2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 First aid课件 新人教版必修5

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1、Unit 5Unit 5First aidFirst aid基础知识基础知识梳理梳理考点知识考点知识导练导练基础知识基础知识梳理梳理 抓主干抓主干固双基固双基单单词词拓拓展展 1.1. v.& n.v.& n.治疗治疗; ;款待款待 n.n.治疗治疗; ;处理处理; ;对待对待 2.2. vt. vt.涂涂; ;搽搽; ;应用应用 vi.vi.申请申请; ;使用使用; ;有效有效 n. n.申请申请; ;应用应用 n. n.申请人申请人3.3. n. n.压力压力, ,压迫压迫( (感感) ) v. v.按按, ,压压, ,逼迫逼迫treattreattreatmenttreatmentapp

2、lyapplyapplicationapplicationapplicantapplicantpressurepressurepresspress单单词词拓拓展展 4.4. n.& vt.n.& vt.毒害毒害 adj.adj.有毒的有毒的 5.5. vi.& vt.vi.& vt.流血流血 n. n.血血, ,血统血统, ,血液血液 adj.adj.出血的出血的, ,伤亡惨重的伤亡惨重的6.6. n.n.损伤损伤; ;伤害伤害 v.v.伤害伤害 adj.adj.受伤的受伤的 7.7. n.n.变化变化; ;多样多样( (化化) ) v.v.变化变化 adj.adj.各种各样的各种各样的poi

3、sonpoisonpoisonouspoisonousbleedbleedbloodbloodbloodybloodyinjuryinjuryinjureinjureinjuredinjuredvarietyvarietyvaryvaryvariousvarious单单词词拓拓展展 8.8. adj. adj.轻微的轻微的; ;温柔的温柔的 adv.adv.轻微地轻微地; ;温和地温和地9.9. adj. adj. 难以忍受的难以忍受的 adj. adj. 可忍受的可忍受的 vt. vt.忍受忍受; ;承受承受 n.n.熊熊 10.10. adj. adj.牢的牢的; ;紧密的紧密的 adv.

4、adv.紧地紧地; ;牢牢地牢牢地11.11. adj. adj.坚定的坚定的 adv. adv.坚固地坚固地, ,稳定地稳定地 n. n.坚定坚定, ,坚固坚固 mildmildmildlymildlyunbearableunbearablebearablebearablebearbeartighttighttightlytightlyfirmfirmfirmlyfirmlyfirmnessfirmness单单词词拓拓展展 12.12. n.n.症状症状, ,征兆征兆 adj.adj.作为症状的作为症状的13.13. n. n.勇敢勇敢, ,勇气勇气 adj. adj.勇敢的勇敢的 adv.

5、 adv.勇敢地勇敢地14.14. n.& vt. n.& vt.帮助帮助; ;援助援助; ;资助资助15.vital 15.vital adj. adj. . . symptomsymptomsymptomaticsymptomaticbraverybraverybravebravebravelybravelyaidaid至关重要的至关重要的短短语语记记忆忆1.1. ill ill生病生病2.2. place place 在适当的位置在适当的位置; ;适当适当3.make a 3.make a 有影响有影响; ;起起( (重要重要) )作用作用4.first 4.first 急救急救5.el

6、ectric 5.electric 触电触电; ;电休克电休克6.squeeze 6.squeeze 榨出榨出; ;挤出挤出7.over 7.over over again over again 反复反复; ;多次多次8.put ones hands 8.put ones hands 找到找到9.a number 9.a number 若干若干; ;许多许多 fallfallinindifferencedifferenceaidaidshockshockoutoutandandononofof句句型型整整理理1.Remove clothing using scissors 1.Remove c

7、lothing using scissors unless it unless it is stuck to the burn. is stuck to the burn. 除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上, ,否则都要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的话否则都要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的话, ,可可 以使用剪刀。以使用剪刀。2.John 2.John in his room in his room he heard he heard screaming. screaming. 约翰正在房间里学习约翰正在房间里学习, ,这时突然听到一声尖叫。这时突然听到一声尖叫。 ififnecessarynec

8、essarywaswasstudyingstudyingwhenwhen考点知识考点知识导练导练 解疑难解疑难提知能提知能1.aid n. & vt.1.aid n. & vt.帮助帮助; ;援助援助; ;资助资助归纳拓展归纳拓展aid sb.with sth.aid sb.with sth.以某物帮助某人以某物帮助某人aid sb.in (doing) sth.aid sb.in (doing) sth.在某方面帮助某人在某方面帮助某人aid sb.to do sth.aid sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事come/go to sb.s aidcome/go to s

9、b.s aid来来/ /去帮助某人去帮助某人first aidfirst aid急救急救 高考运用高考运用: :完成句子完成句子A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her ( (急救急救) ) and I joined in without hesitation. and I joined in without hesitation.O On ne e o of f t th he e s st ta at ti io on n s st ta

10、 af ff f s sa aw w h he e w wa as s i in n d di if ff fi ic cu ul lt ty y a an nd d ( (来帮助他来帮助他).).答案答案: :first aidfirst aidcame to his aidcame to his aid2.treat vt.& vi.2.treat vt.& vi.治疗治疗; ;对待对待; ;款待款待 n. n.款待款待; ;招待招待归纳拓展归纳拓展treat sb.like/as sth.treat sb.like/as sth.把把当当看待看待treat sb.to sth.treat

11、 sb.to sth.招待某人招待某人treat sb.with respect/kindness treat sb.with respect/kindness 尊敬尊敬/ /善待某人善待某人be ones treatbe ones treat由某人请客由某人请客 高考运用高考运用: :完成句子完成句子答案答案: :treatedtreatedtreatedtreatedtreating;totreating;toThe hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment,allowing The hospital has recently

12、 obtained new medical equipment,allowing more patients to be more patients to be ( (治疗治疗).().(20172017天津卷天津卷)From my own perspective,online voting should be From my own perspective,online voting should be ( (对待对待) ) rationally. rationally.The little girl is always The little girl is always her broth

13、er her brother ( (请请吃吃) ) ice-cream in summer. ice-cream in summer.3.apply vt.3.apply vt.应用应用, ,运用运用; ;涂涂, ,敷敷, ,搽搽 vi. vi.申请申请, ,请求请求, ,使用使用, ,有效有效归纳拓展归纳拓展apply (to sb.)for sth.(apply (to sb.)for sth.(向向)申请申请,请求请求apply to apply to 适用于适用于; ;对对有效有效(to(to为介词为介词) )apply oneself/ones mind to.apply onese

14、lf/ones mind to.致力于致力于,集中精集中精 力做力做apply.to.apply.to.把把应用于应用于;将将涂涂/ /贴在贴在上上 高考运用高考运用: :完成句子完成句子答案答案: :apply forapply forapplied toapplied toApplying yourself toApplying yourself toI Im m L Li i H Hu ua a, ,a a s st tu ud de en nt t f fr ro om m C Cl la as ss s 2 2, ,G Gr ra ad de e 3 3. .I Im m w wr

15、ri it ti in ng g t to o ( (申请申请) the position as a student volunteer.) the position as a student volunteer.The new technology was The new technology was ( (应用应用) farming.) farming. ( (专心于专心于) your study,youll pass the ) your study,youll pass the 2019 National College Entrance Examination. 2019 Natio

16、nal College Entrance Examination.4.fall ill4.fall ill生病生病; ;病倒病倒归纳拓展归纳拓展fall asleepfall asleep入睡入睡=fall into sleep=fall into sleepfall awakefall awake清醒清醒fall silentfall silent静下来静下来fall to piecesfall to pieces崩溃崩溃, ,倒塌倒塌fall in love withfall in love with爱上爱上 高考运用高考运用: :完成句子完成句子答案答案: :fallen asleepf

17、allen asleepfall to piecesfall to piecesfell in love withfell in love with.nearly 60% of 7- to 12-year-olds said they felt tired during .nearly 60% of 7- to 12-year-olds said they felt tired during the day,and 15% said they had the day,and 15% said they had ( (入睡入睡) at school.) at school.( (20172017

18、浙江浙江, ,阅读理解阅读理解B B)Hes worried the business will Hes worried the business will ( (崩溃崩溃) ) without him. without him.They They ( (爱上爱上) each other at ) each other at first sight. first sight.特别提示特别提示: :fall illfall ill短语中的短语中的fallfall为系动词为系动词, ,意为意为“进入进入状态状态; ;变为变为”, ,是短暂是短暂性动词性动词, ,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用不能与表

19、示一段时间的状语连用;be ill;be ill表示生病的状态表示生病的状态, ,可以与表示一可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。段时间的状语连用。Suddenly he Suddenly he fell illfell ill and ran a high fever. and ran a high fever.他突然病倒他突然病倒, ,发起高烧。发起高烧。He has He has been illbeen ill for a week. for a week.他生病一周了。他生病一周了。5.in place5.in place在适当的位置在适当的位置; ;适当适当归纳拓展归纳拓展out of

20、placeout of place不在适当的位置不在适当的位置in the first/second/next placein the first/second/next place首先首先, ,第一第一/ /第二第二/ /其次其次in ones place in ones place 处于某人的境地处于某人的境地; ;代替代替in place ofin place of代替代替, ,取代取代 高考运用高考运用: :完成句子完成句子答案答案: :in placein placeout of placeout of placein place ofin place ofWith everythi

21、ng With everything ( (适当适当, ,恰当恰当),she started to dance ),she started to dance to the music. to the music.Being poor,he felt completely Being poor,he felt completely ( (不恰当不恰当, ,不不 自在自在) among those rich people.) among those rich people.The doctor advised her to eat more bean products The doctor adv

22、ised her to eat more bean products ( (代替代替) ) meat which might be harmful to her heart. meat which might be harmful to her heart.6.make a difference6.make a difference区别对待区别对待; ;有影响有影响; ;起起( (重要重要) )作用作用归纳拓展归纳拓展tell the differencetell the difference分辨分辨, ,区分区分, ,区别区别make some/no difference (to sb./s

23、th.)make some/no difference (to sb./sth.)对对有些有些 ( (没有没有) )作用作用 高考运用高考运用: :完成句子完成句子答答案案: :making making a a differencedifferencetell tell the the differencedifferencemake make any any differencedifference H Ha an nn na ah h i is s o on ne e o of f m ma an ny y e ex xa am mp pl le es s o of f y yo ou

24、un ng g p pe eo op pl le e w wh ho o a ar re e ( (有影响有影响) in the world.() in the world.(20172017北京北京, ,完形填空完形填空) )Before birth,babies can Before birth,babies can ( (区分区分) between ) between loud sounds and voices.( loud sounds and voices.(20172017江苏江苏, ,阅读理解阅读理解B B)Whatever she says will not Whatever she says will not to our to our arrangements. arrangements.



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