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1、动名词动名词一、主语一、主语Colleting information is very important to businessmen.Learning a foreign language is very useful to me.Seeing is believing. Traveling abroad can be interesting.Playing football is my hobby.二、宾语二、宾语He finished reading the book yesterday.I enjoy learning English.Im looking forward to se

2、eing you again.She suggested doing it in a different way.I devote 2 hours to learning English every day.动名词可以作为主语,宾语,表语,定语(小心)动名词可以作为主语,宾语,表语,定语(小心)三、表语三、表语(以下以下doing是动名词,是动名词,be 是系动词是系动词)My hobby is playing football.His goal is going to Beijing University.My job is teaching Class 5 and Class 6. Her

3、 job was washing clothes.以下doing是现在分词现在分词, be 是助动词,起结构作用He is playing football.He is going to Beijing University.She is teaching the Ss maths in Class 6. My mother is washing my clothes.四、定语四、定语 (做这一成分时,(做这一成分时, 动名词和现在分词极易搞混动名词和现在分词极易搞混)A sleeping bag. = a bag for sleeping (动名词)A sleeping robe. = a

4、robe for sleeping (动名词)A sleeping tent. = a tent for sleeping (动名词)A sleeping dog. = a dog (which is/was) sleeping (现分)A sleeping baby = a baby (who is/was) sleeping (现分)A dog sleeping in the street = A dog (which is ) sleeping in the street (现分)A baby sleeping in the bed = A baby (who is ) sleeping

5、 in the bed (现分)a drinking cup a drinking horse a dancing halla dancing girl building materialsbuilding workersa cooking pot a cooking motherExplain the following phrases in simple English.a cup fordrinkinga horse that is drinkinga hall for dancinga girl that is dancinga pot for cooking materials fo

6、r buildingworkers who are building stha mother that is cooking1.主语主语swimming is my hobby.2. 宾语宾语I like swimming.3. 表语表语My hobby is swimming.4. 定语定语I want to buy a swimming suit.动名词可以以下成分动名词可以以下成分现在分词现在分词可以作为定语,表语,宾语补足语,状语可以作为定语,表语,宾语补足语,状语一、定语一、定语1. Look at the running dog. (the dog which is running

7、)2. Ask the smoking boy to come to my office. (the boy who is smoking)3. I dont like the people talking loudly in public. 4. His brother, working as a teacher, lives in Beijing. = His brother, who is working as a teacher, lives in Beijing.二、表语二、表语1. The music is moving.2. What he said sounded inspir

8、ing.3. The story is interesting.4. The teachers teaching is boring.三、宾语补足语三、宾语补足语1.We heard her singing in her room2.2. You can see them performing every night this week at the new theatre.3.3. We watch the children diving into the water from the bridge.4.4. Listen to the birds singing.四、状语,四、状语, (伴

9、随,原因状语或方式状语等)(伴随,原因状语或方式状语等)1.She sat at the desk (when she was) reading a newspaper. She sat at the desk reading a newspaper Reading a newspaper, She sat at the desk. 2. Because she was being ill / tired , she went home. Being ill / tired , she went home.1.表语表语The music is moving.2. 定语定语I dont like

10、 the people talking loudly in public. 3. 状语状语Reading a newspaper, She sat at the desk. 4. 宾补宾补We heard her singing in her room.现在分词可以以下成分现在分词可以以下成分 动名词动名词1. Talking to him is talking to a wall.2. Smoking may cause cancer. 3. Walking is my sole exercise. 4. We must improve our working method. 5. I su

11、ggest bringing the meeting to an end. 6. He admitted taking the money. 7. I couldnt help laughing.8. Your coat needs brushing. 9. Our greatest happiness is serving the people. 10. Our task is building socialism.building materials drinking water a walking stick a reading room a writing desk 现在分词现在分词1

12、. They lived in a room facing the street. = They lived in a room that faces the street. 2. The man standing there is Peters father. 3. Anybody swimming in this river will be fined. 4. The apple tree, swaying gently in the breeze, had a good crop of fruit. 1. When we returned to the school, we found

13、a stranger standing at the entrance. 2. We found the snake eating the eggs. 3. I found a bag lying on the ground. 4. The boss kept the workers working the whole night. 5. They found the result very satisfying. 6. They heard him singing in the next room. 7. We mustnt keep them waiting.定语定语宾补宾补一、一、 表示

14、感觉和心理状态的动词,常见的有表示感觉和心理状态的动词,常见的有see, hear, feel, smell, find, notice, observe, look at, listen to等。等。如:1. We saw a light burning in the window. 2. I felt somebody patting me on the shoulder. 3. As he spoke, he observed everybody looking at him curiously.4. I didnt notice him waiting. 二、表示指使意义的动词,常见的

15、有二、表示指使意义的动词,常见的有have, set, keep, get, catch, leave等。等。如:1. I wont have you doing that. 2. This set me thinking.3. Im sorry to have kept you waiting. 4. I cant get the clock going again.5. You wont catch me doing that again.现在分词作宾语补足语的几类动词现在分词作宾语补足语的几类动词:三、三、see, hear, feel, watch等动词之后用等动词之后用-ing形式和

16、动词不形式和动词不定式作宾语补足语的区别:定式作宾语补足语的区别: 前者表示动作正在进行,而后者表示(或强调)动作从开始到结束的全过程。如: We passed by the classmates and saw the teacher making the experiment.We sat an hour and watched the teacher make the experiment. 如果宾语补足语是短暂性动词,动词不定式短语表示一次动作, 而-ing形式则表示反复动作。如:We heard the door slam. (一次动作)We heard the door slamm

17、ing. (反复动作)1. His concern for his mother is most touching.2. She was very pleasing in her appearance.3. Our greatest happiness is serving the people.4. Our task is building socialism. 5 The film we saw last night is quite moving. 6. His words are encouraging. 7. We must improve our working method. 8

18、. They set up an operating table in a small temple.9. China is a developing country. 10. The student making the experiment is our monitor.11. I saw him going upstairs. 12. We watched her crossing the street. 13. We heard her singing in her room。动名词和现在分词动名词和现在分词(现分)(现分)(现分)(现分)(现分)(现分)(现分)(现分)(现分)(现分

19、)(现分)(现分)(现分)(现分)(现分)(现分)(动名词)(动名词)(动名词)(动名词)(动名词)(动名词)(动名词)(动名词)(现分)(现分)1. I cant imagine Billy _ a motorbike. 2. Did you hear the dog downstairs _ for most of the night?3. Frank is very good at telling funny jokes. He can be very _. 4. You cant stop me _ what I want. 5. He gave me a _ hug when he

20、met me at the airport. 6. Jim has really learnt very fast. She has made _ progress.7. Its been raining all day. This weather is _.8. When I came out of the theatre, I noticed a group of children _ musical instruments across the street. ridingastonish, depress, play, do, ride, amuse, bark, welcomebar

21、kingamusingdoingwelcomingastonishingdepressingplaying1. He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. (北京2004春)A. putB. to be putting C. to put D. putting2. The manager, _ it clear to us that he didnt agree with us, left the meeting room. (江西2005)A. who has made B. hav

22、ing madeC. made D. making3. Come on, please give me some ideas about the project. Sorry. With so much work _ my mind, I almost break down.(福建2007)A. filled B. filling C. to fill D. being filled高考题高考题4. Peter received a letter just now _ his grandma would come to see him soon. (四川2007)A. said B. say

23、C. saying D. to say5. I smell something _ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute? (2007全国卷 I) A. burning B. burntC. being burnt D. to be burnt6. It is believed that if a book is _, it will surely _ the reader. (上海2003)A.interested; interest B. interesting; be interestedC. interested; be int

24、eresting D. interesting; interest7. The _ boy was last seen _ near the bank of the lake. A.missing; playing B. missing; play B.C. missed; played D. missed; to play8. Mr. Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel. A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring9. When we w

25、atched the national flag _ in the Olympic Games on TV, we raised a cheer. A. rise B. being risen C. raised D. being raised10. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was _ from the outside world. A.cut out B. cut off B.C. cut up D. cut through11. We sat there, _with what we listened to.

26、A. satisfying B . to satisfy C. contented D. content 12. The boy burst into tears _ he saw his mother. A. direct B. direction C. directly D. directly when13. It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly _ my friend. (四川四川2007)A. turn out B. bring out C. call out D. pick out本题考查短语辨析。本题考查短语辨析。pick

27、 out辨认出;辨认出;turn out结果是;结果是;bring out 拿出;拿出;call out叫出。叫出。14. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was _ from the outside world. (北京北京2004春春)A. cut out B. cut off C. cut up D. cut through本题考查本题考查cut短语辨析。短语辨析。cut off “隔离,使孤立隔离,使孤立”, 符合题意。符合题意。cut out 删掉;删掉;cut up切碎;切碎;cut through穿过。穿过。

28、15. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes. (2004全国卷全国卷III)A. to form B. form C. forming D. having formedforming在句中作定语,此处表示一种普遍现象,无时间上的特定性,故不用在句中作定语,此处表示一种普遍现象,无时间上的特定性,故不用D项。项。16. Great changes have taken place in tha

29、t school. It is no longer _ it was 20 years ago, _ it was so poorly equipped. (安徽(安徽2005)A. what; when B. that; which C. what; which D. which; that 第一个从句为第一个从句为what引导的表语从句并在从句中作表语;第二个为引导的表语从句并在从句中作表语;第二个为when引导的非限引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词为制性定语从句,先行词为20 years ago。17. I walked in our garden, _ Tom and Jim were

30、tying a big sign onto one of he trees. (辽宁(辽宁2005)A. which B. when C. where D. that 由句子结构可知,填上一个词之后逗号后面应是一个非限制性定语从句,再根据先由句子结构可知,填上一个词之后逗号后面应是一个非限制性定语从句,再根据先行词和所需意义即可做出正确选择。行词和所需意义即可做出正确选择。18. If a shop has chairs _ women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop. (上海(上海2005)A. that

31、B. which C. when D. where 19. Is that the small town you often refer to? Right, just the one _ you know I used to work for years. (福建(福建2005)A. that B. which C. where D. what 20. This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can _ my father. (湖北(湖北2005)A.find out B. pick out B.C. look out

32、D. speak outfind out(通过研究、努力)发现,找出;(通过研究、努力)发现,找出; look out向外看,当心,注意;向外看,当心,注意;speak out大声且清楚地说出。只有大声且清楚地说出。只有pick out意思合适。意思合适。21. I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson _. (湖南(湖南2005)A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up cut down意为意为“砍倒砍倒”;cut out意为意为“剪掉;除去,省略,删去剪掉;除去,省略,删去”;cut up意为意为“切

33、碎切碎”。22. More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays, _ advantage of the health and relaxation benefits. (上海(上海2005)A. taking B. taken C. having taken D. having been taken 23. He glanced over at her, _ that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together. (广东(广东2005)A. having noted B. noted C. to note D. noting note这一动作由主语这一动作由主语he发出,所以应该用发出,所以应该用-ing形式作状语来表示伴随。形式作状语来表示伴随。



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