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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂Unit 7 shopping Study skills学习目标:学习目标:1、认知英语中的部分、认知英语中的部分辅音字母组合的发音。辅音字母组合的发音。2、能正确读出这些因、能正确读出这些因素。素。3、能根据已学的音标、能根据已学的音标认读新单词。认读新单词。 【课前热身】一、仔细读单词,读并写出下列划线字母的发音。bl kl1. black _ 2. class _ 3. floor _ 4. glass _ 5. plane _ 6. sleep _ 7. bread _ 8. cry _ 9. friend _ 10. grass _ 11. prett

2、y _ 12. sky _ 13. small _14. snow _15. speak _16. star _17. screen _18. spring _19. street _ 20. quiet_ 21. sweet _ 22. twenty _ 23. table _ 24. people _ 25. uncle _ 26. noodle _ 27. little _ 28. pencil _ 29. cousin _ 30. listen _ 31. often _ 32. seven _ 33. garden _ fl gl pl sl br kr fr gr pr sk sm

3、 sn sp st skr spr str kw sw tw bl pl kl tl dl sl zn sn fn vn dn 二、在课文中划出下列词组, 并熟练读背。 1、擦黑板、擦黑板 clean the blackboard 2、在操场上训练、在操场上训练 practice in the playground 3、桌子上的水果、桌子上的水果 fruit on the table 4、春季的花朵、春季的花朵 flowers in spring 5、飞在空中的风筝、飞在空中的风筝 kites flying in the sky 6、一群小人们、一群小人们 a group of little

4、peopleblplbleflskple【学海拾贝】1、在两个辅音因素之间不要停顿过长,否则会导致增加类似/ / 样的元音因素。读并写出下列单词:/klev/ _ /klekt/ _/pli:s/ _ /pli:z/ _ clevercollect police please 2、在音素/s/后的清辅音应读读成其相应的浊辅音。 读并写出下列单词: /sk:t/ _ /sku:l/ _ /sk:/ _ /skri:n/ _ /spi:k/ _ /spel/ _ /sp:t/ _ /spri/ _ / st:t/ _ /stei/ _ /stail/ _ /stri:t/ _ / str/ _ /

5、spend/ _ /stmp/ _ /ais kri:m/ _skirt schoolscore screen speak special sport springstart stay style street strong ice creamspend stamp 【堂清巩固】 一、选出每组划线部分读音与众不同的单词( ) 1.A. school B. Christmas C. class D . knock( )2. A. than B. many C. stamp D. match( )3. A. high B. light C. enough D. eight ( )4. A. exp

6、ensive B. collect C. less D. pretty( )5. A. most B. post C. cost D. ghost( )6. A. hungry B. change C. pink D. uncle( )7.A. theatre B. area C. idea D. meal( )8. A. low B. yellow C. brown D. snow( )9. A. large B. sugar C. start D. smart( )10.A. snack B. plate C. paper D. changeA B C D C B D C B A 二、用所

7、给词的正确形式填空:1、We should eat _(health) food _ (keep) fit.2、June 1st is_ (child) Day. My daughter _ (like) that day best.3、Who can help me _ (cut) the apple into _ (half).4、I want _(buy) a birthday p_ for my mother.5、We need more sweets. They are not e_ for the party.6、I want you _ (help) me with my mat

8、hs.7、Its easy for me _ (answer) this question.8、Toms shoes are different from those football _ (play).9、His parents _ (not have) enough money for him _ (go) to school.healthy to keep Childrens likes to cut halves to buy resentnoughto help to answerplayers dont have to go 三、根据对话和首字母,填入正确的单词: A: Hello

9、, can I h_ you? B: Yes. Im l_ for a pair of sports shoes for my son. A: Just a m_, please. There a_ some sports shoes for young people. T_ a look. They are nice. B: How much does this pair c_? A: 50 yuan. B: 50 yuan? Its too e_. Do you have any c_ pair? A: Yes. Here they are. W_ do you think of this pair? B: They are nice. Ill t_ them.elp ooking inutereake ostxpensive heap hat ake



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