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1、1-5 ABACD6-10CBCDD11-15DBCBC16-20DDDAA21-25CBBCB26-30DBDDBSelf Check (1, 2: P23)Self Check (1, 2: P23)1. Fill in each blank with the correct word given. Change the form of the word if necessary.finish allow choose need clean up1.You have to be 18years old before you are to drive a car.2. 2. What tim

2、e do you basketball practice today?3. Please the classroom. Its a real mess.4. I cant which pair of jeans to buy. They both look good on me.5. Everyone to have at least eight hours sleep a night.allowedfinishclean upchooseneeds1.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to 2.get their ears pierced .3.get

3、sth done =have sth done “使使.被做,被做,让某人做某事某人做某事”。I get my car repaired. = I have my car repaired. 我我让别人修好我的人修好我的车【拓展拓展】get -v.1)get “得到,得到,获得得”She got good marks .2)get “收到收到”She got a letter from home .(3)get “买”I got the dictionary for five dollars .(4) get “有有”(用于用于现在完成在完成时)Have you got a pen ?(5)

4、get “到达到达”Write to me as soon as you get to the USA .(6) get“变得得”It is getting warmer and warmer .(7) get 物物 作主作主语意意为“进展展”;人人 作主作主语,意,意为“生活,生活,过活活”。The business is getting along very well .How is your brother getting along ?2.They arent serious enough .enough adj. 意意为“足足够的的”【拓展拓展】 1)enough 作形容作形容词,意

5、,意为“足足够的的”,修,修饰可数名可数名词或不可数名或不可数名词。 He has enough money .2) enough 作副作副词,意,意为“充分地充分地”She sings well enough .3) enough 作名作名词,意,意为“足足够,充分,充分”。There is enough here to feed the whole family .3. He needs to spend time with friends . spend v. 意意为“消磨(消磨(时光)。光)。【拓展拓展】 1) spend .with sb. 和某人消磨和某人消磨时光光 His fat

6、her spent a happy time with him .2)spend.on sth. 意意为“某物花多少某物花多少钱(或(或时间)” I spent 200 yuan on the new bike .3) spend (in ) doing sth.意意为“做某事花多做某事花多少少钱或多少或多少时间。 He spent one hour doing his homework .4.He doesnt seem to have many friends .seem v . 意意为 “似乎,好像似乎,好像”【拓展拓展】 1)Seem to do sth 好像做某事好像做某事He se

7、ems to eat something .2)seem + ( to be ) 好像好像The little girl seems shy .( The little girl seems to be shy )3) It seems that + 从句从句好像好像It seems that you are right .5.Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes .allow v. 意意为 “允允许”【拓展拓展】 1) allow doing sth . 允允许做某事做某事My father allowed watching TV on week

8、ends .2) allow sb. to do sth . 允允许某人做某事某人做某事My father allowed me to watch TV on weekends .7.Parents should not be too strict with teenagers .strict adj. 意意为“严格的格的”。【拓展拓展】 1) be strict with sb. 对某人要求某人要求严格。格。Mr. Smith is strict with his son .2) be strict in sth. 对某事要求某事要求严格。格。The teacher is strict in

9、 his work .8. At present they are too short . present n. 意意为“目前,目前,现在在”【拓展拓展】1) present作名作名词,意,意为“礼物礼物”。 My friend gave me a birthday present .2) present作作动词,意,意为“赠送,送送,送给”。 I presented her with an album . 3)present作形容作形容词,意,意为“出席的出席的”。 He wasnt present at the meeting .1.What would you do if you had

10、 a million ? million . 意意为“百万百万”【拓展拓展】 (1)millions n . 意意为“无数无数” She has millions of money . (2) million n . 意意为“百万元百万元” He is worth three million dollars. 2. Student A talk about you worries .worry n . 意意为“ 烦恼”。【拓展拓展】 (1) worry v. 意意为“使使发烦,打,打扰”。 Dont worry me ,I am busy .(2) worry v . 意意为“发愁,着急愁,着

11、急”。 There is no need to wory . (3) worry about sb ./sth. 短短语,意,意为“担心某人担心某人/某某物物”。 Dont worry about your cat .I can look after it .3.I would give it to medical research . research n . 意意为“研究研究”【拓展拓展】 research v . 意意为“调查,研究,研究” He is researching into a certain subject .4.The foods you eat could help w

12、ith this problem . help v . 意意为“帮助帮助”【拓展拓展】 (1) help sb. with sth . 意意为“帮助某人某事帮助某人某事” Xiao Wang helps me with my work .(2) help sb. (to) do sth. 意意为“帮助某人做某帮助某人做某事事” The boys help Mr. Wang carry the heavy box .5. What if I dont know anyone ? 要是我要是我谁也不也不认识怎么怎么办? What if .意意为“倘使倘使将会怎将会怎样?” 相当于从句相当于从句为一

13、般一般现在在时态的条件状的条件状语从句,从句, if 后需用后需用陈述述语气。气。 -What if I dont know the way to the bus stop ? -You can ask the police . What if she doesnt come? 她要是不来怎么办?她要是不来怎么办?6. Social situations dont bother you in the slightest .bother v . 意意为“打打扰”【拓展拓展】 (1) bother n. 意意为“麻麻烦” Did you have much bother (in) finding

14、the house ?(2) bother n . 意意为“讨厌的人或物的人或物” His lazy son is quite a bother to him .7. and you enjoy the company of other people . company n . 意意为“陪伴陪伴”【拓展拓展】 (1) company n . 意意为“伙伴伙伴” A company is coming for dinner .(2) company n . 意意为“公司公司”He is working in a big company .8. You like talking to one or

15、 two people rather than to a group . rather. “宁可,宁愿宁可,宁愿”。【拓展拓展】(1) rather than 短短语,意,意为“而不是而不是”I like English rather than Chinese .(2)would rather.than. 短短语,意,意为“宁愿而宁愿而不愿不愿”。相当于短相当于短语prefer to do .rather than do.He would rather deal with a man than with a woman. 9. Your friends would probably say t

16、hat you are easy to get along with .【拓展拓展】 (1) get along with sb. 意意为“和某人相和某人相处”Tom gets along with his classmates .(2) get along with sth. 意意为“某事某事进展展”Tom gets along well with his work . 九年级各单元重点短语、句子九年级各单元重点短语、句子Unit1.Howdoyoustudyforatest?1.听磁带listentotapes2.向老师请求帮助asktheteacherforhelp3.制作抽认卡.mak

17、eflashcards4.观看英语录象watchEnglish-languagevideos5.朗读readaloud6.练习语音.practicepronunciation7.说的技能speakingskills8.太而不能.tooto9.询问有关askabout10.学英语的最好方法thebestwaytolearnEnglishUnit1.Howdoyoustudyforatest?11.具体的建议 specific suggestions12.观看演员说话 watch the actors say the words13.发现看看电影令人沮影令人沮丧 find watching mov

18、ies frustrating14.得到大量的写作得到大量的写作练习 get lots of writing practice15.一点也不 not at all 16.变得兴奋 get excited 17.结束做 end up doing sth.18.英语口语 spoken English19.练习说英英语 practice speaking English20.加入英加入英语俱俱乐部部 join an English clubUnit1.Howdoyoustudyforatest?21.嘲笑某人.laughat22.编对话.makeupconversations23.首先firstof































49、omestopintheschoolexams.她在学校的考试中总是名列前茅。12.Shedoesntwanttoletherfriendsdown.她不愿让朋友失望。13.IfIwereyou,Illgetoutofhere.如果我是你,我会离开这里。14.IfIwereyou,Iwouldwearashirtandtie.如果我是你的话,我就穿衬衣打领带.Subject-Verb Agreement主谓一致主谓一致Both boys has their own hobbies.The class is busying writing English passages.Neither you

50、 nor I are wrong .Canyoufindoutsomethingwrong?haveaream主谓一致主谓一致语法一致(单则单、复则复)意义一致(概念一致)就近一致(就近原则)主谓一致谓语动词在人称和数上要和主语一致。1、由连接词、由连接词and或或bothand连接起来的合连接起来的合成主语后面成主语后面,要用要用复数形式复数形式的谓语动词。的谓语动词。LucyandLily(be)twins.Bothsheandhe(be)YoungPioneers.areare(一)语法一致(一)语法一致 如如:Each of us:Each of us a new book.a new

51、 book.(havehave) Neither of the two brothers_ with his Neither of the two brothers_ with his parents.parents.A. live B. are living C. livesA. live B. are living C. liveshas2、 either, neither, each, every one,one等等+of+复数名词复数名词做主语时谓语动词用做主语时谓语动词用单数单数形式形式。Nothing _ Nothing _ (bebe)difficult in the diffi

52、cult in the world if you set your mind to it .world if you set your mind to it .is3、不定代词不定代词everybody,everyone,everything,anyone,anybody,anything,someone,somebody,something,nobody,noone,nothing,theother,either,neither等作主语时等作主语时,谓语动词用谓语动词用单数单数. Everything ready. (be)is Someone to see you. (want)wants

53、 4、动词不定式短语、动词不定式短语、动名词短语、动名词短语做主语时,谓语做主语时,谓语动词一般用动词一般用单数单数形式。形式。Todesignnewmachines_hisjob.A.amB.isC.arePlaying with fire_ dangerous. A. is B. are C. am1.Theteacherwithtwostudents_atthemeeting.(was/were)2.E-mail, as well as the telephones, _ an important part in daily communication.A. is playing B.

54、have played C. are playing wasA 5、主语为主语为单数名词单数名词或或代词代词,尽管后面跟尽管后面跟有有with, together with,along with, except, but, like, as well as, rather than, more than, no less than, besides, including等引起的短语等引起的短语,谓语动谓语动词仍用词仍用单数单数形式形式;若若主语为复数主语为复数,谓语用谓语用复复数数形式。形式。(也就是也就是A with B ,A为主语,谓为主语,谓语动词和语动词和A保持一致)保持一致) 6.由

55、分数或百分数分数或百分数或alotof,lotsof,halfof,therestof,someof,mostof,allof,(a)partof ,half of+ +名词作主语名词作主语时,谓语动词的谓语动词的形式形式与与of 后面的名词的数后面的名词的数一致一致. . areisSome students are planting trees. The rest of them _(be) watering them.On the earth about 75% of the surface_ (be) covered with water7.anumberof许多许多,作定语修饰复数名

56、词作定语修饰复数名词,谓谓语用语用复复数数;thenumberof的数量的数量,主语是主语是number,谓语用谓语用单单数。数。Anumberoftrees_cutdown.A.isB.areC.hasThenumberofstudentsinourclass_42.A.isB.areC.has 8 8、表示成双成套的名词,如:、表示成双成套的名词,如:trousers, glasses, trousers, glasses, clothes, shoes clothes, shoes 等词作主语时等词作主语时, ,谓语用谓语用复数复数, ,但如果这但如果这些名词前有些名词前有a (the)

57、 pair/two pairs oa (the) pair/two pairs of f等等量量词修饰时词修饰时, ,谓语动词要和谓语动词要和pairpair的形式保持一致。的形式保持一致。areisMyglassesbroken.Thepairofshoesunderthebedhis.9、在定语从句里、在定语从句里,关系代词关系代词that, who, which等作主语时等作主语时,其谓语动词的数应与其谓语动词的数应与句中句中先行词先行词的数一致。的数一致。如如:They are my friends who _working hard. He is the only one of my

58、 friends who_ working hard.areis如如:There:There the the bus.(comebus.(come) ) On the wall On the wall many pictures. many pictures. Such Such the result. the result. comesareis10、在倒装句中、在倒装句中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一致。谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一致。 1 1、如果集体名词指的是、如果集体名词指的是整个集体整个集体, ,它的谓语动词用它的谓语动词用单单数数; ;如果它指集体的如果它指集体的成员成员, ,其

59、谓语动词就用其谓语动词就用复数复数形式。这些词形式。这些词有有family, class, crowd, family, class, crowd, team,groupteam,group等。等。如如:Class Four:Class Four on the third floor. on the third floor. Class Four Class Four studying in the classroomstudying in the classroom. . isareare ( (二二) )意义一致原则意义一致原则: :注意注意:people,police等名词一般都用作复数


61、yminutesenoughforthework.EgEg:I:I think physics think physics (be (be not)easynot)easy to study. to study.isnt4、一些学科名词是以、一些学科名词是以-ics结尾结尾,如如:mathematics,politics,physics等等,都属于都属于形式上形式上是复数的名词是复数的名词,实际意义为单数名词实际意义为单数名词,它们作主语时它们作主语时,其谓语动词要用其谓语动词要用单数单数形式。形式。5、the+形容词表示某形容词表示某一类一类人时人时,动词用动词用复复数数;若若表示一种抽象概

62、念或品质,谓语动词用表示一种抽象概念或品质,谓语动词用单单数。数。Eg:The rich _ (be) not always happy. The beautiful _ pleasure to all of us. A. give B. gives C.gaveare6.若若and所连接的两个名词作主语,如果是所连接的两个名词作主语,如果是指指同一概念(即同一概念(即and后面无冠词)后面无冠词)时时,谓谓语动词用语动词用单数单数形式。形式。hashaveThewriterandartistcome.Thewriterandtheartistcome.Everystudentandevery

63、teacher_intheroom.A.wasB.wereC.are7.不定代词不定代词each/every/no+名词名词+and+each/every/no+名词名词作主语时,谓语动词仍用作主语时,谓语动词仍用单数单数形式。形式。8.由由morethana(an)(不止一个)不止一个),manya(an)(许多)(许多)作定语去修饰做主语的单数可数名词时,作定语去修饰做主语的单数可数名词时,谓语动词一般用谓语动词一般用单数单数。Eg:Manyaway_beentried.A.haveB.hasC.is9 9、表数量的短语、表数量的短语“one and a halfone and a hal

64、f”后接复数名词作后接复数名词作主语时主语时, ,其谓语动词一般用其谓语动词一般用单数单数形式。形式。is is10、算式中表示、算式中表示数目数目(字字)的主语通常作的主语通常作单单数看待数看待,其其谓语动词采用谓语动词采用单单数形式。数形式。如如:One and a half apples left on the table.如如:Twelve plus eight twenty.1111、what, who, which, any, more, allwhat, who, which, any, more, all等代等代词可以是词可以是单数单数, ,也可是也可是复数复数, ,主要靠意思

65、来决定主要靠意思来决定。isareisWhichyourbag?Whichyourbags?Allgoingwell.( (三三) )就近一致原则。就近一致原则。areis1、当两个主语由、当两个主语由either or, neither nor, not only but (also),notbut或或or连接时连接时,谓语谓语动词和动词和邻近的主语邻近的主语一致。一致。如如:Either the teacher or the students our friends. (be)Neither they nor he right. (be) 2 2、there bethere be句型句型b

66、ebe动词单复数取决于动词单复数取决于其其后的主语后的主语。如果其后是由。如果其后是由andand连接的连接的两个两个主语主语, ,则应与则应与靠近的靠近的那个主语保持一致。那个主语保持一致。 areisThere two chairs and a desk in the room.There a desk and two chairs in the room.Exercises:1One or two days _ enough to see the city Ais Bare Cam Dbe2Neither my wife nor I myself _ able to persuade m

67、y daughter to change her mind Ais Bare Cam Dbeone or one or two+c.n.pl.two+c.n.pl.(a/an+单数名词+or two)作主语谓语动词用单单数3Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one examination after another Ais Bare Cam Dbe4 Not the teacher,but the students _ looking forward to seeing the film Ais Bare Cam Dbe5N

68、obody but Betty and Mary _ late for class yesterday Awas Bwere Chas been Dhave been6A woman with some children _ soon Ais coming Bare coming Chas come Dhave come7.Whatyousaid_true.A.areB.isC.were8.The Greens _ watching TV when I arrived. A. is B. are C. wereThe group _ made up of nine students.The g

69、roup_ dancing happily. (be)isareThe gift is used to have western meals.What is it?A knife and fork used to have meals. (be)is常见的表示单一概念的短语有:a cart and horse(一驾马车),bread and butter(涂黄油的面包),the needle and thread(针线),early to bed and early to rise等等。年年5.Anumberofstudents_inthedinninghallLetmecountThenum


71、d.isplanted年.EveryoneexceptBillandJim_therewhenthemeetingbegan.A.wasB.isC.were年This is my twin This is my twin sister,Lucy.Notsister,Lucy.Not only she only she but also I _ good at drawing.but also I _ good at drawing.A is is B B am am C.C.are are 9.Not only my father but also my grandpa 9.Not only

72、my father but also my grandpa _ flying to Singapore this weekend._ flying to Singapore this weekend. A. is B. are C. was A. is B. are C. was23.-Which would you 23.-Which would you like,tealike,tea or coffee? or coffee?-_ is OK,I don-_ is OK,I dont mind.t mind. A. Either B. Both C. Any A. Either B. B

73、oth C. Any24.A number of students _ playing on the 24.A number of students _ playing on the playground, and the number of students in playground, and the number of students in our school _increasing.our school _increasing. A. A. are.areare.are B. B. is,areis,are C. C. are,isare,is 年Word Study talk f

74、ind out call up argue say1.Lets _ Joe and invite him to play tennis.2.You should _ about your problems with your parents.3.My friend is angry with me. What should I _ to him?4.I dont want to _. Lets forget it.5.I thought I failed my test but I just _ I passed!call up talksayarguefound outSelf Check1-5 ABACD6-10CBCDD11-15DBCBC16-20DDDAA21-25CBBCB26-30DBDDB



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