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1、Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 3 Which sport will you take part in?REVISION单词:单词:foreign-foreigner visit-visitor win-winnercongratulation-congratulate bad-badly hit-hit ring-rang hold-held feel-felt run-rantake-took词组:词组:在操场上在操场上参加参加男子男子800米跑米跑我的外国朋友我的外国朋友玩的很开心玩的很开心准备做某事准备做某事为为.做准备做准备与某人交朋友与某人交朋友男子接力赛男子

2、接力赛一双运动鞋一双运动鞋在学校大门口在学校大门口on the playgroundtake part in/be in/join inthe boys 800-meter racemy foreign friendhave lots of/great fun(doing)sthbe ready to dobe/get ready for sth/doing sthmake friends with sb.the boys relay racea pair of sports shoesat the school gate定在几点钟定在几点钟在剧院在剧院去看电影去看电影一双跑鞋一双跑鞋把把.递

3、给递给.获得第一名获得第一名一个一个3班的男生班的男生一些其他的老师一些其他的老师在接力赛中在接力赛中向某人祝贺向某人祝贺另外一场令人兴奋另外一场令人兴奋的接力赛的接力赛举行运动会举行运动会感到兴奋感到兴奋摘苹果摘苹果make it+时间时间at the theatergo to the moviesa pair of running shoespass.to.win first placea boy from Class 3some other teachersin the relay racecongratulations to sb another exciting relay race

4、hold a sports meetfeel excitedpick apples爬山爬山在在.做的不好做的不好在某方面做得好在某方面做得好终点线终点线起跑线起跑线多做运动多做运动能够做某事能够做某事将来的某一天将来的某一天鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事下次做的更好下次做的更好中华人民共和国中华人民共和国在将来在将来从现在起从现在起第一次第一次最后一次最后一次climb a mountain/go mountain climbingdo badly in sth/doing sthdo well in/be good atfinish linestarting linedo more exerc

5、isebe able to do sthsome dayencourage sb to do sthdo better next timethe Peoples Republic of Chinain the futurefrom now onfor the first timefor the last time代表代表完成某事完成某事至少至少.的象征的象征句子:句子:1.我将要参加运动会。(我将要参加运动会。(3个)个)I will take part in/be in/join in the sports meet.2.我确信运动会将会令人非常兴奋。我确信运动会将会令人非常兴奋。Im su

6、re the sports meet will be exciting.3.你要参加哪项运动?你要参加哪项运动?Which sport will you take part in?4.我要参加跳高。我要参加跳高。Ill be in/join in/take part in the high jump.5.我相信你会赢。我相信你会赢。I believe you will win.stand forfinish doing sthat leasta symbol of.5.我希望如此。我希望如此。I hope so.6.那是我第一次参加跳高。那是我第一次参加跳高。Its my first time

7、 to take part in the high jump.7.我为跳远做好准备了,我会尽最大努力,我不会输。我为跳远做好准备了,我会尽最大努力,我不会输。Im ready for the long jump,Ill do my best.I wont lose.8.在运动会期间我可能会交很多朋友。在运动会期间我可能会交很多朋友。Maybe Ill make many friends during the sports meet.9.我们要带什么?我们要带什么?What shall we meet?10.我带我的相机好吗?我带我的相机好吗?Shall I take my camera?11.

8、我们什么时候见面?我们什么时候见面?When shall we meet?12.我们在哪见面?在我家。我们在哪见面?在我家。Where shall we meet? At my house.13.咱把时间定在咱把时间定在6:30吧。吧。Lets make it 6:30.14.今天下午将会有另一场令人兴奋的接力赛。今天下午将会有另一场令人兴奋的接力赛。There will be another exciting relay race this afternoon.15.它会很有趣。它几点开始?它会很有趣。它几点开始?It will be fun.What time will it begin?

9、16.我们班获得了第一。(我们班获得了第一。(2个)个)Our class won first place/was first./was the winner.17.我是第一个穿过终点线的。我是第一个穿过终点线的。I was the first to cross the finish line.18.我希望有一天我能够参加奥运会。我希望有一天我能够参加奥运会。I hope some day I will be able to take part in the Olympics.maybe,may bemaybe可能,副词,用在句首可能,副词,用在句首=perhapsmay be 可能是可能是

10、用在句中做谓语用在句中做谓语may 可能,可以可能,可以 情态动词情态动词+动词原形动词原形win,beatwin后跟后跟war,game,match,medal,prize等。等。beat后跟人,团队,国家等。后跟人,团队,国家等。can, be able tobe able to do sth. 有能力做某事有能力做某事 (可用于各(可用于各种时态)种时态)can could+动原动原 只用于一般现代时及一般过只用于一般现代时及一般过去时两种时态去时两种时态表示提建议,征询意见的句型表示提建议,征询意见的句型Shall we/I+ 动词原形动词原形What about + VingWhy

11、not + 动词原形动词原形Lets +动词原形动词原形Would you like to do?Yes,Id love/like to.回答:回答:Thats a good idea.That sounds good/great.Good idea.一、用所给首字母的提示,填空,使句子意思通顺并完整。1. Li Ming passed the s_ to Kangkang quickly in the relay race.2. Look! Children are p_ apples in the tree.3. We did our best to help v_ in the 2008

12、 Beijing Olympics.4. Our e_ is becoming better and better in Beijing. tickickingisitorsnvironment二、用所给动词的适当形式填空,注意句子时态。 1. Would you mind _ (fill) out the form?2. It will be sunny on Saturday. What about _ (go) hiking.3. When _ we _ (meet) tomorrow? Lets make it half past six.4. He _(visit) Beijing in August in 2008.5. Beijing _ (host) the 29th Olympic Games. fillinggoingshall meetvisitedhosted



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