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1、Unit2ValuesTextAALifeFullofRiches作者:杨彦学校:郑州工商学院ALifeFullofRichesKarl R. GreenKarl R. Green2. Pre-reading 3. Text Analysis4. Words Expressions5. Difficult Sentences6. Exercises1. Cultural Notes Cultural NotesCultural Notes Salvation ArmySalvation Army a Christian charity and social services organizat

2、ion founded by William Booth and his wife Catherine Booth in London in 1865 got the name because of a popular saying that “The Christian Mission is a volunteer army.” Nearly 33 million Americans receive help from it annually.Pre-readingPre-readingAR_Proverbs and Quotations 1Pre-reading task (2)1mone

3、y talkspay an arm and a leg for sth.in the redhave money to burnpiggy bankat all costs Dutch treatfor a songMoney doesnt grow on treesburn a hole in one pocketValues of MoneyMoneyidiomsAR_Proverbs and Quotations 1Pre-reading task (3)Wealth outlook 31Money/Having more?contributes tois equal tobuyshap

4、piness 2 3Text AnalysisStructure1 2 3(Para.1-2)(Para.3-12)(Para.13)The writers encounter with a boy Who raised the question “Are you poor?”Not having expensive posse-ssions doesnt make him feel poor, why?Hes grown to understand more about himself because of the boys question.PartOne(Paras.1-2):Thewr

5、itersencounterwithaboyAnswer Question Are you poor?I have more than some, but not as much as others.lingersPartTwo_GlobalReadingEvidences of the writers being poor and not poor Poor Not poorLowest income bracketOne vacation in 35 yearsBlack-and-white TVOld carModest apartmentOutdoor clothesComputer

6、needs in libraryExceptionally good healthVigorous and spiritedFun in exercisingGift of creativityPoetry, or jokesTalking with interesting friendsMain Idea: in search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesnt make him feel poor mainly because_.he enjoys life in many o

7、ther waysCompareparas.7and12.Para.7Feeling out of place in the materialistic societyfeeling a genuine sense of belongingPara.12Think: What / Who on earth brought about this abrupt change? sharing their stories, bringing hot chocolate, lingering smile, sentiments of the seasonPartThreeInconclusion,th

8、ewriterthinkshesgrowntounderstand more about himselfbecauseoftheboysquestion.not speaking of “money”Think: Why?instead he mentions “possessions”, “material things”, “material goods”, “stuff”, New Words1.confront2.attain1.tear and wear2.go throughExpressions confront摆在的面前我们所面对的困难似乎无法克服。Thedifficultie

9、sthat_seeminsuperable.v.BlankFillingconfront us1. (of a problem, difficulty, etc.) face (sb.) threateningly 2. (of a person) face and deal with (a problem, difficulty, etc.)面对,应对面对,应对军人必须面对危险和死亡。军人必须面对危险和死亡。1. A soldier has to confrontdangeranddeath.宇航员必须面对未知世界。宇航员必须面对未知世界。2.Astronautshavetoconfront

10、 theunknown.Translationconfront vt.problem/difficultysb摆在的面前面对,应对Summarybe confronted with 1.Theprisoner wasconfrontedwithhisaccusers.犯人被带来与原告对质。犯人被带来与原告对质。2.conclusionsthatcanbeconfrontedwithexperience能与经验相对照的结论能与经验相对照的结论Translationbe brought face to facefus=pour,表示表示“流,泻流,泻” confuse v 使混乱(使混乱(con共

11、同共同+fuse流到一起流到一起混合,混合,混乱)混乱) confusion n. 混乱(混乱(confuse+ion) confuse vt. to make sb. unable to think clearly 使糊涂,使迷惑Translation1.Hisworkssurprisedand confusedpeople.Formation他的作品使人们既惊讶又困惑。他的作品使人们既惊讶又困惑。TosucceedingettingsthToreachaparticularage,levelorcondition attainv.(通常经过努力)获得;得到达到(某年龄、水平、状况)Tran

12、slate the following sentences and guess the meaning of the phrases in red.1.Imdeterminedtoattainmypurposeatanycost.我决心不惜任何代价达到目的。2.Jimishalfwaytoattaininghispilotslicense.吉姆快要拿到他的飞行员执照了。3.MostofourstudentsattainedfiveAsintheirexams4.Thecheetahcanattainspeedsofupto97kph.猎豹的奔跑速度每小时可达97公里。我们多数学生的考试成绩是五

13、个优。1.Inatyphoon,winds_aspeedgreaterthan120kilometersperhour.(2006. 06. CET 4)A.assumeC.attainB.accomplishD.assembl真题再现1. Translate this sentence into Chinese.首首次次面面对对这这个个问问题题,是是在在2003年年12月月初初我我第第一一次次为为救救世世军军摇摇铃铃募募捐捐的的时候。时候。It was early December 2003, my first season as a Salvation Army bell ringer,

14、when I was confronted with the question. (Para. 1)2. What does a Salvation Army bell ringer do?To ring the bell and ask people to donate money to help the poor.II.before.1.Itwas/willbe+时间段+before.过多长时间将发生某动作或事情;或过了多久发生了某事或动作。e.g:Itwasthreeyearsbeforehefinishedthework.他花了三年才完成这项工作.Itwillbethreeyearsb





19、的好运气。好运气。AsIexaminedwhatitmeanstobepoor,ithasbecomecleartomewhatIammostthankfulfor:bothmytangibleandmyintangiblegoodfortune.Translate:howwecanreplacefeelingsofscarcity,guilt,andburdenwithexperiencesofsufficiency,freedom,andpurpose.Reclaiming(改造)(改造) the Wealth of Our Inner Resources“Isuggestthatsuff


21、rencewithwhatyouhave.”Imcontinuallysurprisedattheinsights thatcomethroughmywritingprocess.Translate: 通过写作而获得的通过写作而获得的洞察力洞察力,不断地不断地令我惊奇令我惊奇。Why Having More Wont Make Us Happy“Trueabundancecannevercomefromthedoorwayorportalofmore.”Wealthislikewater,itmustbemovinganditnourisheswhenitflows.PostReadingSt

22、udy Useful expressions AssignmentsTheme-related cloze (page 46): A debate: Do you think money can buy happiness?A recommended English song: Money, money, money ThankYouI can still see the confusion and curiosity in his eyes as he asked, “Are you poor?”(Para. 1)QuestionQuestionHow much did the boy kn

23、ow about the Salvation Army bell ringer?Obviously he knew nothing about that.Why did the boy ask such a question?Because he was confused and curious.“Well,” I stammered, trying to think, “I have more than some people, but not as much as other.” 1. How did the author think of the question?2. What doe

24、s the authors answer mean?He thought it was difficult to answer.This means he is neither poor nor rich.2) many of them suffer from misfortune and need help.Directions: You are required to start an essay entitled Help the Homeless with an anecdote. 1) try to persuade your readers that people should have sympathy for the homeless3) My commentsThisissomethingparentslovetosaytotheirchildren.Ifmoneygrewontrees,itwouldbeveryaccessible.Sowhensomeonesays“moneydoesntgrowontrees”,whattheyrereallysayingisthatits not easy to obtain money (so dont spend it carelessly).



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