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1、土 建 英 语新职业英语新职业英语深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院Unit 1Feasibility StudyEnglish for Civil EngineeringWarming-upReading AListeningSpeaking4123Reading B5Writing6Vocabulary and Structure8Self-evaluation7Grammar9The Greatest Building 10Task 1Task 2 The following is a flow chart of the feasibility study of a construction

2、 project. Fill in the missing words according to the Chinese meanings. The first letters are already given.Task 1用地L_ U_设计费D_ F_可行性研究F_ S_建筑费用C_ C_市场营销费M_ C_andseesigneeeasibilitytudyonstructionostarketingostTask 2 Look at the figure and then put the following items in order.1项项目目建建议议书书2可可行行性性研研究究3批

3、批准准4立立项项5设设计计任任务务书书6设设计计7施施工工8交交付付使使用用项 目 决 策 阶 段项 目 实 施 阶 段Approval of project proposalProject proposalDesignDeliveryFeasibility studyDesign specificationsProject authorizedConstruction 31 6 8 2 5 4 7Reading ABackground InformationTask 1TextTask 2Task 3Task 4Background Information可行性研究报告可行性研究报告 建筑工

4、程可行性研究报告通常包括项目总述和背景、项建筑工程可行性研究报告通常包括项目总述和背景、项目的市场预测和分析、选址、总体设计方案、设备和物资目的市场预测和分析、选址、总体设计方案、设备和物资采购、财务估算、经济评价、结论和建议等。采购、财务估算、经济评价、结论和建议等。Reading AReading ATask 1 Before reading the passage, see how much you know about a feasibility study of a construction project by answering the following questions.1

5、. Why do the builders need to make a feasibility study?2. Can you name three costs of a construction project? The Costs in a Feasibility Study A feasibility study is the financial analysis of all the costs and income revenue that indicates whether a project will produce a profit. A feasibility study

6、 goes through several stages. The first stage uses approximated figures available at the time but further stages will require cost figures that have been confirmed and finalized.Reading A 可行性报告中的费用可行性报告中的费用 可行性报告是对项目的所有成本和总收入所做的财务分可行性报告是对项目的所有成本和总收入所做的财务分析,用于判断一个项目是否可以盈利。完成一份可行性报告析,用于判断一个项目是否可以盈利。完成

7、一份可行性报告一般需要经过几个阶段。第一阶段是利用当时已有的大致数一般需要经过几个阶段。第一阶段是利用当时已有的大致数据,而后面的阶段是当各项成本数据都最终确定以后进行。据,而后面的阶段是当各项成本数据都最终确定以后进行。 Reading A When preparing a feasibility study for a new construction project, the first point is likely to be the cost and availability of the land on which you propose to build. The tender

8、, that is, the offer you make for the land, will also have a number of associated costs for items such as legal charges, stamp duty and utility charges, including transportation costs. There may be many other costs that will have to be considered.Reading A 当为一个新的建筑项目准备可行性报告时,首先要考虑当为一个新的建筑项目准备可行性报告时,

9、首先要考虑可能是能否取得该项目用地以及用地费用。投标价格,即为可能是能否取得该项目用地以及用地费用。投标价格,即为获得土地开出的价格,也包含其他相关费用,如法律费用、获得土地开出的价格,也包含其他相关费用,如法律费用、印花税和公共事业收费,如交通费等。另外可能还有其他费印花税和公共事业收费,如交通费等。另外可能还有其他费用需要考虑在内。用需要考虑在内。 Reading A A further estimate will be required of the fees and associated costs for the building design. Bids from a number

10、 of architects will have been collected and the most cost-effective design selected. All these estimated costs must be added to the first stage of the feasibility report.Reading A 还要进一步估算建筑设计费及相关成本。可以从一些还要进一步估算建筑设计费及相关成本。可以从一些建筑师的投标中选择出最经济的方案。这些估算的费用都要建筑师的投标中选择出最经济的方案。这些估算的费用都要加入到第一阶段的成本计算中。加入到第一阶段的

11、成本计算中。 Reading A The next major aspect to consider will be the construction costs. For example, if your project comprises ten town homes, you need to calculate how much it will cost for building materials, wages and insurance. Contractors will be asked for estimates and the most reliable and cost ef

12、fective design selected, but it is wise, at this stage, to include an extra percentage, say 10%, for non-specified costs.Reading A 下一步主要考虑的方面是施工费用。例如,如果项目是下一步主要考虑的方面是施工费用。例如,如果项目是要建十栋市内住宅,则需要计算需要花费多少钱来购买建筑要建十栋市内住宅,则需要计算需要花费多少钱来购买建筑材料、发放工资、支付保险费用。承包商需要对此进行估算,材料、发放工资、支付保险费用。承包商需要对此进行估算,而最可靠最合算的方案将入选。要

13、注意的是,在一些阶段,而最可靠最合算的方案将入选。要注意的是,在一些阶段,明智的做法是对与不确定的成本,应留出明智的做法是对与不确定的成本,应留出10%左右的盈余。左右的盈余。Reading A This type of feasibility study will also include the likely estimated marketing costs, such as advertising, printing of brochures and sales commissions.Reading A Finally, depending on what percentage of

14、 the total cost will have to be borrowed, the cost of borrowing must be included. In other words, the total amount of interest on the loans will have to be paid, over the period until the buildings are sold.Reading A 可行性研究也包括预估的营销费用,如广告、宣传册印可行性研究也包括预估的营销费用,如广告、宣传册印刷和销售回扣。刷和销售回扣。 最后,根据总费用中的需要借贷的比例来计算

15、借贷的成最后,根据总费用中的需要借贷的比例来计算借贷的成本。换句话说,在建筑出售前一共需要偿还多少贷款利息,本。换句话说,在建筑出售前一共需要偿还多少贷款利息,以此作为融资的依据。以此作为融资的依据。Reading AReading Afinancialadj. 财政的,金融的e.g. 1. The city of Shanghai is becoming a financial center. 上海市已经成为金融中心了。 2. The financial center of UK is London. 伦敦是英国的金融中心。finance n. Useful Expressions: a f

16、inancial success 财政方面的成功;赚钱的事 financial aid 助学金;助学贷款 financial market 金融市场Reading AReading Ago through 经受、经历(坏事、苦事)e.g.1. After going through several rounds of negotiation, they finally made an agreement. 经历好几轮的协商谈判,他们终于达成了一致意见。 2. After all hes gone through he can always keep smiling. 经历了那么多他依然能一直保

17、持笑容。experienceReading Aproposev.提议,建议e.g.1. The CEO proposed changes to the management system of the company. 首席执行官对公司管理系统提出了调整意见。 2. Mr. Wang proposed large cuts in the training budget in todays meeting. 在今天的会上,王先生提议大幅消减培训预算。proposalassociatede.g. Because the company has made large profits this yea

18、r, the employees salaries and associated costs have risen substantially. 因为公司今年收益丰厚,所以员工的工资和相关津 贴都有大幅提高。adj. 联系起来的,有联系的,相关的,联合的Reading AUseful Expressions: be associated with :(与)有关;(与 有瓜葛 e.g. I wouldnt want to be associated with his project anymore.Reading AReading Acost-effectiveadj.有成本效益的;划算的;低成

19、本高利润的e.g. 1. The officials wanted to figure out a cost- effective way to fight crime. 官员们希望找到一个有效的方法去制止犯罪活动。 2. Recruitment and training have to be planned in the most cost-effective way in the company. 在公司里,招聘和培训必须要以最经济的方式来进行。Reading Acomprisev.包括;由组成 e.g.1. The participates in this meeting compris

20、e people from all walks of life. 参加这次会议的包括社会各层民众。 2. The zoo comprises many different animals which are very popular. 动物园都很多受人喜欢的各种动物。Reading Acalculatev.计算,算出,估算e.g.1. We havent really calculated the cost of the whole project yet. 我们还没有估算出整项工程的费用。 2. Gold prices are calculated in dollars all around

21、 world. 国际上黄金价格以美元计算。calculationUseful Expressions: be calculated to do something旨在做某事 calculate on something 指望,期待Reading AReading Aextraadj.特别的,额外的;外加的e.g.1. Extra money will be charged for the excess of weight. 超重将会收取额外的费用。 2. Ill have to work extra hard. 我必须特别努力地工作。Reading Ainterestn.利息e.g.1. Th

22、e interest rates always stay stable in this country. 在这个国家利率总是保持平稳。 2. Interest rates on property loans are now at 20%. 购房贷款目前的利率是20%。Reading Acommissionn.佣金,回扣e.g.1. The dealer takes a 18%commission on the sales she makes in the deal. 交易中交易商收取她销售额的18%作为佣金。 2. Toms salary is quite small, but he earn

23、s a lot on commission. 汤姆的薪水很少,不过他赚得不少佣金。Useful Expression: be on commission 根据销售额来给付Reading Aconfirmv.证实e.g.1. The extra evidence confirmed our suspicions. 额外的证据证实了我们的怀疑。 2. The President confirmed that the election would be on August 8. 总统证实大选将于8月8日举行。Reading Afinalizev.完成,最后定下e.g.1. Its time to f

24、inalize our plans for the conference. 我们该把举办会议的计划确定下来。 2. Jack flew out to England to finalize the detail of the deal. 杰克乘飞机到英格兰, 把这笔交易的细节定 下来。finalReading Ainsurancen.保险e.g.1. You should claim on your insurance to your company. 你应该向你投保的公司提出索赔要求。 2. Do you have insurance on your household contents?

25、你买家庭财产保险了吗?Useful Expressions: life insurance 人寿保险 car insurance 汽车保险 an insurance policy 保险单Reading AReading Aitem n. 条款,项目e.g.1. He sat at the table with the newspaper reading each item aloud. 他坐在桌子前,拿着报纸大声朗读每条新闻。 2. The archaeologist wanted to see item 18, the Chinese silk. 考古学家想看第18件,那个中国丝绸制品。Re

26、ading ATask 2 Read the passage and decide which paragraph talks about each of the topics in the box below.Paragraph( ) Including marketing costsParagraph( ) Estimating design costsParagraph( ) Defining a feasibility studyParagraph( ) Considering the construction costsParagraph( ) Buying the land fir

27、stlyParagraph( ) Raising the capital531426Reading ATask 3 Read the passage again and tick the costs mentioned.Legal chargesStamp dutyUtility chargesWages and insuranceAdvertising costsRental paymentSales commissionsCosts for printing of brochuresPayment for researchersInterests on the loansReading A

28、Task 4 Answer the following questions according to the passage.1. According to the passage, what is a feasibility study? A feasibility study is the financial analysis of all the costs and income revenue that indicates whether a project will produce a profit.2. What is likely to be the first concern

29、for preparing a new feasibility study? It is the costs and availability of the land.3. Can you name some of the construction costs? Legal charges, stamp duty and utility charges, including transportation costs.4. Can you name some of the marketing costs? Advertising cost, cost for printing of brochu

30、res and sales commissions.5. How to decide how much money will have to be borrowed? The amount of interest should be added when raising the capital.Reading AListeningTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4 Task 1 Peter Jefferson is making a call to the AZ Landscape Architecture Company in order to make an appointm

31、ent. Listen to the conversation and match the people with the relevant information.Listening Secretary of the AZ Landscape Architecture Company Make an appointment to talk about a feasibility study In a meeting Principal of the Senger Design GroupListeningListeningTask 1Task 1 ScriptScript Listening

32、Task 2 Cindy, a Manager of Senger Design Group, is holding a meeting. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.ListeningCindy: Good morning, everybody, thanks for coming. There are just a(n) 1 _ of items on the agenda. First of all, as you can see, the feasibility 2 _ and

33、 our collaboration with AZ Landscape Architecture; and secondly, the 3_ for our research project. I know Alex would also appreciate a little bit of time for any other 4 _.Alex: Thank you, Cindy. Lets 5 _ the agenda in order though. You are all 6_ with the details in the feasibility study of our 7 _

34、project with AZ Landscape Architecture, are we all 8_ with the price they are offering for the land?couplestudybudgetbusinessgo throughfamiliardevelopmenthappyListeningTask 31. What does Jane want to talk about?A. A feasibility plan. B. Technical issues. C. Budget control.2. What will Jane do in the

35、 afternoon?A. She will meet a guest. B. She will meet a Marketing Director. C. She will arrange a meeting.3. Why does Jane want to bring Mr. Li?A. He is a close friend. B. He is a common colleague. C. His job is closely related.4. Where will they meet?A. In a canteen. B. In a VIP conference room. C.

36、 In a VIP room in the caf.Jane is talking with Sam. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question.ListeningTask 3Task 3 ScriptScript Mr. Smith and Ms. Chen are talking about the site for a project. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with words given in the box

37、 according to what you hear.ListeningTask 4 Listeninglocate review soon reply regulationapprove area nature south layoutMr. Smith: Could you please explain your plan for the site for the project, Ms. Chen? Ms. Chen: According to our construction plans, our first camp will be 1_ at the junction of th

38、e two access roads leading to Tianjin Port.Mr. Smith: What size will this camp be? Ms. Chen: It will cover a(n) 2_ of about 3,000 square meters. This piece of land belongs to the Beijing Municipal Government. Well have to get it 3_ soon.locatedareaapprovedMr. Smith: When do you think we can get the

39、permission? Ms. Chen: Not sure. Well report the results at our weekly 4 _meeting. Though we know the local government is in full support of this project, it will take time for us to go through the application procedure. The area is near the 5_reserve so there are extra regulations to consider.Mr. Sm

40、ith: Yes, in that case, we will be strictly confined by the 6_ . Anyway, lets get the application procedure started. Ms. Chen: If we can get the approval, it will facilitate transportation because the river is just to the 7_ of the site.Listeningreviewnatureregulationssouthlocate review soon reply r

41、egulationapprove area nature south layoutMr. Smith: Would you copy us in on all the site 8_ , please, together with your letter of application? Ms. Chen: Sure. When would you like it?Mr. Smith: The 9_ , the better! Ms. Chen: OK. Ill do my best. Youll have a(n)10_ within a week, whether positive or n

42、egative.Mr. Smith: Thats what the contract says! Thank you.Listeninglayoutssoonerreplylocate review soon reply regulationapprove area nature south layoutSpeakingTask 2Task 3Task 4Task 1SpeakingTask 1 Work by yourself. Read the following expressions for agreement and disagreement and learn them by he

43、art.AgreementDisagreementYes, I agree.No, I dont agree.I do agree with you.I dont think so.Youre right there.Well, Im not sure about that.Im with you on that.Im afraid youre wrong.Im of the same opinion.I cant share the same opinion.I cant agree more.I doubt whetherSpeakingTask 2 Work in pairs. Prac

44、tice making conversations with the words provided according to the example below.Example: Mr. Wang / Mr. Johns / bid for a construction projectA: Hello, Mr. Wang. Very pleased to meet you in person.B: Very pleased to meet you, too, Mr. Johns.A: Take a seat, please.B: Lets get down to business, Mr. W

45、ang. You asked me on the phone whether we would like to bid for a construction project. Could you put it in more detail, please?A: As you know, this project is an office building which can accommodate 500 staff.B: Do you have any specific requirements?A: Yes. These documents contain all the specific

46、 requirements. And I would like to hear your recommendation, too.1. Mr. Liu / Alice Willis / bargain the price for land2. Adam James / Christ Finn / discuss an initial designSpeakingTask 3 Work in pairs. Practice making an interview with an architect with the following information.QuestionsSample An

47、swersWhen did you get interested in the field of architecture?I began to get interested in buildings when I was a young boy, and that interest grew as I grew up.What were the biggest inspirations for your career?My teachers in college were the biggest inspirations for me. They showed me new ways to

48、approach the design of buildings.QuestionsSample AnswersWhat skills are required to bean architect?We need to know how to think graphically, not just draw. We need to be able to visualizebefore we even sketch it, and understand how things are related to one another.What projects rank among your favo

49、rites?There is no question that the National Stadium is one of my favorite projects.What are your professional goals for the future?One goal is to improve my ability as an architect. A second goal is to catch up withthe latest design trends.SpeakingSpeakingTask 4 Work in groups. Discuss with your gr

50、oup members about which of the following points should be included in a feasibility report and tell why. Initial design, scope and materials Preliminary cost estimate Funding and financing Site selection Project background Market analysis Supply of equipment and materials ConclusionReading BTask 1Ta

51、sk 2TextTask 3 Reading BProcedures for Making a Feasibility Study There are no specific rules for carrying out feasibility studies for all types of projects. However, most studies require the following:Pre-feasibility Study This is the first step which is mainly to identify and specify the investmen

52、t idea. It may involve legal, marketing, technical issues as well as the financial, economic and social implications that lead to the approval or refusal of the idea.Reading BDetailed Feasibility Study As the name suggests, this step includes more detailed studies of the investment idea from the var

53、ious aspects mentioned above. The legal study. This requires research into all legal aspects of the proposed project. It is necessary to ensure that the project complies with all government regulations and any welfare or institutional requirements. There may be existing constraints on development, a

54、pplications may be necessary for particular types of development and there will be many regulations that will require compliance.Reading BReading B The marketing study. This includes the feasibility of the project found from supply and demand analysis and an indication of likely market share or poss

55、ible competition.Reading B The technical studies. These include the engineering and construction aspects that define the project capacity, type, design, construction process and method, employment issues, site location, and planning schedules.Reading B The financial and economic studies. These cover

56、 all the investment planning and costs. They include the fixed costs (land, building, equipment, etc.), financial schedules, resources and budgets as well as projected revenues or benefits.Reading B The social study. Any social costs or benefits should be identified and measured. These may include t

57、he impact on existing land use, employment opportunities, end use benefits and possible problems.Reading BProject Appraisal Here, the expected economic and social revenues of the project are evaluated and analyzed. The most common assessments are likely to include the payback period, net present val

58、ue, and internal rate of return. A feasibility study is the basis for decision-making and should be carefully implemented step by step. After a project proves “feasible”, the “real” work will start.Reading B可行性研究的步骤可行性研究的步骤 尽管对于所有的项目,如何进行可行性研究尽管对于所有的项目,如何进行可行性研究并没有具体统一的规则并没有具体统一的规则, 多数都要经过以下这几个多数都要经

59、过以下这几个步骤:步骤:预研究预研究 这是调查研究的第一步,主要是明确投资意这是调查研究的第一步,主要是明确投资意图。这一步可能涉及法律、营销、技术以及财务图。这一步可能涉及法律、营销、技术以及财务和经济或社会标准,综合这些可以确定是否投资。和经济或社会标准,综合这些可以确定是否投资。详细研究详细研究 顾名思义,这一步主要是从法律,营销和技术等角度对顾名思义,这一步主要是从法律,营销和技术等角度对 投资意图进行详细的研究。投资意图进行详细的研究。Reading BReading B 法律问题研究。主要包括对项目中涉及法律法律问题研究。主要包括对项目中涉及法律的方方面面问题进行研究,必须确保项目

60、符合政的方方面面问题进行研究,必须确保项目符合政府的法律法规,以及福利和制度要求。对于土地府的法律法规,以及福利和制度要求。对于土地开发可能存在一些限制,因此特殊的开发有必要开发可能存在一些限制,因此特殊的开发有必要进行申请,并且遵守很多相关条例。进行申请,并且遵守很多相关条例。 营销研究。包括供应、需求和供需分析以及市场份额和营销研究。包括供应、需求和供需分析以及市场份额和可能存在的竞争。可能存在的竞争。Reading B 技术研究。包括工程和施工方面,这将决定项目容量、类型、技术研究。包括工程和施工方面,这将决定项目容量、类型、设计、工程施工工艺和方法、工地位置和进度安排。设计、工程施工工

61、艺和方法、工地位置和进度安排。Reading B 财务和经济研究。覆盖所有的投资计划和成本,包括固财务和经济研究。覆盖所有的投资计划和成本,包括固定成本(如土地、建筑物、设备等)、财务计划表、资源和定成本(如土地、建筑物、设备等)、财务计划表、资源和预算以及预期收入或获益。预算以及预期收入或获益。Reading B 社会研究。应当确定和衡量项目的所有社会成本和收益,社会研究。应当确定和衡量项目的所有社会成本和收益,包括对现有土地利用的影响、就业机会、最终用途收益和可包括对现有土地利用的影响、就业机会、最终用途收益和可能存在的问题。能存在的问题。Reading B 项目评估项目评估 在这一阶段,

62、该项目的预期经济效益和社会效益被加以在这一阶段,该项目的预期经济效益和社会效益被加以评估和分析。评估最常见的方法是分析其投资回收期、净现评估和分析。评估最常见的方法是分析其投资回收期、净现值和内部收益率。值和内部收益率。 Reading B 可行性研究是做决定的依据,所以应该一步一步可行性研究是做决定的依据,所以应该一步一步地认真执行。如果一个项目被证明是地认真执行。如果一个项目被证明是“可行的可行的”,那么,那么“真正的真正的”工作就开始了。工作就开始了。1. investment2. approval3. refusal4. supply5. demand6. market share7.

63、 fixed cost8. payback period9. net present value10. internal rate of returnReading BTask 1 Match the following terms with their Chinese meanings.A.市场份额B.投资C.投资回收期D.净现值E.需求F.批准G.拒绝H.内部收益率I.供应J.固定费用Task 2 Reading BRead the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false

64、 (F).1.All the feasibility study always follow the same rules and procedures. 2. Pre-feasibility study mainly examines the investment idea.3. The financial study concerns the analysis of supply and demand.4. The economic revenues are evaluated at the pre- feasibility study phase.5. Feasibility study

65、 is a reference for the decision-makers.FTFFTReading BTask 3 Translate the following passage into Chinese. The expected economic and social revenues of the project are evaluated and analyzed. The most common assessments are likely to include the payback period, net present value, and internal rate o

66、f return. 项目的预期经济效益和社会效益被加以评估和分析。评估最常见的方法是分析其投资回收期,净现值和内部收益率。WritingTaskYour company decides to invite all the specialists listed in the following chart to meet for a construction project. Your job is to write an invitation letter. Some parts have been done for you.Task WritingDear Sir/Madam, The We

67、rkhart International is most pleased to 1 _you to participate in the 2_ to be held on January 24,2009 in Tengda Building. The meeting aims to discuss a(n) 3_ project. Government officials, 4 _, architects, civil engineers, 5_ and 6_ will attend the meeting. If you have any questions or concerns, ple

68、ase contact Kathy Jones at .Writinginvitemeetingconstructionurban plannersequipment expertsmanagement experts InvitationSelf-evaluationVocabulary and StructureTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Vocabulary and StructureTask 1 Fill in the blanks with words or phrases that match the meanings in the right column.

69、The first letters are already given.1. f_ s_ 可行性研究2. b_ s_ s_ 房屋选址3. b_ l_ 建筑用地4. f _ c_ 固定成本5. s_ and d_ 供求6. p_ p_ 投资回收期7. n_ p_ v_ 净现值8. g_ i_ 总收入easibilitytudyuildingiteelectionuildingandixedostupplyemandaybackeriodetresentaluerossncomeVocabulary and StructureTask 2 Fill in each blank with the a

70、ppropriate form of the word given in the brackets.1. This company (utility)_ the latest computer technology to increase efficiency in production.2. We hope very much to find a(n) (satisfaction)_ solution to the problem.3. Our committee will evaluate the proposal and make a(n) (decide)_ whether or no

71、t to proceed within the next few days.4. The engineer was (engage)_ in inspecting the bridge when the accident occurred.utilized/utilizessatisfactorydecisionengaged 5. A(n) (detail)_ business plan will help you to determine if this venture is viable before you invest any money in it. 6. Some natural

72、 (resource)_ , such as natural gas and fossil fuel, cannot be replaced. 7. Income tax was first (introduce)_ in the US during the American Civil War. 8. A similar (arrange)_ was therefore necessarily made before we had a meeting.Vocabulary and StructuredetailedresourcesintroducedarrangementTask 2 Fi

73、ll in each blank with the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.Vocabulary and StructureTask 3 Complete the following statements with the phrases given in the box. Change the form if necessary.1. Smoking has a close_ lung cancer.2. The government is taking measures to keep balance betwe

74、en the_ of the water resources in this area.3. They cant really imagine what we are_ .4. The bad weather_ our difficulties, so it was hard for us to arrive on time.association withsupply and demandgoing throughadded to generally speaking associate with supply and demand go throughadd to as well as l

75、ead to step by stepVocabulary and Structure5. Hiking is a good exercise_ a fun.6. There is no doubt that stress can_ physical illness.7. Given determination and perseverance, it can be realized_ .8. _ , we hold all disputes can be settled by negotiation. as well as lead to step by stepGenerally spea

76、kinggenerally speaking associate with supply and demand go throughadd to as well as lead to step by stepTask 4 Vocabulary and StructureTranslate the following Chinese into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. The manager was very concerned at (广告费收入的减 少)_. (revenue)2. After the heated d

77、iscussion, they (提出一种新方法) _. (propose)the decrease/fall of advertisement revenueproposed a new approach/ method3. The scientists (计算出了地球与月球的距离) _ _ . (calculate)4. The project has only been under way for three month, so its too early to (作出评价)_ . (evaluate)5. The first serious challenge of this new

78、government is (使国家的开 支控制在预算范围) _ . (budget)Vocabulary and StructureTask 4 Translate the following Chinese into English, using the words given in the brackets. calculated/have calculated the distance between the earth and the moonevaluate it/ make an evaluationto keep the costs of the country within

79、the budgetGrammarPart of speechTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Comprehensive ExercisesTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4词类及其之间的相互关系Task 1Identify the part of speech of the word underlined in each sentence. Grammar1. We went to a wonderful show in Beijing. _2. Jenny wanted to show Jack her photos. _3. Henry thought Cl

80、aire looked beautiful. _4. A strange thought came into her head. _5. The windows are clean. _6. We should clean the windows. _7. Wendy is feeling quite tired now. _ 8. Studying all day had tired Wendy out. _9. We did some hard work. _10. They worked hard. _GrammarTask 2Complete the following convers

81、ation between a student and a manager by marking the proper article with a “”. A: Hello? I want to speak to 1 a, an, the landlord.B: Im 2 a, an, the manager of 3 a, an, the building. Can I help you?A: I need to find 4 a, an, the apartment.B: Where do you live now?A: I live in 5 a, an, the big apartm

82、ent on Wright Street. I have 6 a, an, the roommate, but hes graduating, and I need 7 a, an, the smaller apartment. Are there any small apartments for rent in your building?B: Theres one.GrammarA: What floor is it on?B: Its on 8 a, an, the third floor.A: Does it have 9 a, an, the kitchen?B: Yes. It h

83、as 10 a, an, the living room and a kitchen.A: Is 11 a, an, the living room big?B: So-so.A: Does 12 a, an, the kitchen have 13 a, an, the stove and 14 a, an, the refrigerator?B: Yes. 15 A, An, The refrigerator is old, but it works well. 16 A, An, The stove is pretty new.A: When can I see 17 a, an, th

84、e apartment?B: 18 A, An, The janitor (看门人) can show it to you tomorrow at 9 am.Task 3Cross out the wrong word in each word pair underlined. GrammarDear Christine, Well, here I am in Australia. Thank you for your kind/kindly letters. You ask me what its like here. I must say its pretty good/well! The

85、 language school is very efficient/efficiently organized. On the first morning we had to take a test, which I found rather hard. However, I got a surprising/surprisingly good mark, so Im in the second class now. I didnt talk much at first, because I couldnt think of the words quick/quickly enough, b

86、ut late/lately Ive become much more fluent/fluently. GrammarIm staying with a family who live near/nearly the school. They are quite pleasant/pleasantly although I dont see much of them, because Im always so busy/busily with my friends at school. I was surprised how easy/easily I made friends here.

87、They come from different/differently parts of the world and we have some absolute/absolutely fascinating discussions. I do hope you will be able to join me here next term. Im sure wed have good/well fun together. Best wishes, CeliaGrammarTask 4 Write the correct form of the verbs crossed out in the

88、following letter. Dear Peter, I have been attending my college for a year. Im very happy about 1 study here. At first, it was a little hard getting used to 2 speak _ English all the time, but now I feel very comfortable about 3 communicate _ in my second language. I just joined an international stud

89、ent group, and Im very excited about 4 meet _ new people. Summer vacation is coming, and a few of us are planning on 5 do _ some traveling together. Before joining this group, I used to 6 spending _ holidays alone. Im happy that I have made many good friends now. I look forward to 7 hear _ from you

90、soon! JanestudyingspeakingcommunicatingmeetingdoingspendhearingGrammar词类及其之间的相互关系词类及其之间的相互关系一、词类一、词类名称名称缩写缩写 中文名中文名例子例子概念或功能概念或功能nounn. 名词名词boy, milk, love表示人、物及抽象概念的名称表示人、物及抽象概念的名称pronounpron.代词代词you, I, my, yours 代替名词或起名词作用的短语代替名词或起名词作用的短语和句子和句子adjectiveadj.形容词形容词good, happy, nice, 描绘人或事物的特征、性质、描绘

91、人或事物的特征、性质、状态状态adverbadv.副词副词well, fast, quickly表达时间、地点、程度、方式表达时间、地点、程度、方式等概念等概念verbv.动词动词do, cut, run, jump表示动作或状态表示动作或状态numeralnum.数词数词two, third 表示数目多少或顺序表示数目多少或顺序article art.冠词冠词a, an, the限定、说明名词的所指限定、说明名词的所指preposition prep.介词介词at, in, with, for表示词与词表示词与词, 词与句之词与句之间的关系间的关系conjunction conj.连词连词a

92、nd, so, because连接词、短语或句子,连接词、短语或句子,表达逻辑关系表达逻辑关系interjectioninterj.感叹词感叹词 oh, yeah, ouch表示喜怒哀乐等感情或表示喜怒哀乐等感情或情绪情绪Grammar注:不少单词不仅仅属于一个词类,在不同的语言环境下可体现不同的词性注:不少单词不仅仅属于一个词类,在不同的语言环境下可体现不同的词性如:如:1. Would you like to take a walk? (名词) 2. I usually walk to school.(动词)Grammar二、二、 词与词之间的关系词与词之间的关系1.冠词修饰和限定名词:a

93、 book, an apple, the president2.形容词修饰名词:new car, beautiful flower3.副词修饰动词、形容词、副词及整个句子: I speak English loudly. (修饰动词) She is really pretty. (修饰形容词) What happened? The father asked, rather slowly. (修饰副词) Fortunately, no one was hurt. (修饰整个句子)4.介词后接名词或动名词:in the morning look forward to visiting your c

94、ityGrammarTask 1Complete the dialogs by ticking off () the right word or words. 1. A: Did you enjoy your holiday? B: Yes, we had wonderful time/ a wonderful time.2. A: What can I do for you, Susan? B: Can you give me some advice/ advices on how to find a job? 3. A: What would you like to put in your

95、 sandwich? B: Id like a chicken/ some chicken, please.4. A: How is the park? B: It is beautiful. And we took some photos/photoes there.5. A: Are you busy tomorrow? B: Yes. We have some business/businesses to discuss.Grammar6. A: What did you do with Jackie last night? B: I had conversation/ a conver

96、sation with him.7. A: Hi, guys. Are you ready for the holiday? B: Yes. We have packed all the luggage/ luggages here.8. A: Whats the matter? B: Youve got some egg/ some eggs on your shirt. 9. A: What can you see in the distance? B: I can see a few sheep/sheeps. 10. A: How did your interview go? B: W

97、ell, I didnt get the job. I think they really wanted someone with some experience/ experiences. Unit 1 Design Liaison1.Living in the country is less (expense) _ than living in the city.2. Although John was not experienced in business, he did it with (confident) _ .3. The chairman emphasized his idea

98、s by speaking more (loud) _ .4. Some American businessmen in China are spending a lot of time in (learn) _Chinese.5. Some people do believe that smoking will (certain) _ cause lung cancer.Task 2Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word given in the bracket. expensiveconfidenceloudlyle

99、arningcertainlyGrammarUnit 1 Design Liaison6. Im (real) _ sorry for the mistake our office worker made last month. 7. Could you go to bed (early) _ than you usually do?8. The sellers allowed us to pay them on a (month) _ basis.9. John is the (clever) _student I have ever taught.10. He told a very (l

100、ive) _story about his life in Africa.reallyearliermonthlycleverestlivelyGrammarUnit 1 Design Liaison1. The boy is a quick learner. The boy learns _.2. The man can cook really well. The man is a _.3. Your behavior was extremely foolish. You behaved _.4. The hotel staff treated us in a very friendly m

101、anner. The hotel staff were _.5. I dont think thats a practical suggestion. That suggestion doesnt sound _.Task 3Rewrite each of the following sentence without changing its meaning. quicklygood cookextremely foolishlyvery friendly to uspracticalGrammarUnit 1 Design Liaison6. Philip is usually a hard

102、 worker. Philip usually works _ .7. Tom looked sad when I saw him. Tom looked at me _ .8. I wish you could swim fast. I wish you were a _ .9. She speaks perfect English. She speaks English _ .10. I didnt go out because of the heavy rain. I didnt go out because it rained _ .hardsadlyfast swimmerperfe

103、ctlyheavilyGrammarUnit 1 Design Liaison Helen Keller was a (1) health/healthy baby. But when she was 19 months old, she had a (2) sudden/suddenly fever. Later, the fever disappeared, but she became (3) blind/blindly and (4) deaf/deafly. When Helen was seven years old, a teacher, Anne Sullivan, came

104、to live with Helens family. First, Anne taught Helen how to talk with her fingers. Then Anne taught Helen to read by the Braille system. Helen learned these things (5) quick/quickly. However, learning to speak was (6) harder/hardly. Anne continued to teach Helen patiently. (7) Final/Finally, when He

105、len was 10 years old, she could speak (8) clear/clearly enough for people to understand her.Task 4Cross out the wrong word in each of the word pairs underlined. GrammarUnit 1 Design Liaison Helen went to an institute for the blind, where she did very (9) good/well in her studies. Then she went to co

106、llege, where she graduated with honors when she was 24 years old. Helen traveled (10) extensive/extensively with Anne. She worked (11) tireless/tirelessly, traveling all over America, Europe, and Asia to raise money to build schools for blind people. Her (12) main/mainly message was that disabled pe

107、ople are like everybody else. They want to live life (13) full/fully and (14) natural/naturally. Helen wanted all people to be treated (15) equal/equally.GrammarThe Greatest Building St. Pauls Cathedral While Londons 300-year-old St. Pauls Cathedral is being restored, learn more about this remarkable design by Mr. Christopher Wren. The Greatest Building ScriptScriptThank You!土 建 英 语新职业英语新职业英语English for Civil Engineering



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