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1、高考词汇课堂主讲名师:新东方赵丽高考词汇学习法1.听,说2.阅读NVN搞整做3.写car事故,白羊 视觉型 听觉型 混合型不同人群背词方式不同 911事件 clash 碰撞 crash 失事 smash 打碎 ash ashamed 羞愧 如何记住词汇1.记忆最佳时刻兴奋和半饥饿状态2.环境重要:合作背词镜子3.背词的原理(艾宾浩斯)=b2-根据艾宾浩斯总结的遗忘规律:方法音形义haunt1)常来常往的地方2)鬼神出没的地方3)萦绕词汇记忆方案1.谐音法: woo ambition ponderous diamond journey 2.拆分法3.字母转换法:stressed-desserts

2、break-brakelater-altermood-doomlive-4.形近记忆法:HSK5.词根词缀法 vis 看 vision visible invisible revise revision supervise 6.拼音法:bandagebiscuit language 7.生活品牌学英语: coach luxury dove safeguard robust tide Raid Idle G8.词源法9.口诀法 toil and moil foil spoil boil toil up a steep hill We foiled his attempt to escape. T

3、hey spoil their 10.形象含义联想法:ooloomgloombloomeepeeppeeri-isolatecaricatureb-第一部分真题词汇串记1. Over the past decades, sea ice has _ in the Arctic as a result of global warming.A. decreased B. registered C. attached D. appliedAarm/arcArcticthe Arcticthe Arctic OceanAntarcticthe AA. decreaseincreaseHis employ

4、er has increased his wages.Increase in population made birth control necessary.B. registerregistered the birth of his childregister sth. in ones 故事串记registerbridegroomvicarcathedralcreamscreamShe screamed in C. attachattachlabeltoparcelMarywasattachedtoherbrother.D.applyIapplicationapplication packa

5、gepackThey packed their bags and 2. We are at your service. Dont _ to turn to us if you have any further problems.A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seekA. begI begged her not to go.B. hesitateI hesitate to ask you.Bbordertide-editedit a collection of short storieseditioneditorcreditHe is credited with

6、 the imagineI imagine him as a big tall man.Dont imagine yourself to be always correct.image to be image of sb. jamto jam various things into a forgiveIll never forgive you.forget She forgot to post the letter.C. desireHe has no desire for wealth.delightI was delighted to invite annoybe annoyed with

7、 sb. for sth.dizzydollarmaid pond D. seekseek to do good. ICQ OICQ (opening ICQ)-QQhide and 3. The loss has not yet been _ accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars.A. calculated B. considered C. completed D. controlledAaccuratelycuriouscurepuresureinsuranceinsureA.

8、calculateto calculate the cost of a journeycirculate B. considerconsiderateconsiderationpresidentC. complete plentyD. 4. Here is my card. Lets keep in _.A. touch B. relationC. connection D. friendshipA. touchB. relation relativeAtranslateC. connectD. 5. Some parents are just too protective. They wan

9、t to _ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.A. spot B. dismiss C. shelter D. distinguishCA. spot sword swing swallow sweat loose loose swift swift B. dismiss miss missile mistake mistaken misunderstand C. shelter D. 6. Do you have enough to _ all your daily expenses? Oh yes, enough

10、 and to spare.A. cover B. spend C. fill D. offerAA. cover discover discovery recover B. spend (spent, spent) spend . on C. fill fill . with fill in full D. offerconference differ ferry prefer refersuffer 7. Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to _ them too hard.A. draw B. strike C

11、. rush D. pushencourageencouragementdiscourage courageDutch courageDA. drawdrawing drawer B. strike C. rushD. push bush brush pushrush口诀:不在灌木丛中,加花变成刷子,前扑才是推出,花前才变奔跑。8. Dont worry if you dont understand everything, the teacher will _ the main points at the end.A. recover B. review C. require D. remem

12、berBA. recover B. review reviewer preview view viewer C. require requirement D. remember memory memorial member 9. If you leave the club, you will not be _ back in .A. received B. admitted C. frozen D. movedA. receive receipt receptorBB. admit admission permit permission C. frozenfreezebreeze D. mov

13、e movement remove movie mobile mobile 10. Her shoes _ her dress; they look very well together.A. praise B. fit C. compare D. matchA. praise pray price pride DB. fit fit sb. fitting roomC. compare separate separately separation prepare preparation paragraph D. matchThe curtains do not match with the

14、decoration.atch系列串记:陈景润把蛋hatch(孵化)还不时把蛋watch(注视)后来被妈妈catch(发觉)妈妈笑着说patch(傻瓜)人怎么和鸡match(相比)11. China has got a good _ for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.A. reputation B. influenceC. impression D. knowledgeA. reputationcomputercomputer gameAmicrocomputer microscope m

15、icrowave B. influence flu C. impression press pressure impress express expression D. 12. The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any _ when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April, 2009.A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. commerceA. delay谐音法串记一组Achampionbenchchartbillfleefadet

16、rembleextremelyleague B. effortfortfortressC. scheduleD. commercemerchant 13. Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for _ building.A. respect B. friendship C. character D. selectionCA. respectsuspectinspectespeciallyspeciesexpect special specialist sprayspreadspin spi

17、tsplit sparrowB. friendship C. character D. 14. In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a _ for everyone to stand up.A. signal B. quake C. mark D. measureA. signalsignaturesigndesign AB. quakehurricane volcano delugeC. markbookmarkremarkD. 15. He says that my new car

18、 is a _ of money. Dont you think those words are just sour grapes?A. lack B. load C. question D. wasteA. lackB. loaddownloadDC. questionrequestD. wastewaterwave 16. From their _ on the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view of the city.A. stage B. position C. condition D. situationA. s

19、tageBB. position composition expose purpose suppose C. condition D. situation 17. Im trying to break the _ of getting up too late .A. tradition B. convenience C. habit D. leisureA. traditiontrad = transtranslatetransport CB. convenienceconvenientpreventinventinvention C. habitD. leisureamuse 18. The

20、 system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library.A. access B. passage C. way D. approachdigitaltal系列:Amental digitalcapitalmetal total A. accessaccessiblesuccesssuccessfulunsuccessful B. passagepass passage C. wayrailwaysidewayfreewayD. 19. Im not s

21、urprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a _ imagination.A. clear B. cautiousC. funny D. vividA. clearDB. cautious C. funny sunnygrannypennyfunnyD. constant pestjuicecombinepuzzlegoosetreasurehowlsquid narrow 20.In the good care of the nurses, the boy is _ recovering from his heart o

22、peration.A. quietly B. actually C. practically D. graduallyA. quietlyquiet quiteDmapleample bare bearfare fearrare rearpare B. actuallyact actionexactactive activity bacteriumcharacter C. practically practicalpracticepractiseD. 高考词汇串记第一组谐音法串记punishpatiencepatient 第二组第三组spirinspirespiritspiritual 第四组

23、 第五组 fecteffectperfect 第六组countcountdiscountaccountbank 第七组拆分法串记calmhibernatetheme ancestorA第八组大学四年第九组迷你系列第十组enoughroughtoughenough 粗糙的rough,结实的tough,足够的enough。第十一组lag flaglash flashlame flameare flarelip fliplight 第十二组口诀ailmailtail nailfailail小狐狸想mail它的tail and nail,没想到却fail,气得小狐狸ail。第十三组第十四组星星sta

24、rastronaut astronomydisaster 第十五组太阳第十六组公鸡打门cocksockknockblockshockrocklock有一个有一个COCKCOCK穿上穿上SOCK SOCK ,不断不断KNOCKKNOCK,发现被发现被BLOCKBLOCK,非常的非常的SHOCKSHOCK,拿起了拿起了ROCKROCK,砸开了砸开了LOCKLOCK。第十七组 alesale malegalepaletale蛇牌啤酒在销售,男人喝啤酒心理美,哥哥见啤酒真高兴,怕喝啤酒脸苍白,他喝啤酒有故事。第十八组 rectcorrect directdirector rectangleredire

25、ct 第十九组 sistresistinsistassistantexistexistence 第二十组drdrive dropdrowndress 第二十一组第二十二组第二十三组ductduceproductionintroduceintroduction reduceconductconductor 第二十四组snakeskepticalsneakersnatchscoldsink 第二十五组第二十六组beakleakpeakweak八哥的beak(鸟嘴)把秘密leak(泄漏)使敌人知道peak(山顶)防守非常weak(不牢固的)第二十七组cordropethreadstringcordl

26、ess adj. 无线的rope n. 绳,索thread n. 线 string n. 细绳,线,带第二十八组gram写grammar n. 语法教你书写的规则telegram 电报diagram n. 图表,图样diadial vt. 拨(电话号码)dialogue (美 dialog) n. 对话diary n. 日记;日记簿announce vt. 宣布,宣告announcement n. 通告,通知pronounce vt. 发音pronunciation n. 发音第二十九组 第三十组 ET小table n. 桌子,表格tablet n. 药片tick vt. 作记号ticket

27、n. 票;卷packet n. 小包裹,袋markmarket n. 市场,集市第三十一组典故词salary n. 薪金,薪水salt n. 盐 salad n. 色拉(西餐中的一种凉拌菜)salty adj. 盐的,咸的,含盐的salute v.& n. 敬礼第三十二组 SLsleep n. 睡觉slice n. 片,切面(薄)片slide n. 幻灯片,滑道v. 滑行,滑动slim adj. 苗条的,纤细的slip n. 片,条,纸片,纸条warn vt.警告;预先通知moral adj. n. 道德的;寓意,道德启示atmosphere n. 大气;气氛atom n. 原子,微粒sphe

28、re球体第三十三组拆分法第三十四口诀法sickquick pickkick生病的小鸡快速啄你被踢开。Sick chick quick pick 三十五arrow系列arrow n. 箭;箭头sparrow n. 麻雀,雀型鸟类narrow adj. 狭窄的borrow v. (向别人)借用;借sorrow n. 悲伤,悲痛第三十六组被炸飞的西红柿tomato n. 西红柿,番茄comb n. 梳子 v. 梳bomb n. 炸弹 v. 轰炸tomb n. 坟墓西红柿梳头被炸弹被坟墓第三十七组一句话串记toy n. 玩具,玩物cowboy n. (美国)牛仔;牧场骑士joy n. 欢乐,高兴,乐趣

29、employ vt. 雇佣cowboy玩toy感到了joy被第三十八组abroad adv. 到(在)国外broad adj. 宽的,宽大的blackboard n. 黑板board n. 木板;布告牌v. 上(船、火车、飞机)aboardadv.在船(飞机、车)上,上船(飞机、车第三十九组一句话串记beach n. 海滨,海滩teach(taught, taught) v. 教书,教reach v. 到达,伸手(脚等)够到peach n. 桃子海滩上教给你伸手拿桃子的技能第四十组clud / clusive / clusioninclude vt. 包含,包括inclusiveinclusi

30、onconclude v. 完成,结束conclusiveconclusion n. 结论;结束第四十一组trial n. 审判;试验;试用triangle n.& adj. 三角形;三角形的trick n. 诡计,把戏trip n. 旅行,旅程trap n. 陷阱 vt. 使陷入困境第四十二组supersuperman n. 超人supermarket n. 超级市场supper n. 晚餐,晚饭 surround vt. 围绕;包围surrounding adj. 周围的第四十三组 forebeforeforecast n. & vt. 预告 forehead n. 前额 foresee

31、(saw, seen) vt. 预见; 预知 forever ad. 永远;永恒的 第四十四组tour n. 参观,观光,旅行tourism n. 旅游业;观光tourist n. 旅行者,观光者crime n. (法律上的)罪,犯罪criminal n. 罪犯discrimination n. 歧视support vt.& n. 支持,赞助report n.& v. 报道,报告reporter n. 记者,新闻通讯员port n. 港口,码头porter n. (火车站或旅馆处的)搬运工import v.& n. 进口,输入第四十五组port拿第四十六组present1 adj. 出现的,出

32、席的present2 n. 礼物,赠品vt. 呈奉,奉送presentation n. 演示,演出represent vt. 代表sentence n. 句子absent adj. 缺席,不在第四十七组job n. (一份)工作rob v. 抢夺,抢劫sob n.& v. 抽泣,啜泣soap n. 肥皂高考失利,把rob(抢劫)当成job(职业),叔叔为他sob(哭泣)。第四十八组busy adj. 忙(碌)的businessman n. 商人(男);男企业家holiday n. 假日;假期holy adj. 神圣的engine n. 发动机,引擎engineer n. 工程师;技师第四十九组

33、 stant 串记distant adj. 远的,遥远的instant adj. 瞬间;刹那constant adj. 经常的,不断的distance n. 距离第五十组common adj. 普通的,一般的;共有的communicate v. 交际;传达(感情,信息等)communication n. 交际;交往;通讯communism n. 共产主义communist n. 共产主义者 adj. 共产党的第五十一组水面上的纸花环水面上飘着link(链环)细看做得很pink(精致的)一会颜色就pink(变粉红色)湿透后慢慢sink(下沉)第五十二组tent/tendattend v. 看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加content1 adj. 甘愿的,满意的content2 n. 内容tent n. 帐篷pretend vi. 假装,装作intend vt. 想要,打算第五十四组 tense dense sense expensetense adj. 心烦意乱的,紧张的dense adj 浓密的sense n. 感觉,意识expense 耗费紧张的tense浓密的dense感官感觉真sense费用昂贵expense



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