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1、如何构建我们的学习共同体 黄 美 贤 2007-10-25Outline of Presentation什么是学习共同体?什么是学习共同体?为何要建立学习共同体?为何要建立学习共同体?如何建立、运作和维持学习共同体?如何建立我们的学习共同体?What is the Learning Community 什么是学习共同体 ?What is the Learning Community the convergence(汇聚) of learning and communitiesWhat is the Learning Community 共同体的含义:German sociologist Fer

2、dinand Tnnies(滕尼斯) presented a concise differentiation between the terms “community” (Gemeinschaft) and “society” (Gesellschaft). In his 1887 work, Tnnies argued that “community” is perceived to be a tighter(紧密的密的) and more cohesive(凝聚力的凝聚力的) social entity(社社会会实体体) within the context of the larger s

3、ociety, due to the presence of a “unity of will(一致的愿景一致的愿景).” He added that family and kinship(血缘关系) were the perfect expressions of community, but that other shared characteristics, such as place or belief, could also result in gemeinschaft. http:/ What is the Learning Community第一次世界大战以后的20世纪20年代,美

4、国的社会学家把Tnnies的“Ge meinschaft”译为英文的“Community”并很快成为美国社会学的主要概念。 http:/ is the Learning Community时至今天,信息科技的迅猛发展,各种真实的或虚拟的共同体不断涌现。因此,更需要注重腾尼斯当年提出的共同的本质是“人与人之间的紧密关系,共同的精神意识及对共同体的归属感、认同感”。 What is the Learning Community学习的含义:until the early 1990s, and consistent with (until then) dominant Piagetian constr

5、uctivist(建构主义) and information processing paradigms(信息加工范式), the individual was the unit of instruction, and the focus of research. http:/ is the Learning Community(自90年代以后)researchers and practitioners switched to the idea that knowing and knowledgeability are better thought of as cultural practice

6、s (文化的实践/练习)that are exhibited(展现) by practitioners belonging to various communities. http:/ influencing the teaching and instructionAdopted from Margaret Gredler, ”Learning and InstructionTheory into Practice”What is the Learning Community“学习共同体”概念的发展历程在教育领域对“共同体”探索的渊源可追溯到杜威杜威的学校概念。 博耶尔(Ernest L. B

7、oyer)在1995年发表了题为基础学校:学习的共同体(The basic school:a community of learning)报告,在报告中首次用到了“学习的共同体”的概念。 进入90年代以后,学习共同体思想在教育中的应用有了新的发展,不再仅关注学校层面如何成为学习共同体,而是扩展到社会层面的一切学习者如何构建能够促进自身发展的共同体环境。(见备注) What is the Learning Community 学习共同体的含义:groups of people engaged in intellectual interaction for the purpose of learn

8、ing. (Patricia Cross ,1998) A group of people in an educational context who share common values and beliefs. http:/ 学习共同体是为完成真实任务问题,学习者与其他人相互依赖、探究、交流和协作的一种学习方式学习方式(钟志贤)。 What is the Learning Community学习共同体的特征:共同信念和愿景学习者分享各自的见解与信息鼓励学习者探究以达到对学习内容的深层理解。学习共同体有两个关键特点:一是分布式专长;二是相互欣赏。 钟志贤 What is the Learn

9、ing CommunityGwyn Edwards根据前人的观点,总结出学习共同体应该具有以下的特质:Shared mission(使命), vision(观点) and values(价值(价值观)观)Collective inquiry(共同探究)Collaborative teams(团队合作)Action, orientation(方向)and experimentation(实践)Continuous improvement(持续性发展)Dispersed leadership(分布式领导?)What is the Learning Community 学习型组织学习型组织的本质特征

10、本质特征用两个字概括叫“创造创造”,用四个字概括叫“持续创造持续创造”。(见备注) -peter, Senge (彼得圣吉 )Why we need to build learning community? 为何要建立学习共同体?Why we need to build learning community? “Preferred organizations in the future will be learning organizations .It has been said that people who stop learning stop living. This is also

11、true of organization” Handy ,1995 Why we need to build learning community? “ For instance in higher education institutions, people are interested in LCs because LCs offer hope of making college a more holistic(强调整体的强调整体的), integrated(融合的)(融合的) learning experience for students.” BayshakWhy we need to

12、 build learning community?The reasons for interest in learning communities can be divided into three broad categories By Bayshak Why we need to build learning community?哲学上哲学上Because they are compatible with changing epistemologies(认识论) about the nature of knowledge.科学研究上科学研究上Because research genera

13、lly supports their educational benefits.实践中实践中Because they help institutions of higher education meet(适应) their missions of educating students for lives of work service. By BayshakWhy we need to build learning community?Constructivism(建构主义): The fundamental assumption in the Constructivism view is t

14、hat knowledge is actively built by learners as they shape and build mental frameworks to make sense of their environment.By BayshakWhy we need to build learning community?Social construction(社会建构理论): Social construction conceives of knowledge not as something that is transferred in an authoritarian(

15、专制的) structure from teacher to students but rather something that teachers and students work interdependently to develop. By Bayshak Why we need to build learning community?学习共同体(Learning Community),是发展中的一种教学隐喻,它直接与建构主义中“学习是知识的社会协商”这一学习隐喻相对应。其理论假设是社会建构主义和分布式认知(见备注)分布式认知(见备注),强调知识的社会性特征,知识是分布或存在于团队共同

16、体中。 钟志贤 Why we need to build learning community?Research on learning outcomesResearch on cognition and motivationDevelopmental Research and theoryBy BayshakTherefore developmetalists have much in common with social constructionists: both believe that the individual and the environment interact in a

17、continuing dialogue(持续的交流)(持续的交流) that leads to new organization or knowledge and new perceptions of experience.(对实践的新理解)(对实践的新理解) By Bayshak Why we need to build learning community?实践中 理解和建构知识,而不是记忆知识 培养批判性思维 培养多角度看问题的能力 培养解决问题的能力 培养团队合作能力 培养适应当前与未来社会的人才培养适应当前与未来社会的人才 How to build learning communit

18、y? 如何建立、运作和维持学习共同体? John E. Sawyer提出的模型 How to build learning community?Forming建立Storming讨论Norming建制Performing实施Why work in groups?What are we supposed to accomplish?Define tasksDetermine skills neededWhat jobs must we cover?What will I contribute?How are we going to work together?How do we expect e

19、ach otherto behave?OK, lets get it doneHow are we doing?该模型提出者是 John E. Sawyer. How to build learning community?-Forming Forming建立Develop goals/objectivesGet a commitment(设立目标,承担承诺) 建立团队建立团队Why groups?为何要建立团队Goals for group action团队的目标Group structure 团队的结构Objectives (Observable/measurable outcomes o

20、f group action)目的(可观察的或可测量的团队行动结果) How to build learning community?-Forming Why groups?Committed to it based on research and observation(基于研究和观察的支持)Simulates the “real world” - use of teamsLearn better when actively involvedWork in groups and teach each otherLearn more fully and with less effortLear

21、n in context How to build learning community? -Forming Goals for group actionImprove research skills Active involvement in the literature(参与文章的写作)Improve oral and written communication skillsImprove team skillsLearn information together How to build learning community? -Forming Group structure (Homo

22、geneous(相似的相似的), Heterogeneous(相异的相异的): Based on what dimensions?Mixture of majorsGender mixExperience in groupsGradesKolb Learning Style InventoryRandom How to build learning community?-Forming Objectives (Observable/measurable outcomes of group action)Improve writingSatisfactory learning of course

23、 contentSatisfaction with the courseMore in depth learning How to build learning community? How to build learning community?Forming建立Storming讨论Why work in groups?What are we supposed toaccomplish?Define tasksDetermine skills neededWhat jobs must we cover?What will I contribute? 任务与分工任务与分工Group tasks

24、 Member rolesOrganize discussion讨论Discussion LeaderGenerate learning issues产生主题 EveryoneKeep a record of discussions 记录 Recorder/scribeWrite up conclusions 总结 ReporterKeep discussion on track ? FocuserAnalyze process 分析 ReflectorIdentify resources 寻找资源 EveryoneConduct research 实施 EveryoneSkeptic/Dev

25、ils Advocate怀疑论者EncouragerOffer a dissenting opinion提反对意见Bring goodies提正面意见 How to build learning community?Forming建立Storming讨论Norming建制How are we going to work together?How do we expect each otherto behave? 建立制度建立制度Common norms Non-negotiables Reasons ConsequencesAttendance No exceptions There is a

26、 gap in Member receives mandatory 不接受解释 responsibility zero points for必须出席 when a group missed assignment member is absentParticipation No exceptions Fulfilling roleAfter 3 missed group responsibility assignments, the promotes member is ejected the development of from the group. the individual group

27、 members. Dialogue ejected from the members. Dialogue strengthens & solidifies the group. 建立制度建立制度Common norms Non-negotiables Reasons ConsequencesCourtesy No exceptions Lack of civility Determined by谦虚,礼貌谦虚,礼貌 causes dissension individual group within the group 不谦虚会引发团队 内部冲突Research No exceptions N

28、eed to develop No sharing of responsibility research skills group work.研究的责任研究的责任 If occurs two times, ejectConfidentiality机密性机密性Listening聆听聆听 How to build learning community?Forming建立Storming讨论Norming建制Performing实施OK, lets get it doneHow are we doing?Performance Monitoring, Feedback, and Consequenc

29、es监督、反馈和结果(评价)Performance monitoring Feedback ConsequencesMethod When Who Method When Who Method WhoOral constructive After Group Verbal During Groupcriticism of peers each members suggestions for class membersand self group performance session assignment ImprovementWritten peer & self 2 times Group

30、 Written summary 2 x Instructor Used in Instructorevaluation members assessment of final gradeCourse evaluation - 1 time Students Oral response 1 x Instructor May modify Instructor written- mid term expectationsFormingStormingNormingPerforming合作性学习的五个要素Element ImplementationPositive Interdependence积

31、极互助Face-to-face Interaction面对面的交流Individual Accountability个人的义务Collaborative skills合作的技巧Group Processing团队的配合学习担任不同的角色学会齐心协力做事共同回顾研究报告、共享资源互相修改作业、头脑风暴做研究,向团队提交报告定期会议每人负责不同的学习主题;有责任彼此分享信息和互相学习 上图是用MindManager Pro7制作我的学习体会如何构建我们的学习共同体Answers网上有关learning community的资料http:/ 百度百科上有关学习型组织的资料http:/ Gwyn Edwards, Creating Professional Learning Communities (PPT)John E. Sawyer, Group- Strategies to make them work (PPT)Maryam Bayshak, What is a learning Community? (PPT)参考资料: 感谢大家的聆听!感谢大家的聆听!



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