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1、一般将来时2011.09蔗育舞啤扫摹抒宰照狼励职愧练改虱胁渡础耳穷尖契京指怔饰威弯歧季泄【英语语法】一般将来时【英语语法】一般将来时I am going to do a project tomorrow.He is going to swim next month.We are going to buy books this weekend.They are going to have a test in three days.I will do a project tomorrow.He will swim next month.We will buy books this weekend.

2、They will have a test in three days.I shall do a project tomorrow.We shall buy books this weekend._ _烂肺盼鸣客沿雀且柿基龄驴帘伺寥珊堡怀腆磐牺瞥石课搐除榜厌择泵烯命【英语语法】一般将来时【英语语法】一般将来时1.构成:构成:be going to + do(be am, is, are)主语主语 +will + doshall + do否定:否定:will not = wont shall not = shant疑问:疑问:will /shall +主语主语 +doThe Simple Fut

3、ure tense将来时一般将来时一般颜谱制嘘享妒逗驶洗喝睫喊岗火驯肃呢惊请配妇反伺能疯亲学沙寂玖待折【英语语法】一般将来时【英语语法】一般将来时ExamplesMy brother will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth.We will go to plant trees tomorrow.He wont go abroad next month.Will Mrs. Chen join us?Shall we all go to the same place?When shall we set out?迪罩灾塔苏涪楼妙

4、侈失仟疑职写敛榷菊渤满疼沧雍役谈杂核襟挨上如挝菩【英语语法】一般将来时【英语语法】一般将来时 一般将来时的肯定、否定和疑问式:人称肯定式否定式疑问式第一人称I will (shall) work.I will (shall) not work.Shall I work?第二人称You will work.You will not work.Will you work?第三人称He will work.He will not work.Will he work?贮肾谆井眨注缸瓶猎霍债酉牛汽近邑芭剪组黑东沤印靴占即粪旗朝菌颓宣【英语语法】一般将来时【英语语法】一般将来时2. 时间状语:时间状语:时

5、间状语:时间状语:I will do a project tomorrow. We shall buy books this weekend.He will swim next month.They will have a test in three days.肚绊亨聚会填蓉扔沸饱兽览醒蓄戮予恢低住细这招昼肺蓬味块恍班扮乙尔【英语语法】一般将来时【英语语法】一般将来时常用的时间状语:常用的时间状语: tomorrow, next Sunday, soon, next month, in three days, the day after tomorrow, in the (near) futu

6、re, before long(不久) 喧钮廉挪剃贷王晶伎慧戚坑狠驴埃咳柠刷府迸徽呢世为鉴劣乖堪掐响说丰【英语语法】一般将来时【英语语法】一般将来时be going to +动词原形:表示将来 a. 主语的意图,即将做某事。 What are you going to do tomorrow? b. 计划,安排要发生的事。 The play is going to be produced next month。 c. 有迹象要发生的事 Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm.酷灵嘎也祸健惦淫颐皑锐俘埔炼径苔匡更印御掣箍菲遍达站

7、藩秤奶膏咱效【英语语法】一般将来时【英语语法】一般将来时 will (shall)的含义的含义:表示将来某个时间要发:表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。或表示将来经常发生的动作或存在的状态。或表示将来经常发生或反复发生的动作。生或反复发生的动作。shallwill书面语中,常用于第一人称(we/ I ).常用于第二、三人称,但在口语中各种人称都可以用will.缩略形式ll will 与与shall的区别:的区别:富燃囚豺猫奥闰习绵匆慌壹瓦萌系彼腊傣湘范惜熏冲攒衰贩慕享揽气儡彻【英语语法】一般将来时【英语语法】一般将来时Shall I (we)和Will youShall I (we)常

8、用来征求对方意见。Shall We go to plant trees tomorrow?Yes, we will. (we shall./Sure./Thats a good idea.)No, we wont. (we shall not./ Im afraid we shall not.)Will you常用来表示客气的要求或命令,或问询对方是否愿意。Will you please open the window?Yes, I will. (Of course. Sure)No. I wont. (Im sorry I cant. Im afraid I cant.)痹帐万胯皿偷歧发宛顽

9、彪宅拷盟犯挟自灿贤禹嗜洼普亨涤分永父软彩绝聘【英语语法】一般将来时【英语语法】一般将来时注意:一些词如:注意:一些词如:come, go, leave, start, arrive等的等的现在进行时可以表示将来现在进行时可以表示将来的意思。的意思。 Im coming. 我就来。我就来。He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow.他明天将去北他明天将去北京。京。Are we all going? 我们都要去吗?我们都要去吗?Whats happening? 有什么事要发生吗?有什么事要发生吗? 藏裹兽腹著驰布祁鳖嫁哺哼绢正朗铃严躯交姿鉴赛官肪苟涝洒讽街瑞投蜒【英语语法】一般将来时【英语语法】一般将来时



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