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1、弥尔顿弥尔顿-失乐园失乐园Paradise Lost 主讲:侯少波 王宁 马晓东 John Milton(1608-1674)Born in LondonPursuing libertySupporting puritans Passionate and ambitious with idealism and self-sacrifice Poems: LAllegro快乐的人 Lycidas列西达斯 Comus科马斯 Pamphlets:Areopagitica 论出版自由论出版自由 Eikonoklastes偶像的破坏者偶像的破坏者 Defense for the English Peop

2、le为英国为英国人民辩护人民辩护 Epics: Paradise Lost Paradise Regained Play: Samson Agonistes 写作背景v斯图亚特王朝詹姆士v一世、查理一世的封v建专制统治严重阻碍v了资本主义的发展,v损害了资产阶级、新v贵族的利益,激化了一些新生的阶级矛盾。 英国资产阶级革命v英国资本主义经济的发v展,资产阶级、新贵族的v成长,使他们要求政治上v当权,经济上发展资本主v义。 Paradise LostvParadise Lost” is Miltons masterpiece vIt is a long epic in 12 books, wri

3、tten in blank verse. vThe story were taken from the Old TestamentThe main plots of Paradise Lostv1. The creation of universev2. The rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angels.v3. Their defeat and expulsion from Heaven.v4. The creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve.v5. Satans temptation of

4、 Eve.v6. The departure of Adam and Eve from Eden.Introductionv1stheadquarter:Entirepoemgeneralprinciples,originandresulthavinggivenanaccountoftheentireevents;2ndheadquarter:SatanandthemassesrebelagainstanangeldiscussingthathowsameGoddoesbattle,striveforHeaven;3rdheadquarter:Howthedecisiongivinganacc

5、ountofGodbestowshumanbeingfavour;Introductionv4th headquarter: Describe that Satan sees Adam and Eve in Heaven, Satan puts lure to good use in Eves dream: 5th headquarter: The angel warns Adam of the lure needing to be careful about a demon; 6th headquarter: Describe the angel and Satan gang battle;

6、 7th headquarter: Adam makes inquiries of angel about a lot of problem about the Creation , gets and an answer one by one; Introductionv8thheadquarter:Heproceedtobeunabletoaskabouttheworkingproblemofcelestialbodyrelevant,thefacetofacewhatanswerisnotsatisfiedbut;9thheadquarter:Satanincarnationrestson

7、GardenofEdenliforthesnake,guidesAdamandEvetostealfoodforbiddenfruitand:10thheadquarter:Godisenragedtherefore,Adamalsoisseizedwithremorse;Introductionv11th headquarter: God announces the Son of God representative expelling Adam and Eve from Heaven , gives directions to and future to them; 12nd headqu

8、arter: The angel has narrated road of saving to them , Adam and Eve have finally left Heaven , have lost paradise. MaincharactersAdam: the first human being, created by God by his own hand and breathEve : the mother of all mankind, having been made by God from Adams ribGod : the Creator of the unive

9、rse, of angels, Heaven, Hell, and man. The Supreme Being, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and ruler of all Satan: formerly one of the highest ranking angels, but envy drove him to rebel against God. originator of evil, adversary of God, and destroyer of Eden. SatanSatanformerlyoneofthehighestra

10、nkingangels,butenvydrovehimtorebelagainstGod.originatorofevil,adversaryofGod,anddestroyerofEden. The Image of Satan v1.Satanistherealheroofthepoem.v2.Heisfirmerthantherestoftheangels.v3.Hehasaninvincible(战无不胜的战无不胜的)heart.Who is the most striking character in the poem?ComparisonbetweenMonkeyKingandSa

11、tanMonkey King SatanCommonpointsTheymaketheheavenlypalaceinamess,buttheyfailed.ThedifferencesvThewayofdestroyingtheheavenlypalaceisdifferent:MonkeyKingisalone,whileSataniswithothershelp.vTheirresultisdifferent:MonkeyKingisconsideredastherepresentofkindnessandjustice,whileSatanisconsideredasrepresent

12、ofevil. CharacterCharacter Contrast ContrastvGodvarulerwithunlimitedpowervaselfishdespotvcruelandunjustSatanamixtureofevilandgoodthespiritwhodarestoquestiontheauthorityofGodMonarchyV.SParliamentvGodward resisting of Satan, has shown a bourgeoisie opposing the revolutionary spirit and heroic mettle t

13、hat feudalism autocracy governs()Satan VS. Godv体现了反抗与革命的精神,表达出对命体现了反抗与革命的精神,表达出对命运的不屈服。运的不屈服。v对上帝的那种专制思想的反对,体现了对上帝的那种专制思想的反对,体现了共和思想。共和思想。v传达了自由、平等观念,体现了人文主传达了自由、平等观念,体现了人文主义精神。义精神。v 善与恶的矛盾善与恶的矛盾v自由与知识的困惑自由与知识的困惑v道德自由和道德责任道德自由和道德责任v人文主义理性的呼唤人文主义理性的呼唤v上帝是否真的公正吗上帝是否真的公正吗?v这本书谴责了上帝的专制统治,赞扬了撒旦的反抗精神,同情亚当,夏娃的不幸遭遇,在书中,塑造了一个具有崇高精神的叛逆者形象。 节选v我损失了什么v并非什么都丢光v不挠的意志,热切的复仇心,永不退让的勇气v还有什么比这些更难战胜的吗v Thank you



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