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1、单元要点回顾知识要点重点内容重点单词 1_ vi.不同;相异_adj.不同的 _n不同,不同之处2_ adj.精确的,准确的;精密的 _ adv.精确地,准确地3_ adj.商业的;贸易的_ n商业;贸易4_ v反对;不赞成_ n不赞成;反对;异议5_ vt.积累,聚积_n积累,聚积differdifferentdifferenceexactexactlycommercialcommerceobjectobjectionaccumulateaccumulation 知识要点重点内容重点单词 6_ vt.退休;离开_n退休7_ n假定;设想_v以为;设想;承担;呈现8_ n规则,规章;法规_v规

2、范;调节_adj.定期的,有规律的;正规的9_ v抵抗,对抗_n抵抗,反抗;抵抗力_adj.有抵抗力的10_ adv.仅;只;不过_ adj.仅仅的;只不过的 retireretirementassumptionassumeregulationregulateregularresistresistanceresistantmerelymere知识要点重点内容重点短语 1_沮丧2_不久后3_使复活4_不时;偶尔5_赞成6_注定;一定7_成功;有回报8_白费力气9_使刻骨铭心10_状况很好/坏 cast downshortly afterbringback to lifefrom time to

3、timein favor ofbe bound to dopay offin vainstrikeinto ones heartin good/bad condition知识要点重点内容重点句式 1Cloning plants is straightforward _ cloning animals is very complicated.克隆植物简单,但克隆动物就非常复杂了。2The fact _ she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.她看来是在正常地成长着,这很令人鼓舞。3_Dolly had become seriousl

4、y ill.接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。while that Then came the disturbing news that 知识要点重点内容重点句式 4Did she_because she was a clone?因为她是克隆的,所以才早逝了吗?5It _ unfair to clone any extinct animals if they _ in a zoo.如果只能生活在动物园里,那么克隆任何灭绝动物都是不公平的。 die young would bewere to live知识要点重点内容重点语法 1The fact is _ these are both examples

5、 of natural clones.2The fact _she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.3Then came the disturbing news _ Dolly had become seriously ill. that that that 课文缩写根据短文内容和提示,用本单元所学的词汇、短语以及句型完成下面短文。With the College Entrance Exam coming, 1_(不时地) we hear students discuss whether Senior 3 students sho

6、uld take a lot of tonics (补品) to keep fit.There are 2_ (differ) opinions about it. Some students have a strong 3_(object) to taking tonics, because tonics will make them put on more weight, which 4_(不合适) their health. Moreover, the parents will 5_ (有很大影响) the senior students if they show too much co

7、ncern by offering them tonics, which 6_(一定) bring more stress to the Senior 3 students.They will 7_ (感到沮丧) and shame when they cant 8_ (达到) their hopes.Besides, they dont think their efforts will 9_(得到回报) only if they take tonics.They 10_(赞成) the opinion that it is easy for the Senior 3 students to

8、feel tired by working hard, and tonics can help to 11_(使他们恢复精力) as soon as possible, so it is 12_(reason) to take some tonics.【答案】1from time to time 2different 3objection4is not appropriate for5have a great impact on6is bound to7feel cast down8attain9pay off10are in favour of11bring themselves back to energy12reasonable



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