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1、Unit 7Education (2) 教育(2)Warm-upA. Look up these words in the dictionary and tick those words that you think are students. pupil graduate assistant secretary undergraduate advisory sophomore senior junior freshman professor tutorB. Answer the following questions. From where can we get education? Do

2、you think schooling can make you creative? Why or why not? Have you ever thought to do something creative? What is it? What kinds of characteristics(特征、特性) do you think a creative person should have? What kind of genius(天才)do you want to tap into?Warm-upPassage : Develop Your Hidden Talents Twelve y

3、ears ago, Kathy Holubitsky, a secretary, began to write a novel by stealing an hour here and there after work. She was fond of reading, but had no formal training, not even a night class in creative writing. Soon she completed one novel, then another. “I started to write to give myself a creative ch

4、allenge,” says Holubitsky lately, “not aiming to publish.” Yet two years ago, Alone at Ninety Foot became her first published work. Not bad for an untrained writer with no particular aim for fame. Being creative is not only natural. Its good for you. Creative expression enriches free time, reduces s

5、tress and brings better mental and physical health. Creativity can even make you smarter. It demands couragethe courage to be childlike in attempting new things, shrugging off regular way of doing things and trying something we are not already good at. Passage Creativity does not necessarily require

6、 an act of will or hard work. Many people come up with their best ideas merely while driving, bathing or cleaning the house. Creativity asks us to change the way we love our lives, to turn away from the “normal” way of doing things and to express our difference from all other people. However, its po

7、ssible that your talents wont make you famous or rich. But it might change your life, leading you to make big changes in your work, your social circle and other activities you spend a lot of time doing. If you want to be more creative, you have to take more risks. Risk is always better than safety,

8、which can lead to cynicism and a wellworn chair in front of the TV. “I always advise people to take a chance on something theyve always wanted to do,” says Jim Adams, vicedean of Physics Department Stanford University. “often something that fits in with your talents and abilities. Unfortunately, a l

9、ot of people live and die with that one wish unfulfilled.” PassageWords and Expressionssecretary n. 秘书,书记,部长fond adj. 喜爱的,爱好的training n. 培训lately adv. 最近,不久前aim v. 打算 n. 目的,目标foot n. 脚,英尺publish v. 出版,公布*fame n. 名声,名望expression n. 表达,表示,说法*enrich v. 使丰富,充实New words and expressions reduce v. 减少,缩小str

10、ess n. 压力,应力mental adj. 精神的,脑力的physical adj. 身体的*creativity n. 创造力,创造demand v.& n. 要求,需要courage n. 勇气,胆识attempt v. 试图,尝试*shrug v. 耸肩regular adj. 规则的,固定的,经常的something pron. 某事,某物,某东西merely adv. 仅仅,只不过New words and expressions risk n. 风险,冒险*cynicism n. 玩世不恭chair n. 椅子advise v. 忠告,劝告,建议vice adj. 副的*dea

11、n n. 系主任physics n. 物理学die n. 死,枯萎*unfulfilled adj. 未实现的be fond of 喜欢,爱好be good at 擅长come up with 提出New words and expressions Notes1. Twelve years ago, Kathy Holubitsky, a secretary, began to write a novel by stealing an hour here and there after work.12年前,秘书凯茜霍鲁比茨基开始在下班后设法挤出一两个小时来进行写作。steal an hour

12、here and there 指“想方设法地挤出时间”,形容出凯茜开始写作时的艰辛。2. Not bad for an untrained writer with no particular aim for fame.对于一个没有经过专门训练的作家来说,(她出版了第一部小说)已相当不错了,更何况她当初写作时没想过要出名。本句省略了主语和谓语it is, 使句子更简洁。3. It demands couragethe courage to be childlike in attempting new things, shrugging off regular way of doing thing

13、s and trying something we are not already good at.创新需要勇气那种像孩子般天真地去尝试新事物、Notes 以耸肩对常规做法表示不屑和做我们不擅长的事情的勇气。 childlike意为“像孩子般天真的”;shrug off 是“以耸肩对表示不屑”;be good at为“擅长于”。 attempting, shrugging和trying 是并列位于in后的动词,表示“要用孩子般的天真去做这些事情”。4. Many people come up with their best ideas merely while driving, bathing

14、 or cleaning the house.很多人是在开车途中、沐浴或打扫屋子时突然产生绝佳想法的。 come up with意为“想出,提出”,后面一般加idea, solution等。 merely意为“仅仅”,表示强调。5. Creativity asks us to change the way we love our lives, to turn away from the “normal” way of doing things and to express our difference from all other people.创新要求我们改变我们热爱生活的方式、避开普通的做

15、事方法和表达出我们与别人的不同。Notes turn away from是“避开,厌恶”的意思。 change, turn和express是并列位于to后,表示“创新要求我们做的事情”。6. But it might change your life, leading you to make big changes in your work, your social circle and other activities you spend a lot of time doing.但是它(指天分)会改变你的生活,使你在工作、社交和其他你花费大量时间的活动中作出很大改变。 you spend a

16、 lot of time doing是定语从句,修饰activities,从句前省略了连接词that。7. .often something that fits in with your talents and abilities. 经常是一些适合你的天分和才能的事情。 fit in with表示“适合,符合,适应”。Notes 动名词动名词由动词+ing构成,具有动词和名词的性质,在句中起名词作用,可作主语、表语、宾语和定语。1. 作主语。例如:Seeing is believing.It is no use arguing with him.2. 作表语。例如:Her job is tea

17、ching.3. 作宾语。例如:He is fond of playing football.I like swimming. Grammar Grammar 注意:enjoy, feel, like, finish, give up, keep, mind, suggest等词后可以用动名词作宾语,但不能用不定式。forget, go on, like, mean, remember, stop, try等动词后可带动名词或不定式作宾语,但意义上有区别。例如:I remember doing the exercise.(我记得做过练习。)I remember to do it.(我必须记着做这事。)Stop speaking.(不要讲话。)He stopped to talk.(他停下来讲话。)4. 作定语。例如:He has a reading room.Grammar Grammar



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