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1、反反意意疑疑问问句句 苏涛苏涛反意疑问句反意疑问句反意疑问句又称附加疑问句反意疑问句又称附加疑问句,在一个在一个陈述句陈述句之后附上一个之后附上一个简短的疑问句简短的疑问句,对陈述句提,对陈述句提出相反的疑问,这种疑问句叫反意疑问句。出相反的疑问,这种疑问句叫反意疑问句。1. He isnt talking, is he? 2. We speak Chinese, dont we?结构结构: :陈述句陈述句+ +简短的一般疑问句简短的一般疑问句He goes to school on foot, _?一般疑问句一般疑问句:Does he go to school on foot?doesnt

2、heMary has gone to the library, _?hasnt sheHas Mary gone to the library?Tom cant dress himself, _?Can Tom dress himself?can he具体说明具体说明:1.前肯后否前肯后否,前否后肯前否后肯 陈述句陈述句(前句前句)是肯定时是肯定时,反意问句反意问句(后句后句)就用就用否定否定;前句是否定时前句是否定时, 后句用肯定后句用肯定.This story is scary, _ it?This story isnt scary, _ it?isntis2.前、后两句要注意前、后两句要

3、注意时态时态,人称的一致人称的一致.3.后句一定要用后句一定要用缩写的简略式缩写的简略式结构结构: :陈述句陈述句+ +简短的一般疑问句简短的一般疑问句4.后句用后句用代词代词,不用名词不用名词.在在 “There be” 句型中则用句型中则用there There isnt any water in the bottle, _? There will be a meeting later, _?5. 疑问句部分疑问句部分动词动词的使用要的使用要根据陈述句根据陈述句而定而定.Be 动词动词 1. You are an actor, _? 2. She is going to visit me,

4、 _? 3. It wasnt fine yesterday, _?is therewont therearent youisnt shewas it行为动词:行为动词:1. It often rains here, _?2. You have a headache, _?3. I called you yesterday, _?4. It doesnt rain here, _ ?5.You didnt call me yesterday, _?助动词助动词/ /情态动词:情态动词:1. You will go to America, _?2. We have ever been to Sh

5、anghai, _?3. He hasnt done his homework, _?4. You should try your best, _?doesnt itdont youdidnt I does itdid youwont youhavent wehas heshouldnt you6.不管前句是肯定的还是否定的不管前句是肯定的还是否定的,回答时回答时内容是肯定的内容是肯定的, 就用就用yes; 反之反之, 则用则用no.It didnt rain last week, _ it?上周没下雨吧上周没下雨吧? 是的是的,没下雨。没下雨。 No, it didnt. 不不,下雨了。下雨

6、了。 Yes, it did. It will rain tomorrow, _ it? 是的是的,会下雨。会下雨。 Yes, it will. 不,不会下雨。不,不会下雨。 No, it wont.didwont注意注意1. 陈述部分是陈述部分是I am 或或 Im 时时,疑问部分用疑问部分用 arent I.Im late again, _?Im not the only one to come, _?2. 前句含有前句含有否定否定意义的词意义的词,如如hardly, never, no, little, few, seldom, nothing, nobody等等,后后句要用句要用肯定式

7、肯定式 He has never seen the film, _? He made few mistakes, _? There is no air on the moon, _ ?has hedid heis therearent Iam INothing is wrong with the radio, _?3.前句主语是前句主语是this, that, everything, nothing, something等时等时,后句用后句用it;前句主语是前句主语是these, those时时,后句用后句用they.This is a useful tool,_?isnt itis itTh

8、ese arent notebooks,_?are they4.当当have 用作用作行为动词行为动词不表示不表示“有有”时时, 附加疑问句部分附加疑问句部分, 助动词要用助动词要用do.He often has lunch at 12, _?They had a meeting yesterday, _?He has been there twice,_?doesnt hedidnt theyhasnt he5.当当have to(不得不不得不)用在前句中用在前句中,后句也后句也须用助动词须用助动词do.You have to study hard, _?dont youHe has to

9、get up early, _?doesnt he6. had better(最好最好)用在前句时用在前句时,后句要后句要 用用had.Youd better go at once, _?Hed better not be late, _?hadnt youhad he7.在在祈使句祈使句后的反意问句统一用后的反意问句统一用will you,当祈使句以当祈使句以Lets开头则用开头则用shall we.Dont come to school late, _?will youPlease be quiet, _?will youLets go and help him, _?shall weLe

10、t us go and help him, _?will youLet me help him, _?will you8. 情态动词情态动词must表示表示 “必须必须”时时,反反意疑问句用意疑问句用must,当表示当表示猜测猜测时时,则则需要用相应的需要用相应的动词动词be,进行反意。进行反意。He must be your new teacher, _?You must finish your work on time, _?You must be here on time, _?isnt hemustnt youmustnt you9.否定前缀不能视为否定词否定前缀不能视为否定词,其反意

11、疑问其反意疑问句仍用否定形式。句仍用否定形式。 It is impossible, _? isnt itHe doesnt like it, _? does heHe dislikes it, _? doesnt he1. Let me help you,_?2. Lets go swimming, _?3. Let us do it,_?4. Open the door for me, _?5. Bring me some paper,_?6. Dont move the chair,_?7. Dont let them catch you,_?8. Hell come ,_?9. We h

12、ad better go ,_?10. He has to stay here all day,_?will youshall wewill youwill youwill you反意疑问句练习反意疑问句练习will youwill youwont hehadnt wedoesnt he11. He never used to swim in winter, _?12. There used to be a bookstore her, _?13. You mustnt walk on the grass, _?14. I didnt think he would come, _?15. He

13、 thought I was wrong, _?used he/ did heusednt there?/didnt theremust youdid I didnt he16. He doesnt like this kind of music, _? 17. He dislikes this kind of music, _?does hedoesnt he1. Lets go swimming, _?2. Let us do it,_?3. Open the door for me, _?4. Bring me some paper,_?5. Dont let them catch yo

14、u,_?6. Hell come ,_?7. We had better go ,_?8. He has to stay here all day,_?9.You need to come earlier, _?10.None of us need stay here, _?will youwill youwill youwill youwont hehadnt wedoesnt hedont youneed we11. He never used to swim in winter, _?12. There used to be a bookstore her, _?13. You mustnt walk on the grass, _?14. I didnt think he would come, _?15. He thought I was wrong, _?16. He doesnt like this kind of music, _? 17. He dislikes this kind of music, _?used he/ did heusednt there?/didnt theremust youdid I didnt hedoes hedoesnt he



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