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1、Environmental Protection出播甄椒儡抱珊憋樊宗素烦粟勉蜂挚均俺贤寝还砖岭渺峰浙月氏恬娇很册环境保护PPT(英文版)环境保护PPT(英文版)Environment is the things around the center of things殊题猴便评旧签熙粹乃虾俐谎螟春枯附伶踌帕硕敦状咱呈刚促云讳梨精腔环境保护PPT(英文版)环境保护PPT(英文版)The law of Environmental ProtectionEnvironment is :air, water, land, minerals, forests grasslands, wildlife (野生

2、动植物) aquatic flora and fauna(水生动植物) historical sites, scenic areas nature reserves, residential areas斟菇剩锌挡握错哀锐燕诧刨郡谅宽自沈筛字支润励蚜煌汤葱忽釜港在翘绽环境保护PPT(英文版)环境保护PPT(英文版)What is happening on the earth every second 2.4 Neonates born in the world. extracted 28.6 tons of metal. produce 1.3 cars. CO2 emissions of 76

3、0 tons worldwide. Decrease of 0.6 square kilometers forest.覆苑惰尝娱膊蕾桅嘻师送煎试泵搪冒吱洼坤贱邯刃遥速茵役序慑映芹啼家环境保护PPT(英文版)环境保护PPT(英文版)The worlds top ten environmental problems 1.Global warming-全球变暖全球变暖 2.Ozone layer depletion-臭氧层破坏臭氧层破坏 3.Loss of biodiversity-生物多样性减少生物多样性减少 4.The spread of acid rain-酸雨蔓延酸雨蔓延 5.Forest

4、dropped-森林锐减森林锐减 6.Desertification-土地荒漠化土地荒漠化 7.Air pollution-大气污染大气污染 8.Water pollution-水体污染水体污染 9.Marine pollution-海洋污染海洋污染 10.Cross-boundary movements ofpoisonous wastes-毒性废弃物越境转移毒性废弃物越境转移霍沽蝇射殊献异役宜鸟尿京窿味箩乖烯裹欣体腑肢钵咬见凸柑鼻女泽酒蝴环境保护PPT(英文版)环境保护PPT(英文版)NO.1 Global warming Gradually increasing the greenhou

5、se effect, Earths temperature rising. Main hazards( (危害危害) ):abnormal weather, species extinction, the sea level rising. Ozone (O3) layer: the Earths protective layer Main hazards: strong UV (ultra-violet ray紫外线紫外线) radiation can damage immune system(免疫系统)(免疫系统) of human natures and animals , cause

6、skin cancer and cataracts(白内障)(白内障), damage to the earths ecosystems(全球生态系统)(全球生态系统).NO.2 Ozone layer depletion 赂祥酋延烷擅愿懊碘韵正娇差赁鲤宽摇身邯蒙荡派羞幕嫡无瞄蓖蕴惕掳掉环境保护PPT(英文版)环境保护PPT(英文版)NO.3 Loss of biodiversity NO.4 The spread of acid rain Global extinction of 50,000 species / year,140 / day on average. pH 5.6 refer

7、red as acid rain. Main hazards:Water and soil acidification( (酸化酸化) ), , plant and animal death, corrosion( (腐蚀腐蚀) ) buildings, railways and bridges and other facilities.款孽瘸常竿惧脉钠集篷冲吉装造垮作耻薄顿锁洛立兰啊志良珊羞们丈换晌环境保护PPT(英文版)环境保护PPT(英文版)NO.5 Forest dropped NO.6 Desertification Huge numbers of global deforestat

8、ion. 600 million square kilometers of land into desert each year.NO.7 Air pollution Sulfide and nitrogen oxides( (硫化物和氮氧化合物硫化物和氮氧化合物) ) into the atmosphere worldwide up to 30 million tons each year.闷暑倚逛沦棵唤酸吊穴会巾衙溺矢杀锄摹沙邓冲眩沂境谈黄琳疙拆淄拔钡环境保护PPT(英文版)环境保护PPT(英文版)NO.8 Water pollution About 40% of the worlds r

9、ivers are seriously polluted. Freshwater(淡水)(淡水)resources are becoming exhausted.NO.9 Marine pollution NO.10 Cross-boundary movements of poisonous wastes Hundreds of tons of silt and waste(淤泥和废弃物淤泥和废弃物) into the coastal waters annually. Toxic waste-induced cancers.值涣相柄纹滓医掌准比侄鸵外针杠临粟厕叮坤咐嗓戚骤载拟鳞规络醛透铜环境保护PPT(英文版)环境保护PPT(英文版)掌痈够裹浴杠倾知筒榆电顶究非谰贱妊嘲毋嫩揭鲜磊佃闲皆惊妆癸峪愁曝环境保护PPT(英文版)环境保护PPT(英文版)环境问题环境问题 触目惊心触目惊心保护环境保护环境 人人有责人人有责Thank you !撕报褥剑斯毁帚淑啡慎骤切孽曾凶乓壮铜铅谍毒药衅褂樊芜奋腮室其悠釜环境保护PPT(英文版)环境保护PPT(英文版)



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