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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语( (模块七模块七 高二下学期高二下学期) )Advance with English板块:教学设计板块:教学设计课件课件Unit3Grammar and usageAuxiliary verbUnit 3 课件描述:课件描述:学生将学会:学生将学会:1)什么是助动词(用于协助主要动词构成谓语动词)什么是助动词(用于协助主要动词构成谓语动词 词组的词,自身没有词义,不可单独使用)。词组的词,自身没有词义,不可单独使用)。 2)助动词的功能()助动词的功能(a. 表示时态;表示时态;b. 表示语态;表示语态;c. 构成疑问句;构成疑问句;d. 与否定副词与否定副词not合

2、用,构成否定合用,构成否定 句;句;e. 加强语气加强语气 )。)。 3)最常用的助动词()最常用的助动词(be, do, have and modals (shall, will, should, would) )。)。Auxiliary verbs are used in forming tenses, moods and voices of other verbs. The verbs used for this purpose include be, do, have and modals.What are auxiliary verbs?1. He like English. 2.

3、He singing. 3. He married. 4. He sent to England. 5. you like college life? 6. you study English last year? 7. come to the party tomorrow evening. 8. He know that. doesntAuxiliary verbsishas gotwasDo Did Do did be(am/is/are/was/were/been)do(does/did)have(has/had )modals(shall/should/will/would/can/

4、could/may/might/must/need/dare )A phrasal auxiliary verb(have (got) to, had better/would sooner/rather ( than)/cannot (help) but/be (not) to/be supposed to/ought to/used to/be about to/be able to) Auxiliary verbsAuxiliary verbsThe small animals are kept in the cages.He is giving a lecture. The Inter

5、net has too much information that has not been evaluated for accuracy.Your house is bigger and nicer than mine. I am to go abroad on business tomorrow. 1. be(am/is/are/was/were/been) Auxiliary verbsTip:1)be作为本动词表示状态或客观存在等意思。作为本动词表示状态或客观存在等意思。2)be +不定词连用不定词连用, 表示约定、义务、命令等表示约定、义务、命令等未来的动作或状态。未来的动作或状态。

6、3)be +现在分词构成各种进行时态。现在分词构成各种进行时态。4) be +过去分词构成被动语态。过去分词构成被动语态。5)be用于用于have/has/had后构成完成时。后构成完成时。1. be(am/is/are/was/were/been) Auxiliary verbsHe didnt find any useful information on the Internet.These kinds of errors do not occur as often when people use traditional reference materials. Then, why doe

7、s he come here? You do know a lot about computers. Never did I see such a strange man. 2. do(does/did)Auxiliary verbsTip:1)do作为助动词时的时态、人称和数的变化有作为助动词时的时态、人称和数的变化有do, does, did三种形式。三种形式。2)do+主词主词+原形动词构成疑问句。原形动词构成疑问句。3)do+not+原形动词构成否定句。原形动词构成否定句。4)do (+not)+主词用于附带问句。主词用于附带问句。 5)do +原形动词用于加强语气句。原形动词用于加强

8、语气句。6)Never (Only) 等等+do+主词主词+原形动词用于倒装句。原形动词用于倒装句。2. do(does/did) Auxiliary verbsI have never seen such a strange man. Can I have my hair cut now? I often have my assistant help me do it.3. have(has/had) Tip:1)助动词助动词have+过去分词构成完成时态。过去分词构成完成时态。2)have +受词受词+过去分词表示请或让别人做某事。过去分词表示请或让别人做某事。 3)have +受词受词+

9、原形不定词表示请或让某人做某事。原形不定词表示请或让某人做某事。4. modals(shall/should/will/would/can/ could/may/might/must/need/dare)Auxiliary verbsOk, I shall do what you said. I shall never do such a thing. You shall give me a cigarette, or I shall tell the boss. Where shall I meet you? You should work harder. You must put on m

10、ore clothes in case you should catch a cold. Auxiliary verbsWill you give me a cigarette? This will be what you need. She would stand there sleeping for hours. Ok, I will do it. 4. modals(shall/should/will/would/can/ could/may/might/must/need/dare)Auxiliary verbsCan I help you, sir? I am checking ou

11、t. Could you give me the bill? Of course we can wait. Could it be the charge for the fruit? I cant help thinking of it. 4. modals(shall/should/will/would/can/ could/may/might/must/need/dare)Must I go with you? No, you neednt. You mustnt forget your medical card. Oh, it is wet outside. It must have r

12、ained yesterday. So it must be slippery outside. Do be careful! You neednt have told me that much.Auxiliary verbs4. modals(shall/should/will/would/can/ could/may/might/must/need/dare)Auxiliary verbsI dare not say it is ugly. How dare you say so? 4. modals(shall/should/will/would/can/ could/may/might

13、/must/need/dare)Auxiliary verbsTip:1)shall表示发言者的意志表示发言者的意志,包括诺言、决心、强制等包括诺言、决心、强制等; shall用于询问对方的意向。用于询问对方的意向。2)should表示义务,责任等。表示义务,责任等。3)will用于第二人称疑问句中用于第二人称疑问句中,询问对方意志或请求。询问对方意志或请求。will+原形动词用于所有人称原形动词用于所有人称,表意愿。表意愿。would +原原形动词表示过去一段时间的习惯。形动词表示过去一段时间的习惯。4. modals(shall/should/will/would/can/ could/m

14、ay/might/must/need/dare)Auxiliary verbsTip:4) can, could在口语中相当于在口语中相当于may, might,表表示许可。示许可。can, could 表示能力表示能力,相当于相当于be able to。can, could表示怀疑、推测表示怀疑、推测,一般一般用于疑问句或否定句。用于疑问句或否定句。can, could用于惯用用于惯用语。语。cant help或或couldnt help+动名词表动名词表示不得不、忍不住。示不得不、忍不住。4. modals(shall/should/will/would/can/ could/may/mi

15、ght/must/need/dare)Auxiliary verbsTip:5) must表示必须、义务等表示必须、义务等,强调主观因素强调主观因素, have to, 强强调客观因素。调客观因素。 need可以对可以对must引导的一般疑问引导的一般疑问句作否定回答。句作否定回答。 must的否定式表示不准的否定式表示不准,禁止等意禁止等意思。思。must+have+过去分词表示对过去情况的推断。过去分词表示对过去情况的推断。must+原形动词表示对现在情况的推断。原形动词表示对现在情况的推断。 neednt+have+过去分词表示过去不必做却已经做过去分词表示过去不必做却已经做了的事。了的

16、事。4. modals(shall/should/will/would/can/ could/may/might/must/need/dare)Auxiliary verbsTip:6) dare作为情态助动词,一般只能用于疑问句或否定句中。5. A phrasal auxiliary verb(have (got) to, had better/would sooner/rather ( than)/cannot (help) but/be (not) to/be supposed to/ought to/used to/be about to/be able to) Auxiliary v

17、erbs5. A phrasal auxiliary verb Auxiliary verbsIts getting late. Ive (got) to go now.You dont have to take off your shoes. Many countries would rather be cautious with this new technology.The tickets had been sold out, so I could not (help) but go back home.The children are supposed to be at school

18、before 8 a.m.5. A phrasal auxiliary verb Auxiliary verbsI used to love cats but not now, because I was once attacked by a big black cat.He didnt use to smoke when he was younger.Did he use to come as often as he does now?Answers to Part A (p41)1. have 2. havent 3. dont4. didnt 5. was 6. did 7. did 8. didnt9. wouldnt have 10. willAnswers to Part B (p41)1. was about to2. used to3. wasnt able to 4. was supposed to 5. could not help but 6. would rather1. Review what we have learned in class.2. Go over the exercises in class. 3. Finish the workbook exercises (P120).Homework



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