实用商务英语听说第一册Unit 4 Appearances

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1、Unit 4 AppearancesContentsWarm up1Listening tasks2Summary 3TeachingAims1 1To understand personal descriptions2 2To identify people through physical description3 3To practice listening skillsWarm-upWarm-upTask1Brainstorm! 1. Do you like handsome boys or pretty girls? Here are some people, can you des

2、cribe them from their appearances2. Are you satisfied with your appearance? If not, how do you want to change? (open ended)Warm-upPhotosReference:Examples:A beautiful lady wears a red evening dress A handsome boy wears a white T-shirt and blue jeansTask2vDirections: Look at these photos below. These

3、 are people who are good at math or doing business, but they look totally different. Listen and number the photos a-e according to what you hear. Photosa b c d e Task2The correct order is: 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )KeystoTask2The correct order is: 1. ( b ) 2. ( a ) 3. ( c ) 4. (d ) 5. ( e )

4、PartIIListeningforAppearanceExpressionsTask1Brainstorm!vDescribeyourdressingforthedifferentweather(openended).vOndifferentoccasions,formalandinformal,whatkindofclothesshouldyouwear?Reference:Examples:vSuitandtieforaformaloccasionvT-shirtandjeansforaninformaloccasionTask2Directions:Businessman should

5、 be able to choosesuitableclothesfordifferentsituations.Listentothefollowingstatementsaboutwhattheychoosetowear.Fillintheblanksaccordingtowhatyouhear.Task21.MynameisKathy.Imwearingatoday.Imwearingtoo.Itsraining,butImnotwearinga.2.Itstoday.Maryiswearinga,anda.3. Anita a suit today.She is wearingand.K

6、eystoTask21.MynameisKathy.Imwearingagreensuittoday.Imwearinghighheelstoo.Itsraining,butImnotwearingaraincoat.2.Its cold today. Mary is wearing a sweatshirt,gloves,andahat.3.Anita isnt wearing a suit today, she is wearingbrownpantsandajacket.PartIIIListeningforDetailsTask1Brainstorm! vLook at the pho

7、to below. Imagine you are having a big party with your classmates right now, and you invite one of your friends to attend that party. Task1Task11.Can you introduce each of your classmates to your friends according to their appearances? 2.Describe one of your classmates in your classroom, and let you

8、r friend guess who is the person you describe. (open ended)Reference:An Example: A girl standing in the middle back to us named Rose, and she has a short blond hair and wears a black suit. Task2Directions: Look at the picture below. Some people get together to chat, celebrating their success in busi

9、ness. Listen to the dialogue and try to identify people through physical description, match the names to the correct people in the picture. ThePhotoSherry Susan Irene GloriaKeystoTask2Sherry Susan Irene GloriaPartIVListeningfortheGistTask1Brainstorm!1.Areyoutheonlychildinyourfamily?(openended)2.Ifpo


11、ask21.Thewomansmotheristheyoungersisterofthesiblingsmother.TF2.TheboydressedinagrayT-shirtiscalledTom,andheistheeldestamongthem.TFTask23. The girl dressed in a white T-shirt with someEnglishlettersistheyoungestamongthem,andsheworksforgovernment.TF4.ThegirlwhowearsglassesisnamedGraceandshelovesbeauti

12、fuldresses.TFTask25.Graceis2yearsolderthanLucy,andsheisgoodatswimming.TFKeystotask21.T2.T3.F4.F5.FSummaryvThe information of peoples appearance is very important in many situations. To be able to describe ones appearance is very useful in our daily lives. In this unit, you are expected to identify people through physical description, and master frequently used vocabulary and skills of listening for details and main ideas. Company LogoCompany LogoSummaryListeningforExpressionsListeningforDetails ListeningfortheGist the 3 main the 3 main reasons for reasons for listeninglistening



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