高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing课件 新人教版选修7

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1、Section Grammar & Writing探究 语法精要动词ing形式的被动语态一、v.ing形式的构成名称形式意义一般式主动doing表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作一般同时进行被动beingdone表示一个被动的动作正在进行,或与谓语表示的动作同时进行完成式主动havingdone表示的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前被动havingbeen done表示一个被动动作在谓语表示的动作之前已经完成了Having cleaned the desks,we began reading.擦完了桌子后,我们便开始看书。The building being built will be our sc

2、hool library.正在建造的那座大楼将是我们学校的图书馆。Having been invited,Mr Li went there to give a speech though he was busy.李先生受邀去那儿作演讲,尽管很忙,但他还是去了。二、v.ing被动形式的语法功能1作主语 Being exposed to the sunlight is harmful to your skin.暴露在太阳下对你的皮肤有害。Being punished by the coach made Tom unhappy.被教练惩罚了使汤姆不高兴。2作宾语(1)作动词的宾语I apprecia

3、te having been given the chance to study abroad.我很感激给我这次出国学习的机会。(2)作介词的宾语I look forward to being invited to his wedding.我盼望能受邀参加他的婚礼。3作宾补I heard this song being sung in English then.那时,我听过有人在用英语唱这首歌。4作定语The bridge being built will be finished next month.正在建的大桥下月将竣工。温馨提示:v.ing的一般被动式表示一个被动的动作正在进行;过去分词

4、表示一个被动的动作已经完成;不定式的被动式表示将来的一个被动的动作。Have you been invited to the meeting to be held tomorrow?你被邀请参加明天的会议了吗?The meeting being held now is of great importance.现在正在举行的会议非常重要。You should have been invited to the meeting held yesterday.你本来应该被邀请昨天举行的会议。5作状语Having been scolded many times,he still made the sam

5、e mistakes.尽管被斥责多次了,但他仍然犯同样的错误。6作表语The South China is being flooded because of the continuous heavy rain.由于持续的强降雨,华南正被洪水围困。三、在v.ing的被动形式前加否定副词not便可构成其否定形式He was unhappy for not having been invited to the party.没有被邀请参加聚会,他感到很不高兴。Not having finished his work on time he looked upset.没按时完成工作,他看上去伤心。课时 语

6、法专练.用所给动词的适当形式填空1The building_(repair) now is our library.答案:being repaired2_(criticize) by the teacher,Li Ming gave up smoking.答案:Having been criticized3 _(tell) many times, he still repeated the same mistake.答案:Having been told4 _(laugh) at in public is a terrible experience.答案:Being laughed5The r

7、oad is covered with some fallen tress and they need _(remove) immediately.答案:removing/to be removed6_(ask) to work overtime that evening,I missed a wonderful film.答案:Having been asked7What worried the child most was his_ (not allow) to visit his mother in the hospital.答案:not being allowed8The film s

8、tar wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without_(recognize)答案:being recognized.句型转换1Because he had been asked to stay,he couldnt very well leave._ _ _to stay,he couldnt very well leave.答案:Having been asked2Many children in the countryside cant go to school because they are very poor._ _ _,

9、many children in the country cant go to school.答案:Being very poor3Do you know what the building which is being built is used for?Do you know what the building_ _is used for?答案:being built解码 书面表达投诉信 典题示例假如你是李明,暑假期间去南方某城市旅游,住在一家外资酒店,你对酒店的服务不太满意,因此给酒店的外国经理Robert写一封投诉信。写作内容:1饭菜价格太高,某些菜高出同类酒店50%;2承诺24小时供

10、应热水,但经常在晚上10点后就停止供应了;3客房里的电视不清晰,打了几次电话都没人来修理;4客房不是很清洁,服务员打扫不及时。注意:1.词数:100左右。开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数;2内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。Dear Mr Robert,Im one of your customers.Im writing to tell you that there are a few aspects that are not quite satisfactory in your hotel._ 审题谋篇1确定文体、时态、人称。(1)文体:投诉信。写投诉信要语气坚定,要证明责任确实在商家;最后要明

11、确问题出在哪儿及你的具体要求,还可说明由此给你带来的不便或伤害,以加强投诉的力量。(2)文体时态:主要使用一般过去时,兼用一般现在时态。(3)文体人称:第一人称2明确投诉信的结构:(1)开头:自我介绍,交代投诉内容,表明目的和要求。(2)正文:说明情况,告诉对方你受到的伤害或不便,提出解决问题的建议,表明希望如何处理。(3)结尾:表达问题得到迅速、恰当解决的强烈愿望,希望尽快得到满意答复。 遣词造句1词汇普通人消费不起_菜的价格比更高_电视画面不清楚_十点钟后没有热水_房间里不够干净_答案:most of the ordinary people cant afford itthe prices

12、 of some dishes are higher than.the picture on the TV set was not clearthere is no hot water after 10 pmthe room was not clean enough2句式:一句多译。首先,酒店饭菜价格太高,普通人消费不起。To begin with,the food in your hotel is_ _most of the ordinary people cant afford it.To begin with,so expensive_ _most of the ordinary peo

13、ple cant afford it.答案:so expensive thatis the food in your hotel that连句成篇_Dear Mr Robert,Im one of your customers.Im writing to tell you that there are a few aspects that are not quite satisfactory in your hotel.To begin with,the food in your hotel is so expensive that most of the ordinary people cant afford it.The prices of some dishes are 50 percent higher than those of the dishes in other hotels.Secondly,you have promised to provide hot water 24 hours a day,but it often happens that there is no hot water after 10 pm.谢谢观看!谢谢观看!



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