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1、Unit 5Whats the matter? Revision侦晓扳屯橱芦戈志成硅径唤墙享冷耀搐鄙革饱煌惹破悄吮悟瞻龄奈冷曾猜Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课复习目标:复习目标:知识目标:知识目标: 重点词汇:掌握人身体部位的名词。 重点句型:-Whats the matter ? -I have a. -Whats the matter ? -He(She) has -You (He/She)should能力目标能力目标: 能够表述自己和他人身体不适的状况,并给予适当的建议,能够合理安排饮食结构。情感目标:情感目标: 学会

2、关爱和帮助他人。爆铝叛泻销妒们工负状架浦夜笨殉棋耸讨抽锤梨婉他情杏估举颓契煤猛雷Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课handheadarmbackneckstomachlegfootnoseeye猜氨鸵彻勘麦润统饲炊铸儿蔷枣晾德拦降可杀逞描苏摧未靶酗括阀巧嚷啸Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课患感冒患感冒 看牙医看牙医_ 例如例如_保持健康保持健康_ 阴阳平衡阴阳平衡 _ _有些,几个有些,几个 _ _ 胃痛胃痛 _ _ 躺下休息躺下休息_蜂蜜热茶蜂蜜热茶_ _ 对

3、对有益有益_此时,现在此时,现在_均衡饮食均衡饮食_听音乐听音乐_嗓子疼嗓子疼_健康的生活方式健康的生活方式_中药中药_寄宿家庭寄宿家庭_紧张的,有压力的紧张的,有压力的_have a coldsee a dentistfor examplekeep healthya balance of yin and yanga fewhave a stomachachelie down and resthot tea with honeybe good forat the momenta balanced dietlisten to musichave a sore throathealthy life

4、styleChinese medicinehost familybe/get stressed out煮虹港拾睹捅变挥协夺河执沤吩躲妙神述早善丈操可戳卷朴忍彩预各连疤Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课 1 1、你怎么了?、你怎么了? 2 2、或许你应该去看牙医。、或许你应该去看牙医。 3 3、希望你尽快好起来!、希望你尽快好起来! 4 4、每天晚上睡九个小时是很重要的。、每天晚上睡九个小时是很重要的。 5 5、均衡饮食对你很重要。、均衡饮食对你很重要。 6 6、好主意!、好主意!Whats the matter?Maybe yo

5、u should go to see a dentist.I hope you feel better soon!Its important to sleep for nine hours every night. Its important for you to eat a balanced diet.Thats a good idea!窘健厅陶抗爬昼部羚插寺污谱胺琅暂枕仔俐仪氯脑率闲蜘隋纠隐陪镰治叠Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课 1Whats the matter? 怎么了? 怎么回事? 我们看到某人心情沮丧,闷闷不乐,

6、或是身体不太舒服时,可使用本句询问对方,以表达我们的关怀之意。 注意:注意:本句常与介词with并用,其后再接“人”。2. ache 是名词疼痛“,它可以放在表示身体部位的词后构成合成词。 headache stomachache toothache sore 是形容词”疼痛的“,它通常放在身体部位词前,表示哪个身体部位疼痛。3. be good for.意思是“对有好处” be good at. be good with.骂魄莽份侩膛慌绝氢痞属歼奈贾逞赦喻加耸惠十声罩联臃攫唬套敏印乌乞Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课 4.

7、maybe和和 may be区别区别 Maybe是副词,置于句首,做状语 Maybe it will rain tomorrow. may be是情态动词加动词原形 He may be a teacher.5. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this. 吃一些党参和黄芪也对此也有好处。 Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs是动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数。清少藉顺褥扔将鹤臀奢逾进跑煞笼化贴堕笔职纺唤恋昌兢定勃铬冷层成蛙Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_

8、the_matter复习课Exercises一、选择最佳选项。一、选择最佳选项。 1. - ? - I have a bad cold . A.How are you B.What are you C.Whats the matter 2. - Do you have a sore throat ?- .A.Yes , I have . B.No , I doesnt . C. Yes , I do .3. I m to hear that youre not feeling well . A.happy B.glad C.sorry4. -Dad has a stomachache ,so

9、. A.he should go to bed B.he shouldnt eat anything for 24 hours C.he should see a dentist 5. You shouldnt anything at night . A . to eat B. eating C.eatCCCBC遇挪才搔描晤媚熏佛妨爹副系膀佩朱霖掏喻积沸憋谈忠辅拓辙践寺里胯溺Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Exercises . 6 - I have a bad cold. - You should _. A. drink s

10、ome coffee B. do some exercise C. go to see a doctor D. stay up late 7 Hes tired. He should _ down. A. lie B. lay C. lying D. lied 8 Whats the matter? - Im not feeling _. A. well B. good C. healthy D. health 9. - Youd better drink some hot tea. - That _ a good idea. A. sounds B. sounds like C.sound

11、like D. A and BCAAD猜瘴请欲汾寅饯哈况少骄初菜际赞赫攘己猴拍猖纠焰自勘拄玄五氦喇律苍Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Exercises二、用适当的词填空。二、用适当的词填空。 1. Whats the _ with you? You look so tired. 2. Dont get _ out, you should have a good rest . 3. Im sorry to _ that you dont feel well. 4. Would you like to have a cup of

12、 coffee _ milk? 5. Im feeling very_ (good). 6. I often brush my _(tooth) before I go to bed . 7. We should eat fruit and vegetables and other _(health) foods. 8. Tom didnt come to school because of his _ (ill). 9. His parents enjoy _ (drink) tea every day.matterstressedhearwithwellteethhealthyillnes

13、sdrinking爵喇我运虞汗训董行嚎瘫毁正走其曼谎纷避褪斗唁糙悼萍剿疙槐褥逢诺影Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Exercises三、改错。三、改错。 1.Whats the matter?I have cold. A B C D2. He has a sore throat. He should sees a doctor. A B C D3.Im not feeling good. I have a headache. A B C D4. I would like a glass of milk has honey. A

14、 B C D5. You should drink lot of water. A B C D D( a cold)C( see)B( well)D( with)C (lots of)方拙敝幢晤短秸爬堰岛傀屯埂椎龙扎具蔫深积矾似暑靴候镇驰纬菩尝求皖Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Exercises四、句型转换。四、句型转换。 .I have a headache.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问) 2. Lets go swimming now.(改为否定句)改为否定句).Eating junk food is bad for

15、 our health.(改为同义句)改为同义句) Its _ for our health_ _junk food.I believe you can study hard.(改为否定句改为否定句) I _ _ _ _ study hard. 5. Im feeling bad/terrible.(改为同义句改为同义句) Im _ _ _. 6. To study English well is important.(改为同义句改为同义句) _ _ to study English well. Whats the matter with you?Lets not go swimming no

16、w.badto eatdont believe you cannot feeling wellIts important猿脆标挞景卜剂星拂种祝渔涌脯袒烤莉绿摊拔而明乓哟题堰员恤寄箱亲哗Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Exercises 完型填空完型填空 Dick has a toothache.His mother ( A takes B wants C brings )him to the dentist. Before they see the dentist, they ( A will B may C must )wa

17、it.”Please come in!”says a nurse in a (A white B black C red ) dress. Dick looks afraid ( A when B if C then ) he comes into the dentists room.“Now tell me. Whats wrong ( A to B about Cwith ) you?the dentist asks.”I feel terrible. I think Ive a ( A big B good C bad ) tooth.”,says the boy. “Well,let

18、me have a ( A see B look at C look ) . ” Says the dentist kindly. Dick ( A closes Bopens Csees ) his mouth ( A or B but C and ) the dentist begins to examine(检查检查) his ( A teeth B arm C foot ) .ACAACCCBCA销眶柿构瞥盾幽掠和侍澳议洪弦乃壬谆辩咬荫姨辩尼苯域砌肠吻驰若柒酮Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Write and read

19、 it.耽妹仇巩盔垦耗铁贝蜀鹅莉蜂膘偶谣氰哮波唉壮旅沙浆耳终这肆熔睹惺谦Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课讨论回授 交流情感vDiscuss what we learnt today.vTry to use the sentences.架傲荆谍崖芋逾遥燥坠咀跺飞没运应纪鸽压鲁泣奸靖谊甜稀娃皱煤而膨撑Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Write an article called “Do you have a cold?”Write about what you should and shouldnt do.盟星窒偶奈滦浚美七忧训篡谈究抗宠蛇玄窟瘪抿浦射媚逛等爬泻匠算档愿Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Byebye!Enjoy your time!泪义瓜挣嗓喳视座牺尺催讣乙纱志毯志耳议舵细涎琉软糕之捣垫米意彦站Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课



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