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1、Book8-Unit2-Cloning-Book8-Unit2-Cloning-GrammarGrammarI. Look at these sentences.What kind of clauses are they?The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging. 多莉看来是正常地生长着的事实很令人鼓舞。多莉看来是正常地生长着的事实很令人鼓舞。 Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. 接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。

2、接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。2II. Find out the two factors of a clause. The fact that she seemed to develop normally Position位置位置: Relationship关系关系: the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. Position位置位置: Relationship关系关系:从句在名从句在名词fact之后之后说明明fact的具体内容的具体内容在名在名词news之后之后说明明news的具体内容的具体内容3III. Conclude

3、 the definition of the appositive clause. 在复合句中用在复合句中用作作同位同位语的从句的从句叫叫同位同位语从句。同位从句。同位语从句是名从句是名词性从句的性从句的一种一种,一般跟,一般跟在某些名在某些名词之后之后,用以,用以说明明该名名词表示的具体内容表示的具体内容。41) What he wants to do is not clear. 2) I have no idea where he is. 3) The trouble is that we dont have enough money. 4) I want to know whether

4、he will come.Ex 1: What kind of clauses are they?主语从句主语从句宾语从句宾语从句表语从句表语从句同位语从句同位语从句5nIV. Sum up the nouns before the appositive clause. 同位语从句中所修饰的名词有:同位语从句中所修饰的名词有:fact, news, idea, hope , question, problem, suggestion, plan, thought , doubt, truth , belief , promise, order,information,等等抽象抽象名名词。6 D

5、ear Miss Gan, My friends told me a plan that they would held a party tomorrow. But there is a doubt whether I am free. I have no idea how I can refuse their invitation politely. Could you give me some suggestions? Yours sincerely, Kate Ex. 2 : Find out the appositive clause.7V. Analyze the appositiv

6、e clauses in the letter and sum up the structure and the connective words in the clause. 同位同位语从句的从句的结构:构:n.+连接接词+陈述句述句8陈述句述句一般疑一般疑问句句特殊疑特殊疑问句句that ( 不可以省略不可以省略)whether“是否是否”(不用(不用if)代代词:what, who, whom, whose, which; 副副词: when, where, why,how 9Ex. 3 Complete the sentences. The news made us sad.that

7、death toll in Chinaquake reached 10,000 10I have no idea whether the Rockets will win the match.Will the Rockets win the match?11I can answer the question when Dolly the sheep was born.When was Dolly the sheep born?121.两种从句都位于两种从句都位于名名词之后之后1.定定语从句是修从句是修饰和和限制前面的名限制前面的名词;而;而同位同位语从句是从句是说明名明名词的具体内容。的具体内

8、容。13 2. 定语从句和同位语从句有四个相同的引导定语从句和同位语从句有四个相同的引导词:词:that,when,where,why,但在两种,但在两种从句中的用法不同从句中的用法不同,下面把四个引下面把四个引导词分成分成两两类说明明:14 1).引引导词that The news that you told me yesterday was really exciting We heard the news that our team had won (定定语从句从句) that起起连接作用接作用; 指代指代先行先行词; 充当充当句子句子成分成分; 作作宾语时常省略。常省略。 (同位同位语

9、从句从句) that起起连接作用接作用; 不充不充当句子成分当句子成分; 不能省略。不能省略。152)引引导词when,where,why I will never forget the day when I worked in Yangxi There is a question when she came here (定定语从句从句)when作作时间状状语,可以,可以转换成成on which (同位同位语从句从句) when作作时间状状语,意意为“什么什么时候候”16This is the house where I lived two years ago Do you have an i

10、dea where the boy is from?(定(定语从句)从句)where作地点状作地点状语,可可以以转换成成in which(同位(同位语从句)从句)where作地点状作地点状语,意,意为“哪里哪里”17This is the reason why she was late for school today The teacher had no idea why Jack was absent (同位同位语从句从句) why作作原因原因状状语,意意为“为什么什么”(定定语从句从句) why作原因状作原因状语,可以可以转换成成for which183. 选择引引导词的步的步骤: 1.

11、判断从句的判断从句的类型(定型(定语从句或同位从句或同位语从句)从句) 2. 定定语从句从句 同位同位语从句从句 物或事物或事(主主语、宾语) : that时间状状语: when地点状地点状语: where原因状原因状语: why陈述句:述句: that特殊疑特殊疑问句:句:when (什么(什么时候);候);where(哪里);(哪里);why (为什么)什么)19Ex.4 Choose the best answer.1. They received orders _ the work be done right away. A. which B. that C. / D. when2.The reason _ he has to go is _ his mother is ill in bed. A, why ; why B. why; because C. why ; that D. that ; because20VII. Homework1. Revise the appositive clause.2. Finish off the Ex.2 & 3 on Page 14.21Thank you for your attention!结束结束



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