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1、Present perfect tense and present perfect continuous tense现在完成时与现在完成进行时现在完成时与现在完成进行时1.Police in America _their search for a boy who went missing. 2.The incident _ great interest due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of3. I _ Justin since .4. Some people in Dover also say that they _aliens

2、.5.So, while we _the idea, we are looking into other possibilities _6. Peterson , who _the case .Present perfect tenseReview:have stepped uphas received havent seenhave not dismissedas wellhas taken charge of have seen The Present Perfect Tense Form(结构结构):Summary:have/has + doneFind out some sentenc

3、es which are in the present perfect tense in the text. Mr Zhang has just bought a new car, but he has had touble with motorists. When he returns home at night he always find that someone has parked a car outside his gate. Because of this, he has not been able to get his own car into this garage even

4、 once. He has to walk home after he parks his car. “ whats the matter? Have you bought a car?” “ Yes, but” Mr Zhang has put up a “ No parking” sign outside his gate, but it has not any effect.has just boughthas hadhas parkedhas not beenHave you boughthas put up 1. The teacher in the black jacket has

5、 left . 2. We have studied English . 3. Kung Weizheng has already finished the homework . 4. He has had his lunch . 5.I have seen the film of Titanic twice . 6.Most students have made great progress in reading . 7.Mr Feng has just returned from Britain .Extension 1Summary 1: 表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影表示过去发生

6、的某一动作对现在造成的影响或产生的结果响或产生的结果.现在完成时这一时态强调现在完成时这一时态强调是过去动作与现在的联系是过去动作与现在的联系,也就是强调现在也就是强调现在的影响和结果的影响和结果.通常与表示包括现在在内的通常与表示包括现在在内的时间副词时间副词 just(刚刚)(刚刚), already(已经)(已经), before, yet(一般疑问:已经;否定句:(一般疑问:已经;否定句:还)还) never, ever等状语连用等状语连用Drill 1 1. I _(have) lunch already. 2. Has the train_ (arrive), yet? 3.Tom

7、e _ never_ (be to ) China. 4. The twin _just _(see) my father. 5. The twins _(see) my father just now.have hadarrivedhasbeen tohasseensawSummary 2: 强调某一动作或状态从过去某一时间开始延强调某一动作或状态从过去某一时间开始延续到现在且有可能继续下去用延续动词。续到现在且有可能继续下去用延续动词。通常和通常和for, since. so far, by now, until now, these days, in the last ten years

8、,引引导的时间状语连用。导的时间状语连用。 1.We (study) English for about four years.2.We (live) in Houji Middle School since three months ago.3.The old man _(已经死了)(已经死了)for two years .5.Justin _ for two weeks.6. I _Guo Yi these days.Drill 2have studiedhave livedhas been deadhavent seenhas been missingDrill 31.The price

9、 _recently, but I doubt whether it will remain so. A went down, B will go down C has gone down D was going down2. In the past few years there _ great changes in Da Miao town. A is B were C have been D will be.Time friends1. 迄今为止:迄今为止:so far, up till now, up to now, until now.2.最近的过去:最近的过去:in the las

10、t/past years, recently, lately, these few days.3.表示一段时间的短语:表示一段时间的短语:all day, all this year, all ones life 瞬间性动词如瞬间性动词如 arrive, join , die, get , come, buy, sell, leave, borrow, marry 等,以及终等,以及终止性动词如止性动词如start, begin, finish等,在现在完等,在现在完成时的肯定形式中不能与成时的肯定形式中不能与 “for + 一段时间一段时间”的时间状语连用,但可以用在否定句或这些的时间状语连

11、用,但可以用在否定句或这些动词对应的状态动词中。为了表述这种意思,动词对应的状态动词中。为了表述这种意思,我们常用相应的延续性动词我们常用相应的延续性动词have,keep,be.等等来代替非延续性动词。来代替非延续性动词。Tips :I have received his letter for two months. XI havent received his letter for two months. Choose the right answers1. I have joined/been in the army for ten year.2. He has been to /gon

12、e to Dalian many times.3. She has got married/been married to Roberts for a year.4. All the preparations for the task are completed/ have been completed ,and were ready to start.5. He has gone/ been away for two days.6. He has had/ has bought this book for a year.现在完成时与一般过去时的用法比较现在完成时与一般过去时的用法比较现在完成

13、时属于现在时态范围,因此,不能和现在完成时属于现在时态范围,因此,不能和 yesterday, last night, two weeks ago等表示过去的时间状语连用。等表示过去的时间状语连用。The plane has arrived . (说明现在的情况:飞机在这儿)(说明现在的情况:飞机在这儿)The plane arrived a quarter ago. (动作发生在过去与现在无(动作发生在过去与现在无关)关)I have taught here for fifteen years. (表示十五年前的动作(表示十五年前的动作一直延续到现在,还可能会继续。)一直延续到现在,还可能会

14、继续。)I taught here for a year. (曾在这儿教过,但现在不在这儿任(曾在这儿教过,但现在不在这儿任教了)教了)ComparasionCorrect the mistakesHis father has died. (for 2 years)The football match has begun.(since9:00a.m)The twins have joined the army. (since they are 18years old)My teacher has just left Nanjing. (for 3 days)His father has bee

15、n dead for 2 years.The football match has been on since 9:00 a.m.The twins have been soldiers/ been in the army since they are 18years old. My teacher has been away from Nanjing for 3 daysPut the following sentences into English.1.A: 火车已经开走了火车已经开走了.2. B: 什么时候开走的什么时候开走的?3. A: 半个小时之前开走的半个小时之前开走的.2.A:

16、这本书我已经买了两年了这本书我已经买了两年了.3. B: 你在哪儿买的你在哪儿买的? A: 在我老家买的在我老家买的.1.A: 你看过这部电影吗你看过这部电影吗?2. B: 看过看过.3. A: 什么时候看的什么时候看的.2. B: 上周星期天看的上周星期天看的.A: The train has left.B: When did it leave.A: It left half an hour ago.A: have you seen the film?B: Yes, I have.A: When did you see it?B: I saw it last Sunday.A: Ive ha

17、d the book for 2years.B: Where did you buy it?A: I bought it in my hometown. Make some sentences using the present perfect continuous tense. Competitiontranslation: 不累啊?你已跳了三个小时啦!不累啊?你已跳了三个小时啦!Arent you tired? You have been jumping for three hours. 她肯定累了,因为她一天一直在跳舞她肯定累了,因为她一天一直在跳舞She must be tired,

18、for she has been dancing all day.The Present Perfect Continuous Tense Part B:Part B:Form:have/has + been + doingI_ (sleep) since sveral days ago havent been sleepingConnection with the past: Connection with the present:I couldnt sleep several days ago. I am not sleeping well now.Analysis(分析分析) 意义:意义

19、:过去某时开始一直延续至今的动作,可能还要继续过去某时开始一直延续至今的动作,可能还要继续进行表示动作从过去某一时刻开始,一直延续到现在,现进行表示动作从过去某一时刻开始,一直延续到现在,现在这个动作可能刚刚终止,也可能仍然在进行着。在这个动作可能刚刚终止,也可能仍然在进行着。 Now that she is out of a job, Lucy _going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet. A. had considered B. has been considering C. considered D. is going to cons

20、iderReview高考链接高考链接 1. Where have you been? We _ for you everywhere . A. look B. were looking C. have been looking D. had been looked2. I wonder why Jenny _ us recently. We should have heard from her by now. A. hasnt written B. doesnt write C. wont write D. hadnt written Go through the explanations o

21、n page 10 in our book. Discuss the differences between the present perfect tense and the present perfect continuous tense comparisoncomparison现在完成时现在完成时现在完成进行时现在完成进行时动作已动作已完成完成动作在迄今为止的一段时动作在迄今为止的一段时间内曾经间内曾经延续进行和目前延续进行和目前还在进行还在进行强调动作的强调动作的结果或影响结果或影响强调动作强调动作持续进行持续进行1.The telephone _ (ring) for quite a

22、 while. Why _anyone_(answer) it?2.They _ (practise) the song of welcome to Beijing for some time now, but they still _ (not get) it righthas been ringing have not got has not answered have been practising 妙手填词妙手填词1.自从自从2001年以来年以来, 中国中国人的饮食已经发生了很人的饮食已经发生了很大的变化大的变化.Great changes have taken place inChinese diet since 20012.汤姆已经结婚汤姆已经结婚10年年了了. Tom has been married for ten years3. 学生把所有学生把所有的零花钱都捐的零花钱都捐给灾区了给灾区了(disaster area)The students have donated all their pocket money to the disaster area



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