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1、Unit 8 How are you?Cartoon time & Sound time1 Talk about the questions in groups. 小组交流,相互提问。小组交流,相互提问。 结合结合Story timeStory time的内容,你有什么问题要考考的内容,你有什么问题要考考你的同学呢?请写下来你的同学呢?请写下来。Ask your classmate2Who has a better memory?记忆力大比拼记忆力大比拼 男女生互相提问有关男女生互相提问有关Story time的的问题,提问或回答正确都可以得一颗星。问题,提问或回答正确都可以得一颗星。Rule

2、s:1. 问题必须和问题必须和Story time有关。有关。2. 大声问出你的问题。大声问出你的问题。3. 若对方不会回答,本方可以抢答。若对方不会回答,本方可以抢答。PK time3If we want to make a telephone call, we can use . 说一说可以使用的电话用语。说一说可以使用的电话用语。Lets review4If we know someone is ill, we can say . 怎样询问身体状况,关心他人。怎样询问身体状况,关心他人。Lets review5How is the fox?He is hungry.Look and sa

3、y6The _ _ in the _is _ lunch _ the fox!Listen and fill7f fo ox xb bo ox xn no ot th ho ot td do og gOThe hot dog in the boxIs not lunch for the fox!/ /Read and learn8hot dog box not fox Tom on off pot coffee dog jog fog 你能说出有同样发音的单词吗?Lets read9nohot : home:dog coffee opennosenot 自己试着读一读,归类自己试着读一读,归类

4、 同桌交流读一读同桌交流读一读 Read and choose10How is Bobby?Look and say11Is Bobby Is Bobby at schoolat school? ?A. Yes.A. Yes. B. No, heB. No, hes at home.s at home.在上学,在学校在上学,在学校Watch and choose12Watch and choose13Is Bobby Is Bobby at schoolat school? ?A. Yes.A. Yes. B. No, heB. No, hes at home.s at home.Watch

5、and choose14 Is Tina thereIs Tina there too?too?A. Yes. She is talking to Sam.A. Yes. She is talking to Sam.B. No. B. No. Read and answer15Why is Bobby laughing ?Because heBecause he pretends to be Tina. pretends to be Tina. Read and think16Hello, this is Sam speaking .Hello, Sam . This is Tina .模仿语

6、音语调哦!模仿语音语调哦!Enjoy reading17Hi, Tina. Is Bobby there?No. Hes at school . 模仿语音语调哦!模仿语音语调哦!Enjoy reading18Its Sunday today. We dont have any lessons on Sunday .This is Bobby . Ha ! Ha !模仿语音语调哦!模仿语音语调哦!Enjoy reading191. Read the dialogue together! 齐读!齐读!2. Read the whole dialogue in roles. 分角色读整篇对话!分角色

7、读整篇对话!Reading time20分角色表演这个故事。表演时要努力做到发音清分角色表演这个故事。表演时要努力做到发音清楚,语调正确。如果能有些感情就更好了!楚,语调正确。如果能有些感情就更好了!Act it out in pairs.Act it out in pairs.两人一组表演。两人一组表演。Learning tip21两人一组,表演对话。两人一组,表演对话。注意表情、动作、语调!注意表情、动作、语调!Show time22Hello, this is Sam speaking .Hello, Sam . This is Tina .Hi, Tina . Is Bobby the

8、re ?No. Hes at school . Its Sunday today. We dont have any lessons on Sunday .This is Bobby . Ha ! Ha !23Hello . .Hello . . 周日午饭后,周日午饭后,Bobby打电话约打电话约Sam外出,外出,Sam也想也想与与Bobby开个玩笑,他们之间会发生怎样的对话呢开个玩笑,他们之间会发生怎样的对话呢?发挥想象,创编卡通!尽可能多得使用你学过的句子哦!发挥想象,创编卡通!尽可能多得使用你学过的句子哦!Try and act24Omework1.Listen and read sound time.2. Read and act Cartoon time. 25



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