人教版英语必修二Unit 3复习.ppt

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1、英语英语Unit 3Unit 3ComputersComputers英语英语早读晨背积累早读晨背积累基础知识梳理基础知识梳理考点知识导练考点知识导练英语英语早读晨背积累早读晨背积累 促联想促联想 扩写作扩写作专家悄悄地告诉你专家悄悄地告诉你: : 一日之计在于晨。只有日积月累一日之计在于晨。只有日积月累, ,才能集腋成裘。才能集腋成裘。读话题词汇读话题词汇背精美语篇背精美语篇1.universal adj.1.universal adj.普遍的普遍的2.mobile adj.2.mobile adj.移动的移动的3.virus n.3.virus n.病毒病毒4.convenience n.4

2、.convenience n.方便方便, ,便利便利5.benefit n.5.benefit n.利益利益; ;好处好处work work n.网络网络7.invention n.7.invention n.发明发明8.advantage n.8.advantage n.优势优势9.operate v.9.operate v.操作操作10.download vt.10.download vt.下载下载11.result in 11.result in 导致导致12.without limit 12.without limit 无节制地无节制地13.negative effect 13.neg

3、ative effect 负面影响负面影响14.follow the fashion 14.follow the fashion 追随时尚追随时尚Many students are Many students are happy with the fact that they happy with the fact that they can depend oncan depend on the Internet to finish tasks without the Internet to finish tasks without any difficulty.This any diffic

4、ulty.This mirrorsmirrors a common phenomenon. a common phenomenon.Nowadays,students Nowadays,students tend to make use oftend to make use of the Internet the Internet to gain information to gain information they needthey need. . There are some reasons There are some reasons accounting foraccounting

5、for it.To it.To begin with,students find it begin with,students find it convenientconvenient to surf the to surf the Internet for useful information,Internet for useful information,where problems can where problems can be solved with the help of several clicksbe solved with the help of several click

6、s. .Whats Whats moremore, ,theres no doubt thattheres no doubt that the pressure to succeed the pressure to succeed also causes students to also causes students to turn toturn to computers for computers for accurate answers.accurate answers.As a resultAs a result, ,its likely that its likely that st

7、udents will lose interest instudents will lose interest in studying, studying,which is which is not beneficial tonot beneficial to their overall development. their overall development. In my opinion, In my opinion,measures must be taken to solve measures must be taken to solve the problemthe problem

8、. .FirstlyFirstly, ,it is vital thatit is vital that students gain students gain confidence in themselves and their abilities while confidence in themselves and their abilities while doing tasks.doing tasks.BesidesBesides, ,what teachers and parents what teachers and parents should do is to encourag

9、eshould do is to encourage students to be creative. students to be creative.Finally,doing tasksFinally,doing tasks independently is independently is of great of great significancesignificance. .英语英语基础知识梳理基础知识梳理 抓主干抓主干 固双基固双基知识梳理知识梳理 限时限时1515分钟分钟单单词词拓拓展展1.1. /enIha /enIha/ adv./ adv.无论如何无论如何; ;即使如此即使

10、如此(同义词同义词) ) . .2.2. /sIn /sInl/ vi.&vt. l/ vi.&vt. 发信号发信号 n. n.信号信号3.3. / /raIz/ vi.raIz/ vi.出现出现; ;发生发生(过去式过去式) ) (过去分词过去分词) ) . .4.4. /s /slv/ vt.lv/ vt.解决解决; ;解答解答n.n.解决解决( (办法办法) ) . .5.5. /klkj/klkjleIt/ vt.leIt/ vt.计算计算n.n.计算计算 n.n.计算器计算器 . .6.6. /ju /junIvnIvsl/ adj.sl/ adj.普遍的普遍的; ;通用的通用的;

11、;宇宙的宇宙的n.n.宇宙宇宙 . .7.7. /sImplIfaI/ vt. /sImplIfaI/ vt.简化简化adj.adj.简单的简单的 adv.adv.简单地简单地 . .8.8. /Ikspl/Ikspl/vt.&vi./vt.&vi.探索探索; ;探测探测; ;探究探究n.n.探险者探险者; ;勘探者勘探者 n.n.探索探索 . .9.9. /tekn /teknl lI/ n.I/ n.工艺工艺; ;科技科技; ;技术技术adj.adj.科技的科技的 . .10.10. /IntelI /IntelIns/ n.ns/ n.智力智力; ;聪明聪明; ;智能智能adj.adj.

12、智能的智能的; ;聪明的聪明的 adv.adv. 智能地智能地; ;聪明地聪明地 . .11.11. /rIl/rIltI/ n.tI/ n.真实真实; ;事实事实; ;现实现实adj.adj.真的真的; ;现实的现实的 n.n.现实主义现实主义 . .12.12. /elektr /elektrnIk;Ilek-/ adj.nIk;Ilek-/ adj.电子的电子的adj.adj.电的电的; ;用电的用电的 n.n.电电 . .13.13. /p/ps snl/ adj.nl/ adj.私人的私人的; ;个人的个人的; ;亲自的亲自的adv.adv.就个人而言就个人而言; ;亲自亲自 . .

13、 n. n.个性个性; ;人格人格; ;名人名人 . .14.14. /plIkeI /plIkeIn/ n.n/ n.应用应用; ;用途用途; ;申请申请vt.vt.应用应用; ;申请申请 n.n.申请申请 人人 . .15.artificial/15.artificial/tIfItIfIl/ adj.l/ adj. . .16.finance /faInns/ n. 16.finance /faInns/ n. . .17.character /kr17.character /krktkt/ n. / n. . .18.appearance /18.appearance /pIpIr r

14、ns/ n.ns/ n. . .anyhowanyhowanywayanywaysignalsignalarisearisearosearosearisen arisen solvesolvesolution solution calculatecalculatecalculationcalculationcalculatorcalculatoruniversaluniversaluniverseuniversesimplifysimplifysimplesimplesimply simply exploreexploreexplorerexplorerexploration explorat

15、ion technologytechnologytechnological technological intelligenceintelligenceintelligentintelligentintelligentlyintelligentlyrealityrealityrealrealrealismrealismelectronicelectronicelectricelectricelectricityelectricitypersonal personal personallypersonallypersonalitypersonalityapplicationapplication

16、applyapplyapplicantapplicant人造的人造的; ;假的假的 金融金融; ;财经财经 性格性格; ;特点特点 外观外观; ;外貌外貌; ;出现出现 英语英语asas短短语语记记忆忆1.1. a result a result 结果结果2.2. a way a way在某种程度上在某种程度上3.deal 3.deal 处理处理; ;安排安排; ;对付对付4.watch 4.watch 看守看守; ;监视监视5.5. the help of the help of在在的帮助下的帮助下6.from.6.from. 从从时起时起句句型型整整理理1.I developed very

17、 slowly and 1.I developed very slowly and nearly two nearly two hundred years hundred years I was built as an analytical I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. machine by Charles Babbage. 我发育缓慢我发育缓慢, ,差不多到了两百年之后差不多到了两百年之后, ,查尔斯查尔斯巴比奇才把我巴比奇才把我 制成了一台分析机。制成了一台分析机。2.Over time my memory

18、 has developed 2.Over time my memory has developed ,like ,like an elephant,I never forget anything I have been told! an elephant,I never forget anything I have been told! 随着时间的推移随着时间的推移, ,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快我的记忆能力发展得如此之快, ,就像一头大就像一头大 象一样象一样, ,我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情! !重点重点语法语法The Present Perfect Pa

19、ssive VoiceThe Present Perfect Passive Voice( (现在完成时的被动语态现在完成时的被动语态) )ininwithwithoveroverwith with ononitittooktookbeforebeforesoso muchmuchthatthat英语英语语境活用语境活用 限时限时1010分钟分钟.语境填词语境填词1.Many difficulties1.Many difficulties ( (出现出现)in the course of their )in the course of their experiment,which was be

20、yond their expectations. experiment,which was beyond their expectations.2.There is another kind of beauty that has nothing to do with2.There is another kind of beauty that has nothing to do with ( (外貌外貌),but comes from the heart.),but comes from the heart.3.It was just her childhood experiences that

21、 affected her3.It was just her childhood experiences that affected her ( (性格性格)and later life.)and later life.4.No matter how much 4.No matter how much ( (智慧智慧) you have,you can always ) you have,you can always change it quite a bit. change it quite a bit.5.She 5.She s sthe instructions so that the

22、children could the instructions so that the children could understand them. understand them.答案答案: :1.arose1.arose2.appearance2.appearance3.character3.character4.intelligence4.intelligence5.simplified 5.simplified 英语英语答案答案: :6.signal6.signal7.calculated7.calculated8.reality8.reality9.personal;Persona

23、lly9.personal;Personally10.applicant;apply;application10.applicant;apply;application6.The recovery in the U.S.housing market sent a strong 6.The recovery in the U.S.housing market sent a strong s s that we are getting close to a new round of that we are getting close to a new round of stronger growt

24、h. stronger growth.7.Scientists have 7.Scientists have c c that the worlds population will that the worlds population will double by the end of the century. double by the end of the century.8.You need to set goals in order to turn your dreams into 8.You need to set goals in order to turn your dreams

25、 into r r.9.After the president made an official announcement,she 9.After the president made an official announcement,she expressed her expressed heropinion.opinion.speaking,I agreed with speaking,I agreed with what she said.(personal) what she said.(personal)10.Any10.Anywho would like towho would l

26、ike toto become an assistant to become an assistant in our company should send us an in our company should send us anbefore the next before the next Friday.(apply) Friday.(apply)英语英语答案答案: :1.From now on1.From now on2.as a result2.as a result3.with the help of3.with the help of4.watch 4.watch overove

27、r5.deal with5.deal with.短语复现短语复现1.1. ( (从现在起从现在起),I will only be working ),I will only be working in the mornings. in the mornings.2.We helped each other in studies and 2.We helped each other in studies and . . ( (结果结果) we became good friends.) we became good friends.3.The villagers are building the

28、ir new houses 3.The villagers are building their new houses . . ( (在在帮助下帮助下)the local government.)the local government.4.Could you 4.Could you ( (看管看管) my clothes while I have a ) my clothes while I have a swim? swim?5.We have no space to 5.We have no space to ( (处理处理) such details.) such details.英语

29、英语答案答案: :1.It was not long before1.It was not long before2.So fast does;that2.So fast does;that.句式活用句式活用1.1.不久不久, ,一架直升机飞抵飞机失事现场一架直升机飞抵飞机失事现场, ,来搭救那些幸存者。来搭救那些幸存者。 a helicopter a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the p

30、lane crash. crash.2.2.现代化的火车运行如此之快现代化的火车运行如此之快, ,它可以在一小时内走过它可以在一小时内走过300300多千米的距离。多千米的距离。 a modern train travel a modern train travel it it can cover a distance of more than 300 kilometres in an hour. can cover a distance of more than 300 kilometres in an hour.英语英语考点知识导练考点知识导练 解疑难解疑难 提知能提知能 考点详解考点详解

31、 限时限时3030分钟分钟1.anyhow adv.1.anyhow adv.无论如何无论如何; ;即使如此即使如此归纳归纳拓展拓展作作“无论如何无论如何, ,不管怎样不管怎样”讲时讲时,anyhow,anyhow和和anywayanyway一样一样, ,都都 用作让步状语用作让步状语, ,一般置于句中一般置于句中( (其前常有连词其前常有连词but)but)或句末。或句末。作作“况且况且, ,更何况更何况, ,再说再说, ,至少至少”讲时讲时, ,可用来作状语可用来作状语, ,对前对前 面的话作补充面的话作补充, ,给出一个令人信服的理由给出一个令人信服的理由, ,此时此时anyhowany

32、how常出常出 现在句首或最后的分句之首现在句首或最后的分句之首, ,而不出现在句末。而不出现在句末。作作“胡乱地胡乱地, ,随意地随意地”讲时讲时,anyhow,anyhow不可与不可与anywayanyway互换。互换。somehow somehow 以某种方式以某种方式; ;不知怎么地不知怎么地somewhat somewhat 稍微稍微; ;有些有些 英语英语英文典例英文典例: :I dont think they need help,but I think I should offer I dont think they need help,but I think I should

33、offer . . 我认为他们不需要帮助我认为他们不需要帮助, ,不过我想我应有所表示。不过我想我应有所表示。It was felt that the scandal would damage her reputation but It was felt that the scandal would damage her reputation but the press reported it the press reported it anyhowanyhow. . 大家认为丑闻会败坏她的名声大家认为丑闻会败坏她的名声, ,但不管怎样但不管怎样, ,新闻界还是对此加以报道新闻界还是对此加以报

34、道 了。了。(P(P6767) )I was in such a hurry that I put my clothes on I was in such a hurry that I put my clothes on anyhowanyhow. . 我非常匆忙以至于随便地穿上衣服。我非常匆忙以至于随便地穿上衣服。That action turned the block into That action turned the block into somewhatsomewhat a wheel a wheel.(2015.(2015四川四川, , 阅读理解阅读理解E)E) 这一行为将石块变

35、得有些像一个轮子。这一行为将石块变得有些像一个轮子。anyhowanyhow英语英语2.signal vi.&vt.2.signal vi.&vt.发信号发信号 n. n.信号信号归纳归纳拓展拓展signal (to) sb.to do sth.signal (to) sb.to do sth.示意某人做某事示意某人做某事signal (sb.) that signal (sb.) that 示意示意a danger/warning/traffic signal a danger/warning/traffic signal 危险危险/ /警告警告/ /交通信号交通信号英文典例英文典例: :T

36、he policeman The policeman the traffic to move forward slowly.the traffic to move forward slowly.警警 察用信号指示车辆缓慢前进。察用信号指示车辆缓慢前进。(P(P16311631) )He He signalledsignalled that it was time to leave. that it was time to leave.他示意该走了。他示意该走了。.astronauts brains learn to ignore the panicky .astronauts brains l

37、earn to ignore the panicky signals signals from the inner ear,and space sickness disappears from the inner ear,and space sickness disappears.(2015.(2015湖北湖北, ,阅阅 读理解读理解D)D) 宇航员的大脑学会忽略来自内耳的恐慌的信号宇航员的大脑学会忽略来自内耳的恐慌的信号, ,太空病就消失了。太空病就消失了。signalledsignalled英语英语巧学助记巧学助记英语英语词语辨析词语辨析: :symbolsymbol指符号、象征、标志等指

38、符号、象征、标志等, ,常表达某种深邃寓意的事物。常表达某种深邃寓意的事物。signalsignal指为某一目的而有意识地发出的信号、暗号或警告等。指为某一目的而有意识地发出的信号、暗号或警告等。signsign表示表示“记号记号, ,符号符号”时时, ,同同symbolsymbol。表示。表示“告示告示, ,标志标志”时时, ,侧重指用图形、文字等所表达的内容侧重指用图形、文字等所表达的内容, ,另外还可指另外还可指“征征兆兆, ,迹象迹象”。markmark普通用词普通用词, ,含义广泛。既可指为便于辨认而有意识地所做含义广泛。既可指为便于辨认而有意识地所做的标记的标记, ,又可指自然而然

39、形成的标志或有别于其他事物的又可指自然而然形成的标志或有别于其他事物的特征。也可用于指特征。也可用于指“分数分数, ,成绩成绩”。There is no There is no of his getting over his illness in a short time.of his getting over his illness in a short time.他还没有能在短期内从病中恢复的迹象。他还没有能在短期内从病中恢复的迹象。White has always been a White has always been a of purity in western cultures.o

40、f purity in western cultures.在西方文化中在西方文化中, ,白色一向是纯洁的象征。白色一向是纯洁的象征。You can make a You can make a where you have questions.where you have questions.你可以在有问题的地方作上标记。你可以在有问题的地方作上标记。All I get is a busy All I get is a busy whenever I dial his number. whenever I dial his number.我什么时候拨他的电话听到的都是忙音。我什么时候拨他的电话听

41、到的都是忙音。signsignsymbolsymbolmarkmarksignalsignal英语英语3.arise vi.3.arise vi.出现出现; ;发生发生英文典例英文典例: :As we sped down the highway,the lights of the city As we sped down the highway,the lights of the city 。 before us. before us. 我们在公路上疾驶我们在公路上疾驶, ,城市的灯光映入眼帘。城市的灯光映入眼帘。Problems Problems arise from/out ofarise

42、 from/out of the lack of communication. the lack of communication. 由于缺乏交流而产生问题。由于缺乏交流而产生问题。归纳拓展归纳拓展多以抽象名词作主语多以抽象名词作主语, ,如如:argument,problem,quarrel,:argument,problem,quarrel, question,movement question,movement等。等。arise from/out of arise from/out of 由由而引起而引起, ,由由而产生而产生; ;从从 中产生中产生arosearose英语英语词语辨析词

43、语辨析: :单词单词词性词义词性词义过去式过去式过去分词过去分词v.-ingv.-ingarisearise(vi.)(vi.)出现出现, ,发生发生, ,起起因于因于arosearosearisenarisenarisingarisingarousearouse(vt.)(vt.)唤醒唤醒, ,激起激起arousedarousedarousedarousedarousingarousingriserise(vi.)(vi.)升起升起, ,起身起身, ,增增长长, ,上升上升roseroserisenrisenrisingrisingraiseraise(vt.)(vt.)举起举起, ,唤起唤

44、起, ,提提高高, ,饲养饲养raisedraisedraisedraisedraisingraising英语英语巧学助记巧学助记One of the problems One of the problems from the present economic from the present economic situation is that the price is situation is that the price is sharply,of course,partly sharply,of course,partly because some illegal businessme

45、n because some illegal businessmen it on purpose,which has it on purpose,which has some objection.some objection.当前经济形势产生的问题之一是价格迅速上涨当前经济形势产生的问题之一是价格迅速上涨, ,当然当然, ,部部分原因是一些不法商贩故意提高价格分原因是一些不法商贩故意提高价格; ;这种现象已经引起了一片反对之声。这种现象已经引起了一片反对之声。arisingarisingrisingrisingraiseraisearousedaroused英语英语4.as a result

46、4.as a result 结果结果; ;因此因此归纳拓展归纳拓展as a result of as a result of 作为作为的结果的结果, ,由于由于without result without result 毫无结果地毫无结果地; ;无效地无效地result in=lead to result in=lead to 导致导致, ,造成造成result from result from 是由是由造成的造成的 巧学助记巧学助记英语英语英文典例英文典例: :The weather was bad;The weather was bad; ,we had to put off our hi

47、king. ,we had to put off our hiking. 天气不好天气不好, ,结果我们不得不推迟徒步旅行。结果我们不得不推迟徒步旅行。According to Sparrow,we are not becoming people with poor According to Sparrow,we are not becoming people with poor memories memories as a result ofas a result of the Internet the Internet.(2015.(2015安徽安徽, ,阅读理解阅读理解C)C) 据斯帕罗

48、说据斯帕罗说, ,我们并没有因为互联网而变为记忆差的人。我们并没有因为互联网而变为记忆差的人。Failure to observe all Park rules could Failure to observe all Park rules could result inresult in being being driven out of the Park without refund driven out of the Park without refund.(2013.(2013江苏江苏, ,阅读理解阅读理解A)A) 不遵守公园的规则结果会导致不给退款就被赶出公园。不遵守公园的规则结果会

49、导致不给退款就被赶出公园。I think his illness I think his illness resulted fromresulted from the overfull tiredness. the overfull tiredness. 我认为他是因为过多的劳累而得了病。我认为他是因为过多的劳累而得了病。asas a a resultresult英语英语写作联想写作联想: :典例典例其他表达方式其他表达方式I think the overfull tiredness led to his illness.I think the overfull tiredness led t

50、o his illness.I think he suffered from illness as a result of the overfull I think he suffered from illness as a result of the overfull tiredness. tiredness.I think the overfull tiredness resulted in his illness.I think the overfull tiredness resulted in his illness.英语英语5.in a way 5.in a way 在某点在某点;

51、 ;在某种程度上在某种程度上; ;从某种意义上来说从某种意义上来说(=in one way)(=in one way)归纳归纳拓展拓展in the way in the way 妨碍妨碍; ;挡路挡路in no way in no way 一点也不一点也不; ;决不决不by way of by way of 途经途经on ones way/the way to on ones way/the way to 在去在去路上路上; ;即将到来即将到来all the way all the way 一路上一路上; ;一直一直; ;始终始终No way!No way!没门没门! ! 英语英语英文典例英文

52、典例: :In a wayIn a way ,he has made great progress this term. ,he has made great progress this term. 从某方面来说从某方面来说, ,这学期他已经取得了很大的进步。这学期他已经取得了很大的进步。Her social life got Her social life got in the wayin the way of her studies. of her studies. 她的社交活动妨碍了她的学习。她的社交活动妨碍了她的学习。(P(P19731973) ) can theory be sepa

53、rated from practice.can theory be separated from practice. 理论决不能脱离实践。理论决不能脱离实践。The guy took it in good part,and we chatted happily The guy took it in good part,and we chatted happily all the all the way way toto Edinburgh Edinburgh.(2015.(2015重庆重庆, ,阅读理解阅读理解C)C) 这家伙态度很好这家伙态度很好, ,我们一路上愉快地聊天直到爱丁堡。我们一路

54、上愉快地聊天直到爱丁堡。InInnonowayway特别提示特别提示: :表达表达“在某种程度上在某种程度上”时时, ,还可用还可用in a sense,to a/some in a sense,to a/some degreedegree及及to an/some extentto an/some extent。in no way in no way 置于句首时置于句首时, ,句子要用部分倒装。句子要用部分倒装。英语英语6.deal with 6.deal with 用法用法归纳归纳处理处理对待对待; ;对付对付论述论述; ;涉及涉及 和和做买卖做买卖英文典例英文典例: :Have you H

55、ave you these letters yet?these letters yet? 这些信件你处理了吗这些信件你处理了吗? ?It is an attempt to It is an attempt to deal withdeal with a set of weighty topics. a set of weighty topics.(2015(2015湖北湖北, ,阅读理解阅读理解E)E) 这是一个涉及到一系列重大课题的尝试。这是一个涉及到一系列重大课题的尝试。Ive Ive dealt withdealt with this company for 20 years. this

56、 company for 20 years. 我跟这家公司做生意已有二十年。我跟这家公司做生意已有二十年。(P(P442442) )dealtdealtwithwith英语英语特别提示特别提示: :deal withdeal with中的中的dealdeal为不及物动词为不及物动词, ,常与疑问词常与疑问词howhow连用连用, ,表示表示“怎么处理怎么处理/ /对待对待”;do with”;do with中的中的dodo为及物动词为及物动词, ,表示表示“怎么处理怎么处理/ /对待对待”时时, ,常与疑问词常与疑问词whatwhat连用。连用。I dont know I dont know

57、howhow they will they will deal withdeal with the problem. the problem.I dont know I dont know whatwhat they will they will do withdo with the problem. the problem.我不知道他们将如何处理这个问题。我不知道他们将如何处理这个问题。英语英语7.watch over7.watch over看守看守; ;监视监视; ;照看照看归归纳纳拓拓展展watch out (for) watch out (for) 密切注视密切注视; ;当心当心; ;

58、提防提防keep (a) watch on keep (a) watch on 监视监视on/off watchon/off watch在在/ /不在值班不在值班be on the watch for be on the watch for 留神留神; ;注意注意英文典例英文典例: :The mother was The mother was her sick baby most of the her sick baby most of the time last night. time last night. 那位母亲昨天晚上大部分时间一直照看着生病的婴儿。那位母亲昨天晚上大部分时间一直照看

59、着生病的婴儿。Watch out forWatch out for a tall man in a black hat. a tall man in a black hat. 注意一个戴黑帽子的身材高大的男人。注意一个戴黑帽子的身材高大的男人。(P(P19691969) )The police are The police are keeping (a) close watch onkeeping (a) close watch on the activities the activities of those men. of those men.警方正密切注意着那些人的活动。警方正密切注意着

60、那些人的活动。(P(P19691969) )watchingwatchingoverover英语英语8.I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred 8.I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. Charles Babba

61、ge.我发育缓慢我发育缓慢, ,差不多到了两百年之后差不多到了两百年之后, ,查尔斯查尔斯巴巴 比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。 该句使用了该句使用了“It took+“It took+一段时间一段时间+before+before+从句从句( (一般过去时一般过去时)”)”句型句型, , 表示表示“过了一段时间后才过了一段时间后才”。归纳拓展归纳拓展It will (not) be+It will (not) be+时间段时间段+before+before+从句从句( (现在时现在时) ) 要过一段时间后才要过一段时间后才(用不了一段时间就用不了一段时间就)It was

62、 (not)+It was (not)+时间段时间段+before+before+从句从句( (过去时过去时) ) 过了一段时间后才过了一段时间后才(没过一段时间就没过一段时间就)英语英语英文典例英文典例: :It took months before we solvedIt took months before we solved the financial problem of our the financial problem of our company. company.我们花了几个月的时间才解决了公司的财务问题。我们花了几个月的时间才解决了公司的财务问题。I believe tha

63、t I believe that it wont be longit wont be long before our products enter before our products enter the international market. the international market. 我相信用不了多久我们的产品就会走向国际市场。我相信用不了多久我们的产品就会走向国际市场。 you graduate from the you graduate from the school. school. 还有半年你就从这所学校毕业了。还有半年你就从这所学校毕业了。ItItwillwill

64、bebehalfhalfa ayearyearbeforebefore英语英语9.Over time my memory has developed so much that,like an elephant,9.Over time my memory has developed so much that,like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told! I never forget anything I have been told! 随着时间的推移随着时间的推移, ,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,

65、 ,就像一头大象一样就像一头大象一样, ,我从我从 来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情! ! so.that. so.that.引导结果状语从句引导结果状语从句, ,意为意为“如此如此以至于以至于”英语英语英文典例英文典例: :It was so hot a day It was so hot a day thatthat nobody wanted to do anything. nobody wanted to do anything. (=It was (=It was a hot day a hot day nobody wanted to do anything.)

66、nobody wanted to do anything.)天天 气如此热气如此热, ,谁也不想干活。谁也不想干活。TV Ears isTV Ears is so so comfortable comfortable thatthat Jack forgets he has them on! Jack forgets he has them on! (2015(2015北京北京, ,阅读理解阅读理解B)B) “ “电视耳机电视耳机”如此舒服以至于杰克忘记正戴着它们如此舒服以至于杰克忘记正戴着它们! !There was There was so littleso little water le

67、ft water left thatthat only little children were only little children were given some. given some.剩下的水不多了剩下的水不多了, ,只给小孩分了一些。只给小孩分了一些。SoSo fast is the city developing fast is the city developing thatthat you can never imagine you can never imagine what it will be like tomorrow. what it will be like t

68、omorrow.现在城市发展得如此之快现在城市发展得如此之快, ,你永远想你永远想 象不到它明天会是什么样子。象不到它明天会是什么样子。suchsuchthatthat英语英语写作积累写作积累 限时限时5 5分钟分钟答案答案: :1.it will take several months before1.it will take several months before2.As our life changes2.As our life changes3.so beautiful that3.so beautiful that1.I developed very slowly and it

69、took nearly two hundred years before 1.I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. 仿写仿写: :政府已采取措施克服供电不足的问题政府已采取措施克服供电不足的问题, ,但是几个月之后我们才能有充足但是几个月之后我们才能有充足 的电力资源。的电

70、力资源。 Our government has taken some measures to overcome the lack of Our government has taken some measures to overcome the lack of electricity,but electricity,but we have enough power. we have enough power.2.As time went by,I was made smaller.2.As time went by,I was made smaller. 仿写仿写: :随着我们生活的变化随着我

71、们生活的变化, ,我们很少有时间和朋友聚会了。我们很少有时间和朋友聚会了。 ,we find little time to gather with our friends.,we find little time to gather with our friends.3.And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it!3.And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it! 仿写仿写: :这里环境非常优美这里环境非常优美, ,被选为全球最宜居城市之一。被选为全球最宜居城市之一。 The environment here is The environment here is it is chosen as one of the it is chosen as one of the worlds most livable cities. worlds most livable cities.英语英语点击进入课时训练点击进入课时训练Thank you!33



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