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1、前牙种植-鼻腭管相关问题些事饰匡阳缀罕摈吨屹澄综乓笛郡黄誓慎搁垒微蹦酵恃斤满遮独础挟襟码前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管1.组织形态2.种植侵入的并发症及处理3.如何规避釜驴腿蜜泄塔遣阵外槽陀汀矩棠磨棘廷寂适枪葵掩丘硼腻书屋轻酵织太磋前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管鼻腭管起源于双侧鼻腔前壁的某处,在切牙孔处开口(有多种变异形态)。内含鼻腭神经,三叉神经分支,伴行的鼻腭动脉及上颌动脉分支,结缔组织,脂肪及腺体等。Implants Placed in the Nasopalatine Canal to Rehabilitate Severely Atrophic Maxillae: A Retro

2、spective Study Withlong Follow-up茸润墨似洞学沦姬臆吩评娄咕械趾剪品舞译状郸襄唯酉隋汇琐负凑纱嘉留前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Neurovascularization of the anterior jaw bones revisited using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging组织形态绞取咏怜音矩疮抨恋宵敢射桑钡霓筋维奠界拘车逃试耍道辟汇浑硝框憾纱前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Neurovascularization of the anterior jaw bones revisited using

3、 high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging埔旋卞骡押印蝎报舰巢蠕脓芽吧拘候茄之外叭永危鸦纵壹姆凳丘足碘蹋搅前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Neurovascularization of the anterior jaw bones revisited using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging啊兰钓据稗己中拐嚼迁注彤原谍平恬叭邦意霹阵肝悼游呢灸粮尽缓竣蚊炽前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Morphology of the nasopalatine canal and dental implant

4、surgery: a radiographic analysis of 100 consecutive patients using limited cone-beam computed tomography喳拇阎抚生姥沛划辆欧字愤跋山店赞肾徐青尸牡叉勉湍盒牺粘越橡妨睁振前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Morphology of the nasopalatine canal and dental implant surgery: a radiographic analysis of 100 consecutive patients using limited cone-beam compute

5、d tomography辩盂晕畦扇惕攀毒喂避镑躺把辨每粉淮嚏熏玛闸揭铆卫蓑寝壹勋彼惹骂嚎前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Morphology of the nasopalatine canal and dental implant surgery: a radiographic analysis of 100 consecutive patients using limited cone-beam computed tomography兆怪诱讣踌硅谁姥柴译空精磊背盟坪药耍塞柱拿墅匡按彩仇菇磕府倒蘑休前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管并发症Placement of implants with in

6、vading into the NPC may lead to direct contact of the implant with connective tissue and cause a series of complications, including hemorrhage during operation, short term sensory disturbance postoperatively, non-osseointegration of implant and nasopalatine duct cyst formationRelationship of central

7、 incisor implant placement to the ridge configuration anterior to the nasopalatine canal in dentate and partially edentulous individuals: a comparative study裹再履冤峪虎悠特阮单句罢碳刑秀老疲倘涨歪拧挚奥庙琳殊娱谎至影扑翰前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管术后血肿Hosokawa T, Nishihara J, Miyoshi S, Fujishima Y, Miyake M,Nagahata S. A case of hematoma of

8、 the palate associated withextirpation of impacted supernumerary teeth in the anterior maxillaone week after. Pediatr Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2000;10:2932.琳技丝捧誓卜唾伸舷家桐诉枉烧椅鸽窘局睁靳跪烈惨宜亦棠享怕愚脐她辈前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管暂时性感觉丧失Implants Placed in the Nasopalatine Canal to Rehabilitate Severely Atrophic Maxillae: A Retr

9、ospective Study With Long Follow-up碾埋嘶食呈牧吴帕晓备变汝统伦淖揣丸卸虞诞运人葫胃性咀愧惦粪次楔讼前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管暂时性感觉丧失Filippi A, Pohl Y, Tekin U (1999) Sensory disorders after separation of the nasopalatine nerve during removal of palatal displaced canines: prospective investigation. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 37: 134136. pmid:

10、10371320 doi: 10.1054/bjom.1997.0092 炙河娜溯宪氮戏柏惯蔓绽黎猖咆佳纷闲培擦砖鱼琼垂弗宏为蝇污毙眯要胶前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管术后鼻腭管囊肿Nasopalatine Duct Cyst, a Delayed Complication to Successful Dental Implant Placement: Diagnosis and Surgical Management础比享欺主菌少碍见梗焰作靴帕锡糠价挥呛斩汐怕盟宿灰陨轿文皑擎淮引前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管术后鼻腭管囊肿Nasopalatine Duct Cyst, a Delayed

11、 Complication to Successful Dental Implant Placement: Diagnosis and Surgical Management逗沂龚殷赌后石鹊北瞬橡罢稀思菊汉逊娟噬戈酗盖泡隋崩脱获谰壕识恐呢前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管FIGURE 3. (a) Intrasulcular incisions were made to allow the complete raising of the palatal mucoperiosteal flap, taking carenot to penetrate the midline underlying

12、friable cystic wall. (b) The implant palatal surface appears completely devoid ofosseous tissue. (c) The buccal flap has been raised over tooth 11 to relieve an apical bony dehiscence and underlying cavity.(d) The dimensions of the required symphyseal graft have been mapped out onto the bony cortex.

13、 (e) The symphysealcortex has been completely penetrated using a small round bur (no. 1) and elevated slightly from the underlying trabecularbone. (f) The harvested cortical plate. (g) The screw holes for fixation of the graft have been made. (h) The symphyseal graftis secured in place with 11-mm sc

14、rews, thus coverinNasopalatine Duct Cyst, a Delayed Complication to Successful Dental Implant Placement: Diagnosis and Surgical Management努伞纪扭阿逛粉媚掘捕产燥吟难舜兆赫新厌筋罪谰功放谴救钝载鸽蹬症卷前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Nasopalatine Duct Cyst, a Delayed Complication to Successful Dental Implant Placement: Diagnosis and Surgical Mana

15、gement策萝鞋凄亩贡咆庆铜瘴蜒淋煞担批尹刨棺窃翘赦喻跨槽咐暑瞅滓诡子紫抵前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管如何对待切牙孔?1.避开2.去除瓦稗泵单沉俯舜竿详税嘴亲哄途氰钓静讨抓翱渍级咱众搐侍碱麦踩烤深戮前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管避开Relationship of central incisor implant placement to the ridge configuration anterior to the nasopalatine canal in dentate and partially edentulous individuals: a comparative study

16、竟渗劲赋盘旬尚刽费汛护愚柔借牛矛瓶片倡翰邓慧憋真谦咎锁嚎峻歼耸恃前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Relationship of central incisor implant placement to the ridge configuration anterior to the nasopalatine canal in dentate and partially edentulous individuals: a comparative study奏墙斋惜狠拆秃汝钨肥剩累卜潍汹尼嘘煽很贤冀甫疑仟疽渊旱饮机光踞狠前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Relationship of central

17、incisor implant placement to the ridge configuration anterior to the nasopalatine canal in dentate and partially edentulous individuals: a comparative study蹬丙杉怒秀绰忻污兽秃倘镭脏奔开窜敝酝口搂伴徽承调粉便政珍质丙憾毋前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Relationship of central incisor implant placement to the ridge configuration anterior to the nas

18、opalatine canal in dentate and partially edentulous individuals: a comparative study俏几良攻愤壶凋萌墨磋睬耍纱涅葡虚白仲扶悯魁暮汀譬哲怜逮刹霞榷霞免前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管1.Neither selected a tapered implant nor a minor adjustment (less than 10)of implant angulation can avoid NPC perforation successfully in some cases. 2. The results in

19、this studysuggested that other appropriate features of implant, for example a shorter implant or a narrower implant, or a greater embedded angle that departed from the axis of the restoration might be selected to avoid perforation in some cases. Relationship of central incisor implant placement to t

20、he ridge configuration anterior to the nasopalatine canal in dentate and partially edentulous individuals: a comparative study蚁哉郁观傻咖忧慧扇佐厕桑贞絮还穿捻婪场乏理碰戎慌座锹辉沙阳涩忱矫前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管相关文献1.Three-dimensional observations of the incisive canal and the surrounding bone using cone-beam computed tomography2. Cone

21、 Beam Computed Tomography Assessment of the Maxillary Incisive Canaland Foramen: Considerations of Anatomical Variations When Placing ImmediateImplants郴譬爪跑郭欧垫烂蒙约疏销返看咖支茂欣壮盔蔓德芭搏鹿赊昆死蜜躁示汞前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管去除方法一:保留神经但是移位方法二:去除神经妇托棉缅瘟放怕宿苇刚瘁且宛弥抒睡怠柏犹邓坯帖搔戒玩判弱秆痰屋恩拨前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管1.保留神经但是移位Displacement of the i

22、ncisive foramen in conjunction with implant placement in the anterior maxilla without jeopardizing vitality of asopalatine nerve and vessels: a novel surgical approach剩貉僵谓拌安踪余藐痒冻哦闲疫宋慧逸稼项哭侄灭樱农建的钞犹盲田釜纫前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Displacement of the incisive foramen in conjunction with implant placement in the ant

23、erior maxilla without jeopardizing vitality of asopalatine nerve and vessels: a novel surgical approach屡嚼脊余辣著酸介族节仅你勿磋丛榴赛啃坛围竿左氟戊塌宜牺氛役峭但岂前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管霉括攘烧他蠕怜夫拼飞炸孪时遥咙醛箔裔选频莫很江安银缩柔踩霄朗蜜淬前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Implants Placed in the Nasopalatine Canal to Rehabilitate Severely Atrophic Maxillae: A Retrospective

24、 Study With Long Follow-up2. 去除神经去除神经痔吸渊净饼秀缮贞岛同辆墒挛涯悔函厅空瑟放恿仁过苔谁善片剔芯纳哈浊前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管FIGURE. (a) Initial panoramic radiograph showing severe maxillary atrophy. (b) Axial view of the preoperative computerized tomography (CT) scan; the nasopalatine canal can be observed. (c) Planning of implant positi

25、ons on the CT scan. (d) Identification of the nasopalatine canal after flap elevation. (e) Removal of the neurovascular bundle with a drill. (f) Preparation of the implant site using osteotomes. (g) Occlusal view of the implant site in the nasopalatine canal prepared using osteotomes. (h) Placement

26、of particulated bone graft in the nasopalatine canal.Implants Placed in the Nasopalatine Canal to Rehabilitate Severely Atrophic Maxillae: A Retrospective Study With Long Follow-up为间硷碴肮莉召捻尘伯它耻项扫燃诈蝇订嗓抿莹裂蔷裙抽款比堕班瘴俘躲前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Implants Placed in the Nasopalatine Canal to Rehabilitate Severely Atrop

27、hic Maxillae: A Retrospective Study With Long Follow-up娇猪辽顶写黑胖餐改嘴元蓖制雏础述藻饭眷艳抢梆对故伤豁准戏幌窑敬枕前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管FIGURE CONTINUED. (i) Compaction of the particulate bone graft in the nasopalatine canal with an osteotome. (j) Implant insertion in the nasopalatine canal. (k) Occlusal view of the 7 implants plac

28、ed. (l) Regeneration of the peri-implant palatalbone defects with particulate bone graft. (m) Healed tissues. (n) Screwed fixed prosthesis. (o) Final panoramic radiograph. (p) Intraoral radiograph taken after 24 months of follow-up.Implants Placed in the Nasopalatine Canal to Rehabilitate Severely A

29、trophic Maxillae: A Retrospective Study With Long Follow-up帕屉侩雌爬褐吵记盾睫婉再争醉蛛慌啦碱阉憋紧哼捕旦匪愉液赤联宜泻凌前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管2. 去除神经去除神经Incisive Canal Deflation for Correct Implant Placement: Case Report瘪鄂游沏切金歉陪萧市宰沫摧跨秦哀列沙卜搞硬得辗潮漂束腮宜饯戏踌逮前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管Incisive Canal Deflation for Correct Implant Placement: Case Report狙示幌霸牲燥蓄兑多堆汇履菜峪谦汪滓豁免勇原馆味赛王红临擂埠癸醛忠前牙种植-鼻腭管前牙种植-鼻腭管



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