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1、目录目录专题一 名词专题二 动词专题三 动词短语专题四 形容词与副词专题五 介词短语模块模块 1 1多项选择多项选择模块模块 1 1多项选择多项选择考纲解读模块模块 1 1 考纲解读考纲解读 高考英语湖北卷的有关高考英语湖北卷的有关“词汇知识运用词汇知识运用”部分的第部分的第一节名称是一节名称是“多项选择多项选择”。无论是单项填空还是多项选。无论是单项填空还是多项选择都是从多个选项中选择唯一正确的答案,只是称呼不择都是从多个选项中选择唯一正确的答案,只是称呼不同而已。湖北高考英语的同而已。湖北高考英语的补充说明补充说明对这一题型的措对这一题型的措辞是这样的:辞是这样的:“多项选择题测试的重点为

2、英语词汇知识多项选择题测试的重点为英语词汇知识的运用的运用”。也就是说,该部分考纲要求考生掌握词汇的。也就是说,该部分考纲要求考生掌握词汇的基本含义和用法基本含义和用法( (包括每年湖北的新增词汇包括每年湖北的新增词汇) )。命题特点模块模块 1 1 命题特点命题特点 分析比较湖北高考多项选择题部分,不难发现以下分析比较湖北高考多项选择题部分,不难发现以下特点:特点: 1考查内容考查内容 从从2007至至2010年湖北卷的年湖北卷的“多项选择多项选择”试题看,这试题看,这部分考点只涉及名词、动词、动词短语、形容词、副词部分考点只涉及名词、动词、动词短语、形容词、副词和介词短语六大项,不涉及代词

3、、冠词、连词、情态动和介词短语六大项,不涉及代词、冠词、连词、情态动词、单个介词等其他词类。词、单个介词等其他词类。 2 2考查方式考查方式 湖北多项选择题考查的方式较少涉及同义词或近义湖北多项选择题考查的方式较少涉及同义词或近义词的辨析,考查的重点在于在透彻理解语境的前提下,词的辨析,考查的重点在于在透彻理解语境的前提下,选择符合语境意义的最佳选项。在此意义上,可以说湖选择符合语境意义的最佳选项。在此意义上,可以说湖北多项选择试题其实就是北多项选择试题其实就是“小语境小语境”的完形填空。当然,的完形填空。当然,除了意义上的辨析选择之外,对于词的搭配、词性的活除了意义上的辨析选择之外,对于词的

4、搭配、词性的活用和一词多义现象也偶有涉及。比如:用和一词多义现象也偶有涉及。比如:20072007年考查词语年考查词语搭配搭配attitude towardsattitude towards;20092009年考查词性转移年考查词性转移( (名词用名词用作动词作动词)shelter)shelter“庇护庇护”。模块模块 1 1 命题特点命题特点 3 3选项特点选项特点 所给选项的表现形式一致,四个选项的词性整齐划所给选项的表现形式一致,四个选项的词性整齐划一,要么都是名词、形容词、副词或要么都是谓语动词、一,要么都是名词、形容词、副词或要么都是谓语动词、介词短语等,词性之间不相互交叉。试题选项


6、其他考区。考查难度明显高于其他考区。模块模块 1 1 命题特点命题特点 4 4题干特点题干特点 湖北卷多项选择题的题干较长,有清晰的语境提示。湖北卷多项选择题的题干较长,有清晰的语境提示。有的题干甚至超出了有的题干甚至超出了2020个词。题干的语言颇具特色,具个词。题干的语言颇具特色,具有较强的时代感、浓厚的生活气息和较强的现实指导意有较强的时代感、浓厚的生活气息和较强的现实指导意义,体现了英语的实用与交际功能。比如:义,体现了英语的实用与交际功能。比如:20092009年年2525题题 character building,27character building,27题题 alternat

7、ive energyalternative energy;20102010年年2222题题“地震地震”话题等。话题等。模块模块 1 1 命题特点命题特点题型分类 湖北高考多项选择题在语言知识的考查方面遵守了以湖北高考多项选择题在语言知识的考查方面遵守了以词性为依托,并主要考查实词词义的命题规律,在语言运词性为依托,并主要考查实词词义的命题规律,在语言运用的考查方面体现了用的考查方面体现了“语言运用语言情景语言运用语言情景”的交际性原的交际性原则,按照这种命题模式我们可以把该题型分为如下两类:则,按照这种命题模式我们可以把该题型分为如下两类: 一、语境型词义辨析类一、语境型词义辨析类 词汇试题考

8、查的重点一般在动词、名词、形容词、副词汇试题考查的重点一般在动词、名词、形容词、副词和介词的词义辨析以及由这些词所构成的短语上。考试词和介词的词义辨析以及由这些词所构成的短语上。考试的难点一般是在特定的语境下考查形近词,同义词或近义的难点一般是在特定的语境下考查形近词,同义词或近义词辨析和常用短语等,可谓是词辨析和常用短语等,可谓是“小语境小语境”的完形填空或者的完形填空或者模块模块 1 1 题型分类题型分类完形填空的完形填空的“前奏曲前奏曲”。做。做此类题目时切忌选题过于求难、此类题目时切忌选题过于求难、求多、求偏、求怪,过于注重细节的把握与具体词汇的细求多、求偏、求怪,过于注重细节的把握与

9、具体词汇的细微差别的比较和辨析。仔细研究历年的湖北高考英语试题微差别的比较和辨析。仔细研究历年的湖北高考英语试题中的词汇辨析题,我们发现了一条根本的经验,就是考生中的词汇辨析题,我们发现了一条根本的经验,就是考生应该牢牢掌握基础词汇的基本用法和常用词汇的常规用法,应该牢牢掌握基础词汇的基本用法和常用词汇的常规用法,大可不必花大力气去贪多求异。复习时要强化对第三册考大可不必花大力气去贪多求异。复习时要强化对第三册考纲实词的记忆。纲实词的记忆。模块模块 1 1 题型分类题型分类 例例 20102010湖北湖北 ( ()After the earthquake, )After the earthqu

10、ake, the first thing the local government did was to the first thing the local government did was to provide _ for the homeless families.provide _ for the homeless families. A AaccommodationaccommodationB Boccupation occupation C Cequipment Dequipment Dfurniturefurniture 模块模块 1 1 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 A A

11、考查名词词义辨析。句意:地震过后,考查名词词义辨析。句意:地震过后,当地政府首先要做的事情当然是给失去家园的家庭提供当地政府首先要做的事情当然是给失去家园的家庭提供住宿。住宿。accommodation accommodation 意为意为 “住宿住宿”。 二、结构型习语搭配类二、结构型习语搭配类 英语句子中词语和词语之间有许多的英语句子中词语和词语之间有许多的“习惯搭配习惯搭配”或或“固定用固定用法法”,主要表现在冠词与名词的搭配,名词、形容词、动词与介,主要表现在冠词与名词的搭配,名词、形容词、动词与介词的搭配等。这些习惯搭配一方面为我们做题提供了一个风向标,词的搭配等。这些习惯搭配一方面


13、这就需要在平时学习中要注意识记、它们的位置关系如何等等,这就需要在平时学习中要注意识记、巩固和积累。巩固和积累。模块模块 1 1 题型分类题型分类 例例1 1( ()Despite such a big difference in )Despite such a big difference in _ towards what one eats, there is no doubt _ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as that people i

14、n the west regard the Chinese food as something special.something special. A Apoint Bpoint Bidea idea C Cattitude Dattitude Dsight sight 模块模块 1 1 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 C C考查名词词义及其与介词搭配。句意:尽考查名词词义及其与介词搭配。句意:尽管在对待个人饮食的看法上有着天壤之别,但是毫无疑问管在对待个人饮食的看法上有着天壤之别,但是毫无疑问西方人把中餐当成一样很特别的东西。本题中的关键点西方人把中餐当成一样很特别的东西。本题中的关键点t

15、owards towards 这个词。四个选项中,只有这个词。四个选项中,只有attitude attitude 与与towards towards 搭配使用,意为搭配使用,意为“对于对于的态度的态度”。故选。故选 C C。 例例2 220102010天津天津 ( ()James took the )James took the magazines off the little table to make _ magazines off the little table to make _ for the television.for the television. A Aroom Broom

16、 Barea area C Cfield Dfield Dpositionposition 模块模块 1 1 题型分类题型分类 【解析解析】 A A考查名词词义及其与介词搭配。句意:考查名词词义及其与介词搭配。句意: 詹姆斯把杂志从小桌子上拿下来,是为给电视腾出空间。詹姆斯把杂志从小桌子上拿下来,是为给电视腾出空间。make room formake room for是固定搭配,意为是固定搭配,意为“为为腾出地方腾出地方”,其中的,其中的roomroom是不可数名词。是不可数名词。应试点睛 湖北高考多项选择题从试题类型看,可分为湖北高考多项选择题从试题类型看,可分为“语境与词语境与词义辨析义辨

17、析”和和“习语与结构习语与结构”两大类。在复习过程中,要注意两大类。在复习过程中,要注意针对针对课程标准课程标准所要求掌握的词汇,加强词汇方面的记忆,所要求掌握的词汇,加强词汇方面的记忆,包括单词及短语的本义、引申义及常见的搭配;全面复习语包括单词及短语的本义、引申义及常见的搭配;全面复习语法知识,重点是复习动词,提高对基础语法知识的运用能力。法知识,重点是复习动词,提高对基础语法知识的运用能力。 一、建立词汇知识体系,勤于总结与归纳一、建立词汇知识体系,勤于总结与归纳 在备考中要对考纲词汇以及课本基础知识进行地毯式扫在备考中要对考纲词汇以及课本基础知识进行地毯式扫描,在脑海中建立一个完整的词

18、汇知识体系。其内容包括:描,在脑海中建立一个完整的词汇知识体系。其内容包括:模块模块 1 1 应试点睛应试点睛模块模块 1 1 应试点睛应试点睛词语意义、同义词和近义词的辨析、反义词、短语及其固定词语意义、同义词和近义词的辨析、反义词、短语及其固定搭配等。要特别重视高频词以及一词多义的学习积累,比如:搭配等。要特别重视高频词以及一词多义的学习积累,比如:get, make, turn, take, put, hold, go, give, break, get, make, turn, take, put, hold, go, give, break, come, keep, bring co

19、me, keep, bring 等,像等,像taketake就有就有take uptake up,take down, take down, take offtake off,take ontake on,take intake in,take overtake over等搭配,它们的等搭配,它们的意思都要区分清楚。像意思都要区分清楚。像taketake这样的动词有很多,肯定经常遇这样的动词有很多,肯定经常遇到,要学会去总结,随时记忆,随时复习,随时扩充。这样到,要学会去总结,随时记忆,随时复习,随时扩充。这样既能巩固前期复习的成果,又能逐步扩大词汇量,还能有效既能巩固前期复习的成果,又能逐步

20、扩大词汇量,还能有效地利用每天的零碎时间突破词汇关。此外,在学习中,除了地利用每天的零碎时间突破词汇关。此外,在学习中,除了注重词汇基本意义的学习外,还要重视不同语境下词语的意注重词汇基本意义的学习外,还要重视不同语境下词语的意义和词性的转化。义和词性的转化。 模块模块 1 1 应试点睛应试点睛 二、归纳词汇考点,尊重教材和考纲二、归纳词汇考点,尊重教材和考纲 湖北多项选择题在英语词汇考核方面既强调基础性,又湖北多项选择题在英语词汇考核方面既强调基础性,又突出实用性和交际性。细看湖北卷近突出实用性和交际性。细看湖北卷近3 3年的多项选择题,试年的多项选择题,试题中的考点都为教材中题中的考点都为

21、教材中( (尤其是第三册尤其是第三册) )常见的词汇,答案选常见的词汇,答案选项没有一个是超纲或脱离教材的。因此我们平时在备考中,项没有一个是超纲或脱离教材的。因此我们平时在备考中,练习要忠实于教材,狠抓基础知识的落实和基本技能的培养,练习要忠实于教材,狠抓基础知识的落实和基本技能的培养,系统归纳和梳理词汇知识要点,掌握常见词汇的常见用法即系统归纳和梳理词汇知识要点,掌握常见词汇的常见用法即可。同时,对于考纲中有而在平时试卷中出现的频率不高的可。同时,对于考纲中有而在平时试卷中出现的频率不高的词汇也不应该忽视。在最后的复习阶段,要有意识地把较为词汇也不应该忽视。在最后的复习阶段,要有意识地把较

22、为生僻的词汇按照词性进行系统的分类,认真比对近几年的高生僻的词汇按照词性进行系统的分类,认真比对近几年的高考试题,找出考点盲区,并进行有针对性的训练。考试题,找出考点盲区,并进行有针对性的训练。模块模块 1 1 应试点睛应试点睛 总之,湖北高考英语卷多项选择题给我们的启示是:总之,湖北高考英语卷多项选择题给我们的启示是:在学习备考中,不要盲目相信题海战术,选题要精,重质在学习备考中,不要盲目相信题海战术,选题要精,重质重量。要认真研究,勤于思考,大胆探索,在不断的训练重量。要认真研究,勤于思考,大胆探索,在不断的训练中领悟词的内涵,加深对词的理解和掌握。要善于将语法、中领悟词的内涵,加深对词的

23、理解和掌握。要善于将语法、语境和语言文化背景结合起来,多方面提高自己的阅读能语境和语言文化背景结合起来,多方面提高自己的阅读能力和对文章的欣赏水平。天道酬勤,只要坚持,相信一定力和对文章的欣赏水平。天道酬勤,只要坚持,相信一定会有收获。会有收获。专题一名词专题一名词专题专题 一一 名词名词专题一专题一 考题导读考题导读湖北高考英语多项选择题每年有湖北高考英语多项选择题每年有1 12 2题考查名词的用法,题考查名词的用法,主要从下面几个方面进行考查:主要从下面几个方面进行考查: (1) (1)名词在具体语境中的词义辨析;名词在具体语境中的词义辨析;(2)(2)名词与介词或动词的名词与介词或动词的

24、常见搭配;固定句型中名词的运用和辨析;常见搭配;固定句型中名词的运用和辨析;(3)(3)名词的词类转换名词的词类转换与辨析。在解答名词试题时要注意:与辨析。在解答名词试题时要注意:(1)(1)准确理解题干语境的含准确理解题干语境的含义;义;(2)(2)注意从搭配、词语的本义、转换意义等多角度去考虑。注意从搭配、词语的本义、转换意义等多角度去考虑。考题导读专题一专题一 真题再现真题再现 ( ()1.)1.20102010安徽安徽 I haven I havent seen Sara since she t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and sh

25、e has changed beyond _.was a little girl, and she has changed beyond _. A AhearinghearingB Bstrength strength C Crecognition Drecognition Dmeasuremeasure 真题再现 C C考查名词词义辨析。句意:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她已经变得认不她已经变得认不出来了。出来了。hearinghearing意为意为“听力听力”;strengthstrength意为意为“力气;力气;力量;体力力量;体力”; recognitionrecognition意为意为“

26、认出;识别;认识认出;识别;认识”; measuremeasure意为意为“测量;措施测量;措施”。专题一专题一 真题再现真题再现 ( ()2.)2.20102010江西江西 Last year the number of Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, 200,000, a(na(n) _ of 40,000 per year.) _ of 40

27、,000 per year. A Aaverage Baverage Bnumbernumber C Camount Damount Dquantityquantity A A考查名词词义辨析。考查名词词义辨析。an average ofan average of泛指泛指“平平均数均数”,an average of 40,000 per yearan average of 40,000 per year意为意为“年平均年平均40,00040,000”。专题一专题一 真题再现真题再现 ( ()3.)3.20102010山东山东 Those who suffer from Those who su

28、ffer from headache will find they get _ from this headache will find they get _ from this medicine.medicine. A Arelief Brelief Bsafety safety C Cdefense Ddefense Dsheltershelter A A考查名词词义辨析。句意:那些头痛的人会发考查名词词义辨析。句意:那些头痛的人会发现这种药物能使头痛缓解。现这种药物能使头痛缓解。relief relief 表示表示“缓解,减轻,缓解,减轻,解除解除”。 Safety Safety 表示表

29、示“安全,保险安全,保险”;defense defense 表表示示“防御,防护防御,防护”; shelter shelter 表示表示“避难所,保护避难所,保护”。专题一专题一 真题再现真题再现 ( ()4.)4.20102010湖北湖北 This restaurant has become This restaurant has become popular for its wide _ of foods that suit popular for its wide _ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.all tastes and poc

30、kets. A Adivision Bdivision Barea area C Crange Drange Dcirclecircle C C考查名词词义辨析。句意:这家餐馆越来越出名考查名词词义辨析。句意:这家餐馆越来越出名是由于它做的各种各样的食物适应各种类型人群。是由于它做的各种各样的食物适应各种类型人群。rangerange名词,这里表示名词,这里表示“一系列一系列”。专题一专题一 真题再现真题再现 ( ()5.)5.20102010浙江浙江 The school advisers help The school advisers help you talk through your

31、 problem but they donyou talk through your problem but they dont t give you any direct _.give you any direct _. A Asolution Bsolution Btarget target C Cmeasure Dmeasure Dfunctionfunction A A考查名词词义辨析。句意:学校的指导教师们考查名词词义辨析。句意:学校的指导教师们帮助你分析问题,但是他们不会给你直接的解决方案。帮助你分析问题,但是他们不会给你直接的解决方案。solutionsolution解决方案;解

32、决方案;targettarget目标;目标;measuremeasure措施;措施;functionfunction功能。功能。专题一专题一 真题再现真题再现 ( ()6.)6.20102010江苏江苏 The doctor is skilled at The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good _.from

33、his patients, so he has a very good _. A Aexpectation Bexpectation Breputation reputation C Ccontribution Dcontribution Dcivilizationcivilization B B考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位医生治疗心脏考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位医生治疗心脏病技术高超,并且从不收取病人的任何礼物,因此他的病技术高超,并且从不收取病人的任何礼物,因此他的口碑很好。口碑很好。reputation reputation 意为意为“名声名声”,符合句意。,符合句意。expectati

34、onexpectation期望;期望;contributioncontribution贡献;贡献;civilizationcivilization文明。文明。 专题一专题一 真题再现真题再现 ( ()7.)7.20092009福建福建 The World Health The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without Organization gave a warning to the public without any _ when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in any _

35、 when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April, 2009.April, 2009. A Adelay Bdelay Beffort effort C Cschedule Dschedule Dconsideration consideration A A考查名词词义辨析。句意:考查名词词义辨析。句意:H1N1H1N1病毒于病毒于20092009年年四月袭击墨西哥的时候,世界卫生组织迅速对公众发布四月袭击墨西哥的时候,世界卫生组织迅速对公众发布了警戒。语境提到病毒袭击和世界卫生组织发布警告,了警戒。语境提到病毒袭击和世界卫生组织发布警告,应该是应该是wi

36、thout delaywithout delay表示表示“毫不耽搁毫不耽搁”。专题一专题一 真题再现真题再现 ( ()8.)8.20092009湖北湖北 Hiking by oneself can be Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for fun and good for health. It may also be good for _ building._ building. A Arespect Brespect Bfriendship friendship C Creputa

37、tion Dreputation Dcharactercharacter D D考查名词词义辨析。句意:独自远足不仅有趣考查名词词义辨析。句意:独自远足不仅有趣而且有利于健康。或许也有益于塑造性格。而且有利于健康。或许也有益于塑造性格。character character buildingbuilding源自源自build onebuild ones characters character,意为,意为“塑造性塑造性格格”。 专题一专题一 真题再现真题再现 ( ()9.)9.20092009天津天津 I Im trying to break the m trying to break the

38、 _of getting up too late._of getting up too late. A Atradition Btradition Bconvenience convenience C Chabit Dhabit Dleisureleisure C C考查名词词义辨析。句意:我正试图改变晚考查名词词义辨析。句意:我正试图改变晚起的习惯。起的习惯。break the habit of doing break the habit of doing sthsth. .表示表示“改变做某事的习惯改变做某事的习惯”。traditiontradition传统,一般不指个传统,一般不指个人习

39、惯;人习惯;convenienceconvenience方便,便利;方便,便利;leisureleisure休闲,空休闲,空闲。闲。 专题一专题一 真题再现真题再现 ( ()10.)10.20092009浙江浙江 The system has been The system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library. the digital resources o

40、f the library. A Aaccess Baccess Bpassage passage C Cway Dway Dapproach approach A A考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个体系被设计目的考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个体系被设计目的是为了给学生们提供快速而容易地使用图书馆数字资源的是为了给学生们提供快速而容易地使用图书馆数字资源的机会。从语境看,这里用机会。从语境看,这里用give sb./have access togive sb./have access to表示表示“接近或使用某物的机会或权利接近或使用某物的机会或权利”。approachapproach表示表示“方法

41、,方法,方式方式”,含义和搭配都不符合语境。,含义和搭配都不符合语境。 专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.The car factory has produced a new car )1.The car factory has produced a new car of high quality; its only _ is that it uses of high quality; its only _ is that it uses a lot of petrol.a lot of petrol. A Aadvantage Badvantage Bdrawback drawba

42、ck C Cmistake Dmistake Dprofitprofit 专题预测 B B句意:这家汽车厂已经生产出了一款新的高品质句意:这家汽车厂已经生产出了一款新的高品质的汽车,它唯一的缺点是耗油量太大。的汽车,它唯一的缺点是耗油量太大。advantageadvantage优势;优势;drawbackdrawback缺点,不利条件;缺点,不利条件;mistakemistake错误;错误;profitprofit利润,利润,盈利,收入。盈利,收入。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.Only by practicing can the students )2.Only by prac

43、ticing can the students obtain the second language _.obtain the second language _. A Adevelopment Bdevelopment Brecreation recreation C Cdetermination Ddetermination Dacquisitionacquisition D D句意:学生们只有通过练习才能获得第二语句意:学生们只有通过练习才能获得第二语言的技能。这里用言的技能。这里用acquisitionacquisition表示表示“取得,获得,取得,获得,习得习得”。developm

44、entdevelopment发展;发展;recreationrecreation娱乐活动,娱乐活动,消遣;消遣;determinationdetermination决心,决定,都不符合语境。决心,决定,都不符合语境。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.In my view, if you)3.In my view, if youre making an effort re making an effort to be a good person and making your dream a to be a good person and making your dream a _,

45、then you have already made a then you have already made a contribution to society.contribution to society. A Afiction Bfiction Brealityreality C Cpattern Dpattern Dpreferencepreference B B句意:在我看来,假如你正在努力做一个好人,并句意:在我看来,假如你正在努力做一个好人,并且使自己的梦想成为现实,那么你就已经为社会做出了贡且使自己的梦想成为现实,那么你就已经为社会做出了贡献。与献。与dreamdream相呼

46、应,这里用相呼应,这里用realityreality表示使梦想变成现实。表示使梦想变成现实。fictionfiction小说;小说;patternpattern模式,花样,图案;模式,花样,图案;preferencepreference偏偏爱,优先爱,优先( (权权) ),都不符合句意。,都不符合句意。 专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.We should look up to him as a shining )4.We should look up to him as a shining example of _ to duty.example of _ to duty. A A

47、devotion Bdevotion Bprivilege privilege C Cresponsibility Dresponsibility Dburdenburden A A句意:我们应该把他作为恪尽职守的光辉典范。从句意:我们应该把他作为恪尽职守的光辉典范。从语境和搭配看,这里用语境和搭配看,这里用devotiondevotion表示表示“投入,忠实投入,忠实”,与介,与介词词toto搭配,其动词形式是搭配,其动词形式是devote, be devoted todevote, be devoted to或或devote devote oneones life/time/energy/

48、oneself s life/time/energy/oneself to(doing)sthto(doing)sth. .表示表示“投身于投身于/ /致力于做某事致力于做某事”。devotion to onedevotion to ones duty s duty “恪恪尽职守尽职守”;privilege privilege 特权,优惠;特权,优惠;responsibilityresponsibility责任,责任,义务,责任心;义务,责任心;burdenburden负担。负担。 专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()5.After designing some experiments,

49、)5.After designing some experiments, they were able to clarify the _ by which they were able to clarify the _ by which bees communicate information that they use to bees communicate information that they use to find and fetch food.find and fetch food. A Aprocedure Bprocedure Baccessaccess C Cmethod

50、Dmethod Dapproachapproach A A句意:他们在设计了一些实验之后,终于能句意:他们在设计了一些实验之后,终于能阐明蜜蜂找到食物以及去取食物的信息交流的步骤。阐明蜜蜂找到食物以及去取食物的信息交流的步骤。procedureprocedure步骤,手续;步骤,手续;accessaccess通道,入口,接近,通道,入口,接近,进入,一般与介词进入,一般与介词toto搭配;搭配;methodmethod办法,方式;办法,方式;approachapproach接近,临近,途径,方式,方法。从语境接近,临近,途径,方式,方法。从语境看,选看,选A A。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测

51、 ( ()6.)6.Jack, what do you think of the event which Jack, what do you think of the event which not only promoted _ of world hunger, but raised not only promoted _ of world hunger, but raised a lot of money to help these poor children?a lot of money to help these poor children? ThatThats great.s gre

52、at. A Acontribution Bcontribution Bdirection direction C Cawareness Dawareness Dlonelinessloneliness C C句意:句意:“杰克,你觉得着这项活动怎么样,它不仅让杰克,你觉得着这项活动怎么样,它不仅让人们了解了全球饥饿问题,而且为帮助这些贫困儿童募集了人们了解了全球饥饿问题,而且为帮助这些贫困儿童募集了很多钱。很多钱。”“”“很不错很不错”。contributioncontribution贡献,捐款,投稿;贡献,捐款,投稿;directiondirection方向,指引,指导,方向,指引,指导,a

53、warenessawareness知道,意识;知道,意识;lonelinessloneliness孤独,寂寞。通过比较,只有孤独,寂寞。通过比较,只有C C项符合语境。项符合语境。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()7.To our great _)7.To our great _, GeoffreyGeoffreys s illness proved not to be as serious as we had illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.feared. A Aanxiety Banxiety Brelief

54、relief C Cview Dview Djudgmentjudgment B B句意:杰弗里的病不像我们当初担心的那么严重,句意:杰弗里的病不像我们当初担心的那么严重,这让我们长出了一口气。因此用这让我们长出了一口气。因此用to oneto ones reliefs relief表示表示“使某人感到放心的是;使某人欣慰的是;使某人安心的是使某人感到放心的是;使某人欣慰的是;使某人安心的是”。 to oneto ones anxiety s anxiety 让某人感到焦虑的是;让某人感到焦虑的是;viewview不符不符合语境的搭配,合语境的搭配,in onein ones views vi

55、ew“在某人看来在某人看来”;judgmentjudgment意为意为“判断判断”。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()8.At first _ it looked like a simple )8.At first _ it looked like a simple accident, but later the police became doubtful.accident, but later the police became doubtful. A Asight Bsight Bview view C Clook Dlook Dglimpseglimpse A A句意:咋一看,这

56、像是一起简单的事故,但后来警方句意:咋一看,这像是一起简单的事故,但后来警方开始怀疑了。从搭配看,这里只有开始怀疑了。从搭配看,这里只有A A正确,正确,at first sightat first sight表表示示“咋一看咋一看”。从含义看,四个名词都与。从含义看,四个名词都与“看看”有关,有关,sightsight是是seesee的名词形式,表示的名词形式,表示“目光,视力,视野,景象目光,视力,视野,景象”;viewview表示从某一固定地方如门口、窗口等往外看去所看见的人或物表示从某一固定地方如门口、窗口等往外看去所看见的人或物活动的场景;活动的场景;looklook用作动词表示用作

57、动词表示“看看”,作名词则表示,作名词则表示“神色,神色,表情表情”;glimpseglimpse意为意为“一瞥,一看一瞥,一看”。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()9.Although I spoke to her many times, she )9.Although I spoke to her many times, she never took any _ of what I said.never took any _ of what I said. A Anotice Bnotice Bremark remark C Cobservation Dobservation Dat

58、tentionattention A A句意:尽管我跟她说了好多次,但她就是从来都句意:尽管我跟她说了好多次,但她就是从来都不注意我所说的话。四个名词选项中,只有不注意我所说的话。四个名词选项中,只有A A项能与项能与ofof搭搭配,配,take notice oftake notice of表示表示“注意注意”。remarkremark“话语,谈话语,谈论论”;observationobservation“观察,评论,观察力观察,评论,观察力”;attentionattention“注意,专心,留心注意,专心,留心”,常与,常与toto搭配。搭配。 专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1

59、0.We have strong _ for believing that )10.We have strong _ for believing that the coal mine accident in Heilongjiang was due to the the coal mine accident in Heilongjiang was due to the poor management.poor management. A Agrounds Bgrounds Bexcuses excuses C Ccauses Dcauses Dpurposespurposes A A句意:我们

60、有充分的理由相信,黑龙江发生的煤矿事故句意:我们有充分的理由相信,黑龙江发生的煤矿事故是因为管理不善引起的。语境表示做出某个判断的根据、理由,是因为管理不善引起的。语境表示做出某个判断的根据、理由,四个选项中只有四个选项中只有A A“groundground”可表示可表示“理由;根据理由;根据”且常用复数且常用复数形式,用形式,用grounds grounds for(doingfor(doing) ) sthsth. .,常见的搭配还有,常见的搭配还有on on grounds of, on the grounds thatgrounds of, on the grounds that等。等

61、。B B表示表示“借口借口”;C C表示表示“起因,引起某事发生的外在因素起因,引起某事发生的外在因素”,不符合语境的含义和搭配;,不符合语境的含义和搭配;D D表示表示“目的,意图目的,意图”。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()11.If you are hurried, here)11.If you are hurried, heres a quick s a quick _ of some facts about our products._ of some facts about our products. A Asearch Bsearch Breview review C C

62、correction Dcorrection Dquestionquestion B B句意:如果你很着急,我们就快速回顾一下关于我句意:如果你很着急,我们就快速回顾一下关于我们的产品的一些实际情况。们的产品的一些实际情况。searchsearch意为意为“搜索,寻找,搜搜索,寻找,搜查查”;reviewreview意为意为“审查,回顾,复习审查,回顾,复习”;correctioncorrection意意为为“改正,纠正,修改改正,纠正,修改”;questionquestion“问题问题”从语境和搭从语境和搭配看,这里用配看,这里用a review ofa review of表示表示“回顾回顾

63、”。 专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()12.)12.How can you prove you arenHow can you prove you arent connected t connected with this accident?with this accident? I have two _.I have two _. A Ajudges Bjudges Bfacts facts C Cevidences Devidences Dwitnesseswitnesses D D句意:句意:“你如何证明自己与这起事故没有关系?你如何证明自己与这起事故没有关系?”“”“我我有两个

64、证人有两个证人”。第二个说话人要证明自己与这起事故没有关联,。第二个说话人要证明自己与这起事故没有关联,需要的是证人,因此选需要的是证人,因此选D D表示表示“目击者;证人目击者;证人”,而不是靠,而不是靠“法官法官(judges)(judges)”帮他开脱;帮他开脱;B B“事实事实”与语境很牵强;与语境很牵强;evidenceevidence表示表示“( (在法庭上证明某人有罪的在法庭上证明某人有罪的) )证据,证词,人证,证据,证词,人证,物证物证”时是不可数名词,所以时是不可数名词,所以C C项形式错误。项形式错误。 专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()13.It would be

65、 unwise to attach too much )13.It would be unwise to attach too much _ to these opinion polls(_ to these opinion polls(民意测验民意测验) ) A Apossibility Bpossibility Bsignificance significance C Cvalue Dvalue Dattentionattention B B句意:过于强调这些民意调查的重要性是不明智的。句意:过于强调这些民意调查的重要性是不明智的。从句意和搭配看,这里用从句意和搭配看,这里用attach

66、importance/significance attach importance/significance toto表示表示“认为认为重要重要”, attachattachtoto表示表示“把把附在附在上;认为上;认为有有”。possibilitypossibility可能性;可能性;significancesignificance重要性,重大意义,含义;重要性,重大意义,含义;valuevalue价值;价值;attentionattention注意,注注意,注意力。从语境与搭配判断选意力。从语境与搭配判断选B B。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()14.What a pity! He

67、 worked hard all his life )14.What a pity! He worked hard all his life but without much _.but without much _. A Areward Breward Bprizeprize C Caward Daward Dresultresult A A句意:真遗憾!他勤劳终生,却没有多少收获。四句意:真遗憾!他勤劳终生,却没有多少收获。四个名词中,个名词中,rewardreward侧重指劳动或工作带来的侧重指劳动或工作带来的“回报,报酬回报,报酬”;award award 指因为做的优秀而得到的指因为

68、做的优秀而得到的“奖励,奖赏奖励,奖赏”;prizeprize表示竞赛或比赛等获得的表示竞赛或比赛等获得的“奖金,奖励奖金,奖励”;而;而resultresult只表示只表示“结果,成绩结果,成绩”。根据语境,选。根据语境,选A A表示表示“报酬,报答报酬,报答”。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()15.The more actively involved in learning one )15.The more actively involved in learning one gets, the more rapidly he/she will make progress, that

69、 gets, the more rapidly he/she will make progress, that is, _ plays an important role in knowledge is, _ plays an important role in knowledge acquisition.acquisition. A Acourage Bcourage Bambition ambition C Cmotivation Dmotivation Dtalenttalent C C句意:一个人在学习方面越积极参与,他句意:一个人在学习方面越积极参与,他/ /她取得的进她取得的进步就

70、越大,也就是说,在获取知识方面,动力起着很重要的作步就越大,也就是说,在获取知识方面,动力起着很重要的作用。前面的用。前面的“积极参与积极参与”表明这里用表明这里用motivationmotivation表示表示“动力,动力,动机动机”。couragecourage“勇气勇气”,ambitionambition“野心,雄心野心,雄心”,talenttalent“才华,天才才华,天才”都不符合语境。都不符合语境。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()16.The earth was here long before the )16.The earth was here long before

71、the _ of the human species._ of the human species. A Aorigin Borigin Bresource resource C Csource Dsource Devolutionevolution A A句意:在人类起源之前很早的时候就有了地球。句意:在人类起源之前很早的时候就有了地球。originorigin意为意为“起源,来源起源,来源”;resourceresource“( (土地,矿产,能土地,矿产,能源,钱财,技能,教学等源,钱财,技能,教学等) )资源资源”;sourcesource“源源( (泉泉) ),发源,发源地;来源,出

72、处地;来源,出处”;evolutionevolution“演变,进化,发展演变,进化,发展”。这。这里用里用originorigin表示表示“( (人类的人类的) )起源起源”。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()17.She arranged a party to help put the )17.She arranged a party to help put the strangers at their _. strangers at their _. A Apleasure Bpleasure Bease ease C Cdelight Ddelight Dcomfortcomfo

73、rt B B句意:为了使那些刚来的人感到轻松,她安排了一次句意:为了使那些刚来的人感到轻松,她安排了一次聚会。聚会。pleasurepleasure意为意为“高兴,满足,令人高兴的事高兴,满足,令人高兴的事”;easeease意意为为“容易,悠闲,自在容易,悠闲,自在”;delightdelight意为意为“快乐,高兴快乐,高兴”;comfortcomfort意为意为“舒服,舒适舒服,舒适”。这里只有。这里只有B B项符合语境中动词项符合语境中动词putput和介词和介词atat的搭配,短语的搭配,短语put sb. at oneput sb. at ones eases ease表示表示“使

74、使某人放松,使某人松弛某人放松,使某人松弛”。at easeat ease表示表示“不拘束,放松不拘束,放松”,with easewith ease表示表示“轻易,毫不费力轻易,毫不费力”。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()18.The headmaster turned a deaf ear to the )18.The headmaster turned a deaf ear to the _ of the parents._ of the parents. A Awords Bwords Bsounds sounds C Cvoice Dvoice Dargumentargumen

75、t C C句意:这位校长对家长的意见充耳不闻。这里用了句意:这位校长对家长的意见充耳不闻。这里用了短语短语turn a deaf ear toturn a deaf ear to,可见校长不听取家长的意见,用,可见校长不听取家长的意见,用voicevoice表示表示“( (表达的表达的) )意见,愿望;音质;发言权,表达意意见,愿望;音质;发言权,表达意见权见权”。wordword意为意为“单词,言语,话语单词,言语,话语”;soundsound意为意为“声声音音”;argumentargument意为意为“争论,辩论争论,辩论”。 专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()19.There b

76、eing no witness on the spot, )19.There being no witness on the spot, the police were delayed by the _ of the police were delayed by the _ of information about the crime.information about the crime. A Aanalysis Banalysis Bconsideration consideration C Cdisappearance Ddisappearance Dabsence absence D

77、D句意:没有目击证人,因此警方缺少犯罪证句意:没有目击证人,因此警方缺少犯罪证据而被延误。用据而被延误。用absenceabsence表示表示“缺席,没有缺席,没有”。专题一专题一 专题预测专题预测 ( ()20.Our former teacher has changed so much )20.Our former teacher has changed so much that she is out of our _. that she is out of our _. A Asight Bsight Brecognition recognition C Cmemory Dmemory

78、Dimpression impression B B句意:我们原来的老师变化很大,我们几乎认不句意:我们原来的老师变化很大,我们几乎认不出来了。语境表示认不出,用出来了。语境表示认不出,用out of/beyond oneout of/beyond ones s recognitionrecognition。recognitionrecognition表示表示“承认,认出;认可承认,认出;认可”。 专题二动词专题二动词专题专题 二二 动词动词专题二专题二 考题导读考题导读动词考查面广、灵活度强,是高考命题的热点,也是湖北卷的动词考查面广、灵活度强,是高考命题的热点,也是湖北卷的必考点。每年全国


80、多义,以及词类转换和词义拓展。湖北卷对动词的考查难度在逐一词多义,以及词类转换和词义拓展。湖北卷对动词的考查难度在逐渐增大,学习时要注意对高考词汇表中常见动词的多种意义加以巩固,渐增大,学习时要注意对高考词汇表中常见动词的多种意义加以巩固,并学会利用语境展开适当的联想,注意词义和词性在不同语境下的迁并学会利用语境展开适当的联想,注意词义和词性在不同语境下的迁移。移。考题导读专题二专题二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()1.)1.20102010湖北湖北 Just as the clothes a person Just as the clothes a person wears, the food

81、he eats and the friends with whom he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house _ his personality. spends his time, his house _ his personality. A Aresembles resembles B Bstrengthens strengthens C Creflects Dreflects Dshapesshapes真题再现 C C考查动词词义辨析。句意:就好像一个人穿什么,吃考查

82、动词词义辨析。句意:就好像一个人穿什么,吃什么,以及和什么样的人交往能反映人的个性一样,一个人什么,以及和什么样的人交往能反映人的个性一样,一个人的住房也是如此。要选一个表示的住房也是如此。要选一个表示“反映反映”的词,用的词,用reflect reflect 。“resembleresemble” look like; look like; “strengthenstrengthen”表示表示“加强,加强,巩固巩固”;“shapeshape”作动词表示作动词表示“成形成形”。 专题二专题二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()2.)2.20102010辽宁辽宁 The new movie _ to b

83、e The new movie _ to be one of the biggest moneyone of the biggest money makers of all time. makers of all time. A Apromises B. agreespromises B. agrees C Cpretends Dpretends Ddeclines declines A A考查动词词义辨析。句意:这部新电影有望成为电影考查动词词义辨析。句意:这部新电影有望成为电影票房史上票房最高的影片之一。票房史上票房最高的影片之一。promisepromise除了表示除了表示“允诺,答允诺

84、,答应应”外,还有外,还有“有有的希望的希望”的意思;的意思;agreeagree“同意,赞同同意,赞同”;pretendpretend“假装假装”;declinedecline“谢绝,下降,衰老,衰退谢绝,下降,衰老,衰退”。只有只有promisepromise符合题意。符合题意。 专题二专题二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()3.)3.20102010浙江浙江 The majority of people in The majority of people in the town strongly _ the plan to build a the town strongly _ the pla

85、n to build a playground for children. playground for children. A Aconsider Bconsider Bsupportsupport C Cconfirm Dconfirm Dsubmitsubmit B B考查动词词义辨析。句意:镇上的大多数人都强烈考查动词词义辨析。句意:镇上的大多数人都强烈地拥护为孩子们建造运动场的计划。地拥护为孩子们建造运动场的计划。considerconsider考虑,思考,考虑,思考,认为;认为;supportsupport支持,拥护,维持;支持,拥护,维持;confirmconfirm证实,确认;

86、证实,确认;submitsubmit使屈服,使经受。根据语境可知使屈服,使经受。根据语境可知B B项正确。项正确。 专题二专题二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()4.)4.20102010福建福建 In this day and age, In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.women can have children and jobs as well. I canI cant agree more. Itt agree more. Its great to have the s great to have t

87、he two_.two_. A Alinked Blinked Brelated related C Cconnected Dconnected Dcombined combined D D考查动词词义辨析。由答语考查动词词义辨析。由答语“同时做这两件事真了同时做这两件事真了不起不起”可知可知D D项正确。项正确。combinecombine此处意为此处意为“结合、联合结合、联合”,尤指在同一时间做两件事。尤指在同一时间做两件事。 专题二专题二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()5.)5.20102010安徽安徽 How did you like NickHow did you like Nicks

88、s performance last night?performance last night? To be honest, his singing didnTo be honest, his singing didnt _ to t _ to me much. me much. A Aappeal Bappeal Bbelong belong C Crefer Drefer Doccuroccur A A考查动词词义辨析。第二句句意:坦白地讲,他的演考查动词词义辨析。第二句句意:坦白地讲,他的演唱并不怎么吸引我。唱并不怎么吸引我。appeal to appeal to 意为意为“吸引吸引”;

89、belong tobelong to意意为为“属于属于”;refer torefer to意为意为“提到;涉及提到;涉及”;occur tooccur to意为意为“突然想到突然想到”。 专题二专题二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()6.)6.20102010江西江西 Parents _ much Parents _ much importance to education. They will do their best to importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless

90、 gift.give their children that priceless gift. A Aattach Battach Bpaypay C Clink Dlink Dapplyapply A A考查动词词义辨析。句意:父母非常关注孩子们的考查动词词义辨析。句意:父母非常关注孩子们的教育教育。attach importance to attach importance to 关注,重视。关注,重视。专题二专题二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()7.)7.20102010山东山东 Your house is always so Your house is always so neatneath

91、ow do you _ it with three children?how do you _ it with three children? A Amanage Bmanage Bserve serve C Cadapt Dadapt Dconstructconstruct A A考查动词词义辨析。句意:你家里总是那么地整洁考查动词词义辨析。句意:你家里总是那么地整洁家里有三个孩子,你是怎么设法做到的?家里有三个孩子,你是怎么设法做到的?manage itmanage it是是一个习惯用语,意为一个习惯用语,意为“设法做成设法做成”。专题二专题二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()8.)8.2010

92、2010天津天津 He telephoned the travel He telephoned the travel agency to _ three air tickets to London.agency to _ three air tickets to London. A Aorder Border Barrange arrange C Ctake Dtake Dbookbook D D考查动词词义辨析。句意:他打电话给旅行社预考查动词词义辨析。句意:他打电话给旅行社预定三张去伦敦的机票。定三张去伦敦的机票。bookbook和和ticketstickets搭配,是搭配,是“订票订票”

93、的意思。的意思。 专题二专题二 真题再现真题再现 ( ()9.)9.20102010江苏江苏 Thousands of foreigners were Thousands of foreigners were _ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it _ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.opened. A Aattended Battended Battained attained C Cattracted Dattracted Dattached attached C C 专题二专题二 真题再现真

94、题再现 ( ()10.)10.20102010全国全国 The workers _ The workers _ the glasses and marked on each box the glasses and marked on each box “This Side This Side UpUp” A Acarried Bcarried Bdelivered delivered C Cpressed Dpressed Dpacked packed D D考查动词词义辨析。句意:工人们把玻璃制品包考查动词词义辨析。句意:工人们把玻璃制品包装好并且每个盒子上标记上装好并且每个盒子上标记上“严

95、禁倒置严禁倒置”。 carrycarry搬运,搬运,deliverdeliver递送,递送,presspress按,压,按,压,packpack打包,根据句意可知打包,根据句意可知D D项正确。项正确。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.His sacrifices for the country were )1.His sacrifices for the country were never officially _never officially _, which made all of us which made all of us feel discouraged.feel

96、discouraged. A Aacknowledged Backnowledged Bappealedappealed C Crecommended Drecommended Devaluatedevaluated专题预测 A A句意:他为祖国所做的牺牲从来没有被正式认可,句意:他为祖国所做的牺牲从来没有被正式认可,这让我们觉得很沮丧。这让我们觉得很沮丧。acknowledge acknowledge 承认,承认,( (公开公开) )对对表表示感谢;示感谢;appeal appeal 恳请,恳求,呼吁,上诉;恳请,恳求,呼吁,上诉;recommend recommend 推推荐;荐;eval

97、uateevaluate评估,评价。由语境判断选评估,评价。由语境判断选A A。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.It is not yet known how these huge )2.It is not yet known how these huge stones were _ over a distance of 380 stones were _ over a distance of 380 kilometers.kilometers. A Aremoved Bremoved Btransformed transformed C Ctransmitted Dtransmi

98、tted Dconveyedconveyed D D句意:目前还不知道这些大石头是怎么从句意:目前还不知道这些大石头是怎么从380380千千米之外的地方被运送过来的。米之外的地方被运送过来的。remove remove 移开,脱下,去掉,移开,脱下,去掉,开除;开除;transform transform 改革,变换,把改革,变换,把转换成;转换成;transmit transmit 播送,发射,传送,传递;播送,发射,传送,传递;convey convey 表达,传表达,传达,传递,运送,输送。从语境判断选达,传递,运送,输送。从语境判断选D D。 专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3

99、.According to experts, China needs to )3.According to experts, China needs to _ its one child family planning policy to _ its one child family planning policy to fight against a worsening gender(fight against a worsening gender(性别性别) imbalance ) imbalance and an aging population.and an aging populat

100、ion. A Aarrange Barrange Bapply apply C Cadjust Dadjust Dadaptadapt C C句意:根据专家建议,中国需要调整每对夫妇只句意:根据专家建议,中国需要调整每对夫妇只生一个孩子的计划生育政策以解决日益严重的性别失衡生一个孩子的计划生育政策以解决日益严重的性别失衡及人口老龄化问题。及人口老龄化问题。arrange arrange 安排;安排;apply apply 适用,申请;适用,申请;adjust adjust 调节,调整;调节,调整;adapt adapt 适应,修改,改编。适应,修改,改编。 专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 (

101、()4.The volcano _ in 1980, )4.The volcano _ in 1980, damaging a large area of Washington State.damaging a large area of Washington State. A Abroke Bbroke Bterrified terrified C Cburst Dburst Deruptederupted D D句意:这座火山曾在句意:这座火山曾在19801980年喷发,把华盛顿年喷发,把华盛顿州的一大片地区都给毁了。语境提到州的一大片地区都给毁了。语境提到“火山火山”,“毁毁坏坏”,因此

102、本题选,因此本题选D D表示表示“( (火山等火山等) )喷发,喷出喷发,喷出”。break break 的含义很多,但不表示火山喷发;的含义很多,但不表示火山喷发;terrify terrify 使使害怕,使惊吓;害怕,使惊吓;burst burst 使爆裂,爆炸,都不符合语境。使爆裂,爆炸,都不符合语境。 专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()5.On February 11, 2007, Drew Gilpin )5.On February 11, 2007, Drew Gilpin Faust was _ as the first female president Faust was

103、 _ as the first female president of Harvard University in 371 years.of Harvard University in 371 years. A Aappealed Bappealed Bappointed appointed C Cattached Dattached Dadoptedadopted B B句意:在句意:在20072007年年2 2月月1111日,德鲁日,德鲁吉尔平吉尔平福福斯特被任命为哈佛大学斯特被任命为哈佛大学371371年来第一任女校长。用年来第一任女校长。用appoint appoint 表示表示“任命

104、任命”。appeal appeal 呼吁,上诉;呼吁,上诉;attach attach 附属,附加;附属,附加;adoptadopt采纳,收养,都不符合语采纳,收养,都不符合语境。境。 专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()6.Some educators _ that children )6.Some educators _ that children should be rewarded for their great performance.should be rewarded for their great performance. A Aassumed Bassumed Badop

105、ted adopted C Cadvocated Dadvocated Dconvincedconvinced C C句意:有些教育家倡议,孩子们表现好就应该句意:有些教育家倡议,孩子们表现好就应该给予他们奖励。从语境和句中的情态动词给予他们奖励。从语境和句中的情态动词should should 看,看,这里表示提议与倡导,用这里表示提议与倡导,用advocateadvocate“拥护,提倡拥护,提倡”。assume assume “假定,臆断,承担,担任假定,臆断,承担,担任”,adopt adopt “收养,收养,采纳,采用采纳,采用”,convince convince “使确信,使信服

106、,说服使确信,使信服,说服”,都不符合句意。,都不符合句意。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()7.Since 1953, hundreds of people have )7.Since 1953, hundreds of people have climbed Mount climbed Mount QomolangmaQomolangma. The conclusion that . The conclusion that conquering it could not be _has been proved conquering it could not be _has been

107、proved wrong.wrong. A Aconcluded Bconcluded Baccomplished accomplished C Cpromoted Dpromoted Dappointedappointed B B句意:自从句意:自从19531953年以来,数百人爬上了珠穆朗玛年以来,数百人爬上了珠穆朗玛峰,峰,“征服珠峰是不可能的征服珠峰是不可能的”这一结论被证明是错误的。这一结论被证明是错误的。这里用这里用accomplish accomplish 表示表示“完成完成”:完成征服珠峰这一任:完成征服珠峰这一任务。务。conclude conclude 下结论;下结论;pr

108、omote promote 促进,发扬,提升,宣促进,发扬,提升,宣传,推销;传,推销;appoint appoint 任命,委派,预定,制定。任命,委派,预定,制定。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()8.It is dark outside, so please _ )8.It is dark outside, so please _ your step while going down the stairs.your step while going down the stairs. A Asee Bsee Blook look C Cnotice Dnotice Dmindmind

109、 D D句意:外面很黑,下楼的时候注意脚下。这句意:外面很黑,下楼的时候注意脚下。这里用里用mind mind 表示表示“注意,当心注意,当心”,如:,如:mind your mind your headhead小心别碰了头,小心别碰了头,mind your wordsmind your words说话客气点,说话客气点,mind your mannersmind your manners注意礼貌等。注意礼貌等。 专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()9.)9.Is there any good news in todayIs there any good news in todays s

110、newspaper?newspaper? Yes. A scientist _ a major Yes. A scientist _ a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer. But I breakthrough in the fight against cancer. But I doubt whether it really works.doubt whether it really works. A Apredicts Bpredicts Bconfirms confirms C Cclaims Dclaims Dindicate

111、sindicates 专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 C C句意:句意:“今天的报纸上有什么好的新闻吗?今天的报纸上有什么好的新闻吗?”“”“是的,有个科学家声称在抗击癌症方面获得了重是的,有个科学家声称在抗击癌症方面获得了重大突破,但是我怀疑这是否真的有效。大突破,但是我怀疑这是否真的有效。”语境提到语境提到“是否真的有效是否真的有效”,因此前文说的不是有人,因此前文说的不是有人“预测到预测到(A)(A)”将来的情况,也不是将来的情况,也不是“确认确认(B)(B)”和和“指出指出(D)(D)”,而是有人这样说,故选,而是有人这样说,故选C C表示表示“声称声称”。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预

112、测 ( ()10.Although the pop star has a tight )10.Although the pop star has a tight schedule these days, our boss is still _ to schedule these days, our boss is still _ to have him invited to the party for the promotion of have him invited to the party for the promotion of our new product.our new produ

113、ct. A Aconcerned Bconcerned Bdetermined determined C Cfrustrated Dfrustrated Dannoyed annoyed B B句意:这位当红歌星这些天的日程安排很紧,即便句意:这位当红歌星这些天的日程安排很紧,即便如此,我们的老板还是执意要让人邀请他参加推广我们新如此,我们的老板还是执意要让人邀请他参加推广我们新产品的晚会。四个词与产品的晚会。四个词与be be 构成的短语的主要含义:构成的短语的主要含义:A A“担担心,关注心,关注”,B B “决心,决定决心,决定”,C C“受挫折受挫折”,D D“感到感到恼火恼火”。句意

114、表示老板坚决让人邀请他来,因此选。句意表示老板坚决让人邀请他来,因此选B B。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()11.Because some students failed to )11.Because some students failed to _ the financial support from the donators, _ the financial support from the donators, the latter were considering whether it was the latter were considering whether it wa

115、s worthwhile to continue their kindness. worthwhile to continue their kindness. A Aacknowledge Backnowledge Brecognize recognize C Cacquire Dacquire Drealizerealize A A句意:因为有些学生没有对捐助人的经济资助句意:因为有些学生没有对捐助人的经济资助表示感谢,后者在考虑继续这样的善行是否值得。动词表示感谢,后者在考虑继续这样的善行是否值得。动词acknowledge acknowledge 表示表示“承认,致谢,答谢承认,致谢,答

116、谢”,符合句意,符合句意,而而recognizerecognize“认出,确认,认可,赏识认出,确认,认可,赏识”,acquireacquire“取得,获得,学到取得,获得,学到”,realizerealize“认识,意识到,实认识,意识到,实现现”都不符合句意。都不符合句意。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()12.)12.Mr. President, what career do you Mr. President, what career do you expect your two daughters to take in the future?expect your two da

117、ughters to take in the future? To tell the truth, I hope they can do To tell the truth, I hope they can do whatever _ their interests.whatever _ their interests. A Afits Bfits Bmatchesmatches C Csuits Dsuits Dneeds needs 专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 C C句意:句意:“总统先生,您希望自己的两个女儿将来从总统先生,您希望自己的两个女儿将来从事什么职业呢?事什么职业呢?”“”

118、“说实话,我希望他们将来从事的是符合说实话,我希望他们将来从事的是符合自己兴趣的职业。自己兴趣的职业。”这里用这里用suit suit 表示表示“适合,中适合,中的意的意”,用,用suit onesuit ones needs/interestss needs/interests表示表示“适合某人的需适合某人的需求求/ /兴趣兴趣”。其他动词选项的含义不符合语境:。其他动词选项的含义不符合语境:fitfit表示事物表示事物的尺寸大小的尺寸大小“适合适合”;match match 表示物品之间表示物品之间“相称,相似相称,相似”,而,而needneed表示表示“需要,需求需要,需求”。专题二专题

119、二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()13.He tried to run away from the police )13.He tried to run away from the police and was later charged with the crime of _ and was later charged with the crime of _ arrest.arrest. A Aresisting Bresisting Bpersisting persisting C Cinsisting Dinsisting Dconsistingconsisting A A句意:他试图挣脱警

120、察而逃脱,后来被指控拒句意:他试图挣脱警察而逃脱,后来被指控拒捕的罪名。捕的罪名。resist resist 表示表示“抵抗,反抗,抵制抵抗,反抗,抵制”,符合,符合句意。其他选项都是不及物动词,与介词构成的动词短句意。其他选项都是不及物动词,与介词构成的动词短语:语:persist in persist in 表示表示“坚持不懈坚持不懈”,insist on insist on “坚坚持持( (要做某事要做某事) )”,consist of consist of “由由组成组成”。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()14.However he explained, he couldn)1

121、4.However he explained, he couldnt t _ the policeman that he was innocent._ the policeman that he was innocent. A Aconfirm Bconfirm Bpresent present C Cconvince Dconvince Dadmitadmit C C句意:不管他怎么解释都难以让警察相信他是句意:不管他怎么解释都难以让警察相信他是无辜的。无辜的。confirm confirm 证实,肯定,确认,证实,肯定,确认,present present 颁发,颁发,授予使授予使( (某

122、事某事) )发生发生/ /存在,引起,呈现;存在,引起,呈现;convince convince 使使( (某人某人) )信服;信服;admit admit 承认。从句意判断选承认。从句意判断选C C。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()15.I don)15.I dont think I could _ another t think I could _ another year as a teacher; it takes me too much time and year as a teacher; it takes me too much time and energy to do

123、 it wellenergy to do it wellso stressful!so stressful! A Aafford Bafford Blast last C Csurvive Dsurvive Dremainremain C C句意:我想,让我再教一年书我是干不下去的,句意:我想,让我再教一年书我是干不下去的,要做好就得花掉我太多的时间和精力,压力太大。这里用要做好就得花掉我太多的时间和精力,压力太大。这里用survive survive 表示表示“从困难中挺过来,存活从困难中挺过来,存活”。afford afford 买得买得起,负担得起,提供;起,负担得起,提供;last l

124、ast 持续;持续;remain remain 仍然是,留下,仍然是,留下,剩余,都不符合语境。剩余,都不符合语境。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()16.Despite the fact that all three teams )16.Despite the fact that all three teams _ different approaches to the problem, they _ different approaches to the problem, they were all immediate successes.were all immediate suc

125、cesses. A Aadapted Badapted Badoptedadopted C Cacquired Dacquired Dapprovedapproved B B句意:尽管这三个小组对这个问题采取的办法不一句意:尽管这三个小组对这个问题采取的办法不一样,但都立刻获得了成功。语境表示样,但都立刻获得了成功。语境表示“采取办法采取办法”,句中,句中有有approaches toapproaches to,由此判断选,由此判断选B B 表示表示“采取,采纳采取,采纳”。adapt adapt 适应,使适应适应,使适应( (合合) ),修改,改编;,修改,改编;acquire acquir

126、e 取得,取得,获得,学到;获得,学到;approve approve 同意,赞同。同意,赞同。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()17.Some advertisements, like the )17.Some advertisements, like the environmental protection advertisements, _ environmental protection advertisements, _ to our conscience or our desire to be worthy to our conscience or our desire to

127、 be worthy citizens.citizens. A Aagree Bagree Battachattach C Cappeal Dappeal Dadjustadjust 专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 C C句意:有些广告,比如环境保护方面的广告,唤起句意:有些广告,比如环境保护方面的广告,唤起我们当一名受人尊敬的公民的良心或愿望。这里用我们当一名受人尊敬的公民的良心或愿望。这里用appeal appeal to to 表示表示“唤起唤起”,如,如appeal to oneappeal to ones s conscience/sense of justice/sense of

128、honor conscience/sense of justice/sense of honor 表示表示“唤唤起某人的良知起某人的良知/ /正义感正义感/ /荣誉感荣誉感”。另外,。另外,appeal to appeal to 还可还可以表示以表示“呼吁;吸引;上诉呼吁;吸引;上诉”。其他选项构成的动词短语。其他选项构成的动词短语主要含义:主要含义:agree to agree to “同意同意”,attachattachto to “将将附附在在上上”,adjust to adjust to “调整调整”。 专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()18.Mobile phones have

129、 _ the list )18.Mobile phones have _ the list of gifts most sought by South Korean children, a of gifts most sought by South Korean children, a survey reports.survey reports. A Agained Bgained Bmade made C Ctopped Dtopped Dachievedachieved C C句意:一份调查显示,在韩国的孩子们最想要的句意:一份调查显示,在韩国的孩子们最想要的礼物中,手机已经名列首位。语境

130、提到礼物中,手机已经名列首位。语境提到“手机手机”和和“礼礼物的清单物的清单”,因此这里表示成为礼品清单中的一种,因此这里表示成为礼品清单中的一种,gain gain “获得,收益获得,收益”,achieve achieve “完成,实现,达到完成,实现,达到”都不符合句意,而都不符合句意,而top top 用作动词可表示用作动词可表示“在名单在名单/ /列表上列表上成为第一名成为第一名”等含义,符合语境。等含义,符合语境。专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()19.Every April, as many as 30,000 runners )19.Every April, as many

131、 as 30,000 runners _ the streets of London for the London _ the streets of London for the London Marathon.Marathon. A Apour Bpour Breach reach C Csweep Dsweep Dfloodflood D D句意:每年四月,多达三万选手涌到伦敦的街头句意:每年四月,多达三万选手涌到伦敦的街头参加伦敦马拉松赛。动词参加伦敦马拉松赛。动词pourpour表示表示“灌,注;倾泻,大灌,注;倾泻,大量涌入,下倾盆大雨量涌入,下倾盆大雨”等含义,但它不是及物动词;等

132、含义,但它不是及物动词;floodflood用作名词表示用作名词表示“洪水洪水”,用作动词表示,用作动词表示“淹没,大淹没,大量涌入,大量地发送量涌入,大量地发送/ /达到达到”,符合句意。,符合句意。 专题二专题二 专题预测专题预测 ( ()20.I realized strength and courage )20.I realized strength and courage arenarent always _ in medals and victories, t always _ in medals and victories, but sometimes in the strugg

133、les we went through.but sometimes in the struggles we went through. A Ameasured Bmeasured Bpraised praised C Ctested Dtested Dincreasedincreased A A句意:我意识到,力量与勇气并非总以奖牌和句意:我意识到,力量与勇气并非总以奖牌和胜利来衡量,有时候也包括我们所经历的奋斗。从句意胜利来衡量,有时候也包括我们所经历的奋斗。从句意判断,应表示判断,应表示“衡量衡量”,选,选A A 。四个动词的含义:。四个动词的含义:measure measure 测量,衡

134、量;测量,衡量;praise praise 表扬,赞美;表扬,赞美;test test 实验,实验,测试,检验;测试,检验;increase increase 增加。增加。专题三动词短语专题三动词短语专题专题 三三 动词短语动词短语专题三专题三 考题导读考题导读湖北高考英语多项选择题对动词短语的考查在湖北高考英语多项选择题对动词短语的考查在20102010年之前每年都有年之前每年都有2 23 3题,题,20102010年只有一题。此类试题有年只有一题。此类试题有如下特点:如下特点:(1)(1)只考查该短语的含义,不考查语法的变化;只考查该短语的含义,不考查语法的变化;(2)(2)选项的表现形式

135、日趋复杂化和多样性,无明显的规律选项的表现形式日趋复杂化和多样性,无明显的规律和特征。主要包括三种形态:和特征。主要包括三种形态:以动词为中心,展开介以动词为中心,展开介词或副词的变化;词或副词的变化;以介词或副词为中心,展开动词的以介词或副词为中心,展开动词的变化;变化;动词与介词、副词交叉搭配。其中,第三动词与介词、副词交叉搭配。其中,第三考题导读专题三专题三 考题导读考题导读种命题方式渐成热点。在备考过程中要注意对动词短语命题方式渐成热点。在备考过程中要注意对动词短语进行归纳、比较,熟练掌握常见动词短语的常用基本含进行归纳、比较,熟练掌握常见动词短语的常用基本含义以及转换意义。比如动词短

136、语义以及转换意义。比如动词短语pick uppick up在词典上就有多在词典上就有多达上十种意思,故只有全面掌握动词短语的常见含义,达上十种意思,故只有全面掌握动词短语的常见含义,做题时才能明白动词短语的不同意思,并且能区别相似做题时才能明白动词短语的不同意思,并且能区别相似短语的意义,从而选出正确答案。短语的意义,从而选出正确答案。专题三专题三 真题再现真题再现 ( ()1.)1.20102010湖北湖北 Had she _ her Had she _ her promise, she would have made it to Yale University.promise, she w

137、ould have made it to Yale University. A Alooked up tolooked up toB Blived up to lived up to C Ckept up with Dkept up with Dcome up with come up with 真题再现 B B考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果她当年履行了自己的考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果她当年履行了自己的诺言,她就会进入耶鲁大学了。诺言,她就会进入耶鲁大学了。look up tolook up to抬头看,尊重,抬头看,尊重,keep up withkeep up with跟上,追上,跟上,追上

138、,come up withcome up with想出;提出,只有想出;提出,只有live up tolive up to履行,实行,符合题意。履行,实行,符合题意。 专题三专题三 真题再现真题再现 ( ()2.)2.20102010福建福建 We Weve just moved into a ve just moved into a bigger house and therebigger house and theres a lot to do. Lets a lot to do. Lets s _ it._ it. A Akeep up with Bkeep up with Bdo aw

139、ay withdo away with C Cget down to Dget down to Dlook forward tolook forward to C C考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们刚刚搬进大房子,考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们刚刚搬进大房子,有许多活要做。让我们赶紧做吧。有许多活要做。让我们赶紧做吧。keep up with keep up with 跟上;跟上; do away withdo away with废除,去掉;废除,去掉;get down toget down to着手处理;着手处理;look look forward toforward to盼望,期待盼望,期待 。

140、根据句意,选。根据句意,选C C。专题三专题三 真题再现真题再现 ( ()3.)3.20102010安徽安徽 No matter how low you No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone _ consider yourself, there is always someone _ you wishing they were that high.you wishing they were that high. A Agetting rid of Bgetting rid of Bgetting alo

141、ng with getting along with C Clooking up to Dlooking up to Dlooking down uponlooking down upon C C考查动词短语辨析。句意:你无论怎样看低自己,考查动词短语辨析。句意:你无论怎样看低自己,总有人尊敬你,希望他们也处在那么高的位置上。总有人尊敬你,希望他们也处在那么高的位置上。 getting getting rid ofrid of意为意为“摆脱;去除摆脱;去除”; getting along withgetting along with意为意为“与与相处;进展相处;进展”; looking up

142、tolooking up to意为意为“尊敬;敬仰尊敬;敬仰”; looking down uponlooking down upon意为意为“看不起;轻视看不起;轻视”。专题三专题三 真题再现真题再现 ( ()4.)4.20102010江西江西 Smell the flowers before you Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just _ sweet dreams.go to sleep, and you may just _ sweet dreams. A Akeep up with Bkeep up wi

143、th Bput up withput up with C Cend up with Dend up with Dcatch up withcatch up with C C考查动词短语辨析。句意:睡觉前闻闻这些花,你考查动词短语辨析。句意:睡觉前闻闻这些花,你就可能做个好梦。就可能做个好梦。 keep up with keep up with 保持,保持, put up with put up with 忍忍受,受, end up with end up with 以以结束;结束;catch up with catch up with 赶上。赶上。 专题三专题三 真题再现真题再现 ( ()5.

144、)5.20102010山东山东 Sam _ some know Sam _ some know ledge ledge of the computer just by watching others working on of the computer just by watching others working on it.it. A Abrought up Bbrought up Blooked up looked up C Cpicked up Dpicked up Dset upset up C C考查动词短语辨析。句意:萨姆只是凭借看别人操作考查动词短语辨析。句意:萨姆只是凭借看别

145、人操作电脑就学到了一些电脑知识。表示电脑就学到了一些电脑知识。表示“学会学会”用用pick uppick up,pick pick upup另外还有另外还有“捡起;捡起; 顺车接送,搭载;收拾,整理;重新开顺车接送,搭载;收拾,整理;重新开始;获得始;获得”等意义;等意义;bring up bring up 表示表示“抚养,教育;提出抚养,教育;提出”;look up look up 表示表示“向上看;查阅向上看;查阅”;set upset up表示表示“建立,设置建立,设置”。专题三专题三 真题再现真题再现 ( ()6.)6.20102010浙江浙江 After that, he knew

146、he could After that, he knew he could _ any emergency by doing what he could to the _ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.best of his ability. A Aget away with Bget away with Bget on withget on with C Cget through Dget through Dget acrossget across C C考查动词短语辨析。句意:经过那件事之后,

147、他明白考查动词短语辨析。句意:经过那件事之后,他明白了他能尽一切可能去顺利解决任何突发问题。了他能尽一切可能去顺利解决任何突发问题。get away withget away with侥幸逃脱;侥幸逃脱;get on withget on with与与相处;相处;get throughget through接通接通( (电话电话) ),顺利通过,完成;,顺利通过,完成;get acrossget across被理解,越过。根据语境,被理解,越过。根据语境,选选C C。专题三专题三 真题再现真题再现 ( ()7.)7.20102010天津天津 Joining the firm as a cler

148、k, Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion, and _ as a manager.he got rapid promotion, and _ as a manager. A Aended up Bended up Bdropped outdropped out C Ccame back Dcame back Dstarted off started off A A考查动词短语辨析。句意:作为一名职员加入公司,考查动词短语辨析。句意:作为一名职员加入公司,他很快得到提升,最后当上了经理。他很快得到提升,最后当上了经理。 ende

149、d up as ended up as 作为作为而结束;而结束;dropped outdropped out退出,退学;退出,退学;came backcame back回来;回来;started started offoff动身,出发。只有动身,出发。只有A A项符合题意。项符合题意。专题三专题三 真题再现真题再现 ( ()8.)8.20102010四川四川 Jenny was looking for a Jenny was looking for a seat whenseat when,luckilyluckily,a man _ and left.a man _ and left. A

150、Atook up Btook up Bgot up got up C Cshut up Dshut up Dset upset up B B考查动词短语辨析。句意:珍妮正在找一个座位,正考查动词短语辨析。句意:珍妮正在找一个座位,正在那时,很幸运地,一个人站起来离开了。在那时,很幸运地,一个人站起来离开了。get upget up起床,起立。起床,起立。take uptake up从事,忙于,占据时间或空间;从事,忙于,占据时间或空间;shut upshut up闭嘴;闭嘴;set upset up建造,建立。建造,建立。专题三专题三 真题再现真题再现 ( ()9.)9.20102010江苏江

151、苏 The experiment has _ The experiment has _ the possibility of the existence of any life on that the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.other planets. A Afound out Bfound out

152、 Bpointed out pointed out C Cruled out Druled out Dcarried outcarried out C C考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个实验排除了那个行星考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个实验排除了那个行星上生命存在的可能性上生命存在的可能性。rule outrule out排除,拒绝;排除,拒绝;find outfind out查查出来;出来;point outpoint out指出;指出;carry outcarry out实现。实现。 专题三专题三 真题再现真题再现 ( ()10.2010)10.2010辽宁辽宁 Thousands of peop

153、le _ Thousands of people _ to watch yesterdayto watch yesterdays match against Ireland.s match against Ireland. A Aturned on Bturned on Bturned in turned in C Cturned around Dturned around Dturned outturned out D D考查动词短语辨析。考查动词短语辨析。turn out turn out 有有“出席,在场出席,在场”的意的意思,而思,而turn on turn on 打开,打开,turn

154、 inturn in上交;上交;turn aroundturn around转身。故转身。故D D项符合语境。项符合语境。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.If you are to get up early and take )1.If you are to get up early and take exercise every morning, it will _ good exercise every morning, it will _ good health.health. A Aget across Bget across Bend up end up C Cmake

155、for Dmake for Dcontribute forcontribute for专题预测 C C句意:假如你每天早晨早起去锻炼身体的话,会对你句意:假如你每天早晨早起去锻炼身体的话,会对你的身体健康有好处。四个选项中,的身体健康有好处。四个选项中,D D项正确搭配应该是项正确搭配应该是contribute tocontribute to表示表示“出一份力,起一份作用,捐款,捐钱,出一份力,起一份作用,捐款,捐钱,投稿投稿”;get across(get across(使使) )被了解;被了解;end upend up结果是,以结果是,以而结而结束;束;make formake for有利

156、于,有助于。故选有利于,有助于。故选C C。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.It was shameful to be found sleeping )2.It was shameful to be found sleeping in class. His classmatesin class. His classmates laughter only _ laughter only _ his embarrassment.his embarrassment. A Aadded to Badded to Bappealed toappealed to C Creferred to

157、Dreferred to Dapplied toapplied to A A句意:在课堂上睡觉被发现是很丢脸的一件事,而句意:在课堂上睡觉被发现是很丢脸的一件事,而同学们的哄笑使他觉得更尴尬。这里用同学们的哄笑使他觉得更尴尬。这里用add toadd to表示表示“增加增加”。appeal toappeal to吸引,呼吁,要求,求助于;吸引,呼吁,要求,求助于;refer torefer to谈谈到,到, 参照;参照;apply toapply to适用于。故选适用于。故选A A。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.)3.Why was Professor Liu thunderin

158、g in Why was Professor Liu thundering in the classroom yesterday?the classroom yesterday? A studentA students interrupting his speech s interrupting his speech _ the burst of his anger._ the burst of his anger. A Aset up Bset up Bset out set out C Cset about Dset about Dset offset off 专题三专题三 专题预测专题预

159、测 D D句意:句意:“昨天刘教授为什么在课堂上大发脾气呢?昨天刘教授为什么在课堂上大发脾气呢?”“”“有个学生打断他的讲课,这让他很恼火。有个学生打断他的讲课,这让他很恼火。”这里用这里用set set offoff表示表示“引爆;引起,使引爆;引起,使( (某人某人) )开始开始( (做某事做某事) ),”还可以还可以表示表示“出发,动身出发,动身( (去某地去某地) )”等含义。等含义。set upset up建立,创立,建立,创立,架起;架起;set outset out意为意为“出发,动身出发,动身( (去某地去某地) );开始,着手;开始,着手( (做做某事某事)()(to do

160、to do sthsth.).)”;set about doingset about doing意为意为“着手做着手做( (某事某事) )”。 专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.After the long march through the )4.After the long march through the wild forest, they found themselves _ as wild forest, they found themselves _ as well as their clothes.well as their clothes. A Agiven out

161、 Bgiven out Bworn out worn out C Crun out Drun out Dturned outturned out B B句意:经过漫长的在原始森林中的穿行,他们发句意:经过漫长的在原始森林中的穿行,他们发现自己疲惫不堪,衣衫褴褛。这里用现自己疲惫不堪,衣衫褴褛。这里用worn out(worn out(过去分词过去分词短语短语) ),wear outwear out“( (使使) )磨损,用坏;使某人筋疲力竭磨损,用坏;使某人筋疲力竭”。give outgive out分发,用完,消耗尽,发出分发,用完,消耗尽,发出( (光、声音等光、声音等) );run ru

162、n out(out(食物、金钱等食物、金钱等) )用完,耗尽;用完,耗尽;turn outturn out结果是。结果是。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()5.)5.Why? A different figure _each Why? A different figure _each time I add them, you see.time I add them, you see. Something must be wrong with the calculator.Something must be wrong with the calculator. A Acomes out B

163、comes out Bwipes out wipes out C Cturns out Dturns out Dworks outworks out A A句意:句意:“怎么回事?你看,每次我把这些加起来怎么回事?你看,每次我把这些加起来的时候,出来的数字都不一样的。的时候,出来的数字都不一样的。”“”“肯定是计算器出肯定是计算器出了问题。了问题。”从句意看,这里用从句意看,这里用come outcome out表示表示“出来,出出来,出现,现,( (花花) )开,发开,发( (芽芽) );出版;结果是;出版;结果是”。wipe outwipe out擦掉,擦掉,擦净,彻底摧毁;擦净,彻底摧毁

164、;turn outturn out结果是;结果是;work outwork out算出,弄算出,弄懂,想出,解决。懂,想出,解决。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()6.I don)6.I dont think all this bad language t think all this bad language on TV should be allowed; there are certain on TV should be allowed; there are certain standards that should be _ standards that should be _

165、A Akept up Bkept up Bkept down kept down C Ckept out Dkept out Dkept offkept off A A句意:我认为应该禁止这种不雅的语言出现在电句意:我认为应该禁止这种不雅的语言出现在电视上;应该有一定的标准使之保持良好状态。视上;应该有一定的标准使之保持良好状态。keep upkeep up( (使使) )继续下去,保持;继续下去,保持;keep downkeep down压制,镇压,使处于低压制,镇压,使处于低水平,控制;水平,控制;keep out keep out 挡住,留下;挡住,留下;keep off(keep of

166、f(使使) )让开,让开,( (使使) )不接近。不接近。 专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()7.)7.So how is your new roommate?So how is your new roommate? She really _. She is always making She really _. She is always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rud

167、e remarks.always makes rude remarks. A Aturns me over Bturns me over Bturns me downturns me down C Cturns me off Dturns me off Dturns me outturns me out C C句意:句意:“你的新室友怎么样?你的新室友怎么样?”“”“她很不招人喜欢。她很不招人喜欢。她总是在半夜三更弄出很大的噪音,而且当我提醒她的时候,她总是在半夜三更弄出很大的噪音,而且当我提醒她的时候,她总是出言不逊。她总是出言不逊。”turn overturn over意为意为“翻过来翻过

168、来”;turn downturn down意为意为“关小,调低,拒绝关小,调低,拒绝”;turn offturn off意为意为“关,关掉,拐关,关掉,拐弯,离开弯,离开转入另一条路转入另一条路”;turn sb. offturn sb. off意为意为“使使( (某某人人) )不喜欢不喜欢”;turn outturn out意为意为“结果是结果是”。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()8.The committee will _ their )8.The committee will _ their decision until they receive the investigatio

169、n decision until they receive the investigation report.report. A Atake off Btake off Bhold off hold off C Clay off Dlay off Dturn offturn off B B句意:该委员会将推迟他们的决定,直到他们得句意:该委员会将推迟他们的决定,直到他们得到调查报告。到调查报告。hold offhold off表示表示“推迟,拖延;阻止推迟,拖延;阻止”与后面与后面的的untiluntil状语从句呼应。状语从句呼应。take offtake off脱下,脱下,( (飞机飞机)

170、)起飞,休起飞,休假,开始成功假,开始成功/ /走红,匆匆离开;走红,匆匆离开;lay off(lay off(暂时暂时) )解雇,停解雇,停止做;止做;turn offturn off关上关上( (自来水、煤气等的自来水、煤气等的) )开关,关闭开关,关闭( (电电视、灯等视、灯等) ),离开,离开转入另一条路。转入另一条路。 专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()9.The amateur)9.The amateurs singing career _ s singing career _ after his CCTV after his CCTV showshow upup and h

171、e gained fame almost and he gained fame almost overnight.overnight. A Aput off Bput off Bbrought up brought up C Ctook off Dtook off Dpicked uppicked up C C句意:自从在中央电视台露了一手之后,这个业句意:自从在中央电视台露了一手之后,这个业余歌手的演唱事业开始腾飞,他几乎是一夜之间成名了。余歌手的演唱事业开始腾飞,他几乎是一夜之间成名了。put offput off推迟,延期;推迟,延期;bring upbring up养育,提出;养育,提

172、出; take offtake off腾飞,开始成功;腾飞,开始成功;pick uppick up拣起,无意间得知。从句意判拣起,无意间得知。从句意判断选断选C C。 专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()10.Zhao )10.Zhao BenshanBenshan, whose overwork , whose overwork _ his health failure last year, is _ his health failure last year, is reported to have performed less successfully in reported to h

173、ave performed less successfully in the 2010 Spring Festival Gala on CCTV.the 2010 Spring Festival Gala on CCTV. A Asubmitted to Bsubmitted to Badmitted to admitted to C Cdevoted to Ddevoted to Dcontributed tocontributed to专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 D D句意:据报道,赵本山在句意:据报道,赵本山在20102010年中央电视台的春年中央电视台的春节晚会上的表演不如以前成功

174、,他去年由于劳累过度,健节晚会上的表演不如以前成功,他去年由于劳累过度,健康状况不佳。从语境的搭配看,这里用康状况不佳。从语境的搭配看,这里用contribute tocontribute to表表示示“导致,造成,有助于导致,造成,有助于”。submit tosubmit to屈服,听从;屈服,听从;admit toadmit to承认承认( (做错了事,犯了罪做错了事,犯了罪) );而;而C C项动词项动词devotedevote是是及物动词,要用及物动词,要用devote oneself todevote oneself to或或be devoted tobe devoted to表示表

175、示“将时间、精力等投入到某事或致力于某事将时间、精力等投入到某事或致力于某事”。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()11.The sandstorm_ for several )11.The sandstorm_ for several days, which left a terrible sight across the west.days, which left a terrible sight across the west. A Akept off Bkept off Bkept away kept away C Ckept back Dkept back Dkept upkep

176、t up D D句意:沙尘暴持续了好几天,这使西部地区呈句意:沙尘暴持续了好几天,这使西部地区呈现可怕的景象。现可怕的景象。keep off(keep off(使使) )让开,让开,( (使使) )不接近;不接近;keep keep away(away(使使) )远离,不靠近;远离,不靠近;keep backkeep back阻止,抑制,隐瞒,阻止,抑制,隐瞒,保留;保留;keep upkeep up保持,维持,继续。保持,维持,继续。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()12.It)12.Its mentioned in one of his books s mentioned in on

177、e of his books that the mastery of English _a large amount that the mastery of English _a large amount of practice.of practice. A Acalls on Bcalls on Bcalls for calls for C Ccalls at Dcalls at Dcalls outcalls out B B句意:在他的一本书中提到,掌握英语需要进行句意:在他的一本书中提到,掌握英语需要进行大量的练习。大量的练习。call oncall on拜访拜访( (某人某人) ),号

178、召;,号召;call forcall for需求,需求,需要;需要;call atcall at拜访拜访( (某地某地) );call outcall out大叫。大叫。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()13.Now, boys, I)13.Now, boys, Ill _ the story ll _ the story where I stopped yesterday.where I stopped yesterday. A Atake over Btake over Btake on take on C Ctake in Dtake in Dtake uptake up D D句

179、意:孩子们,现在我从昨天停的地方继续讲这句意:孩子们,现在我从昨天停的地方继续讲这个故事吧。个故事吧。take overtake over接替,接管;接替,接管;take ontake on接受,从事,接受,从事,承担,呈现;承担,呈现;take intake in接受,吸收,包括,领会,理解,接受,吸收,包括,领会,理解,欺骗;欺骗;take uptake up开始学习开始学习( (某课程某课程) ),发展,发展( (某种爱好某种爱好) ),开,开始始( (做某项工作做某项工作) ),占据;从事,把,占据;从事,把接着进行下去。接着进行下去。 专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()14.M

180、any rich Americans have long )14.Many rich Americans have long _ money to charities, rather than to _ money to charities, rather than to their children.their children. A Agiven up Bgiven up Bgiven off given off C Cgiven out Dgiven out Dgiven awaygiven away D D句意:美国许多富人很早就已经开始把钱捐句意:美国许多富人很早就已经开始把钱捐给慈

181、善机构,而不是给他们的子女。给慈善机构,而不是给他们的子女。give upgive up放弃;放弃;give offgive off发出发出( (光线等光线等) ),放出,放出( (气味等气味等) );give outgive out用用完,分发;完,分发;give awaygive away捐赠。捐赠。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()15.The ordinary girl sat silently at the )15.The ordinary girl sat silently at the corner, but when the prince came over to inv

182、ite her corner, but when the prince came over to invite her to dance, her face immediately _.to dance, her face immediately _. A Acheered up Bcheered up Blit up lit up C Cturned up Dturned up Dmade upmade up B B句意:这个长相普通的女孩静静地坐在角落里,但句意:这个长相普通的女孩静静地坐在角落里,但是当王子走过去请她跳舞的时候,她的脸上立刻露出了喜是当王子走过去请她跳舞的时候,她的脸上立

183、刻露出了喜色。四个动词短语中,色。四个动词短语中,light uplight up表示表示“使面露喜色使面露喜色”,符,符合句意和搭配。合句意和搭配。cheer up(cheer up(使使) )高兴起来,高兴起来,( (使使) )振作起来;振作起来;turn upturn up出现;出现;make upmake up编造编造( (说法、解释等说法、解释等) ),编撰,组成,编撰,组成,构成,补上,和解。构成,补上,和解。 专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()16.Don)16.Dont refer to the dictionary every t refer to the dictio

184、nary every time you come across a new word or something its time you come across a new word or something its meaning may be _ clearly in a given context.meaning may be _ clearly in a given context. A Apicked out Bpicked out Bruled out ruled out C Cbrought out Dbrought out Dtaken outtaken out C C句意:不

185、要每次遇到生词的时候都翻词典,因为有句意:不要每次遇到生词的时候都翻词典,因为有时其含义会在特定的语境中清楚地显示出来。时其含义会在特定的语境中清楚地显示出来。pick outpick out挑挑出,选出,拣出,辨认出,分辨出;出,选出,拣出,辨认出,分辨出;rule outrule out把把排除排除在外,排除在外,排除的可能性;的可能性;bring outbring out使明显,显示出,使使明显,显示出,使得以发挥;得以发挥;take outtake out带带出去。根据语境,选出去。根据语境,选C C。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()17.Restaurants in Euro

186、pe are _ a )17.Restaurants in Europe are _ a new technology that will allow customers to order new technology that will allow customers to order their food directly from a screen.their food directly from a screen. A Asending out Bsending out Bhanding out handing out C Cletting out Dletting out Dtest

187、ing outtesting out D D句意:欧洲的餐馆正在试行一项技术,顾客可以句意:欧洲的餐馆正在试行一项技术,顾客可以直接从屏幕上点菜。直接从屏幕上点菜。send outsend out发出发出( (某物某物) ),排除,排除( (某人某人) ),发射,发射( (信号信号) );hand outhand out分发,散发;分发,散发;let outlet out释放,发释放,发出;出;test outtest out实验,检验。实验,检验。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()18.While I was watching TV at night, an )18.While I w

188、as watching TV at night, an old friend of mine _. old friend of mine _. A Agave up Bgave up Bstood up stood up C Cshowed up Dshowed up Dhurried up hurried up C C句意:晚上我正在看电视的时候,我的一个老朋句意:晚上我正在看电视的时候,我的一个老朋友来了。友来了。give upgive up停止,放弃;停止,放弃;stand upstand up站起来,站起来,( (论点、论点、证据等证据等) )站得住脚;站得住脚;show upshow

189、 up暴露,显露,来到,露面;暴露,显露,来到,露面;hurry up(hurry up(使使) )赶快,匆匆完成。语境表示有朋友到来,赶快,匆匆完成。语境表示有朋友到来,用用show upshow up或或turn upturn up。专题三专题三 专题预测专题预测 ( ()19.Some experts warn that global warming )19.Some experts warn that global warming will _ more than one million sorts of will _ more than one million sorts of pl

190、ants.plants. A Aturn down Bturn down Bbring in bring in C Cwipe out Dwipe out Dtake awaytake away C C句意:有些专家警告说全球性气候变暖将使一句意:有些专家警告说全球性气候变暖将使一百多万种植物灭绝。从搭配和句意看,这里用百多万种植物灭绝。从搭配和句意看,这里用wipe outwipe out表示表示“彻底毁灭彻底毁灭”。turn downturn down拒绝,调低;拒绝,调低;bring inbring in引进,带来;引进,带来;take awaytake away取走。取走。专题三专题三

191、 专题预测专题预测 ( ()20.In order to lose weight, the young lady )20.In order to lose weight, the young lady prefers to _ regularly rather than take prefers to _ regularly rather than take expensive weight losing pills.expensive weight losing pills. A Ahang out Bhang out Bwork out work out C Cturn up Dturn

192、up Dfigure up figure up B B句意:为了减肥,这位年轻女士宁可经常锻炼,而句意:为了减肥,这位年轻女士宁可经常锻炼,而不是服用昂贵的减肥药。四个动词短语的常见含义:不是服用昂贵的减肥药。四个动词短语的常见含义:hang hang out(out(把衣服等把衣服等) )挂出去,闲逛;挂出去,闲逛;work outwork out健身,锻炼,解答健身,锻炼,解答出,计算出;出,计算出;turn upturn up找到,出现,被找到,突然发生,证找到,出现,被找到,突然发生,证明是明是( (turn out to be)turn out to be),翻掘,调大;,翻掘,调大

193、;figure upfigure up为错误为错误搭配。搭配。专题四形容词与专题四形容词与 副词副词专题专题 四四 形容词与副词形容词与副词专题四专题四 考题导读考题导读湖北卷多项选择题对形容词和副词的考查主要是词义辨析,湖北卷多项选择题对形容词和副词的考查主要是词义辨析,不包括形容词与副词其他方面的用法。此类试题有如下特点:不包括形容词与副词其他方面的用法。此类试题有如下特点:(1)(1)试题难度和题数在逐年增加,所考查的词汇都是较生僻、较试题难度和题数在逐年增加,所考查的词汇都是较生僻、较难记忆的。比如:难记忆的。比如:20092009年考查了两个题,年考查了两个题, alternativ

194、ealternative和和approximatelyapproximately;20102010年考查了四个题,年考查了四个题,personal, personal, worthwhile, immediateworthwhile, immediate和和merely; merely; 很多试题尽管选项含义不同,很多试题尽管选项含义不同,却很难根据句意迅速确定答案。却很难根据句意迅速确定答案。(2)(2)试题更强调语境理解能力的试题更强调语境理解能力的考查。几乎每一道题题干都比较长,有丰富的语境和适当的干考查。几乎每一道题题干都比较长,有丰富的语境和适当的干扰项。在复习备考中,要全面掌握考纲

195、要求的词汇,对于出现扰项。在复习备考中,要全面掌握考纲要求的词汇,对于出现频率不是很高的以及拼写较长的形容词、副词要尤其引起重视。频率不是很高的以及拼写较长的形容词、副词要尤其引起重视。考题导读专题四专题四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()1.)1.20102010湖北湖北 In this lecture, I can only In this lecture, I can only give you a purely _ view of how we can live give you a purely _ view of how we can live life to the full and

196、make some suggestions about the life to the full and make some suggestions about the future. future. A Aprivateprivate B Bpersonal personal C Cunique Dunique Ddifferentdifferent真题再现 B B考查形容词词义辨析。考查形容词词义辨析。uniqueunique独特的,独特的,differentdifferent不同的,不同的,privateprivate私人的,私下的,私人的,私下的,personalpersonal个人的

197、,个人的, personal viewpersonal view个人观点。故选个人观点。故选B B。专题四专题四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()2.)2.20102010湖北湖北 Mistakes don Mistakes dont just happen; t just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason, and they occur for a reason. Find out the reason, and then making the mistake becomes _. then making the mistak

198、e becomes _. A Afavourablefavourable B Bprecious precious C Cessential Dessential Dworthwhileworthwhile D D考查形容词词义辨析。考查形容词词义辨析。 worthwhileworthwhile值得的,有价值值得的,有价值的,表示犯错误是值得的。的,表示犯错误是值得的。favourablefavourable喜爱的,赞同的,喜爱的,赞同的,preciousprecious珍贵的,珍贵的,essentialessential本质的,必需的,根据语境,选本质的,必需的,根据语境,选D D。 专题四

199、专题四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()3.)3.20102010湖北湖北 If I find someone who looks If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my _ reaction will be to like the suspect, my _ reaction will be to tell the police. tell the police. A Aphysical Bphysical Bimmediateimmediate C Csensitive Dsensitive Dsudden sudden B B考查形容词

200、词义辨析。考查形容词词义辨析。 physicalphysical身体的;身体的; suddensudden突突然的;然的;sensitivesensitive敏感的,只有敏感的,只有 immediateimmediate表示表示“立刻,马上立刻,马上”,等同于,等同于 at onceat once。 故选故选B B。 专题四专题四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()4.)4.20102010湖北湖北 I wasn I wasnt blaming anyone; I t blaming anyone; I _ said errors like this could be avoided. _ said

201、errors like this could be avoided. A Amerely Bmerely Bmostly mostly C Crarely Drarely Dnearlynearly A A考查副词词义辨析。句意:我并没有责怪任何人,考查副词词义辨析。句意:我并没有责怪任何人,我只是说类似这种错误是可以避免的。我只是说类似这种错误是可以避免的。mostlymostly大部分地,大部分地,通常地;通常地;nearlynearly几乎几乎almost; rarelyalmost; rarely很少地,几乎不;很少地,几乎不;merelymerely仅仅,只不过。仅仅,只不过。专题四

202、专题四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()5.)5.20102010福建福建 Volunteering is becoming Volunteering is becoming _ popular in China._ popular in China. Yeah, people are now aware that helping Yeah, people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves.others is helping themselves. A Anaturally Bnaturally Bsuccessfully

203、successfully C Csplendidly Dsplendidly Dincreasinglyincreasingly D D考查副词词义辨析。句意:考查副词词义辨析。句意:“志愿活动现在在中国志愿活动现在在中国变得越来越受欢迎了变得越来越受欢迎了”。“是的,人们一直开始意识到帮助是的,人们一直开始意识到帮助别人就是帮助他们自己。别人就是帮助他们自己。”naturallynaturally自然地,理所当然地;自然地,理所当然地;successfullysuccessfully成功地;成功地;splendidlysplendidly华丽地,壮观地;华丽地,壮观地;increasingl

204、yincreasingly日益;愈加。日益;愈加。专题四专题四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()6.)6.20102010福建福建 Drunk driving, which was Drunk driving, which was once a _ occurrence, is now under control.once a _ occurrence, is now under control. A Ageneralgeneral B Bfrequentfrequent C Cnormalnormal D Dparticularparticular B B考查形容词词义辨析。句意:酒后驾车一度是经

205、考查形容词词义辨析。句意:酒后驾车一度是经常发生的事,现在得以控制。常发生的事,现在得以控制。frequentfrequent意为意为“经常的经常的”符符合语境。合语境。 专题四专题四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()7.)7.20102010浙江浙江 I have been convinced that I have been convinced that the print media are usually more _ and more the print media are usually more _ and more reliable than television. reliable

206、 than television. A Aaccurate Baccurate Bridiculous ridiculous C Curgenturgent D Dshallow shallow A A考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我确信报刊媒体常常会考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我确信报刊媒体常常会比电视更准确、更可靠。比电视更准确、更可靠。accurate accurate 精确的;精确的;ridiculousridiculous可笑可笑的,滑稽的;的,滑稽的;urgenturgent紧急的;紧急的;shallowshallow浅的,肤浅的。故选浅的,肤浅的。故选A A。 专题四专题四 真题再现真

207、题再现 ( ()8.)8.20102010山东山东 Mothers holding jobs Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _ schedules to outside the home should have _ schedules to make it easier to care for their children.make it easier to care for their children. A Aheavy Bheavy Bsmooth smooth C Cflexible Dflexible Dcompl

208、excomplex C C考查形容词词义辨析。句意:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有灵活的时间以便有灵活的时间以便更容易地照看孩子们。表示更容易地照看孩子们。表示“灵活的灵活的”用用flexible flexible 。heavy heavy 表示表示“沉重的沉重的”; smoothsmooth表示表示“光滑的,顺利的光滑的,顺利的”; complexcomplex表示表示“复杂的,难懂的复杂的,难懂的”。 专题四专题四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()9.)9.20102010天津天津 People have always been People have always been _ about ex

209、actly how life on earth began._ about exactly how life on earth began. A Acurious Bcurious Bexcited excited C Canxious Danxious Dcarefulcareful A A考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人们一直对于地球考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人们一直对于地球上生命的起源感到好奇。根据介词上生命的起源感到好奇。根据介词aboutabout后面宾语从句的后面宾语从句的意义,可以确定前面表示的是好奇,意义,可以确定前面表示的是好奇,be curious about be curio

210、us about 是是“对对感到好奇感到好奇”的意思。的意思。 专题四专题四 真题再现真题再现 ( ()10. )10. 20102010浙江浙江 Do you think shopping Do you think shopping online will _ take the place of shopping in online will _ take the place of shopping in stores?stores? A Aespecially Bespecially Bfrequentlyfrequently C Cmerely Dmerely Dfinallyfinal

211、ly D D考查副词词义辨析。句意:你认为网上购物最终考查副词词义辨析。句意:你认为网上购物最终会代替商场购物吗?会代替商场购物吗? especially especially 特别地,尤其;特别地,尤其;frequentlyfrequently经常;经常;merelymerely仅仅;仅仅;finallyfinally最终。故选最终。故选D D。 专题预测专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.I)1.Im quite sure that it is _ m quite sure that it is _ impossible for me to fulfill the task in

212、 only two impossible for me to fulfill the task in only two days without anyone to help me.days without anyone to help me. A Aabsolutely Babsolutely Bapproximately approximately C Chardly Dhardly DDesperatelyDesperately A A句意:我敢肯定,在没有任何人帮助的情况下在仅句意:我敢肯定,在没有任何人帮助的情况下在仅仅两天内完成这项任务对我来说是完全不可能的。仅两天内完成这项任务对

213、我来说是完全不可能的。absolutely absolutely 完全地,绝对地;完全地,绝对地;approximately approximately 大约地,大大约地,大概地;概地;hardly hardly 几乎不;几乎不;desperatelydesperately拼命地,绝望地。故拼命地,绝望地。故选选A A。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.Letters to editors must carry the )2.Letters to editors must carry the writerwriters full name, which indicates that

214、 writers s full name, which indicates that writers are _ for what they say.are _ for what they say. A Aconsiderate Bconsiderate Breasonable reasonable C Cindependent Dindependent Dresponsibleresponsible D D句意:写给编辑的信必须有作者的全名,这就意味句意:写给编辑的信必须有作者的全名,这就意味着,作者必须为他们所写的内容负责。着,作者必须为他们所写的内容负责。considerate cons

215、iderate 体贴的,体贴的,体谅的;体谅的;reasonable reasonable 合理的;合理的;independent independent 独立的;独立的;responsibleresponsible负责的,承担责任的。从语境判断选负责的,承担责任的。从语境判断选D D 。 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.It is a truth _ acknowledged )3.It is a truth _ acknowledged that when one has gained material, hethat when one has gained material

216、, hell surely ll surely seek for spiritual enjoyment.seek for spiritual enjoyment. A Apartly Bpartly Buniversally universally C Cparticularly Dparticularly Dpreviouslypreviously B B句意:当一个人得到了物质财富后,他一定会句意:当一个人得到了物质财富后,他一定会寻找精神享受,这是一个被大家所普遍接受的真理。寻找精神享受,这是一个被大家所普遍接受的真理。partlypartly不完全地,部分地;不完全地,部分地;uni

217、versallyuniversally普遍地;普遍地;particularlyparticularly尤其,特别地;尤其,特别地;previouslypreviously先前,预先,先前,预先,故选故选B B 。 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.Owing to a financial disagreement, )4.Owing to a financial disagreement, the cooperation broke down and the two the cooperation broke down and the two businessmen finally

218、 went their _ ways.businessmen finally went their _ ways. A Aseparate Bseparate Bcommon common C Cselfish Dselfish DLonelyLonely A A句意:由于在财务方面的分歧,这两个生意人句意:由于在财务方面的分歧,这两个生意人的合作破裂了,最终两个人分道扬镳了。这里用的合作破裂了,最终两个人分道扬镳了。这里用separateseparate表示表示“分别的,各自的分别的,各自的”。commoncommon共同的,共同的,公共的;公共的;selfishselfish自私的;自私的

219、;lonelylonely孤独的。孤独的。 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()5.I)5.Ive got a bit of headache. Itve got a bit of headache. Its s nothing much, _.nothing much, _. A Aanyhow Banyhow Bmoreover moreover C Cthough Dthough Dbesidesbesides C C句意:我有点头疼,不过没什么大不了的。这句意:我有点头疼,不过没什么大不了的。这里用副词里用副词thoughthough舒缓语气,用在句末表示舒缓语气,用在句末表示“

220、可是,不过,可是,不过,然而然而”。anyhowanyhow无论如何,不管怎样无论如何,不管怎样( (加强语气加强语气) );moreovermoreover而且,再者,此外;而且,再者,此外;besidesbesides而且。而且。 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()6.I)6.Im afraid I _ forgot about m afraid I _ forgot about it. I promise I will not let you down any more.it. I promise I will not let you down any more. A Atota

221、lly Btotally Bextremely extremely C Cfairly Dfairly Dclearlyclearly A A句意:对不起,我完全忘记了这件事。我保证句意:对不起,我完全忘记了这件事。我保证以后再也不让你失望了。这里用以后再也不让你失望了。这里用totallytotally表示表示“完全地,完全地,彻底地彻底地”。extremelyextremely极端地,非常地;极端地,非常地;fairlyfairly相当地,相当地,公平地;公平地;clearlyclearly清楚地,明白地。清楚地,明白地。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()7.Hong Kong w

222、as so busy over the )7.Hong Kong was so busy over the Spring Festival that all the best hotel Spring Festival that all the best hotel accommodation was full. She phoned several accommodation was full. She phoned several hotels but none of them had a _ room.hotels but none of them had a _ room. A Ach

223、eap Bcheap Bnice nice C Cseparate Dseparate Dvacantvacant D D句意:春节期间香港太繁忙了,以至于所有最句意:春节期间香港太繁忙了,以至于所有最好的宾馆住宿都满员了。她打电话给好几家宾馆,结果好的宾馆住宿都满员了。她打电话给好几家宾馆,结果都没有空余的房间。语境说住宿都满员了,因此这里用都没有空余的房间。语境说住宿都满员了,因此这里用vacantvacant表示表示“空闲的,闲着的,空缺的空闲的,闲着的,空缺的”,cheapcheap便宜便宜的;的;nicenice美好的;美好的;separateseparate单独的。单独的。 专题专

224、题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()8.I only intended to be there for a )8.I only intended to be there for a few days, but I _ ended up staying for few days, but I _ ended up staying for a whole month.a whole month. A Afortunately Bfortunately Bactually actually C Cnaturally Dnaturally Dobviouslyobviously B B句意:我本来只打

225、算在那里呆几天的,可是结句意:我本来只打算在那里呆几天的,可是结果居然在那里呆了整整一个月。这里用副词果居然在那里呆了整整一个月。这里用副词actuallyactually表示表示“实际上,竟然实际上,竟然”,与,与“本来打算本来打算”相呼应。相呼应。fortunatelyfortunately幸运地;幸运地;naturallynaturally自然而然地;自然而然地;obviouslyobviously明显地。明显地。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()9.When you are physically _ to )9.When you are physically _ to weat

226、her changes, maybe itweather changes, maybe its a sign that yous a sign that youre re getting aged.getting aged. A Aflexible Bflexible Battractive attractive C Cactive Dactive Dsensitivesensitive D D句意:当你的身体对天气变化很敏感的时候,句意:当你的身体对天气变化很敏感的时候,或许那是你衰老的标志。或许那是你衰老的标志。sensitivesensitive敏感的;敏感的;flexibleflexi

227、ble灵活的,易弯曲的,可变通的;灵活的,易弯曲的,可变通的;attractiveattractive有吸引力的;有吸引力的;activeactive积极的,活跃的,根据句意选积极的,活跃的,根据句意选D D。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()10.All of the ski resorts are _ )10.All of the ski resorts are _ from the hotel via free public transportation.from the hotel via free public transportation. A Aaccessible Ba

228、ccessible Bavailable available C Cpresent Dpresent Dprobableprobable A A句意:所有的滑雪胜地从旅馆乘坐免费的公共句意:所有的滑雪胜地从旅馆乘坐免费的公共交通工具都可以到达。交通工具都可以到达。accessibleaccessible可达到的,可接近的;可达到的,可接近的;availableavailable可使用的,可利用的,有空的;可使用的,可利用的,有空的;presentpresent目前目前的,现在的,出席的;的,现在的,出席的;probableprobable可能的。可能的。 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 (

229、()11.)11.It was _ of you to share It was _ of you to share your food with me.your food with me. ThatThats all right.s all right. A Asharp Bsharp Bdulldull C Cmean Dmean Dgenerousgenerous D D 句意:句意:“你把食物分给我真是太慷慨了。你把食物分给我真是太慷慨了。”“”“没什么。没什么。”generousgenerous慷慨的,大方的;慷慨的,大方的;sharpsharp锋利锋利的,敏锐的;的,敏锐的;dul

230、ldull迟钝的,单调的;迟钝的,单调的;meanmean小气的,吝小气的,吝啬的,卑鄙的,根据句意选啬的,卑鄙的,根据句意选D D。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()12.Broadly speaking, I would agree )12.Broadly speaking, I would agree with Tom, though not _.with Tom, though not _. A Aextremely Bextremely Bentirely entirely C Cheavily Dheavily Dgraduallygradually B B句意:明确地说,

231、我大体上同意汤姆的观点,句意:明确地说,我大体上同意汤姆的观点,虽然不完全同意。虽然不完全同意。extremelyextremely极端地;极端地;entirelyentirely完全地;完全地;heavilyheavily沉重地,猛烈地;沉重地,猛烈地;graduallygradually渐渐地。渐渐地。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()13.Nowadays some young people, who )13.Nowadays some young people, who have been used to the _ life, wouldnhave been used to

232、the _ life, wouldnt t like to accept challenges and explore the like to accept challenges and explore the unknown world.unknown world. A Afrequent Bfrequent Bprofitable profitable C Ccozy Dcozy Dnutritionalnutritional C C句意:现在一些年轻人已经习惯了安逸的生活,句意:现在一些年轻人已经习惯了安逸的生活,不愿意接受挑战,不愿意探索未知的世界。不愿意接受挑战,不愿意探索未知的世界

233、。frequentfrequent频频繁的;繁的;profitableprofitable有利可图的;有利可图的;cozycozy安逸的;安逸的;nutritionalnutritional有营养的。有营养的。 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()14.The USA makes a lot of excuses in )14.The USA makes a lot of excuses in an attempt to make war in Iran; however, its an attempt to make war in Iran; however, its _ purpos

234、e lies in the abundant oil there._ purpose lies in the abundant oil there. A Alogical Blogical Bfundamental fundamental C Caccurate Daccurate Dcommoncommon B B句意:美国编造很多借口试图对伊朗宣战,但句意:美国编造很多借口试图对伊朗宣战,但其根本目标是那里丰富的石油。其根本目标是那里丰富的石油。logicallogical逻辑的;逻辑的;fundamentalfundamental根本的,基础的;根本的,基础的;accurateaccur

235、ate准确的;准确的;commoncommon普通的。普通的。 专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()15.Maureen hasn)15.Maureen hasnt been feeling well t been feeling well _. You_. Youd better go and see her.d better go and see her. A Alate Blate Blatestlatest C Clater Dlater Dlatelylately D D句意:莫林最近身体一直不舒服,你最好去看句意:莫林最近身体一直不舒服,你最好去看看她。看她。latelate

236、迟的,晚的;迟的,晚的;latestlatest最新的;最新的;laterlater后来,后来,之后;之后;latelylately最近,近来,相当于最近,近来,相当于recentlyrecently。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()16.In order to support the big family, )16.In order to support the big family, he worked so hard that _ he made himself he worked so hard that _ he made himself ill.ill. A Aoccas

237、ionally Boccasionally Bpurposefully purposefully C Cnormally Dnormally Deventuallyeventually D D句意:为了养活这个大家庭,他干起活来如此句意:为了养活这个大家庭,他干起活来如此卖力以至于最后病倒了。卖力以至于最后病倒了。occasionallyoccasionally偶尔;偶尔;purposefullypurposefully故意地;故意地;normallynormally正常地;正常地;eventuallyeventually最最后,终于。后,终于。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()17.

238、The most _ names of )17.The most _ names of Americans are Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Americans are Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Miller and Davis.Jones, Miller and Davis. A Aordinary Bordinary Baverage average C Cnormal Dnormal Dcommoncommon D D句意:在美国最常见的名字是史密斯、约翰逊、句意:在美国最常见的名字是史密斯、约

239、翰逊、威廉姆斯、布朗、琼斯、米勒和戴维斯。威廉姆斯、布朗、琼斯、米勒和戴维斯。ordinaryordinary平常平常的,普通的;的,普通的;averageaverage一般标准的,平均的;一般标准的,平均的;normalnormal常常态的,正规的;态的,正规的;commoncommon常见的。由此可见,常见的。由此可见,D D 项正确。项正确。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()18.)18.My son got a straight A in all My son got a straight A in all his final exams.his final exams. Wh

240、at a _ boy! Congratulations!What a _ boy! Congratulations! A Apromising Bpromising Bpredictable predictable C Ceager Deager Dcuriouscurious A A句意:句意:“我儿子期末考试都得了我儿子期末考试都得了A A 。”“”“多有多有前途的孩子呀!祝贺你!前途的孩子呀!祝贺你!”promisingpromising有希望的,有前有希望的,有前途的;途的;predictablepredictable可预知的;可预知的;eagereager急切的;急切的;curiou

241、scurious好奇的。好奇的。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()19.He told a joke at the conference )19.He told a joke at the conference _, which eased the tense atmosphere.which eased the tense atmosphere. A Acorrectly Bcorrectly Bexactly exactly C Cactively Dactively Dappropriatelyappropriately D D句意:他在会议上恰到好处地讲了个笑话,缓句意:他在会

242、议上恰到好处地讲了个笑话,缓解了紧张的气氛。解了紧张的气氛。correctlycorrectly正确地;正确地;exactlyexactly确切地;确切地;activelyactively积极地;积极地;appropriatelyappropriately恰当地。恰当地。专题专题 四四 专题预测专题预测 ( ()20.In Scotland, as in the rest of the )20.In Scotland, as in the rest of the UK, _schooling begins at age 5 and ends UK, _schooling begins at a

243、ge 5 and ends at age 16.at age 16. A Atemporary Btemporary Bpermanent permanent C Ccompulsory Dcompulsory Doptionaloptional C C句意:在苏格兰,正如英国其他的地方一样,句意:在苏格兰,正如英国其他的地方一样,从从5 5岁到岁到1616岁的孩子要接受义务教育。岁的孩子要接受义务教育。temporarytemporary暂时的,暂时的,临时的;临时的;permanentpermanent永久的;永久的;compulsorycompulsory必须做的,强必须做的,强制性的,

244、制性的,( (课程课程) )必修的;必修的;optionaloptional可以任选的,非强制可以任选的,非强制的。的。 专题五介词短语专题五介词短语专题专题 五五 介词短语介词短语考题导读专题专题 五五 考题导读考题导读 介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一,也是历年高考中涉及介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一,也是历年高考中涉及较多的考点。湖北卷每年至少有一道试题考查介词短语。此较多的考点。湖北卷每年至少有一道试题考查介词短语。此类试题有如下特点:类试题有如下特点:(1)(1)题干结构呈复杂化、综合化的特点,题干结构呈复杂化、综合化的特点,题干用词都在题干用词都在2020词左右;词左右;(2)(2)常考

245、查常考查inin构成的介词短语,而且构成的介词短语,而且短语的词数在增加;短语的词数在增加;(3)(3)试题难度不大,主要考查介词短语的试题难度不大,主要考查介词短语的主要意义。在复习备考中,要善于归纳常见介词构成的介词主要意义。在复习备考中,要善于归纳常见介词构成的介词短语的含义,要注意甄别考点的细微变化。短语的含义,要注意甄别考点的细微变化。真题再现专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()1. )1. 20102010湖北湖北 It is illegal for a It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts o

246、r money public official to ask people for gifts or money _ favors to them._ favors to them. A Ain preference toin preference toB Bin place ofin place of C Cin agreement with Din agreement with Din exchange for in exchange for D D考查介词短语辨析。句意:对公务员来说,以给考查介词短语辨析。句意:对公务员来说,以给人们好处来索要礼物或金钱是违法的。人们好处来索要礼物或金钱

247、是违法的。in exchange forin exchange for表示表示“交换交换”。in preference to in preference to “优先于优先于”,in in place ofplace of“代替代替” ,in agreement within agreement with“符合,一致符合,一致”。专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()2. )2. 20102010浙江浙江 I guess we I guess weve already ve already talked about this before but Italked about this be

248、fore but Ill ask you again ll ask you again just _. just _. A Aby nature Bby nature Bin return in return C Cin case Din case Dby chance by chance C C考查介词短语辨析。句意:我想我之前已经跟你考查介词短语辨析。句意:我想我之前已经跟你谈论过这件事,但是以防万一,我再问你一次。谈论过这件事,但是以防万一,我再问你一次。by by nature nature 天生地;天生地;in returnin return作为回报;作为回报;in case in

249、case 万一,以万一,以防;防;by chanceby chance偶然地。偶然地。专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()3. )3. 20102010福建福建 More and more More and more highhigh riserise buildings have been built in big cities _ buildings have been built in big cities _ space.space. A Ain search ofin search of B Bin place ofin place of C Cfor lack offor l

250、ack of D Dfor fear offor fear of C C考查介词短语辨析。句意:大城市建起越来越多考查介词短语辨析。句意:大城市建起越来越多的高楼大厦,因为缺少空间。的高楼大厦,因为缺少空间。in search ofin search of寻找;寻找; in in place ofplace of代替;代替; for lack offor lack of因缺乏;因缺乏; for fear offor fear of生生怕,以免。根据句意只有怕,以免。根据句意只有A A项符合题意。项符合题意。 专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()4. )4. 20092009湖北湖北 Yo

251、u Youd sound a lot more d sound a lot more polite if you make a request _ a question.polite if you make a request _ a question. A Ain search of Bin search of Bin the form of in the form of C Cin need of Din need of Din the direction ofin the direction of B B考查介词短语辨析。从语境的衔接看,以提问的考查介词短语辨析。从语境的衔接看,以提问的

252、形式来表达自己的请求,这样听起来更有礼貌。形式来表达自己的请求,这样听起来更有礼貌。in the in the form ofform of以以的形式。的形式。in search ofin search of寻找,寻找,in need ofin need of需要,需要,in the direction ofin the direction of往往的方向。的方向。专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()5. )5. 20092009湖北湖北 His efforts to raise His efforts to raise money for his program were _ beca

253、use no one money for his program were _ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.pockets. A Ain place Bin place Bin sight in sight C Cin effect Din effect Din vainin vain D D考查介词短语辨析。句意:谁也不愿意从自己的口考查介词短语辨析。句意:谁也不愿意从自己的口袋里

254、掏一分钱,看来他募捐的努力是白费力气的。根据句袋里掏一分钱,看来他募捐的努力是白费力气的。根据句意可知意可知D D项项in vainin vain“徒劳地徒劳地”符合句意。符合句意。in placein place就位,就位,in sightin sight看得见,看得见,in effectin effect生效。生效。专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()6. )6. 20082008湖北湖北 When she first arrived When she first arrived in Chinain China,she wondered what the future might

255、have she wondered what the future might have _ for her_ for her,but now all her worries are but now all her worries are gone.gone. A Ain need Bin need Bin time in time C Cin preparation Din preparation Din storein store D D考查介词短语辨析。句意:当她第一次来中国时考查介词短语辨析。句意:当她第一次来中国时不知道即将到来的未来会是怎样的,但是现在所有的担不知道即将到来的未来会

256、是怎样的,但是现在所有的担忧都消失了。忧都消失了。in storein store表示表示“储藏;就要来到,即将发储藏;就要来到,即将发生的生的”,符合题意。,符合题意。专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()7. )7. 20082008天津天津 Many Chinese Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students universities provide scholarships for students _ financial aid._ financial aid. A Ain in favourfavour

257、 of B of Bin in honourhonour of of C Cin face of Din face of Din need ofin need of D D考查介词短语辨析。句意:许多中国大学向那些考查介词短语辨析。句意:许多中国大学向那些需要经济帮助的学生们提供奖学金。需要经济帮助的学生们提供奖学金。in in favourfavour of of支持;支持;in in honourhonour of of为了纪念;为了纪念;in face ofin face of面对;面对;in need ofin need of需要。需要。专题专题 五五 真题再现真题再现 ( ()8.

258、)8. 20082008江苏江苏 Why do you suggest Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?we buy a new machine? Because the old one has been damagedBecause the old one has been damaged_._. A Abeyond reach Bbeyond reach Bbeyond repairbeyond repair C Cbeyond control Dbeyond control Dbeyond descriptionbeyond descrip

259、tion B B考查介词短语辨析。考查介词短语辨析。beyond reachbeyond reach够不着;够不着;beyond repairbeyond repair无法修理;无法修理;beyond controlbeyond control无法控制;无法控制;beyond descriptionbeyond description无法描述。由句意可知,无法描述。由句意可知,B B项正确。项正确。专题预测专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()1.Having lived in the town for many years, )1.Having lived in the town for

260、 many years, Mr. Smith no longer felt _ among the local Mr. Smith no longer felt _ among the local people.people. A Aout of control Bout of control Bout of touchout of touch C Cout of place Dout of place Dout of useout of use C C句意:史密斯先生在这个镇子生活已有很多年了句意:史密斯先生在这个镇子生活已有很多年了 ,因此在当地人中间,不在感到格格不入。因此在当地人中间,

261、不在感到格格不入。out of control out of control 失失控;控;out of touch out of touch 不联系,失去联系;不联系,失去联系;out of placeout of place不得体,不得体,不得当,不适当;不得当,不适当; out of useout of use不再使用。不再使用。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()2.Success in life doesn)2.Success in life doesnt happen t happen _. It_. Its the result of devoting your time a

262、nd s the result of devoting your time and energy to what youenergy to what youve set out to do.ve set out to do. A Aby force Bby force Bby designby design C Cby accident Dby accident Dby choiceby choice C C句意:人生的成功不是偶然而至,它是将时间与精句意:人生的成功不是偶然而至,它是将时间与精力投入到你决心要做的事情之后的结果。力投入到你决心要做的事情之后的结果。by force by fo

263、rce 用武力;用武力;by design by design 故意地;故意地;by accident by accident 偶然地。从语境判断选偶然地。从语境判断选C C。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()3.Recent surveys show that women live )3.Recent surveys show that women live longer than men _.longer than men _. A Ain general Bin general Bin all in all C Cin total Din total Din commonin c

264、ommon A A句意:最近的调查表明,总的来说女性比男性句意:最近的调查表明,总的来说女性比男性的寿命长。这里用的寿命长。这里用in general in general 表示表示“一般来说,大体一般来说,大体上上”。in all in all 总共,一共;总共,一共;in total in total 总共;总共;in in common common 有相同处,共同。有相同处,共同。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()4.)4.Did you find the film interesting?Did you find the film interesting? _, I near

265、ly fell asleep halfway I nearly fell asleep halfway through it.through it. A AIn time BIn time BOn the other hand On the other hand C CAt the same time DAt the same time DOn the contraryOn the contrary D D句意:句意:“你觉得这部影片有趣吗?你觉得这部影片有趣吗?”“”“正好相反,正好相反,我才看了一半就昏昏欲睡了。我才看了一半就昏昏欲睡了。”in timein time及时;及时;on th

266、e on the other hand other hand 另一方面;另一方面;at the same time at the same time 与此同时;与此同时;on the contrary on the contrary 相反。从语境判断选相反。从语境判断选D D。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()5.In America it)5.In America its a mistake to think s a mistake to think of Florida only as the place for vacation of Florida only as the pl

267、ace for vacation _ its tourist attraction._ its tourist attraction. A Ain in honourhonour of B of Bin terms of in terms of C Cin the name of Din the name of Din the eyes ofin the eyes of B B句意:如果你认为美国的佛罗里达州只是因为句意:如果你认为美国的佛罗里达州只是因为其众多的旅游景点而成为一个度假的地方,那你就错了。其众多的旅游景点而成为一个度假的地方,那你就错了。in in honourhonour o

268、f of 为了向为了向表示敬意,为纪念表示敬意,为纪念;in in terms of terms of 从从方面来说,用方面来说,用的话,按照;的话,按照;in in the name of the name of 以以的名义;的名义;in the eyes of in the eyes of 在在看来。看来。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()6.The government would give away 2 )6.The government would give away 2 billion dollars _ to the oil and gas billion dollars

269、 _ to the oil and gas industry to strengthen environmental protection.industry to strengthen environmental protection. A Ain detail Bin detail Bin turn in turn C Cin charge Din charge Din totalin total D D句意:政府决定向石油和天然气产业注入共计句意:政府决定向石油和天然气产业注入共计(in total)(in total)二十亿美元,以加强对环境的保护。二十亿美元,以加强对环境的保护。in

270、in detail detail 详细地;详细地;in turn in turn 依次地,轮流地,转而,反依次地,轮流地,转而,反过来;过来;in charge in charge 负责,主管。负责,主管。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()7.More countries cooperating with each )7.More countries cooperating with each other to reform the financial markets, economic other to reform the financial markets, economic r

271、ecovery is just _.recovery is just _. A Aon the corner Bon the corner Bin the corner in the corner C Cat the corner Dat the corner Daround the corneraround the corner D D句意:更多的国家互相合作改革金融市场,经句意:更多的国家互相合作改革金融市场,经济很快会复苏。济很快会复苏。on the corner on the corner 在拐角处;在拐角处;in the in the corner corner 在角落里在角落里(

272、(内角内角) );at the corner at the corner 在拐角处在拐角处( (外外角角) );around the corner around the corner 在拐角处,在附近,即将来在拐角处,在附近,即将来临。临。 专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()8.If he is determined to do what he )8.If he is determined to do what he wants to do, he will do so _ what others wants to do, he will do so _ what others thi

273、nk of him.think of him. A Aon account of Bon account of Bin spite ofin spite of C Cregardless of Dregardless of Din case ofin case of C C句意:假如他决定做他想做的事,他就会去做,句意:假如他决定做他想做的事,他就会去做,而不管别人怎么看待他。这里用而不管别人怎么看待他。这里用regardless of regardless of 表示表示“不管,不顾不管,不顾”。on account of on account of 因为;因为;in spite of in

274、 spite of 尽尽管;管;in case of in case of 以防万一。以防万一。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()9.There was a murder in one of the )9.There was a murder in one of the poorest suburbs in the city the other day. Now poorest suburbs in the city the other day. Now the police are turning the whole house upside the police are turni

275、ng the whole house upside down _ clues.down _ clues. A Ain want of Bin want of Bin search ofin search of C Cin favor of Din favor of Din memory of in memory of B B句意:几天前在那所城市最贫穷的一个郊区发句意:几天前在那所城市最贫穷的一个郊区发生了一起谋杀案,现在警方在彻底搜查那所房子以寻找生了一起谋杀案,现在警方在彻底搜查那所房子以寻找线索。线索。in want of in want of 需要;需要;in search of in

276、 search of 搜查;搜查;in in favor of favor of 支持,赞成;支持,赞成;in memory of in memory of 纪念。纪念。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()10.A medical team rushed to the scene )10.A medical team rushed to the scene of the disaster where hospitals were _ of the disaster where hospitals were _ doctors and nurses.doctors and nurses.

277、A Ain favor of Bin favor of Bin charge of in charge of C Cin want of Din want of Din hope ofin hope of C C句意:一个医疗小组火速前往灾难现场。那里句意:一个医疗小组火速前往灾难现场。那里的医院迫切需要医生和护士。这里用的医院迫切需要医生和护士。这里用in want of in want of 表示表示“需要需要”。故选。故选C C。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()11.The economic plan announced by the )11.The economic plan

278、 announced by the government soon after the crisis was greeted government soon after the crisis was greeted enthusiastically _.enthusiastically _. A Ain a row Bin a row Bfor a moment for a moment C Con all sides Don all sides Dat first sightat first sight C C句意:危机发生后不久政府宣布的经济计划受句意:危机发生后不久政府宣布的经济计划受到

279、了各方面的热烈欢迎。到了各方面的热烈欢迎。in a row in a row 一个接一个地,接一个接一个地,接连不断地;连不断地;for a moment for a moment 片刻,一会儿;片刻,一会儿;on all on all sides sides 在各方面;在各方面;at first sight at first sight 乍一看,初看起来。乍一看,初看起来。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()12.It was clear that the small grocery )12.It was clear that the small grocery was _ peopl

280、e he owed money to.was _ people he owed money to. A Aat the expense of Bat the expense of Bat the risk ofat the risk of C Cin the way of Din the way of Dat the mercy of at the mercy of D D句意:很显然,这家小杂货店是否能经营下去,句意:很显然,这家小杂货店是否能经营下去,就得看他欠了钱的那些人的脸色了。这里用就得看他欠了钱的那些人的脸色了。这里用at the at the mercy of mercy of

281、表示表示“任凭任凭的摆布,完全受的摆布,完全受支配支配”。at the expense of at the expense of 由由负担费用,以负担费用,以为代价;为代价;at the risk of at the risk of 冒着冒着的危险;的危险;in the way of in the way of 妨妨碍。碍。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()13.In order to accomplish the task on )13.In order to accomplish the task on time, they have been working for severa

282、l months time, they have been working for several months _._. A Ain public Bin public Bon end on end C Cat length Dat length Dfor oncefor once B B句意:为了按时完成这项任务,他们已经连续句意:为了按时完成这项任务,他们已经连续工作了几个月。这里用工作了几个月。这里用on end on end 表示表示“连续地连续地”in in public public 公开地,当众;公开地,当众;at length at length 详细地,最终,终详细地,最终

283、,终于;于;for once for once 就这一次。就这一次。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()14.Two minutes of silence will be )14.Two minutes of silence will be observed _ those who died in the observed _ those who died in the earthquake.earthquake. A Ain honor of Bin honor of Bin want of in want of C Cin praise of Din praise of Din fa

284、vor ofin favor of A A句意:为了纪念在地震中死去的人们,我们将句意:为了纪念在地震中死去的人们,我们将默哀两分钟。这里用默哀两分钟。这里用in honor of in honor of 表示表示“为了向为了向表表示敬意,为纪念示敬意,为纪念”。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()15.He)15.Hes particular about food. I s particular about food. I dare not serve him the dish, _his dare not serve him the dish, _his scolding.scold

285、ing. A Awith fear of Bwith fear of Bin fear ofin fear of C Cfor fear of Dfor fear of Don fear ofon fear of C C句意:他对食物很挑剔,我不敢招待他吃这道句意:他对食物很挑剔,我不敢招待他吃这道菜,生怕他会责骂。菜,生怕他会责骂。for fear of (for fear of (sthsth./doing ./doing sthsth.).)意为意为“唯恐,以免唯恐,以免”,符合句意。,符合句意。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()16.When they got there, t

286、hey found the )16.When they got there, they found the people suffering the storm were _ food people suffering the storm were _ food and water supply.and water supply. A Ain want of Bin want of Bin place of in place of C Cin view of Din view of Din support ofin support of A A句意:当他们到达那里时,发现那里的人们急句意:当他

287、们到达那里时,发现那里的人们急需食物和水。语境表示需食物和水。语境表示“缺少缺少”食物和供水,用食物和供水,用in in want ofwant of表示表示“缺少,需要缺少,需要”。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()17.)17.Learn how to manage time properly Learn how to manage time properly _. _. I will. II will. Ill be trying my best, Mum. ll be trying my best, Mum. A Aon your behalf Bon your behalf

288、Bon your own account on your own account C Cin your interest Din your interest Dfor your own favor for your own favor B B用用on oneon ones own accounts own account表示表示“为了自己的利益;为了自己的利益;依靠自己;自行负责依靠自己;自行负责”。 专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()18._ various complaints about )18._ various complaints about the Christmas s

289、how, I still think it was a feast the Christmas show, I still think it was a feast for our eyes.for our eyes. A AIn spite of BIn spite of BRegardless of Regardless of C COn account of DOn account of DIn case of In case of A A句意:尽管很多人对于这次圣诞演出颇有微词,句意:尽管很多人对于这次圣诞演出颇有微词,但我还是觉得它是一场视觉盛宴。用但我还是觉得它是一场视觉盛宴。用i

290、n spite ofin spite of表示表示转折,转折,“尽管,虽然尽管,虽然”。专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()19._ the limit of time, they )19._ the limit of time, they decided to allow each participant 3 minutes to decided to allow each participant 3 minutes to summarize their speech.summarize their speech. A AIn search of BIn search of BIn p

291、lace of In place of C CIn view of DIn view of DIn terms ofIn terms of C C句意:考虑到时间有限,他们决定给每个参赛句意:考虑到时间有限,他们决定给每个参赛者者3 3分钟时间来总结他们的演讲。分钟时间来总结他们的演讲。in view of in view of “考虑到,考虑到,鉴于鉴于”。 专题专题 五五 专题预测专题预测 ( ()20._ the rising birth rate and )20._ the rising birth rate and immigration, the declining death r

292、ate also immigration, the declining death rate also resulted in the population growth. resulted in the population growth. A AIn addition to BIn addition to BIn terms ofIn terms of C CIn consequence of DIn consequence of DIn spite ofIn spite of A A句意:出生率的上升,移民,还有死亡率的下句意:出生率的上升,移民,还有死亡率的下降,这些都是人口增长的因素。降,这些都是人口增长的因素。in addition to in addition to “除除了了之外之外( (还有还有) )”。



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