致用英语综合教程 Unit 5

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1、 RelationshipsUnit 5Relationships Warming-upWarming-upReadingReadingLanguageLanguage in in UseUse ProjectProject Culture TipsCulture TipsHomeworkHomework Warming-upWarming-up1.Listen to the song. Fill the blanks in the lyrics while listening. Warming-upWarming-upI believe I can loveYou give me your

2、loving I believe in what we areI dont know where I would beWithout you staying with meSometimes, Im lost in You will take me all the wayIm not Oh, you and mehand in hand to everywhere be my friend, oh friendWe are forever friendsOh babyYou give me all the love I needYou are the oneForever Friendcare

3、miseryafraidAmazingonly 2. In you opinion, what is a friend? What does friendship mean to you? What do you think are the most important factors that can keep a long-lasting close relationship with your friends? What about with your family members and relatives? How can we make our close relationship

4、s last long? Warming-upWarming-upBACKBACKReadingReadingPre-reading TasksReading ComprehensionAfter-reading TasksPre-readingPre-readingDo you think peoples perception and thinking are greatly influenced by others? If so, by whom are people most probably influenced? Discuss these questions in groups.B

5、ACKBACKComprehensionComprehensionBonded by Loops and Flares 1 Douglas was a happily married man. After dinner parties, his wife Carol and he would wash the dishes together and relive the highlights of the conversation theyd just enjoyed. Unfortunately, when Carol was 42 and their children were 5 and

6、 2, Carol died of a brain tumor. 2 A few months later, Douglas was looking at a picture of Carol. He describes what he felt in his recent book, I Am a Strange Loop. ComprehensionComprehension 3 “I looked at her face and looked so deeply that I felt I was behind her eyes and all at once I found mysel

7、f saying in tears, Thats me. Thats me! 4 “And those simple words brought back many thoughts that I had had before when I was together with her. I remembered the same hopes and dreams my wife and I had shared for our children. These hopes were not separate or distinct hopes but were just one hope, wh

8、ich I did not have before being married and having children. I realised that though Carol had died, that core piece of her had not died at all, but that it had lived on very determinedly in my brain.”ComprehensionComprehension 5 The Greeks say we suffer our way to wisdom, and Douglass suffering deep

9、ened his understanding of who we are, which he had developed as a professor of cognitive science at Indiana University. 6 Douglas already understood that the mind is very complex. There are dozens of thoughts, processes and emotions competing for attention at any one time. Carols death brought home

10、that when people communicate, they send out little flares into each others brains. Friends and lovers create feedback loops of ideas and habits and ways of seeing the world. Even though Carol was dead, her habits and perceptions were still active in the minds of those who knew her.ComprehensionCompr

11、ehension 7 Douglas could feel that Carols self was still present, even though it would disappear gradually with time. He believes a self is a point of view, a way of seeing the world. It comes from the mixture of all the flares, loops and perceptions that have been shared and developed with others.

12、Douglass and Carols selves overlapped, and that did not stop with her death. 8 Most political and social disagreements come from different theories about “the self”. The “self” is formed from the habits, perceptions, points of view and way of seeing the world that develop in a person from being shar

13、ed and given feedback by others. Douglas believes that when two people share their lives, they also share hopes and dreams that often become fused into one.ComprehensionComprehension 9 This shows that the individualists who think that success is something they achieve through their own genius and wi

14、ll-power may be mistaken. 10 It also shows that the people who believe they can find their true, real “self” only in their inner being may also be wrong. 11 Douglas points towards a modern way of understanding how people fit into society. In the modern information age, it seems that people may be bo

15、nded by communication. The huge web of information in genes, brains and even conversation forms a whole that we call society.ComprehensionComprehensionBACKBACK 12 In the information age, it seems right that wed see people bonded by communication. Its not exactly new to say that no man is an island.

16、But Douglas is one of hundreds of scientists and scholars showing how connection between people actually works. What he has described is like a vast web of informationsome contained in genes, some in brain structure, some in the flow of dinner conversationthat joins us to our ancestors and reminds t

17、he living of the presence of the dead.After-readingAfter-readingDiscussion: 1.What is the mental process like when people communicate according to Douglas? What are the implications of Douglass findings?2.How do you understand the title?BACKBACKLanguageLanguage in in UseUseGrammar DevelopmentVocabul

18、ary BuildingGrammarGrammarThe Use of “What” and “Which”What What常用来引导名词性从句,即主语从句、宾语从句、表常用来引导名词性从句,即主语从句、宾语从句、表 语从句和同位语从句。语从句和同位语从句。 What在引导名词性从句时有两个重要的特点:一是它在相在引导名词性从句时有两个重要的特点:一是它在相 应的名词性从句中一定有含义,常表示应的名词性从句中一定有含义,常表示“什么什么”、“所所 的的”、“的样子的样子”等。二是它在相应的名词性从句中一等。二是它在相应的名词性从句中一 定做成分,而且常作主语、宾语或表语。定做成分,而且常作

19、主语、宾语或表语。GrammarGrammar一、引导主语从句一、引导主语从句1) What we need is more time. (what作作need的宾语的宾语) 我们所需要的是更多的时间。我们所需要的是更多的时间。 2) What really matters is that she wore a pair of white shoes. (What作作 matters的主语的主语) 真正麻烦的是她穿了一双白鞋。真正麻烦的是她穿了一双白鞋。二、引导宾语从句二、引导宾语从句1) People were perhaps more honest a long time ago when

20、 life was very different from what it is today. (what作从句中作从句中is的表语的表语) 很久以前当生活与现在的生活完全不同时,人们或许更诚实。很久以前当生活与现在的生活完全不同时,人们或许更诚实。 2) People have heard what the President has said; they are waiting to see what he will do. (what分别作动词分别作动词heard和和see的宾语的宾语) 人们已经听到了总统所说的;他们正等着看总统会做什么人们已经听到了总统所说的;他们正等着看总统会做什么

21、。GrammarGrammar三、引导表语从句三、引导表语从句1) Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just what worries the public. (what作从句中的主语作从句中的主语) 是否能找到阻止污染的方法就是所令民众担心的事儿。是否能找到阻止污染的方法就是所令民众担心的事儿。 2) That is what I want to tell you. (what作从句中的宾语作从句中的宾语) 那就是我想告诉你的事儿。那就是我想告诉你的事儿。 3) The little girl is no long

22、er what she used to be. (what作从句中的表语作从句中的表语) 这个小女孩不再是过去的样子了。这个小女孩不再是过去的样子了。四、引导同位语从句四、引导同位语从句1) They have no idea at all what he is working on. (what作从句的宾语作从句的宾语) 他们一点儿都不知道他正在做什么。他们一点儿都不知道他正在做什么。 2) You have no idea what I suffered. (what作从句的宾语作从句的宾语) 你不知道我所遭受的痛苦。你不知道我所遭受的痛苦。GrammarGrammarWhichwhich

23、常用来引导定语从句。常用来引导定语从句。一、一、关系代词关系代词which用来指物,在定语从句中常可与用来指物,在定语从句中常可与that互换。例如互换。例如: A bookstore is a store which/that sells books. 书店即卖书的商店。书店即卖书的商店。二、二、当当which充当关系代词代表前面整个主句意思的时候,在非限制定充当关系代词代表前面整个主句意思的时候,在非限制定 语从句中可以与语从句中可以与as交换使用(但交换使用(但as引导的这类从句可以置于主句之引导的这类从句可以置于主句之 前或之后,前或之后,which引导的从句只能置于主句之后)。例引导

24、的从句只能置于主句之后)。例 He saw her every day, which/as was natural. 他天天看见她,那是很自然的。他天天看见她,那是很自然的。GrammarGrammar三、有时候三、有时候,which以介词短语的形式引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句以介词短语的形式引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句 中作定语。例如中作定语。例如: It rained all night and all day, during which time the ship broke into pieces。雨下了一天一夜,就在此期间,船撞碎了。雨下了一天一夜,就在此期间,船撞碎了。In 1

25、960 he came to London, in which city he has lived ever since. 1960年他来到伦敦,自此在该城一直住到现在。年他来到伦敦,自此在该城一直住到现在。Call again at eleven, by which time the meeting should be over. 十一点再打电话,到那时会议该结束了。十一点再打电话,到那时会议该结束了。BACKBACKVocabularyVocabularyVocabulary Building We have learned about compound words in unit 2.

26、In the reading text, we have some “noun + noun” patternwords such as “dinner party”, “brain tumor”, “feedback loop” and “information age”. These “noun + noun” pattern words are very common in English.1.Can you think of some “noun + noun” pattern words? Work in groups. Brainstorm as many words as pos

27、sible.2. Match a word in Column A with a word in Column B to form a “noun + noun” pattern word. day sun cattlehouseshoeheadnightpocketarmmaidgoldclubacheservantriseknifesmithshedbreakmakerkeeperchairBACKBACKVocabularyVocabulary ProjectProject Maintaining a good relationship with your neighbours is v

28、ery important. Sometimes we have nice and helpful neighbours, but we also have strange neighbours. Think about the best, the worst, or the strangest neighbours you have ever had. Tell your classmates a story about your neighbours by playing it out! You may carry out this activity by following the st

29、eps below.Neighbours ProjectProjectStep 1In groups of four, think about what kind of neighbours are the best, the worst and the strangest. Choose some words which could describe that neighbour. You may use the adjectives in the box for help.ordinary calm jolly quiet reserved friendly shy polite help

30、ful kind warmhearted hospitable gentle sociable generous co-operative understanding cheerful honest strange bizarre noisy quarrelsome nosy unkind hostile rude vicious inhospitable bad-tempered unhelpful deceitful cruel unsociable unwillingStep 5 Write some dialogues for the play. If you have languag

31、e problems, you may go to your teacher for help.Step 6Rehearse your play carefully.Step 7Act it out to the whole class. ProjectProjectStep 2 Tell your group about a particular neighbour you have ever had. Step 3 Select the best, or worst, or strangest neighbour described by your group.Step 4 Make a

32、list of the characters in your story. Create names for them. Talk about the scene and the characters involved.BACKBACK Culture TipsCulture Tips Culture TipsCulture TipsBACKBACKHomeworkHomeworkIf you are to invite your neighbors to have a party this weekend, how would you organize it? E.g. Where is the party going to be held? How will the party begin? Should the attendants wear any special costumes? What food are you going to offer?.



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