲话或讲话人) I dont want to interrupt you. Go on with your story. 我不想打断你。请把你的故事讲下去。我不想打断你。请把你的故事讲下去。2.中断中断;遮断遮断;阻碍阻碍 The war interrupted the trade between the two countries. 战争使两国间的贸易中断了。战争使两国间的

7、贸易中断了。New Word - 6The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me.Would在这里不单单指过去将来时,更表示想,要 例:What would you like to have?He did not look up from his desk when I entered.look up表示先埋头干什么,之后抬头看。 反义词:look down 向下看 Look down on sb 瞧不起某人(词义非常重)New Word - 7He told me that the firm could not afford t

8、o pay such large salaries. pay salaries:支付薪水 collect salary:领薪水 如此:so, suchso的后面加形容词或副词such的后面加名词,允许在该名词前加修饰词I knew that my turn had come. My turn has come.(书面语) Its my turn.(口语) New Word - 8I said in a weak voice.in a . Voice 用的声音 in a loud(大声)/low(低声)/weak(强调心理不踏实)/strong (理直气壮)voiceThen he smiled

9、 and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!以下几个词都可以表示“再”或“又”的意思,注意用法: extra, other, more, another最灵活的是moremore可以放数词和名词之间,甚至可以放在整个名词的后面extra和other一定放在数词和名词之间, another一定放在数词前面记住几个短语:one extra thousand; two others; once more; another three days Grammer -1 间接引语的概念课文摘录: “The secretary t

10、old me that Mr. Hamsworth would see me.”直接引语和间接引语的概念直接引语和间接引语的概念 引述别人的话语一般采用两种方式引述别人的话语一般采用两种方式: : 一是原封不动地引用原话一是原封不动地引用原话, ,把它放在括号内把它放在括号内, ,叫作直接引语叫作直接引语; ; 二是用自己的话加以转述二是用自己的话加以转述, , 这叫间接引语这叫间接引语. .that引引导导的的宾语宾语从句从句Jane said that she was very happy to help you.简说,简说,她她很高兴能帮助你。很高兴能帮助你。2.1 陈述句陈述句Gram

11、mer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语不同句式的转换规则whether/if 引引导导的的宾语宾语从句从句He asked me if/whether I liked playing basketball.他问我,他问我,我我是否是否喜欢打篮球喜欢打篮球。2.2 疑问句疑问句Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语不同句式的转换规则wh-词词引引导导的的宾语宾语从句从句My sister asked me what I thought of the film.他问我,他问我,我我对这部电影感觉怎么样对这部电影感觉怎么样。2.3 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语

12、不同句式的转变规则带带 to 的不定式的不定式He asked us to be seated.他请我们坐下。他请我们坐下。2.4 祈使句祈使句Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语不同句式的转变规则2.5 转换中的要点转换中的要点1-人称的转换人称的转换Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语1 直接引语中的第一人称,一般转换为第三人称,如:直接引语中的第一人称,一般转换为第三人称,如: He said,“I am very sorry.” He said that he was very sorry. 2 直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对转述人说的,直接引语中的第二人称,如果

13、原话是针对转述人说的,转换为第一人称,如:转换为第一人称,如: “You should be more careful next time,” my father told me. My father told me that I should be more careful the next time. 2.5 转换中的要点转换中的要点1-人称的转换人称的转换Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语3 直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对第三人称说的,直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对第三人称说的,转换成第三人称。如:转换成第三人称。如: She said to her son, “I

14、ll check your homework tonight.” She said to her son that she would check his homework that night.4 人称的转换包括人称代词、物主代词和名词性物主代词人称的转换包括人称代词、物主代词和名词性物主代词等等。如:。如: He asked me, “Will you go to the station with me to meet a friend of mine this afternoon?” He asked me whether I would go to the station with h

15、im to meet a friend of his that afternoon. 总之,人称的转换不是固定的,具体情况,具体对待,要符合逻辑。总之,人称的转换不是固定的,具体情况,具体对待,要符合逻辑。一般过去时一般过去时He said that he knew it.2.6 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结2-时态的转换时态的转换1Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语过去进行时过去进行时She said she was making coffee for us all. 2.6 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结2-时态的转换时态的转换2Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语

16、过去完成时过去完成时He said he had seen her the previous Monday. 2.6 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结2-时态的转换时态的转换3Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语过去完成时过去完成时He said he had seen her the previous Monday. 2.6 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结2-时态的转换时态的转换3Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语过去完成进行时过去完成进行时She said she had been waiting for Jim.2.6 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结2-时态的转换时

17、态的转换4Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语过去完成时过去完成时He said he had seen her before.2.6 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结2-时态的转换时态的转换5Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语过去完成进行时过去完成进行时He said he had been doing it for hours. 2.6 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结2-时态的转换时态的转换6Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语过去完成时过去完成时Jack asked if I knew Rick had been ill in bed for many day

18、s till he died.2.6 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结2-时态的转换时态的转换7Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语过去将来时过去将来时He said they would start the next day.2.6 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结2-时态的转换时态的转换8Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语由直接引语转变为间接引语由直接引语转变为间接引语,下列情况下从句的时态不变下列情况下从句的时态不变:1. 不变的真理不变的真理 The teacher said to the students, “Water freezes when the tempe

19、rature falls below 0.” The teacher told the students that water freezes when the temperature falls below 0.2.7 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结3-特例说明特例说明1Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语直接引语转换间接引语由直接引语转变为间接引语由直接引语转变为间接引语,下列情况下从句的时态不变下列情况下从句的时态不变:2. 当主句的谓语动词是一般现在时时,如:当主句的谓语动词是一般现在时时,如: He always says, “I am tired out.” He alw

20、ays says that he is tired out. 2.7 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结3-特例说明特例说明2Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语直接引语转换间接引语由直接引语转变为间接引语由直接引语转变为间接引语,下列情况下从句的时态不变下列情况下从句的时态不变:3. 当主句的谓语动词是将来时的时候,如:当主句的谓语动词是将来时的时候,如: He will say, “Ill try my best to help you.” He will say that he will try his best to help me. 2.7 转换中的要点总结转换中的要点总结3-

21、特例说明特例说明3Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语一.句型之间的转换1He said: “Ive left my book in my room.”2She said: “He will be busy.”3She said to Tom, “Can you help me?”4She asked, “Is this book yours or his?”5The teacher asked, “how did you repair it?”Exercise - 1 句型转换练习一.句型之间的转换6The teacher said to the students, “Dont wa

22、ste your time.”7The mother said, “Tom, get up early, please.”8The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”9My father said, “Practice makes perfect.”10The boy said to us, “ I usually get up at six every day.”Exercise - 1 句型转换练习1. He asked _ for the computer. A. did I pay how much B. I paid how m

23、uch C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid2. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. He asked me _. A. had I seen the film B. have I seen the film C. if I have seen the film D. whether I had seen the film3. “Please close the window,” he said to me. He _ me _ the window. A. said to; to close B. told

24、 to; closing C. asked ; to close D. said to; please close4. “I am a teacher,” Jack said. He said _. A. that I am a teacher B. I was a teacher C. that he is a teacher D. he was a teacherExercise - 2 单项选择 5. He said, “Mother, the boy is very naughty.” He _- very naughty. A. said his mother that the bo

25、y was B. said to his mother that the boy is C. told his mother that the boy was D. spoke to his mother that the boy was6. “Youve already got well, havent you?” she asked.She asked _. A. if I have already got well, hadnt you B. whether I had already got well C. have I already got well D. had I alread

26、y got well.Exercise - 2 单项选择 7. He asked, “Are you a Party member or a League member?” He asked me _. A. am I a Party member or a League member B. was I a Party member or a League member C. if I was a Party member or a League member D. whether was I a Party member or a League member.8. He asked, “Ho

27、w are you getting along?” He asked _. A. how am I getting along B. how are you getting along C. how I was getting along D. how was I getting alongExercise - 2 单项选择Exercise-3 填空1. “I never eat meat.” he said.He said that _ never _ meat.2. “Ive found my wallet.” he said to me.He _ me that he _ _ _ wal

28、let.3. “I took it home with me.” she said.She said that _ _ _ it home with her.4. The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.”The teacher said that the sun _ in the east and _ down in the west.Exercise-3 填空5. “I met her yesterday.” he said to me. He _ me that he _ met the

29、 day _.6. “You must come here before five.” he said. He said that I _ to go _ before five.7. “I bought the house 10 years ago.” he said. He said that he _ bought the house 10 years _.8. “Did you see her last week?” he said. He _ _ I had seen her the week _9. He said, “You can sit here, Jim.” He _ Jim that he _ sit there



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