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1、兰州三十四中兰州三十四中魏魏 巍巍高考英语完形填空命题特点1.行文结构上先叙事,后讲道理。行文结构上先叙事,后讲道理。2.主题明确,文意前后呼应。主题明确,文意前后呼应。3.内容生活化,但具有积极的教育意义。内容生活化,但具有积极的教育意义。4.考查单词以实词考查单词以实词(v.,n.,adj.,adv,pron.)为主,虚词为主,虚词(conj.,prep.)为辅。实词一般占为辅。实词一般占80%-90%,其中又以动、名、形的近义词辨,其中又以动、名、形的近义词辨析为主。析为主。完形填空对于解题的能力要求1.语言性息的整合和总结能力语言性息的整合和总结能力. 2.很强的逻辑思维。很强的逻辑思


3、_.富人送了一头富人送了一头_ 给他给他.嘱咐他好好开荒嘱咐他好好开荒,等等_来了撒上种来了撒上种子子,秋天就可以远离那个秋天就可以远离那个”穷穷”字了字了. 穷人满怀穷人满怀_ 开始奋斗开始奋斗._过了几天过了几天,牛要吃草牛要吃草,人要吃饭人要吃饭,日子比过去还要日子比过去还要_.穷人就穷人就想想,不如把牛卖了不如把牛卖了, 买几只羊买几只羊,先先_ 一只来吃一只来吃,剩剩下的还可以生小羊下的还可以生小羊, 长大了可以拿去长大了可以拿去_, 赚更赚更多的钱多的钱.善心善心致富致富牛牛春天春天希望希望没想到没想到艰难艰难杀杀卖卖Put the skills into practice按词类分

4、: 1.实词例1: Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. 1 , illness or accidents may occur without 2 .1.a.Obviously b.Unfortunately c.Naturally d.Occasionally2.a.reason b.information c.warning d.notice按词类分: 1.实词例2:Over the last few years manufacturers have been_1_reducing the size and weight of video-cass

5、ette recorders to make the equipment more_2_.1.a.steadily b.constantly c.frequently d.essentially2.a.valuable b.portable c.selective d.economical按词类分: 1.实词例3: About 120,000 people_1_to the city every year. They come for the few_2_jobs, which are usually no better than_3_they left.1.a.change b.arrive

6、 c.drive d.move2.a.possible b.popular c.available d.convenient3.a.one b.the one c.ones d.the ones按词类分: 2.虚词例4: _1_you have chosen an article to read, you will find the important general information_2_the key facts in the first few paragraphs.1.a.While b.Once c.As soon as d.Whenever2.a.with b.by c.fo

7、r d.at按词类分: 2.虚词例5: when I have free time, I go _1_a long walk. Some people read books or watch TV_2_others have sports.1.a.to b.for c.on d.with2a.and b.but c.yet d.while 按词类分: 2.虚词l例6:l the audience waited_1_silence while their aged speaker searched among his notes_2_the figures he could not rememb

8、er.l1.a.for b.in c.at d.duringl2.a.for b.of c.about d.on按词类分: 3.词组l例7: He was only fourteen and was not good at swimming_1_.So he _2_into that place.1.a.after all b.in all c.at all d.for all2.a.neednt go b.neednt have gone c.shouldntt go d.shouldnt have gone例8:(词组) We _1_about when man first began t

9、o use salt,but we do know that it has been used in many different ways throughout the history._2_,it is recorded in many books that people who lived over 3000 years ago ate salted fish.thousands of years ago in Egypt,salt_3_the dead.1.a.have all known b.have no idea c.havent any ideas d.have an idea

10、2.a.For example b.Such as c.First of all d.Above all3.a.used to preserve b.got used to preserving c.used to preserving d.was used to preservel例9:(词组) The English language serves about 250 million people,or about one tenth of the worlds population,as a mother tongue,_1_,it is more or less correctly u

11、sed by_2_100 million,more as a secondary language,ranging_3_from the Pidgin English of the Islands of Melanesia to the almost perfect speech of cultured foreigners.1.a.However b.As a result c.in addition to d.In addition2.a.at least b.at most c.most and least d.more than enough3.a.all the way b.by t

12、he way c.on the way d.in the way按形式分:1.单纯性选择l例10: _1_methods have been used to_2_ the intelligence of every child-dull,bright,or normal.1.a.Valuable b.various c.Unique d.unusual2.a.measure b.describe c.illustrate d.recognize按形式分:1.单纯性选择l例11:The tourist paid 700 pounds for the painting,but he_1_that

13、he didnt know its_2_worth.1.a.promised b.claimed c.admitted d.permitted2.a.practical b.additional c.adequate d.actual按形式分:1.单纯性选择l例12: _1_,no one was hurt in the accident,but some passengers suffered from_2_.1.a.Obviously b.Surprisingly c.Fortunately d.Unfortunately2.a.distress b.shock c.failure d.t

14、rouble按形式分:1.单纯性选择l例13: Being much too fat,Stella was advised to_1_her food for each meal,yet,she would have_2_of that.1.a.relax b.reduce c.relieve d.remove2.a.no b.not c.none d.nothing按形式分:1.单纯性选择l例14: At an early age the youth will develop his_1_,and the kind of home life he has will greatly_2_the

15、 development.1.a.hobby b.personality c.intelligence d.knowledge2.a.increase b.enhance c.encourage d.influence按形式分:2.常识性选择l例15: Everyone has seen the Olympic Games at some time-either in Montreal,Barcelona. and everyone knows that_1_started the Games.But most people dont know the real story.1.a.Greek

16、s b.French c.Americans d.English按形式分:2.常识性选择l例16: There are twenty-seven bridges over the Thames.Tower Bridge,the first bridge over the Thames as you travel toward_1_ from the sea,is the most famous of them all.1.a.Europe b.America c.London d.China按形式分:2.常识性选择l例17: One of the most famous statues in

17、the would stands on an island in New York Harbor. This statue is,of course,the Statue of liberty ().The Statue of liberty is a(an)_1_who holds a_2_up high.1.a.man b.woman c.child d.old2.a.cane b.candle c.torch d.lamp按形式分:2.近义词选择l例18: He used to have a_1_of coin-collection,but he has given it up.1.a.

18、custom b.habit c.hobby d.like按形式分:2.近义词选择l例19:lAmerican school children can be seen every day_ white sneakers,blue sneakers,black sneakers and even red ones.1.a.putting on b.having on c.wearing d.dressing按形式分:2.近义词选择l例20:l The wounded soldier was unconscious but still_1_when taken to the hospital.1.

19、a.living b.alive c.live d.lively按形式分:2.近义词选择l例21: While some people think that sugar is the best_1_of_2_,others believe that sugar is bad for human health.1.a.origin b.source c.resource d.cause2.a.power b.energy c.force d.strength按形式分:2.近形词选择l例22: The manager gave his _1_that her complaint would be

20、investigated.1.a.assurance b.reassurance c.insurance d.ensurance按形式分:2.近形词选择l例23: $500,000,000 is a small amount of money_1_the size of the market.1.a.considered b.consideration c.considerable d.considering按形式分:2.近形词选择l例24: Its wonderful for the fact that the Chinese team won an unexpected gold_1_in

21、 Sydney,12 more than its previous best.1.a.metals b.medals c.models d.modals按形式分:2.惯用法选择l例25: It suddenly_1_me that if we want to go on a picnic tomorrow we had better do some preparations this evening.1.a.hit on b.struck c.occurred d.drawn按形式分:2.惯用法选择l例26: Safe operation means that both the operato

22、rs and the equipment are_1_from harm.1.a.kept b.freed c.prevented d.hidden按形式分:2.惯用法选择l例27: We were almost exhausted before we finally_1_sight of the dilapidated temple which was said to be one of the remains_2_back to the fifteen century B.C.1.a.held b.caught c.got d.took2.a.dating b.traced c.going

23、 d.returned按句义分:l例28: Suppose you_1_the telephone when it rings,and suppose that,for once,somebody has an important message for you.I can_2_you that if a massage is really important it will _3_you sooner or later.1.a.neglect b.dont mind c.ignorant d.ignore2.a.assure b.promise c.ensure d.trust3.a.get

24、 to b.reach c.arrive at d.make for按句义分:l例29: It was after midnight,and I was on my way home.The footsteps that_1_me through the dark street in the East End of London were_2_of two young men who were obviously_3_no good.1.a.stooped b.pursued c.followed d.traced2.a.those b.that c.ones d.one3.a.of b.fo

25、r c.up to d.on to按句义分:l例30: Nearly three-quarters of the earth is covered_1_water.Water heats up more slowly than land,_2_once it has become warm it takes longer to fall_3_.1.a.on b.with c.in d.by2.a.so b.and c.then d.but3.a.down b.up c.apart d.behind按句义分:l例31:lMrs. White aid laughingly that_1_she w

26、as so young she should hide her packet in her pocket in_2_a policeman saw it._3_,the little girl did not seem to find this very funny.1.a.as b.for c.while d.though2.a.consequence b.time c.case d.fact3.a.otherwise b.nevertheless c.Moreover d.Therefore完形练习.doc按句义分:l例32: Strangely enough,I once tried t

27、o get sick.I didntt wear a sweater _1_I should, and I walked in the rain_2_my boots and my feet got soaked. _3_so far nothing wrong has happened.1.a.while b.provided c.when d.though2.a.with b.in c.by d.without3.a.But b.Then c.Therefore d.Yet 按句义分:l例33:Some parents are greatly worried_1_their childre

28、n fail to do well in their studies. They_2_either genetic factors or laziness,_3_they never take these non-intelligence factors into_4_. 1.a.about b.with c.when d.since2.a.blame plain c.confuse d.condemn3.a.nevertheless b.similarly c.therefore d.but 4.a.figures b.consideration c.granted d.reflection

29、按句义分:l例36:_1_hungry,the people sometimes would kill the animals in the lords forest for fuel;_2_when cold,they might cut down trees for fuel._3_,strong laws were passed in an_3_to protect the forests and the animals.1.a.If b.When c.Once d.After2.a.and b.but c.or d.yet3.a.Besides b.In addition c.So d.However4.a.effect b.effort c.offer d.afford



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