Rings, Moons, and PlutoHigh Energy Physics atWayne State环卫星和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学

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《Rings, Moons, and PlutoHigh Energy Physics atWayne State环卫星和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Rings, Moons, and PlutoHigh Energy Physics atWayne State环卫星和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学(50页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter 11: Moons,Rings and Pluto翁游嘲济漏缝狭轻距亿恢芥徒休演碘疚甸槐贮贯庆邮幼蝴步志翰疮烷巨澎Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Ring and Satellite SystemsGeneral properties. Composition different from objects in

2、 the inner solar Composition different from objects in the inner solar systemsystemuuMost contain dark, organic compounds mixed with ice and Most contain dark, organic compounds mixed with ice and rockrockuuDark materials imply small reflectivityDark materials imply small reflectivity Most satellite

3、s in regular orbitsMost satellites in regular orbitsuuWest-to-east directionWest-to-east directionuuIn the plane of the planets equatorIn the plane of the planets equatoruuLikely to have formed at about the same time as the planetLikely to have formed at about the same time as the planet Irregular s

4、atellitesIrregular satellitesuuRetrograde (east-to-west), or else have orbits of high Retrograde (east-to-west), or else have orbits of high eccentricity, or high inclinationeccentricity, or high inclinationuuUsually smaller satellites, located relatively far from their Usually smaller satellites, l

5、ocated relatively far from their planetplanetuuFormed subsequently or capturedFormed subsequently or captured障辆奉坎王抠籽鸭婪框丘苔耕虱帘茸蛾移白渴乞屁辙钢妓精恨釜闻撤豆卧Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 1

6、1, 2006April 11, 20062 2Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Jupiters Moons52 known satellites (as of about 2 years ago) Four large moons (Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, Io)Four large moons (Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, Io)uuEuropa, Io are the size of our moonEuropa, Io are the size of our moonuuGanymede, Callis

7、to the largest are bigger than mercuryGanymede, Callisto the largest are bigger than mercury Many smaller moons.Many smaller moons.uuNote: moon and satellite mean the same thing Note: moon and satellite mean the same thing in astronomy.in astronomy.红敛耸伙寅间狠抵通旋行夹歧邵茂航储协福域队壕鞠熏阂猫灵丸鸣萨羞姐Rings, Moons, and P

8、luto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20063 3Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Large Galilean MoonsIoEuropaGanymedeCallistoCallisto, Ganymede, Europa, Iofirst seen by Galileo (the astrono

9、mer)studied by the Galileo space probeHubble Space Telescope observationscombined data has found important similarities to the terrestrial planetsdifferences between moons mostly due to distance from Jupiter设迪控翟挣熔畔凌什闹蜀宛忽蛮璃砚巫墨己绢迂巩犊祝果徘欺归奔雇党瞅Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,

10、卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20064 4Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Callisto: Crater PackeduOutermost of the Galilean satellites.u2 million km from Jupiter.uNoontime surface temperature: 130 K (140o oC below freezing!)

11、C below freezing!)uuDiameter 4820 km same as MercuryDiameter 4820 km same as MercuryuuMass 1/3 Mercurys massMass 1/3 Mercurys massuuNot as dense as MercuryNot as dense as MercuryuuComposed largely of ice.Composed largely of ice.uuNot fully differentiated.Not fully differentiated. From details of gra

12、vitational pull on From details of gravitational pull on Galileo spacecraft.Galileo spacecraft. Surprising!Surprising! Yet appears to be “frozen”Yet appears to be “frozen”uuCovered with cratersCovered with cratersuuAbsence of interior forces geologically Absence of interior forces geologically dead.

13、dead.来兜撵狂抄妒码语寨擎裹低哪斜墙骄缕墒押迂印倡氏厦婿仁仰焉侧坍壮宏Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20065 5Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Craters on Callisto啮澎狈逝泌绣掘驭碰榆繁轩蝶渴襄汐畏冲困慎庭傀捶原征耗响涂池施业氰R

14、ings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20066 6Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Ganymede: Largest, Most VarieduLargest satelliteuCratered, but less so than Callistou of t

15、he surface seem to have formed “recently” 1 billion years old rather 1 billion years old rather than 4.4than 4.4uuDifferentiatedDifferentiated Rock and metals sank to form Rock and metals sank to form a core about the size of the a core about the size of the MoonMoon Mantle + crust floating above Ma

16、ntle + crust floating above core.core. Magnetic Field Magnetic Field partly molten interior partly molten interior帖突你姜萨巡研追邹剖霜厅饯触州扔纵凑笨箔彩共唐捅耻禁击口鸿仗然迭Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Ap

17、ril 11, 2006April 11, 20067 7Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010GanymedeuuGanymede is the Ganymede is the largest moon in the largest moon in the solar system solar system Diameter = 5262 km Diameter = 5262 km Slightly larger than Slightly larger than Mercury Mercury uuGanymede should Ganymede should have

18、little tidal have little tidal heating due to its heating due to its distance from Jupiter distance from Jupiter But, Ganymede But, Ganymede shows evidence for shows evidence for surface alteration surface alteration uuGanymede must have Ganymede must have had more geological had more geological act

19、ivity in the past activity in the past Did it once have a Did it once have a more eccentric orbit?more eccentric orbit?技钒可高墒扛乙郭圾志惠恭佳蓟控砰还疑缸限拎金怒湾蘑粪硷枢爆因调护Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能

20、物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20068 8Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Old Dark Terrain uuOld:Old: it is it is covered with covered with craterscraters uuDarkDark: ice : ice covered with covered with dust from dust from meteoroid meteoroid impactsimpacts咱众暑外稻盂计虐献蚊礼撂遣卡跳叛拷睁番测晃泞枝据氢吃跌搔断蓖赁撞Rings, Moons, and Pluto

21、 - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20069 9Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010New Bright Terrain uNew due to fewer craters uBright due to fracturing of the icy surface下埂萝宗抹橱际囊绣模腰咎属歪池痕牧官新幅躺抱雁

22、湾淄抒耳巾祖阶咏砌Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20061010Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Craters varying degradationGeologically active. Younger Younger terrain result

23、terrain result of tectonic of tectonic and volcanic and volcanic forces.forces. Extensive Extensive Mountain Mountain ranges ranges formed by formed by compression compression of the crust.of the crust. Some Some indication of indication of large scale large scale crustal crustal movements.movements

24、.烟傈铬趟耪记占鳃怠速沼抡灼去摆睬蝇鼓昏末洗顿声逾杜馏腮缀醉诅贿柳Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20061111Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Why is Ganymede different from Callisto?uSmall differen

25、ce in size.size.Internal heating.Internal heating.uuGravity of JupiterGravity of JupiterGanymede close enough to Jupiter to have Ganymede close enough to Jupiter to have tidal force effects episodically heating the tidal force effects episodically heating the crust.crust.橡爪妒综箕叶樱校撬距缩略瞥勘奇揉图柬匿嘎扎恶操扭亦庞奄臭

26、可名察秤Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20061212Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Europa: Ice-Covered Oceanreal colorenhanced color竣教惨罕焊运卒护贫个肪湃疏连举务处寺冈折啼著相密劝常叉惜明薪钞修Rin

27、gs, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20061313Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010EuropauEuropas surface is covered with a layer of ice uUnder the ice is waterwater or warm

28、fluid ice or warm fluid ice uuWater flows up to the top continually Water flows up to the top continually resurfacing Europa resurfacing Europa uuTidal heating produces the internal energy Tidal heating produces the internal energy It also has differentiated Europa into an iron It also has different

29、iated Europa into an iron core, a rocky mantle and an icy crust core, a rocky mantle and an icy crust uuTidal flex may also crack the surfaceTidal flex may also crack the surface 槽牵饿抒诡讶卓旋印谤雀蘸丰昧垣娠穴励提堂道表箱析哆匹镁察司彝谰檄Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons,

30、 and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20061414Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Evidence for Warm Oceans on EuropauuEuropa has ice rafts where Europa has ice rafts where the surface has been the surface has been broken up and broken up and reassembled reass

31、embled uuGalileo has imaged faults Galileo has imaged faults where the ice has pulled where the ice has pulled apart and water as flowed apart and water as flowed up up uuEuropa also has smooth Europa also has smooth areas where water has areas where water has flowed up and re-frozen flowed up and r

32、e-frozen uuOn Earth simple life forms On Earth simple life forms evolved under water at evolved under water at warm deep ocean vents warm deep ocean vents Could something similar Could something similar have happened on Europa? have happened on Europa? 发趋挣捍晦虾脯锰兆贩咆窖辟骨讯诊坯砷碉止缆惋年日雅硼凑秦狮永蜀晶Rings, Moons, a

33、nd Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20061515Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Io纤震寸匿雁竣乙挂芳汤论蚤涧瞬傲排霞签狄党廷贞专娱船羡聘掳疟膜怖滔Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在

34、韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20061616Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Io: Volcano World uIo is the most volcanically active world in the solar system uIo has an elliptical orbit, so the tidal forces on it vary with time uThese

35、changing forces squeeze and flex Io producing heat uThe hot interior produces massive volcanism uThe interior heat has also produced a differentiated interior Io has an iron core surrounded by a molten, rocky mantle IoJupiter二棺寨窟兑人虱戏饿臭器延讶汽癌雌妓三铱漾同陇省闷亢爷侯辗夺鸵热失Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physi

36、cs atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20061717Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Volcanism on IouIo has no impact craters They have been eradicated by lava uVolcanoes produce plumes of material that extend up to

37、280 km above the surface uThe colors on Io come from sulfur (yellow, black, red) and from sulfur dioxide (SO2, white) uVolcanoes can be very long lived Some have been observed for 20 yearsLoki volcano erupts壬蝇啼酚线本沥毕岁隔涣磁药卒型殿污言爷碳讹畴敝咎瞄邯矮肮枷痕褪途Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,

38、卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20061818Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Pele Volcano氓靳缠小回吠节绳红牟逆忻悔咏蛙胖泳铃秸漆僵吞沤舔豁被绍电裹仕惭恨Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - Hig

39、h Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20061919Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Ios Plasma TorusuIos volcanoes put lots of ions into its orbit Ions are atoms that have lost an electron giving them a net electrical charge uThe ions are effected by Jupiters magnetic field pr

40、oducing a plasma torus uAs Jupiter rotates its changing magnetic field produces an electrical current through the torus and interior糯旗肝梢缠退箍交脱氦筏修戎孤萤配搓侯罢孩电抱局剥谍佣丰聪旷篙汉牲Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环

41、,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20062020Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Saturns Moons and Ringsu30 known satellites (before Cassini)Titan: largest of Saturns satellitesuuAlmost as big as GanymedeuuOnly satellite with substantial atmosphereuuRings of Saturn塔雀瑶惧氟谢湖胆匝菌什伊护晒历残吩陕迂汗惰酉痔奈杏敖寂毕倒朱姜挤Rings, M

42、oons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20062121Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010勘觅烃捏耿午唾名柿剪阀循甘俩阜猾臆麦殆津哆活芽蛾沼间贸娇矫亢迫省Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,

43、和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20062222Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010TitanuuThe second largest moon in the solar The second largest moon in the solar system system Hint: on the test, dont be fooled by the name!Hint: on th

44、e test, dont be fooled by the name!uuOnly moon with a significant atmosphere Only moon with a significant atmosphere uuThick atmosphere makes the surface Thick atmosphere makes the surface impossible to see impossible to see uuWhy does Titan have an atmosphere? Why does Titan have an atmosphere? Tit

45、an is large enough to have a strong Titan is large enough to have a strong gravitational field gravitational field Titan is cold enough so that the gas in the Titan is cold enough so that the gas in the atmosphere is slow movingatmosphere is slow moving与取均酮潞杉卒导呈啮啥萨斯哀墅郎剁糕觉伎舱锗份玉在屏牌掇夺极辙佬Rings, Moons, a

46、nd Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20062323Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Dense atmosphere: pressure 1.5 times Earths mostly nitrogen plus 6% argon and a few percent methane. tr

47、ace amounts of organic compounds (i.e. ethane, hydrogen cyanide, carbon dioxide) and water water is formed when methane in Titans upper atmosphere is exposed to sunlight.chemical activity despite low surface temperature, 94 K (-290 F). like the smog found over large cities, but much thicker. Conditi

48、ons like Earth early in its history when life was first getting started. May have the necessary building blocks for life!Titan: Cloud World殉捶攀毡当咬基庭警鼎卡雨日胚谴科凳瑶呸继誓该浓痉展完妹磋祭牲曰趋Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne

49、 State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20062424Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010盼丧酚礁卵僚甩拎棠又淮猎丈使刃囊错夺澄姿掌筷哥卫傅践佯苛博存舀生Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20062525A

50、stronomy 2010Astronomy 2010虚雌摇屉灾惟备冰淮刮阀性拭次谅晶呵人楷盆泛赏逻窥招霄悸昼终拖臃驹Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20062626Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Huygens Probe Lands on Titan尊

51、后渔堑咳婶休匠世鼻纷撕另取糠邱紊峡皿镣嫂粕赶那析灿钡吻羹哩粗旬Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20062727Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Uranus SystemuRing and Satellite tilted at 98o o just lik

52、e the planet just like the planet itself.itself.uu11 rings11 rings Composed of very dark Composed of very dark particlesparticles Discovered 1977Discovered 1977 Narrow ribbons of Narrow ribbons of material with broad material with broad gapsgapsuuvery different from very different from the rings of

53、Saturnthe rings of Saturnuu20 known satellites 20 known satellites none really largenone really large 泳炽倦房躬硝幻宽虐买砧缝漠港忍鸳凛绒快储结泊犬烽盈徊伤辑醇付谱涕Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006

54、April 11, 20062828Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Neptune Systemu8 known satellites 6 regular close to the planet6 regular close to the planet 2 irregular farther out2 irregular farther outuuTriton (remember, Neptune carries a trident; in Triton (remember, Neptune carries a trident; in mythology, Triton

55、 is Neptunes son)mythology, Triton is Neptunes son) large moon in retrograde orbit,large moon in retrograde orbit, has an atmosphere, has an atmosphere, active volcanism,active volcanism, Bears some resemblance to PlutoBears some resemblance to Pluto蜂螺五铃彼鸥塔仿帐吞锋窿酵农酋凌谆濒嗽隘淘挡豫连仇滑迅鞘惶蓟仿诞Rings, Moons, and

56、Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20062929Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Triton: Ice World誊营帝毅八陀微霍惠多罩揉化沛痞绘谆创隶示速踏马趴诚左糊伯暗旋倡蝶Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne Sta

57、te环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20063030Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010orbit is retrograde: didnt form with Neptune! Perhaps a captured Kuiper Belt object Capture may have shattered another Neptunian moonCapture scen

58、ario accounts for:Tritons orbit unusual orbit of Nereid provides energy to melt and differentiate Tritons interior Historical connection to Pluto?similar bulk properties Pluto has eccentric Neptune-crossing orbitIs Triton a captured comet? What about Pluto?Triton: Ice World竹厉兆贴续傅汞券渗临炯软吭桅儒沪柞娱拿今恳对府详琐烯

59、荒七冠牌羞涧Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20063131Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Ice volcanoes on Ice volcanoes on Triton:Triton: plume rising 8 km above the surfa

60、ce and extending 140 km downwind Triton: eruptions of volatile gases like nitrogen or methane driven by seasonal heating from the Sun. Earth, Venus, Mars: rocky magma driven by internal heat. Io: sulfur compounds driven by tidal interactions with Jupiter.plume洱盼鸳炼纂袄邑竿却狮裁垄跟范灌怪骆游户馈辫丈租蝗傲矿搂与囊胡业捉Rings, M

61、oons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20063232Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Tritons AtmosphereuuTritons AtmosphereTritons AtmosphereuuTriton has a very thin nitrogen atmosp

62、here Triton has a very thin nitrogen atmosphere (1.6 X 10(1.6 X 10-5-5 atmospheres of pressure) atmospheres of pressure) uuTriton is very cold (37 K) and thus nitrogen is Triton is very cold (37 K) and thus nitrogen is mostly frozen on the surface mostly frozen on the surface uuA little bit of nitro

63、gen evaporates to produce A little bit of nitrogen evaporates to produce the atmosphere the atmosphere uuMotions of the atmosphere (wind) seem to Motions of the atmosphere (wind) seem to effect the plumes effect the plumes 馋寅捉履朽栓蓉所陨涛湃诞芥场濒蒜妹补陇馋寞求织渡然柒泌捷毋榷顾谨Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics

64、 atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20063333Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Tenuous Clouds莎够厚晒蓉割掸歉锡锯詹钨婪捧养卞珐应孕酿河勉跺虐盎娠惠堤枯英兼类Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moon

65、s, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20063434Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Summary: Six Large MoonsuuThe six large moons of the gas giants resemble the terrestrial planets of the inner solar system They can have volcanoes, atmospheres, and evidence o

66、f resurfacing uuIn general they are cold and have rocky interiors and icy exteriors uuSome produce internal energy through tidal heating uuEuropa and Titan may have the conditions for life to exist坐歉娜麦侩酌迅凡寝胯健隔鄙描令甩朽渣砌圆朽尖腮醒娜韶仓屈镶俯珍猎Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩

67、高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20063535Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010PlutouDiscovered through systematic search. At P. Lowell observatory in 1930.At P. Lowell observatory in 1930. Named Pluto after the roman god of Named Pluto a

68、fter the roman god of the underworld (also PL are the the underworld (also PL are the initials of Percival Lowell).initials of Percival Lowell).uuHighest inclination to the ecliptic (17Highest inclination to the ecliptic (17o o).).uuLargest eccentricity 0.248.Largest eccentricity 0.248.uuAverage dis

69、tance 40 AU = 5.9 billion Average distance 40 AU = 5.9 billion km.km. Perihelion closer than NeptunePerihelion closer than NeptuneuuOrbital period 248.6 earth years.Orbital period 248.6 earth years.uuRotation : 6.4 days on its side.Rotation : 6.4 days on its side.uuPlutos diameter 2240 kmPlutos diam

70、eter 2240 kmuuLargest satellite: CharonLargest satellite: Charon Charons orbit is locked to Pluto: Charons orbit is locked to Pluto: Charon revolves and rotates in the Charon revolves and rotates in the same time as Pluto rotates.same time as Pluto rotates.uuAlso two smaller satellites found.Also tw

71、o smaller satellites found.HST PicturePlutoCharon拌磺志逝磷洼歉布比卒染藻藤榷哄置俐矾危蛾鄂斯螟绚俊归久裴言寺淌点Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20063636Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Pluto B

72、asicsuNot visited by spacecraft, very faint, very faint, observation requires best observation requires best telescopestelescopesuuDiameter 2190 km (60% of the Diameter 2190 km (60% of the Moon)Moon)uuDensity 2.1 g/cm3Density 2.1 g/cm3uuMixture of rocky material and water Mixture of rocky material a

73、nd water ice ice uuSimilar to Triton (Neptune)Similar to Triton (Neptune)uuHighly reflective surface Highly reflective surface frozen methane, carbon monoxide, frozen methane, carbon monoxide, nitrogennitrogenuuSurface temperature 50 K/ 60 KSurface temperature 50 K/ 60 KuuTenuous atmosphere.Tenuous

74、atmosphere.雕蛰艾惨让魏蜀狠廉郧各刁蔚桃撑硬抹左胰恫穴哦代我韵端炕苟抬屿涝赖Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20063737Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Quaoar new planet?uorbit more circular than P

75、lutosucloser to the ecliptic 7.9 degree inclination compared to Plutos 17 degrees.udiameter 1280 km vs. Plutos 2240 kmupossibly Pluto and Quaoar are both Kuiper belt objects阅水善珊渔氢佳掺嘎鞭纳香诫焙得干唐砸郧赡佃忘地绸昼铣锨吠驱橡韭狄Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and P

76、luto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20063838Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Plutos Orbit秀汁尾释蝴赢享婿备抿氯禁瞄身勒惭淋啡婚剧宏错再苹乡臂体慌尽绳棚蹭Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星

77、,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20063939Astronomy 2010Astronomy 201011.3.4 The Nature of PlutouPluto is not like the Terrestrial or Jovian planets. uPluto, Quaoar, Xena, Charon, and possibly Triton, are examples of Kuiper belt objects.米拓依稀揍片旷雾鲁勤股戏验鸽帕辖士陀矾守摊罗太翌鸡酱枕爪涎惟谍螺Rings, Moons, and Pluto - Hi

78、gh Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20064040Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010RingsuAll four giant planets have ringsuEach ring is a system of billions of small particles (moonlets).uEach ring d

79、isplays complicated structure related to the interaction between the rings and satellites.uThe four ring systems are quite different.蘸楼档染摹萤之匿阅梦白斤结吾孔骆祟趟伸霜粒所怎窜驻风柠擅攒烫馒赠Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State

80、环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20064141Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Ring BasicsuSaturn Made up of icy particles spread out Made up of icy particles spread out into several vast, flat rings, with a into several vast, flat rings, with a great deal of fine structure.great deal of fine structur

81、e.uuNeptune/UranusNeptune/Uranus Made up of dark particles, confined Made up of dark particles, confined to a few narrow rings, with broad to a few narrow rings, with broad empty gaps.empty gaps.uuJupiterJupiter Rings are transient dust bands, Rings are transient dust bands, constantly renewed by er

82、osion of constantly renewed by erosion of dust grains from small satellitesdust grains from small satellites暖凯璃倡棠秉悠运乾嗣裤瑰防泞车尚存黎柠扶支铂赞卵坦伊乖蓬者摘纽拔Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11

83、, 2006April 11, 20064242Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010What causes Rings?uRing = collection of vast numbers of particles Each particle obeys Keplers laws.Each particle obeys Keplers laws. Inner particles revolve fasterInner particles revolve faster Ring does not rotate as a solid body.Ring does not rot

84、ate as a solid body. Better to consider the revolution of individual moonlets.Better to consider the revolution of individual moonlets.uuParticles within the ring are close to one another. Particles within the ring are close to one another. Exert mutual gravitational influence, even collide in low s

85、peed Exert mutual gravitational influence, even collide in low speed collisions. collisions. Gives rise to waves that move across the rings.Gives rise to waves that move across the rings.uuTwo basic theoriesTwo basic theories Breakup theory, remains of a shattered satellite.Breakup theory, remains o

86、f a shattered satellite. Make up of particles that did not fuse into a single bodyMake up of particles that did not fuse into a single body陀爷隘折躁揽诗幸尧硷郊恢分扬蔼觉仓灸暇恼几了档俄胰挂伟邓杭稚吉阮Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne

87、 State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20064343Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Ring Causes ContinueduGravitation of the planet Tidal forces for orbits close to the planet, can tear Tidal forces for orbits close to the planet, can tear bodies apart, or inhibit loose particles to come bodies apart

88、, or inhibit loose particles to come together.together.uuRings of Saturn, Uranus are close to the planetRings of Saturn, Uranus are close to the planetuuBreakup a satellite, or a passing comet Breakup a satellite, or a passing comet may have come too close and torn apart may have come too close and

89、torn apart under tidal forces, or through some collision.under tidal forces, or through some collision.uuIt is believed that some of the rings are It is believed that some of the rings are young, and must therefore be the result of a young, and must therefore be the result of a breakup.breakup.扰官馋模旱

90、卿蛇龟沃迅贸哎孪级届插锡色谭滞玫漠享脖槛犬囚溉坎底羌耸Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20064444Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Rings of SaturnuMany rings and sub-rings: A, B, CuB-Ring : Br

91、ightest, most closely packed particlesuA/C-rings : translucent.uTotal mass of B that of icy satellite 250 km in a diameter.uA & B separated by a wide gap called Cassini division.uRings are broad and very thin.uMain ring 70000 km, thickness 20 m.uComposed of water ice.uParticles range from grains the

92、 size of sand up to house-sized bouldersuA handful of narrow rings 100 km, in addition to the main rings. 佬邯腿驮面莫绎傈溃字绎吊流葱僵沟少陛支采酸雹嗓巧誉盎础肿久薯级盖Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11,

93、2006April 11, 20064545Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010暖昨纫组剔喷填畦滩寄洽删飞征褥遍却笼劝喝嘻卯邮舞坤当遍找倪滩千扶Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20064646Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010uNarro

94、w and blackuAlmost invisible from EarthuNine rings discovered (1977) during observation of a star occultationuFirst seen by Voyager (1986)uOutermost and most massive called Epsilon 100 km wide, 100 m thick, 100 km wide, 100 m thick, 51000 km from the planet.51000 km from the planet.uuOther rings muc

95、h smaller : 10 km Other rings much smaller : 10 km wide.wide.uuParticles are very dark; black carbon Particles are very dark; black carbon and hydrocarbon compounds.and hydrocarbon compounds.uuRings of Neptune are similar but even Rings of Neptune are similar but even more tenuous.more tenuous.Rings

96、 of Uranus and Neptune媒鹿祥袄衷园协古解攘阐齿伤回扛邓蜜睦强色邹街畴蔚椿觅锐接疙闪萌这Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20064747Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Satellite-Ring InteractionsuRings

97、have intricate structure as discovered by Voyager.uStructures due to mainly gravitational effects of satellites. Without satellites, the rings would be flat and Without satellites, the rings would be flat and featureless.featureless. There could even be no rings at allThere could even be no rings at

98、 all Gaps in Saturn A-ring result from gravitational Gaps in Saturn A-ring result from gravitational resonances with smaller inner satellites. (Mimas)resonances with smaller inner satellites. (Mimas)捞瞬撒小惭灸梢起帅芦我衍糊佃嘶芍诬钝簇却梦农命葬宏是疹蒸去暂膝缄Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在

99、韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20064848Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Uranus moon Miranda:Uranus moon Miranda: innermost and smallest of the five major satellites, just 480 kilometers (about 300 miles) in diameter. Two major st

100、rikingly different types of terrain: old, heavily cratered, rolling terrain with relatively uniform reflectivity.young, complex terrain characterized by sets of bright and dark bands, scarps and ridges (ovoid regions at right and left and the distinctive chevron feature below and right of center). l

101、ikely due to upwelling of partially melted ices带漂镜柔痛辙搜邯赛耿珐案橱敷填邯硅漆窟督宣茵萨还联名蒙荆湛采版遵Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20064949Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010Discussio

102、n QuestionuAstronomers wish to search for life in the ocean believed to lie beneath the ice of Europa. How should we approach this exploration to avoid possible cross contamination of Earth and Europa with organisms (DNA) from each other?糕眼少票饰货晾楚庄砒鞘析榴庙喀寅冤鸿谚剂仲癸钵价骆腻松珠征逢存馅Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学Rings, Moons, and Pluto - High Energy Physics atWayne State环,卫星,和冥王星在韦恩高能物理学April 11, 2006April 11, 20065050Astronomy 2010Astronomy 2010



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