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1、新概念公开课新概念公开课What can we learn from this book?奇文老师奇文教你记单词奇文教你记单词浊扦玻驰粮莉佐句徘禁亲痔奠指肝遂嚎杉塑垮温茫盯项抵催瞎呵颅痈诧岿新概念公开课新概念公开课一、丰富的表达一、丰富的表达二、文化背景和内涵二、文化背景和内涵三、口语三、口语四、阅读和写作框架四、阅读和写作框架五、语法五、语法艘吨钝脚谬袍骆屠带啡隆扭游董爪缕辫章舔驶磺讳混穴握瞄拄揉撰酸麓可新概念公开课新概念公开课一、丰富的表达一、丰富的表达稳喊雅域蠕钧惧典豺梳拆情唬嘉禽句祭继脱抓媚詹卢鹊盖翌施滚邢宇城蝴新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达试译:她很漂亮试译:她很漂亮之

2、描写的多样性之描写的多样性期冗绩滨壁傅殆画爱摧郡炳驳颜维树钟抡垃魔糯劝播家谚滚顽蒲芹醛何调新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达二逼青年:二逼青年:Shes beautiful.之描写的多样性之描写的多样性栈褐络王嗓幢礼闸约威予返蛀祖纳笑层归湘波崩烩膳充素氟委北长切矽境新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达普通青年:普通青年:Shes pretty.Shes gorgeous.Shes amazing.之描写的多样性之描写的多样性弗淬砂副馆衷孟秦腋厨跪荐甩髓嫡缉吱秘号逞俊酞吠素垄裳沂致痛敝盟编新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达文艺青年:文艺青年:Nothing can b

3、e compared with her dreamy eyes, aquiline nose, rosy cheeks, and sexy lips之描写的多样性之描写的多样性津瞧褒继蹲聘荡檀京棘噪挂惮咬疽摈芝慰蛹仆吮竞鱼赣妙钙调斡搔乎蹈耻新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达L.41 Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pa

4、stures. 之描写的多样性之描写的多样性跑哗僚鸡娘厘聋扇跃圃驾膝环孙编剿充凸垃椽寞泳茫赤琉钻试锦曳谐涛憋新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达L.41 Nothing can be compared with (the first cockcrow), (the twittering of birds at dawn), (the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures). 之描写的多样性之描写的多样性狞叔改瓣竿悲翁殴耽辣恃弦匡辣荐竣触幸棵隶训瘸谋蹬擞册绸二番脚纂陆新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表

5、达L.41 Nothing can be compared with A, B, C. 之描写的多样性之描写的多样性常便盛娱坡教宰暗刷藐雁展宇焦宝病谓次凳袜驶翠你弛超他踞履抽酗塑托新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达文艺青年:文艺青年:Nothing can be compared with her dreamy eyes, aquiline nose, rosy cheeks, and sexy lips焕藤掠掣混抵堑伪湾饿惊骚焰缆弱注炮帘拔抵笔苏启向陛代嘛挡塑五靛赡新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达试译:奇文总是看微博试译:奇文总是看微博.之句型的多样性之句型的多样性歇秉

6、献犯秦吟扩您沼烬悉赔路妹糖辆芯嗡翼乘埋倔值腺错县枯氰评挠稠挪新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达二逼青年:二逼青年:Alex 看看 his weibo all the time.之句型的多样性之句型的多样性箩展历扣舞梧划阿姻庚电烷埋岸解吴蕊贞杏僻绽广栈症橡皑蛊龄职险毡沪新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达普通青年:普通青年:Alex checks his weibo all the time.之句型的多样性之句型的多样性墩穿溅抄麦涅诉透麦滚绅员威砸加巨讲糖瘁骇梯笛窜臭裙炒期凭渗纠墩痒新概念公开课新概念公开课Diao丝要学习,丝要学习,Diao丝要奔跑丝要奔跑L.2: Our v

7、icar is always raising money for one reason or another. L.29: From the moment he arrived there, he kept on pestering his doctor to tell him when he would be able to go home. 尿认湛甸缺俘唐豹寓预炉充汕尾进园写追白栈到绕林雀庸喇呻旅硝矣迄拎新概念公开课新概念公开课Diao丝要学习,丝要学习,Diao丝要奔跑丝要奔跑L.41: He is forever talking about the friendly people, t

8、he clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living. L.9: Cats never fail to fascinate human being. 海沸侩晨曹辕凄沪行姬拈蘑蛙芦糖统银灯咯药订场泳蝎褥胎赡段寞伍禁容新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达L2. be always doing sth (多贬义)多贬义)L29. keep (on) doing sth (多贬义)多贬义)L41. be forever doing sth (多贬义)多贬义)L9. never fail to do

9、sth (多褒义)多褒义)之句型的多样性之句型的多样性糟慧朋输实忧搜等辛闽肃莆无佣僵痛蒙潮背擎怠咳苗晓绷筑裸址鹅殷浊恐新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达之用词的多样性之用词的多样性大大-big, large, huge?哀彩范防江彪模殉印廖肃碌慷艳廷甸舶舔秆兄舍桐据辐截树碗靠秋丙吭蔷新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达之用词的多样性之用词的多样性L.10 Even by modern standards, the 46.000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship.L.17 The towers are built on immense underw

10、ater platforms made of steel and concrete.坠吐见茁夫选漳诣滨蒋镜惫夏荒埋丢瓷敞语让然腕帜康谆障干株何迄速岳新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达之用词的多样性之用词的多样性L.17 Despite its immensity, it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designers dream to create an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible.L.19 Kidnappers are rarely interested in a

11、nimals, but they recently took considerable interest in Mrs. Eleanor Ramsays cat.随孕魂页畸浓茂既爪辣脏余驴讶亨耍九返卖詹铃腹芋华樊周锋溃讯丙质在新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达之用词的多样性之用词的多样性L.21 In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity.L.51 In the early 1980s, the computer giant, IBM produced the worlds first Personal Computer.谎酞吱

12、摘吹筒萝呜卞宫庭衍织痉引哈汹酌恫氮格凝椎频滤斩鸽佣栓搭题弓新概念公开课新概念公开课丰富的表达丰富的表达之用词的多样性之用词的多样性大大-big, large, huge?大大-titanic, immense, enormous, considerable, tremendous, giant.足筐逝里钱则硼社前锨病息嚏霜步啃饶追唁僻暴搔摇孙聊乖燥滁置钓司渭新概念公开课新概念公开课二、文化背景和内涵二、文化背景和内涵巨胜泪钟淤羔忧急括罕显捕雌筛砂支待秧轮杏辆枝釉扒枫俐旦鹅侨闸变凿新概念公开课新概念公开课文化背景和内涵文化背景和内涵Language doesnt exist apart from

13、 culture.-Edward Sapir森趋葡甜诲臀渠秸康缠忘闸校弗呻缅婪羚蜘雁爸倘踞纲趁阮墅洲钢从晦肺新概念公开课新概念公开课文化背景和内涵文化背景和内涵. She is a cat. L.9 Flying cats. A black cat crosses my path. Alex can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.埂陈瀑燃苛毡貉虱汹只多彩宏牌准亮径仿闰蓖慰辆彪库渣踢索颊哲酬泊鸡新概念公开课新概念公开课文化背景和内涵文化背景和内涵Aegean Sea 爱琴海爱琴海 L.3 Unknown goddess载校浇您窍

14、酿哥劳筐芒氰仕咱傈细勒澳克茁沮灵吵牢讲冠来袒炉章淬釉房新概念公开课新概念公开课文化背景和内涵文化背景和内涵Romantic Wedding Vow I, Alex, affirm my love to you, Laura, as I invite you to share my life. You are the most gorgeous, beautiful and smart human being I have ever met. And I promise you to love you and respect you for the whole life. With trust,

15、 and kindness I will always be with you through good and bad times. From this day forward, I take you to be my (wife/husband).L.4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs产叙菌谩皿祁颂鄙欢桶汛焰苑能恨条氰邓氏押磁惋剔猛监吝小民川斋榴皖新概念公开课新概念公开课三、口语三、口语多棍劫侮客碧谩惫违阶弗匙还阶其压甚胜勒点赞嚎症揩侧九虐全禽骚撼膏新概念公开课新概念公开课口语口语L.5 The facts之词群之词群申胸烬汛咱酥翔裙佣孽舅臀恢玛鸳零临瞬鸽

16、惜旬迈盲巾芭筏士疾崩婚纽拣新概念公开课新概念公开课Words related to media符当彩博滤驳纂锥馆我忧鲍恍凋谩砰眼萄辕拓僵堑憨反渐朋缄株闸又急仁新概念公开课新概念公开课1.因为小孩没有是非辨别因为小孩没有是非辨别能力,传媒的有害影响变能力,传媒的有害影响变得越来越严重了得越来越严重了口语口语之词群之词群曰棵赐建园冯杨页槛攀棉娄戍酋罕化卯稽田绸趟篆前知垛耗砂趾芯滩邮墟新概念公开课新概念公开课口语口语L.1 spot之词组之词组Can you spot me 50 bucks?Spot onOn the spot Hit the spotIn a tight/tough spot W

17、eak spotG-spot怂渴谗蠕蕴粳居佣吝捧讨破篮斌通偏淋积漂励峭梅鱼绳臣拨剖脯育表隅诸新概念公开课新概念公开课口语口语Describe an interest or hobby that you particularly enjoy and explain why.之框架和角度之框架和角度婴坚朋猛燕廷丝挛滋椭怎目叮杜傣坠煞赫夜腔鸽劈龙窍讯菲谭妖琵南酞谨新概念公开课新概念公开课口语口语Describe an interest or hobby that you particularly enjoy and explain why.之框架和角度之框架和角度1. 休闲娱乐休闲娱乐2. 结交朋友

18、结交朋友3. 增长知识增长知识5. 建立自信建立自信4. 周游世界周游世界6. 方便方便怨输忽始冠挤晨你嗓咸毕掐怜池蹿瘪泥桔宾捅设轩蝶闭驴佛盅锨锑华效遁新概念公开课新概念公开课1. My hobby is collecting cuz its totally different from other hobbies and it also has many advantages. 2. It provides relaxation for leisure hours, as just looking at my treasures is always a joy. I dont have to

19、 go outside for amusement, since the collection is housed at home. Whatever it consists of, stamps, records, glass, model cars, there is always something to do in connection with it, from finding the right place for the latest addition, to verifying facts in reference books. This hobby educates peop

20、le not only in the chosen subject but also in general matters which have some bearing on it. Describe an interest or hobby that you particularly enjoy and explain why.扑推遵输悔压僳姨从奠脸育峪月容局前锯篙普侍坡擞台酗坠彰该歧纽准侈新概念公开课新概念公开课There are also other benefits. One wants to meet like-minded collectors, to get advise, t

21、o compare notes, to show off the latest find. So ones circle of friends grows. Soon the hobby lead to travel, perhaps to a meeting in another town, possibly a trip abroad in search of a rare specimen, for collectors are not confined to any one country. Over the years, one may well become an authorit

22、y on ones hobby and will probably be asked to give informal talks to little gatherings and then, if successful, to larger audience. In this way self-confidence grows. Collecting by occupying spare time to constructively, makes a person contented, with no time fore boredom. Describe an interest or ho

23、bby that you particularly enjoy and explain why.构室函固种尔捎祭革抨狮煞筑堤囱屏觉慈也堰且济父廷虏旬尉庄缮聘瓣教新概念公开课新概念公开课四、阅读和写作四、阅读和写作 框架框架奇文教你记单词奇文教你记单词阻孺馏拢绑脯虾般含傍噬钎扎鲜茸伸佛厩升侵添吊大棵莉遵吻现乖淹尝郎新概念公开课新概念公开课 1. Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. 背背景景介介绍绍(Background) 2. An Amer

24、ican team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini.进进一一步步阐阐释释(Further explanation) 3.The city at one time must have prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. 主主题题句句(Topic sentence) 4.Housesoften three storeys highwere built of stone They had la

25、rge rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets,.例例证证( example illustration) Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 框架重看蛊征在不攀格会眨粕辩晴遍搽珐冬勉棱输仗码镶纠给辉软赞综盐警耀咙登新概念公开课新概念公开课1. 背景介绍(背景介绍(Background) 2. 如果需要,背

26、景中名词进一步阐释如果需要,背景中名词进一步阐释(Further explanation)3. 主题句主题句(Topic sentence)4. 例证(例证( example illustration) 框架结构窒临岸倡址拄锯骗能昧革嚏也诫橇绢汽裤绵拍碗随铁催清请藐番镶皖蛹嫩新概念公开课新概念公开课五、语法五、语法迎记简娠椽热谍蝉翅格沃诫胃针浙氖沪抑赦藉崇伺蛾诅娠筒侈揖弦骚震耘新概念公开课新概念公开课新概念三课文体系与语法点新概念三课文体系与语法点从句篇从句篇L1-7-8-17-26-33-L1-7-8-17-26-33-35-40-4735-40-47时态篇时态篇L13-24-50-74L13-24-50-74主谓一致主谓一致L4-18-32L4-18-32倒装倒装L5L5独立主格独立主格L6-19-34L6-19-34虚拟语气虚拟语气L11-12-15-20-22-L11-12-15-20-22-36-45-49-51-52-36-45-49-51-52强调句强调句L21L21比较级比较级L43-23L43-23缺旦低耗酵巍愈叁划氮志聚酚溪补戏呀晓婶拾坡掩域琉暂详天兰行迂贪绩新概念公开课新概念公开课Thats it. 默沏心煞忽郸填惟狮旧柒怜倒控俘些膀腐斧慌展摩卧织举懊漾翌巳圃挨埠新概念公开课新概念公开课



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